use of in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class CatOps method visit.
public Functor visit(FQLPPProgram env, InstConst ic) {
// new Instance(nm, em, sig);
Pair<Category, Instance<String, String>> xxx = toInstance(env, ic);
Functor ret = toFunctor(xxx.first, xxx.second);
ret.instance0 = xxx.second;
return ret;
use of in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class CatOps method toInstance.
private Pair<Category, Instance<String, String>> toInstance(FQLPPProgram env, InstConst ic) {
CatExp e = resolve(env, ic.sig);
if (!(e instanceof Const)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Can only create instances for finitely-presented categories.");
Const c = (Const) e;
Category src = c.accept(env, this);
Signature<String, String> sig = new Signature<>(c.nodes, c.arrows, c.eqs);
Map<Node, Set> nm = new HashMap<>();
for (String n0 : ic.nm.keySet()) {
Node n = sig.getNode(n0);
SetExp kkk = ic.nm.get(;
if (kkk == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Missing node mapping from " + n);
nm.put(n, kkk.accept(env, new SetOps(ENV)));
Map<Edge, Map> em = new HashMap<>();
for (String n0 : ic.em.keySet()) {
Edge n = sig.getEdge(n0);
Chc<FnExp, SetExp> chc = ic.em.get(;
if (chc == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Missing edge mapping from " + n);
if (chc.left) {
FnExp kkk = chc.l;
em.put(n, kkk.accept(env, new SetOps(ENV)).toMap());
} else {
SetExp sss = chc.r;
Set vvv = sss.accept(env, new SetOps(ENV));
Map<Object, Object> uuu = new HashMap<>();
for (Object o : vvv) {
if (!(o instanceof Pair)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not a pair: " + o);
Pair oo = (Pair) o;
if (uuu.containsKey(oo.first)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate domain entry: " + o + " in " + ic);
uuu.put(oo.first, oo.second);
FnExp kkk = new FnExp.Const(uuu::get, ic.nm.get(, ic.nm.get(;
em.put(n, kkk.accept(env, new SetOps(ENV)).toMap());
return new Pair<>(src, new Instance(nm, em, sig));