Search in sources :

Example 1 with VCDocumentInfoNode

use of cbit.vcell.desktop.VCellBasicCellRenderer.VCDocumentInfoNode in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class MathModelDbTreeModel method createOwnerSubTree.

 * Insert the method's description here.
 * Creation date: (11/28/00 1:06:51 PM)
 * @return cbit.vcell.desktop.BioModelNode
 * @param docManager cbit.vcell.clientdb.DocumentManager
public BioModelNode createOwnerSubTree(User owner, MathModelInfo[] mathModelInfos) throws DataAccessException {
    // for each user
    BioModelNode rootNode = new BioModelNode(owner, true);
    for (int i = 0; i < mathModelInfos.length; i++) {
        MathModelInfo mathModelInfo = mathModelInfos[i];
        if (mathModelInfo.getVersion().getOwner().equals(owner)) {
            if (!meetSearchCriteria(mathModelInfo)) {
            BioModelNode bioModelNode = new BioModelNode(new VCDocumentInfoNode(mathModelInfo), true);
            // get list of bioModels with the same branch
            Vector<MathModelInfo> mathModelBranchList = new Vector<MathModelInfo>();
            for (i = i + 1; i < mathModelInfos.length; i++) {
                if (mathModelInfos[i].getVersion().getBranchID().equals(mathModelInfo.getVersion().getBranchID())) {
                    if (!meetSearchCriteria(mathModelInfos[i])) {
                    mathModelBranchList.add(0, mathModelInfos[i]);
                } else {
            MathModelInfo[] mathModelInfosInBranch = null;
            if (getLatestOnly()) {
                mathModelInfosInBranch = new MathModelInfo[1];
                mathModelInfosInBranch[0] = (MathModelInfo) mathModelBranchList.elementAt(0);
            } else {
                mathModelInfosInBranch = new MathModelInfo[mathModelBranchList.size()];
            for (int versionCount = 0; versionCount < mathModelInfosInBranch.length; versionCount++) {
    return rootNode;
Also used : VCDocumentInfoNode(cbit.vcell.desktop.VCellBasicCellRenderer.VCDocumentInfoNode) MathModelInfo(org.vcell.util.document.MathModelInfo) Vector(java.util.Vector)

Example 2 with VCDocumentInfoNode

use of cbit.vcell.desktop.VCellBasicCellRenderer.VCDocumentInfoNode in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class VCDocumentDbTreeModel method initFinalTree2.

protected static synchronized void initFinalTree2(VCDocumentDbTreeModel vcDocumentDbTreeModel, TreeMap<String, BioModelNode> treeMap, User loginUser) {
    BioModelNode ownerNode = (BioModelNode) treeMap.get(loginUser.getName());
    BioModelNode tempNode = new BioModelNode();
    for (int c = 0; c < ownerNode.getChildCount(); ) {
        BioModelNode childNode = (BioModelNode) ownerNode.getChildAt(c);
        BioModelNode clone = BioModelNode.deepClone(childNode);
        // we keep in tempNode only those children that are public
        BigDecimal groupid = GroupAccess.GROUPACCESS_NONE;
        VCDocumentInfoNode vcdDocumentInfoNode = (VCDocumentInfoNode) childNode.getUserObject();
        Version version = vcdDocumentInfoNode.getVCDocumentInfo().getVersion();
        if (version != null && version.getGroupAccess() != null) {
            groupid = version.getGroupAccess().getGroupid();
        if (groupid.equals(GroupAccess.GROUPACCESS_ALL)) {
            // also removes the child from owner node
        } else {
            // c always stays at 0
    // ownerNode gets empty eventually
    for (int c = 0; c < tempNode.getChildCount(); ) {
        // we put back the public nodes for the login user
        BioModelNode childNode = (BioModelNode) tempNode.getChildAt(c);
    if (vcDocumentDbTreeModel.publishedModelsNode != null) {
    boolean bTutorial = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.tutorialModelsNode != null;
    // boolean bEducation = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.educationModelsNode != null;
    boolean bModelBricks = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.modelBricksNode != null;
    if (bTutorial) {
    // if(bEducation){vcDocumentDbTreeModel.educationModelsNode.removeAllChildren();}
    if (bModelBricks) {
    for (String username : treeMap.keySet()) {
        BioModelNode userNode = treeMap.get(username);
        BioModelNode parentNode = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.sharedModelsNode;
        boolean bSpecificUser = true;
        if ((username.equals(USER_tutorial) || username.equals(USER_tutorial610) || username.equals(USER_tutorial611)) && bTutorial) {
            parentNode = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.tutorialModelsNode;
        // } else if (username.equals(USER_Education) && bEducation) {
        // parentNode = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.educationModelsNode;
        } else if (username.equals(USER_modelBricks) && bModelBricks) {
            parentNode = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.modelBricksNode;
        } else {
            bSpecificUser = false;
        for (int c = 0; c < userNode.getChildCount(); c++) {
            // we just navigate through all of them, remove none
            BioModelNode childNode = (BioModelNode) userNode.getChildAt(c);
            VCDocumentInfoNode vcdDocumentInfoNode = (VCDocumentInfoNode) childNode.getUserObject();
            if (!bSpecificUser) {
                parentNode = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.sharedModelsNode;
                BigDecimal groupid = GroupAccess.GROUPACCESS_NONE;
                Version version = vcdDocumentInfoNode.getVCDocumentInfo().getVersion();
                if (version != null && version.getGroupAccess() != null) {
                    groupid = version.getGroupAccess().getGroupid();
                if (groupid.equals(GroupAccess.GROUPACCESS_ALL)) {
                    parentNode = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.otherModelsNode;
            BioModelNode clone = BioModelNode.deepClone(childNode);
        // Populate 'Published' models tree node
        for (int c = 0; c < userNode.getChildCount(); ) {
            BioModelNode versionableNode = (BioModelNode) userNode.getChildAt(c);
            // Search through versions of BM/MM to see if any are published
            for (int i = 0; i < versionableNode.getChildCount(); i++) {
                BioModelNode versionBioModelNode = (BioModelNode) versionableNode.getChildAt(i);
                VCDocumentInfo versionVCDocumentInfo = (VCDocumentInfo) versionBioModelNode.getUserObject();
                if (versionVCDocumentInfo.getPublicationInfos() != null && versionVCDocumentInfo.getPublicationInfos().length > 0) {
                    // Make new node
                    BioModelNode newPublishedNode = new BioModelNode(new VCDocumentInfoNode(versionVCDocumentInfo), true);
Also used : Version(org.vcell.util.document.Version) VCDocumentInfo(org.vcell.util.document.VCDocumentInfo) VCDocumentInfoNode(cbit.vcell.desktop.VCellBasicCellRenderer.VCDocumentInfoNode) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal)

Example 3 with VCDocumentInfoNode

use of cbit.vcell.desktop.VCellBasicCellRenderer.VCDocumentInfoNode in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class VCDocumentDbTreeModel method initFinalTree.

protected static synchronized void initFinalTree(VCDocumentDbTreeModel vcDocumentDbTreeModel, TreeMap<String, BioModelNode> treeMap, User loginUser) {
    BioModelNode ownerNode = (BioModelNode) treeMap.get(loginUser.getName());
    BioModelNode tempNode = new BioModelNode();
    for (int c = 0; c < ownerNode.getChildCount(); ) {
        // c stays zero, during each iteration we keep extracting the first element
        BioModelNode childNode = (BioModelNode) ownerNode.getChildAt(c);
        // VCDocumentInfoNode vcdDocumentInfoNode = (VCDocumentInfoNode) childNode.getUserObject();
        // System.out.println(vcdDocumentInfoNode.getVCDocumentInfo().getVersion().getName());
        BioModelNode cloneNode = childNode.clone();
        // this slowly empties ownerNode
        boolean isPublic = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < childNode.getChildCount(); i++) {
            BioModelNode versionBioModelNode = (BioModelNode) childNode.getChildAt(i);
            VCDocumentInfo versionVCDocumentInfo = (VCDocumentInfo) versionBioModelNode.getUserObject();
            BigDecimal groupid = versionVCDocumentInfo.getVersion().getGroupAccess().getGroupid();
            if (groupid.equals(GroupAccess.GROUPACCESS_ALL)) {
                isPublic = true;
        // use the form below if want to populate the Other folder with my Public models
        // if (groupid.equals(GroupAccess.GROUPACCESS_ALL)) {
        // use the form below to populate only the Published folder with my Published models
        // if(	versionVCDocumentInfo.getPublicationInfos() != null && versionVCDocumentInfo.getPublicationInfos().length > 0) {
        // BioModelNode versionCloneNode = versionBioModelNode.clone();
        // cloneNode.add(versionCloneNode);
        // }
        if (isPublic) {
            BioModelNode publicClone = BioModelNode.deepClone(childNode);
            // we add all login user models that have at least one public version
    // if(cloneNode.getChildCount() > 0) {
    // tempNode.add(cloneNode);					// we keep adding only the clones of the public versions (if any) to the cloneNode
    // }
    // ownerNode gets empty eventually
    for (int c = 0; c < tempNode.getChildCount(); ) {
        // we put back in ownerNode the clone nodes with public versions
        BioModelNode childNode = (BioModelNode) tempNode.getChildAt(c);
    // key is publicationKey, value is the list of model nodes associated with the PublicationInfo object
    LinkedHashMap<KeyValue, LinkedList<BioModelNode>> publishedModelsMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    LinkedHashMap<KeyValue, LinkedList<BioModelNode>> curatedModelsMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    // key is publicationKey, value is a PublicationInfo instance associated to the DOI
    LinkedHashMap<KeyValue, PublicationInfo> publicationsMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    boolean bTutorial = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.tutorialModelsNode != null;
    // boolean bEducation = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.educationModelsNode != null;
    boolean bModelBricks = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.modelBricksNode != null;
    boolean bPublished = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.publishedModelsNode != null;
    boolean bCurated = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.curatedModelsNode != null;
    boolean bOther = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.otherModelsNode != null;
    if (bTutorial) {
    // if(bEducation){vcDocumentDbTreeModel.educationModelsNode.removeAllChildren();}
    if (bModelBricks) {
    if (bPublished) {
    if (bCurated) {
    if (bOther) {
    for (String username : treeMap.keySet()) {
        // iterate through all users
        // if(username.equals(USER_modelBricks)) {
        // System.out.print(username);
        // System.out.println();
        // }
        BioModelNode userNode = treeMap.get(username);
        // initialize to something
        BioModelNode parentNode = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.sharedModelsNode;
        boolean bSpecificUser = true;
        if ((username.equals(USER_tutorial) || username.equals(USER_tutorial610) || username.equals(USER_tutorial611)) && bTutorial) {
            parentNode = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.tutorialModelsNode;
        // } else if (username.equals(USER_Education) && bEducation) {
        // parentNode = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.educationModelsNode;
        } else if (username.equals(USER_modelBricks) && bModelBricks) {
            parentNode = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.modelBricksNode;
        } else {
            bSpecificUser = false;
        boolean added = false;
        UserNameNode userNameNode = new UserNameNode(username, true);
        for (int c = 0; c < userNode.getChildCount(); c++) {
            // we just navigate through all of them, remove none
            BioModelNode childNode = (BioModelNode) userNode.getChildAt(c);
            // --------------------------------------------- 'other' public folder ---------------------------------------
            if (!bSpecificUser) {
                // if(username.equalsIgnoreCase(loginUser.getName())) {
                // break;			// TODO: we skip login user from now because it needs real time recalculation
                // }
                parentNode = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.otherModelsNode;
                BioModelNode cloneNode = childNode.clone();
                for (int i = 0; i < childNode.getChildCount(); i++) {
                    BioModelNode versionBioModelNode = (BioModelNode) childNode.getChildAt(i);
                    VCDocumentInfo versionVCDocumentInfo = (VCDocumentInfo) versionBioModelNode.getUserObject();
                    BigDecimal groupid = versionVCDocumentInfo.getVersion().getGroupAccess().getGroupid();
                    if (groupid.equals(GroupAccess.GROUPACCESS_ALL)) {
                        if (versionVCDocumentInfo.getPublicationInfos() != null && versionVCDocumentInfo.getPublicationInfos().length > 0) {
                            // we don't show in "Other" anything that is published or curated
                        // clone the public versions
                        BioModelNode versionCloneNode = versionBioModelNode.clone();
                        // and add them to the clone node
                if (cloneNode.getChildCount() > 0) {
                    // we keep adding only the clones of the public versions (if any) to the cloneNode
                    if (added == false) {
                        added = true;
            } else {
                // anything belonging to users Education, Tutorial or modelBricks go to their own folders
                if (username.equals(USER_modelBricks)) {
                    // revision feb 13, 2020 danv
                    // for modelBricks, only the public clones go the Model Bricks folder
                    // we'll enforce a single version policy so that we won't have to look into versions to see
                    // the individual flag of each
                    VCDocumentInfoNode vcdDocumentInfoNode = (VCDocumentInfoNode) childNode.getUserObject();
                    BigDecimal groupid = vcdDocumentInfoNode.getVCDocumentInfo().getVersion().getGroupAccess().getGroupid();
                    // BigDecimal groupid = versionVCDocumentInfo.getVersion().getGroupAccess().getGroupid();
                    if (groupid.equals(GroupAccess.GROUPACCESS_ALL)) {
                        // only the public bricks go here
                        BioModelNode clone = BioModelNode.deepClone(childNode);
                } else {
                    // for all the other special users we keep the old behavior
                    BioModelNode clone = BioModelNode.deepClone(childNode);
        // -------------------------------------------- shared folder -----------------------------------------------
        added = false;
        userNameNode = new UserNameNode(username, true);
        for (int c = 0; c < userNode.getChildCount(); c++) {
            // we just navigate through all of them, remove none
            if (username.equalsIgnoreCase(loginUser.getName())) {
                // the login user can't share with himself
            BioModelNode childNode = (BioModelNode) userNode.getChildAt(c);
            if (!bSpecificUser) {
                parentNode = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.sharedModelsNode;
                BioModelNode cloneNode = childNode.clone();
                for (int i = 0; i < childNode.getChildCount(); i++) {
                    BioModelNode versionBioModelNode = (BioModelNode) childNode.getChildAt(i);
                    VCDocumentInfo versionVCDocumentInfo = (VCDocumentInfo) versionBioModelNode.getUserObject();
                    BigDecimal groupid = versionVCDocumentInfo.getVersion().getGroupAccess().getGroupid();
                    // System.out.println("    " + groupid);
                    if (groupid.equals(GroupAccess.GROUPACCESS_ALL) || groupid.equals(GroupAccess.GROUPACCESS_NONE)) {
                        // we skip private and public versions (that includes published versions)
                    // clone the shared versions
                    BioModelNode versionCloneNode = versionBioModelNode.clone();
                    // and add them to the clone node
                if (cloneNode.getChildCount() > 0) {
                    // we keep adding only the clones of the shared versions (if any) to the cloneNode
                    if (added == false) {
                        // now that we know for sure that the user name node is populated, we add it to the shared node if it's not there already
                        added = true;
            } else {
                if (username.equals(USER_modelBricks)) {
                    // revision feb 13, 2020 danv
                    // for modelBricks, we make a user name node and we populate it with all the bricks shared with
                    // the login user
                    // we'll enforce a single version policy so that we won't have to look into versions to see
                    // the individual flag of each
                    parentNode = vcDocumentDbTreeModel.sharedModelsNode;
                    VCDocumentInfoNode vcdDocumentInfoNode = (VCDocumentInfoNode) childNode.getUserObject();
                    BigDecimal groupid = vcdDocumentInfoNode.getVCDocumentInfo().getVersion().getGroupAccess().getGroupid();
                    if (groupid.equals(GroupAccess.GROUPACCESS_ALL) || groupid.equals(GroupAccess.GROUPACCESS_NONE)) {
                        // nothing to do here with public or private bricks
                    } else {
                        BioModelNode cloneNode = BioModelNode.deepClone(childNode);
                        if (added == false) {
                            // now that we know for sure that the user name node is populated, we add it to the shared node if it's not there already
                            added = true;
        for (int c = 0; c < userNode.getChildCount(); ) {
            BioModelNode versionableNode = (BioModelNode) userNode.getChildAt(c);
            // Search through versions of BM/MM to see if any are published
            for (int i = 0; i < versionableNode.getChildCount(); ) {
                // the versions
                BioModelNode versionBioModelNode = (BioModelNode) versionableNode.getChildAt(i);
                VCDocumentInfo versionVCDocumentInfo = (VCDocumentInfo) versionBioModelNode.getUserObject();
                PublicationInfo[] piArray = versionVCDocumentInfo.getPublicationInfos();
                if (piArray != null && piArray.length > 0) {
                    // we already placed this version in Curated, no need to look for more publications for curated
                    boolean foundCurated = false;
                    // same as above for published
                    boolean foundPublished = false;
                    for (PublicationInfo pi : piArray) {
                        KeyValue key = pi.getPublicationKey();
                        if (!publicationsMap.containsKey(key)) {
                            publicationsMap.put(key, pi);
                        if (versionVCDocumentInfo.getVersion().getFlag().compareEqual(org.vcell.util.document.VersionFlag.Published)) {
                            // published
                            if (foundPublished) {
                            // String vn = versionVCDocumentInfo.getVersion().getName();
                            // String vo = versionVCDocumentInfo.getVersion().getOwner().getName();
                            // String vk = versionVCDocumentInfo.getVersion().getVersionKey().toString();
                            // System.out.println(vk);
                            LinkedList<BioModelNode> modelsList;
                            if (publishedModelsMap.containsKey(key)) {
                                modelsList = publishedModelsMap.get(key);
                            } else {
                                modelsList = new LinkedList<>();
                            BioModelNode newPublishedNode = new BioModelNode(new VCDocumentInfoNode(versionVCDocumentInfo), true);
                            BioModelNode clonedNode = versionBioModelNode.clone();
                            publishedModelsMap.put(key, modelsList);
                            foundPublished = true;
                        } else {
                            // curated
                            if (foundCurated) {
                                // otherwise we may add the same version multiple times to Curated, once for each PublicationInfo
                            // the code below shows by author + model name
                            BioModelNode newCuratedNode = new BioModelNode(new VCDocumentInfoNode(versionVCDocumentInfo), true);
                            BioModelNode clonedNode = versionBioModelNode.clone();
                            // the code below shows by Publication Title
                            // LinkedList<BioModelNode> modelsList;
                            // if(curatedModelsMap.containsKey(key)) {
                            // modelsList = curatedModelsMap.get(key);
                            // } else {
                            // modelsList = new LinkedList<> ();
                            // }
                            // BioModelNode newCuratedNode = new BioModelNode(new VCDocumentInfoNode(versionVCDocumentInfo), true);
                            // BioModelNode clonedNode = versionBioModelNode.clone();
                            // newCuratedNode.add(clonedNode);
                            // modelsList.add(newCuratedNode);
                            // curatedModelsMap.put(key, modelsList);
                            foundCurated = true;
    shallowOrderByPublication(publishedModelsMap, publicationsMap);
    for (KeyValue key : publishedModelsMap.keySet()) {
        LinkedList<BioModelNode> modelsList = publishedModelsMap.get(key);
        PublicationInfo pi = publicationsMap.get(key);
        BioModelNode newPublicationNode = new BioModelNode.PublicationInfoNode(pi, true);
        for (BioModelNode node : modelsList) {
    // for (int c = 0; c < vcDocumentDbTreeModel.modelBricksNode.getChildCount(); c++) {
    if (bModelBricks) {
        for (int i = 0; i < vcDocumentDbTreeModel.modelBricksNode.getChildCount(); ) {
            BioModelNode childNode = (BioModelNode) vcDocumentDbTreeModel.modelBricksNode.getChildAt(0);
Also used : UserNameNode(cbit.vcell.desktop.BioModelNode.UserNameNode) KeyValue(org.vcell.util.document.KeyValue) PublicationInfo(org.vcell.util.document.PublicationInfo) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) VCDocumentInfo(org.vcell.util.document.VCDocumentInfo) VCDocumentInfoNode(cbit.vcell.desktop.VCellBasicCellRenderer.VCDocumentInfoNode) PublicationInfoNode(cbit.vcell.desktop.BioModelNode.PublicationInfoNode)

Example 4 with VCDocumentInfoNode

use of cbit.vcell.desktop.VCellBasicCellRenderer.VCDocumentInfoNode in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class MathModelDbTreePanel method treeSelection.

 * Comment
protected void treeSelection() {
    TreePath treePath = getJTree1().getSelectionPath();
    if (treePath == null) {
    BioModelNode bioModelNode = (BioModelNode) treePath.getLastPathComponent();
    Object object = bioModelNode.getUserObject();
    if (object instanceof PublicationInfo) {
        // TODO: is this line needed?
    } else if (object instanceof VersionInfo) {
        setSelectedVersionInfo((VersionInfo) object);
    } else if (object instanceof VCDocumentInfoNode && bioModelNode.getChildCount() > 0 && ((BioModelNode) bioModelNode.getChildAt(0)).getUserObject() instanceof MathModelInfo) {
        MathModelInfo mathModelInfo = (MathModelInfo) ((BioModelNode) bioModelNode.getChildAt(0)).getUserObject();
    } else {
Also used : VersionInfo(org.vcell.util.document.VersionInfo) TreePath(javax.swing.tree.TreePath) PublicationInfo(org.vcell.util.document.PublicationInfo) VCDocumentInfoNode(cbit.vcell.desktop.VCellBasicCellRenderer.VCDocumentInfoNode) MathModelInfo(org.vcell.util.document.MathModelInfo)

Example 5 with VCDocumentInfoNode

use of cbit.vcell.desktop.VCellBasicCellRenderer.VCDocumentInfoNode in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class GeometryTreePanel method treeSelection.

 * Comment
protected void treeSelection() {
    TreePath treePath = getJTree1().getSelectionPath();
    if (treePath == null) {
    BioModelNode bioModelNode = (BioModelNode) treePath.getLastPathComponent();
    Object object = bioModelNode.getUserObject();
    try {
        BeanUtils.setCursorThroughout(this, java.awt.Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(java.awt.Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR));
        if (object instanceof VersionInfo) {
            setSelectedVersionInfo((VersionInfo) object);
        } else if (object instanceof VCDocumentInfoNode && bioModelNode.getChildCount() > 0 && ((BioModelNode) bioModelNode.getChildAt(0)).getUserObject() instanceof GeometryInfo) {
            GeometryInfo geometryInfo = (GeometryInfo) ((BioModelNode) bioModelNode.getChildAt(0)).getUserObject();
        } else {
    } catch (Exception exc) {
    } finally {
        BeanUtils.setCursorThroughout(this, java.awt.Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(java.awt.Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR));
Also used : VersionInfo(org.vcell.util.document.VersionInfo) TreePath(javax.swing.tree.TreePath) GeometryInfo(cbit.vcell.geometry.GeometryInfo) VCDocumentInfoNode(cbit.vcell.desktop.VCellBasicCellRenderer.VCDocumentInfoNode)


VCDocumentInfoNode (cbit.vcell.desktop.VCellBasicCellRenderer.VCDocumentInfoNode)13 GeometryInfo (cbit.vcell.geometry.GeometryInfo)4 TreePath (javax.swing.tree.TreePath)4 BioModelInfo (org.vcell.util.document.BioModelInfo)4 MathModelInfo (org.vcell.util.document.MathModelInfo)4 PublicationInfo (org.vcell.util.document.PublicationInfo)4 Vector (java.util.Vector)3 DataAccessException (org.vcell.util.DataAccessException)3 User (org.vcell.util.document.User)3 VCDocumentInfo (org.vcell.util.document.VCDocumentInfo)3 VersionInfo (org.vcell.util.document.VersionInfo)3 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)2 Version (org.vcell.util.document.Version)2 BioModelMetaData (cbit.vcell.biomodel.BioModelMetaData)1 PublicationInfoNode (cbit.vcell.desktop.BioModelNode.PublicationInfoNode)1 UserNameNode (cbit.vcell.desktop.BioModelNode.UserNameNode)1 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)1 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)1 TreeNode (javax.swing.tree.TreeNode)1 KeyValue (org.vcell.util.document.KeyValue)1