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Example 1 with ScopedExpression

use of cbit.gui.ScopedExpression in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class MathOverridesTableModel method setValueAt.

 * getValueAt method comment.
public void setValueAt(Object object, int r, int c) {
    try {
        String name = (String) getValueAt(r, 0);
        if (c == COLUMN_ACTUAL) {
            if (object instanceof ConstantArraySpec) {
                editScanValues(name, r);
            } else if (object instanceof ScopedExpression) {
                throw new RuntimeException("unexpected value type ScopedExpression");
            } else if (object instanceof String) {
                String inputValue = (String) object;
                Expression expression = null;
                if (inputValue == null || inputValue.trim().length() == 0) {
                    expression = new Expression((String) getValueAt(r, COLUMN_DEFAULT));
                } else {
                    expression = new Expression(inputValue);
                Constant constant = new Constant(name, expression);
                fireTableCellUpdated(r, c);
        } else if (c == COLUMN_SCAN) {
            if (((Boolean) object).booleanValue()) {
                // setting scan values
                editScanValues(name, r);
            } else {
                // resetting to default
                setValueAt(getValueAt(r, COLUMN_DEFAULT), r, COLUMN_ACTUAL);
    } catch (Throwable exc) {
        PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, exc.getMessage() + "\nOld value was restored.", exc);
Also used : ScopedExpression(cbit.gui.ScopedExpression) ScopedExpression(cbit.gui.ScopedExpression) Expression(cbit.vcell.parser.Expression) Constant(cbit.vcell.math.Constant) ConstantArraySpec(cbit.vcell.solver.ConstantArraySpec)

Example 2 with ScopedExpression

use of cbit.gui.ScopedExpression in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class ScopedExpressionTableCellRenderer method getTableCellRendererComponent.

 *  This method is sent to the renderer by the drawing table to
 *  configure the renderer appropriately before drawing.  Return
 *  the Component used for drawing.
 * @param	table		the JTable that is asking the renderer to draw.
 *				This parameter can be null.
 * @param	value		the value of the cell to be rendered.  It is
 *				up to the specific renderer to interpret
 *				and draw the value.  eg. if value is the
 *				String "true", it could be rendered as a
 *				string or it could be rendered as a check
 *				box that is checked.  null is a valid value.
 * @param	isSelected	true is the cell is to be renderer with
 *				selection highlighting
 * @param	row	        the row index of the cell being drawn.  When
 *				drawing the header the rowIndex is -1.
 * @param	column	        the column index of the cell being drawn
public java.awt.Component getTableCellRendererComponent(javax.swing.JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
    try {
        TableModel tableModel = table.getModel();
        if (value == null) {
            templateJLabel.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
            if (tableModel instanceof VCellSortTableModel) {
                if (row < ((VCellSortTableModel<?>) tableModel).getRowCount()) {
                    Object rowObject = ((VCellSortTableModel<?>) tableModel).getValueAt(row);
                    if (rowObject instanceof SpeciesContextSpecParameter) {
                        templateJLabel.setText(((SpeciesContextSpecParameter) rowObject).getNullExpressionDescription());
            return templateJLabel;
        if (!(value instanceof ScopedExpression)) {
            return stringRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
        imageRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
        JLabel renderer = imageRenderer;
        ScopedExpression scopedExpression = (ScopedExpression) value;
        String scopedExpressInfix = scopedExpression.infix();
        ReusableExpressionIcon rei = scopedExpressionImageIconHash.get(scopedExpressInfix);
        if (rei != null && rei.background.equals(imageRenderer.getBackground()) && rei.foreground.equals(imageRenderer.getForeground())) {
            // Re-use existing ImageIcon is it exists and is same state
        } else {
            // Create new ImageIcon
            try {
                ExpressionPrintFormatter epf = new ExpressionPrintFormatter(scopedExpression.getRenamedExpression());
                // Use graphicsContextProvider BufferedImage to get started because
                // theTable may have a null GC and epf needs a non-null GC
                java.awt.Graphics2D tempG2D = (java.awt.Graphics2D) graphicsContextProvider.getGraphics();
                // Must set here before epf.getSize is called
                // Determine how big the expression image will be
                java.awt.Dimension dim = epf.getSize(tempG2D);
                // Create and render the expression image
                java.awt.image.BufferedImage bi = new java.awt.image.BufferedImage(dim.width, dim.height, java.awt.image.BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
                java.awt.Graphics2D g2d = bi.createGraphics();
                // epf.paint needs a non-null clipBounds
                g2d.setClip(0, 0, dim.width, dim.height);
                // set the SAME font used in epf.getSize
                if (table != null && imageRenderer != null) {
                // paint background
                g2d.clearRect(0, 0, dim.width, dim.height);
                // paint expression into image
                // Limit cacheing in case a large number of DIFFERENT expressions are being serviced by this TableCellRenderer.
                if ((scopedExpressionCacheSize + (dim.width * dim.height)) >= CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT) {
                    scopedExpressionCacheSize = 0;
                javax.swing.ImageIcon newImageIcon = new javax.swing.ImageIcon(bi);
                rei = new ReusableExpressionIcon(newImageIcon, imageRenderer.getBackground(), imageRenderer.getForeground());
                if (scopedExpressionImageIconHash.put(scopedExpressInfix, rei) == null) {
                    scopedExpressionCacheSize += dim.width * dim.height;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // Fallback to String
                renderer = templateJLabel;
        ExpressionBindingException expressionBindingException = scopedExpression.getExpressionBindingException();
        if (expressionBindingException != null) {
        } else {
        if (tableModel instanceof VCellSortTableModel) {
            List<Issue> issueList = ((VCellSortTableModel<?>) tableModel).getIssues(row, column, Issue.SEVERITY_ERROR);
            if (issueList.size() > 0) {
                if (column == 0) {
                    renderer.setBorder(new MatteBorder(1, 1, 1, 0,;
                } else if (column == table.getColumnCount() - 1) {
                    renderer.setBorder(new MatteBorder(1, 0, 1, 1,;
                } else {
                    renderer.setBorder(new MatteBorder(1, 0, 1, 0,;
            } else {
        return renderer;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        templateJLabel.setText("ScopedExpressionTableCellRenderer Error - " + e.getMessage() + " " + value);
        return templateJLabel;
Also used : ImageIcon(javax.swing.ImageIcon) Issue(org.vcell.util.Issue) MatteBorder(javax.swing.border.MatteBorder) ExpressionPrintFormatter(cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionPrintFormatter) VCellSortTableModel(cbit.vcell.client.desktop.biomodel.VCellSortTableModel) ImageIcon(javax.swing.ImageIcon) SpeciesContextSpecParameter(cbit.vcell.mapping.SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter) JLabel(javax.swing.JLabel) ExpressionBindingException(cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionBindingException) ExpressionBindingException(cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionBindingException) Dimension(java.awt.Dimension) ScopedExpression(cbit.gui.ScopedExpression) VCellSortTableModel(cbit.vcell.client.desktop.biomodel.VCellSortTableModel) TableModel(javax.swing.table.TableModel)

Example 3 with ScopedExpression

use of cbit.gui.ScopedExpression in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class ReactionRulePropertiesTableModel method setValueAt.

public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
    Object o = getValueAt(rowIndex);
    if (!(o instanceof Parameter)) {
    Parameter parameter = (Parameter) o;
    // try {
    switch(columnIndex) {
        case COLUMN_NAME:
                try {
                    if (aValue instanceof String) {
                        String newName = (String) aValue;
                        if (!parameter.getName().equals(newName)) {
                            if (parameter instanceof LocalParameter) {
                                reactionRule.getKineticLaw().renameParameter(parameter.getName(), newName);
                            } else if (parameter instanceof LocalProxyParameter) {
                            fireTableRowsUpdated(rowIndex, rowIndex);
                } catch (ExpressionException e) {
                    PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Error changing parameter name:\n" + e.getMessage());
                } catch (PropertyVetoException e) {
                    PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Error changing parameter name:\n" + e.getMessage());
        case COLUMN_IS_GLOBAL:
                if (aValue.equals(Boolean.FALSE)) {
                    // check box has been <unset> (<true> to <false>) : change param from global to local
                    if ((parameter instanceof LocalProxyParameter) && ((((LocalProxyParameter) parameter).getTarget() instanceof Model.ReservedSymbol) || (((LocalProxyParameter) parameter).getTarget() instanceof SpeciesContext) || (((LocalProxyParameter) parameter).getTarget() instanceof ModelQuantity))) {
                        PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Parameter : \'" + parameter.getName() + "\' is a " + ((LocalProxyParameter) parameter).getTarget().getClass() + " in the model; cannot convert it to a local kinetic parameter.");
                    } else {
                        try {
                            reactionRule.getKineticLaw().convertParameterType(parameter, false);
                        } catch (PropertyVetoException pve) {
                            PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Unable to convert parameter : \'" + parameter.getName() + "\' to local kinetics parameter : " + pve.getMessage());
                        } catch (ExpressionBindingException e) {
                            PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Unable to convert parameter : \'" + parameter.getName() + "\' to local kinetics parameter : " + e.getMessage());
                } else {
                    // check box has been <set> (<false> to <true>) : change param from local to global
                    if ((parameter instanceof LocalParameter) && (((LocalParameter) parameter).getRole() != RbmKineticLaw.RbmKineticLawParameterType.UserDefined)) {
                        PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Parameter : \'" + parameter.getName() + "\' is a pre-defined kinetics parameter (not user-defined); cannot convert it to a model level (global) parameter.");
                    } else {
                        ModelParameter mp = reactionRule.getModel().getModelParameter(parameter.getName());
                        // model already had the model parameter 'param', but check if 'param' value is different from
                        // model parameter with same name. If it is, the local value will be overridden by global (model) param
                        // value, and user should be warned.
                        String choice = "Ok";
                        if (mp != null && !(mp.getExpression().compareEqual(parameter.getExpression()))) {
                            String msgStr = "Model already has a global parameter named : \'" + parameter.getName() + "\'; with value = \'" + mp.getExpression().infix() + "\'; This local parameter \'" + parameter.getName() + "\' with value = \'" + parameter.getExpression().infix() + "\' will be overridden by the global value. \nPress \'Ok' to override " + "local value with global value of \'" + parameter.getName() + "\'. \nPress \'Cancel\' to retain new local value.";
                            choice = PopupGenerator.showWarningDialog(ownerTable, msgStr, new String[] { "Ok", "Cancel" }, "Ok");
                        if (choice.equals("Ok")) {
                            try {
                                // Now 'parameter' is a local kinetic parameter. If it is not numeric, and if its expression
                                // contains other local kinetic parameters, warn user that 'parameter' cannot be promoted because
                                // of its expression containing other local parameters.
                                boolean bPromoteable = true;
                                if (!parameter.getExpression().isNumeric()) {
                                    String[] symbols = parameter.getExpression().getSymbols();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {
                                        if (reactionRule.getKineticLaw().getLocalParameter(symbols[i]) != null) {
                                            PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Parameter \'" + parameter.getName() + "\' contains other local kinetic parameters; Cannot convert it to global until the referenced parameters are global.");
                                            bPromoteable = false;
                                if (bPromoteable) {
                                    reactionRule.getKineticLaw().convertParameterType(parameter, true);
                            } catch (PropertyVetoException pve) {
                                PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Cannot convert parameter \'" + parameter.getName() + "\' to global parameter : " + pve.getMessage());
                            } catch (ExpressionBindingException e) {
                                PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Cannot convert parameter \'" + parameter.getName() + "\' to global parameter : " + e.getMessage());
                fireTableRowsUpdated(rowIndex, rowIndex);
        case COLUMN_VALUE:
                try {
                    if (aValue instanceof ScopedExpression) {
                        // }
                        throw new RuntimeException("unexpected value type ScopedExpression");
                    } else if (aValue instanceof String) {
                        String newExpressionString = (String) aValue;
                        if (parameter instanceof LocalParameter) {
                            LocalParameter localParameter = (LocalParameter) parameter;
                            reactionRule.getKineticLaw().setParameterValue(localParameter, new Expression(newExpressionString), true);
                        } else if (parameter instanceof LocalProxyParameter) {
                            parameter.setExpression(new Expression(newExpressionString));
                    fireTableRowsUpdated(rowIndex, rowIndex);
                } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {
                    PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Error:\n" + e.getMessage());
                } catch (ExpressionException e) {
                    PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Expression error:\n" + e.getMessage());
        case COLUMN_UNITS:
                try {
                    if (aValue instanceof String && parameter instanceof LocalParameter && ((LocalParameter) parameter).getRole() == RbmKineticLaw.RbmKineticLawParameterType.UserDefined) {
                        String newUnitString = (String) aValue;
                        LocalParameter kineticsParm = (LocalParameter) parameter;
                        ModelUnitSystem modelUnitSystem = reactionRule.getModel().getUnitSystem();
                        if (!kineticsParm.getUnitDefinition().getSymbol().equals(newUnitString)) {
                            fireTableRowsUpdated(rowIndex, rowIndex);
                } catch (VCUnitException e) {
                    PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Error changing parameter unit:\n" + e.getMessage());
// }catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e){
// e.printStackTrace(System.out);
// }
Also used : LocalProxyParameter(cbit.vcell.mapping.ParameterContext.LocalProxyParameter) SpeciesContext(cbit.vcell.model.SpeciesContext) ExpressionBindingException(cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionBindingException) ExpressionException(cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException) LocalParameter(cbit.vcell.mapping.ParameterContext.LocalParameter) PropertyVetoException(java.beans.PropertyVetoException) VCUnitException(cbit.vcell.units.VCUnitException) ModelParameter(cbit.vcell.model.Model.ModelParameter) ScopedExpression(cbit.gui.ScopedExpression) ModelQuantity(cbit.vcell.model.ModelQuantity) ScopedExpression(cbit.gui.ScopedExpression) Expression(cbit.vcell.parser.Expression) LocalParameter(cbit.vcell.mapping.ParameterContext.LocalParameter) ModelParameter(cbit.vcell.model.Model.ModelParameter) Parameter(cbit.vcell.model.Parameter) LocalProxyParameter(cbit.vcell.mapping.ParameterContext.LocalProxyParameter) UnresolvedParameter(cbit.vcell.mapping.ParameterContext.UnresolvedParameter) ModelUnitSystem(cbit.vcell.model.ModelUnitSystem)

Example 4 with ScopedExpression

use of cbit.gui.ScopedExpression in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class GeneralConstraintsTableModel method setValueAt.

public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
    System.out.println("GeneralConstraintsTableModel().setValueAt(" + aValue + "," + rowIndex + "," + columnIndex + ")");
    if (rowIndex < 0 || rowIndex >= getRowCount()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("GeneralConstraintsTableModel.setValueAt(), row = " + rowIndex + " out of range [" + 0 + "," + (getRowCount() - 1) + "]");
    if (columnIndex < 0 || columnIndex >= NUM_COLUMNS) {
        throw new RuntimeException("GeneralConstraintsTableModel.setValueAt(), column = " + columnIndex + " out of range [" + 0 + "," + (NUM_COLUMNS - 1) + "]");
    GeneralConstraint generalConstraint = getConstraintContainerImpl().getGeneralConstraints(rowIndex);
    try {
        switch(columnIndex) {
            case COLUMN_EXPRESSION:
                    try {
                        if (aValue instanceof ScopedExpression) {
                            // generalConstraint.setExpression(exp);
                            throw new RuntimeException("unexpected value type ScopedExpression");
                        } else if (aValue instanceof String) {
                            String newExpressionString = (String) aValue;
                            generalConstraint.setExpression(new Expression(newExpressionString));
                        fireTableRowsUpdated(rowIndex, rowIndex);
                    } catch (ExpressionException e) {
                        DialogUtils.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Expression error:\n" + e.getMessage());
            case COLUMN_DESCRIPTION:
                    if (aValue instanceof String) {
                        generalConstraint.setDescription((String) aValue);
                        fireTableRowsUpdated(rowIndex, rowIndex);
                    } else {
                        System.out.println("ConstraintsTableModel.setValueAt(), unsupported type " + aValue.getClass().getName() + " for COLUMN_DESCRIPTION");
            case COLUMN_INCLUDED:
                    if (aValue instanceof Boolean) {
                        getConstraintContainerImpl().setActive(generalConstraint, ((Boolean) aValue).booleanValue());
                        fireTableRowsUpdated(rowIndex, rowIndex);
                    } else {
                        System.out.println("ConstraintsTableModel.setValueAt(), unsupported type " + aValue.getClass().getName() + " for COLUMN_INCLUDED");
    } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {
Also used : ScopedExpression(cbit.gui.ScopedExpression) ScopedExpression(cbit.gui.ScopedExpression) Expression(cbit.vcell.parser.Expression) GeneralConstraint(cbit.vcell.constraints.GeneralConstraint) ExpressionException(cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException)

Example 5 with ScopedExpression

use of cbit.gui.ScopedExpression in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class GeometrySubVolumeTableModel method setValueAt.

public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
    if (rowIndex < 0 || rowIndex >= getRowCount()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("GeometrySubVolumeTableModel.setValueAt(), row = " + rowIndex + " out of range [" + 0 + "," + (getRowCount() - 1) + "]");
    if (columnIndex < 0 || columnIndex >= getColumnCount()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("GeometrySubVolumeTableModel.setValueAt(), column = " + columnIndex + " out of range [" + 0 + "," + (getColumnCount() - 1) + "]");
    final SubVolume subVolume = getValueAt(rowIndex);
    try {
        switch(columnIndex) {
            case COLUMN_NAME:
                    final String newName = (String) aValue;
                    final String oldName = subVolume.getName();
                    AsynchClientTask task1 = new AsynchClientTask("changing the name", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_NONSWING_BLOCKING) {

                        public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
                            getGeometry().precomputeAll(new GeometryThumbnailImageFactoryAWT());
                            GeometrySpec gs = getGeometry().getGeometrySpec();
                            if (gs != null) {
                                gs.geometryNameChanged(oldName, newName);
                            } else {
                                if (lg.isEnabledFor(Level.WARN)) {
                                    lg.warn(getGeometry().getDescription() + " has no GeometrySpec?");
                    ClientTaskDispatcher.dispatch(ownerTable, new Hashtable<String, Object>(), new AsynchClientTask[] { task1 }, false);
            case COLUMN_VALUE:
                    if (subVolume instanceof AnalyticSubVolume) {
                        final AnalyticSubVolume analyticSubVolume = (AnalyticSubVolume) subVolume;
                        if (aValue instanceof ScopedExpression) {
                            throw new RuntimeException("unexpected value type ScopedExpression");
                        } else if (aValue instanceof String) {
                            final String newExpressionString = (String) aValue;
                            analyticSubVolume.setExpression(new Expression(newExpressionString));
                            AsynchClientTask task1 = new AsynchClientTask("changing the expression", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_NONSWING_BLOCKING) {

                                public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
                                    getGeometry().precomputeAll(new GeometryThumbnailImageFactoryAWT());
                            ClientTaskDispatcher.dispatch(ownerTable, new Hashtable<String, Object>(), new AsynchClientTask[] { task1 }, false);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        DialogUtils.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, e.getMessage(), e);
Also used : AsynchClientTask(cbit.vcell.client.task.AsynchClientTask) Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) GeometrySpec(cbit.vcell.geometry.GeometrySpec) GeometryThumbnailImageFactoryAWT(cbit.vcell.geometry.GeometryThumbnailImageFactoryAWT) ScopedExpression(cbit.gui.ScopedExpression) ScopedExpression(cbit.gui.ScopedExpression) Expression(cbit.vcell.parser.Expression) SubVolume(cbit.vcell.geometry.SubVolume) AnalyticSubVolume(cbit.vcell.geometry.AnalyticSubVolume) CSGObject(cbit.vcell.geometry.CSGObject) AnalyticSubVolume(cbit.vcell.geometry.AnalyticSubVolume)


ScopedExpression (cbit.gui.ScopedExpression)11 Expression (cbit.vcell.parser.Expression)7 ExpressionException (cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException)6 SpeciesContextSpecParameter (cbit.vcell.mapping.SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter)3 SpeciesContext (cbit.vcell.model.SpeciesContext)3 ExpressionBindingException (cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionBindingException)3 VCellSortTableModel (cbit.vcell.client.desktop.biomodel.VCellSortTableModel)2 SpeciesContextSpec (cbit.vcell.mapping.SpeciesContextSpec)2 Kinetics (cbit.vcell.model.Kinetics)2 KineticsParameter (cbit.vcell.model.Kinetics.KineticsParameter)2 ModelParameter (cbit.vcell.model.Model.ModelParameter)2 ModelQuantity (cbit.vcell.model.ModelQuantity)2 ModelUnitSystem (cbit.vcell.model.ModelUnitSystem)2 Parameter (cbit.vcell.model.Parameter)2 VCUnitException (cbit.vcell.units.VCUnitException)2 PropertyVetoException (java.beans.PropertyVetoException)2 TableModel (javax.swing.table.TableModel)2 AsynchClientTask (cbit.vcell.client.task.AsynchClientTask)1 GeneralConstraint (cbit.vcell.constraints.GeneralConstraint)1 AnalyticSubVolume (cbit.vcell.geometry.AnalyticSubVolume)1