use of cbit.vcell.math.MembraneSubDomain in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SmoldynFileWriter method writeDrifts.
private void writeDrifts() throws ExpressionBindingException, ExpressionException, MathException {
// writer diffusion properties
printWriter.println("# drift properties");
Enumeration<SubDomain> subDomainEnumeration = mathDesc.getSubDomains();
while (subDomainEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
SubDomain subDomain = subDomainEnumeration.nextElement();
List<ParticleProperties> particlePropertiesList = subDomain.getParticleProperties();
for (ParticleProperties pp : particlePropertiesList) {
String variableName = null;
if (subDomain instanceof MembraneSubDomain) {
variableName = getVariableName(pp.getVariable(), subDomain);
} else {
variableName = getVariableName(pp.getVariable(), null);
try {
double driftX = 0.0;
if (pp.getDriftX() != null) {
driftX = subsituteFlattenToConstant(pp.getDriftX());
double driftY = 0.0;
if (pp.getDriftY() != null) {
driftY = subsituteFlattenToConstant(pp.getDriftY());
double driftZ = 0.0;
if (pp.getDriftZ() != null) {
driftZ = subsituteFlattenToConstant(pp.getDriftZ());
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.drift + " " + variableName + " " + driftX + " " + driftY + " " + driftZ);
} catch (NotAConstantException ex) {
throw new ExpressionException("diffusion coefficient for variable " + variableName + " is not a constant. Constants are required for all diffusion coefficients");
use of cbit.vcell.math.MembraneSubDomain in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SmoldynFileWriter method writeReactions.
private void writeReactions() throws ExpressionException, MathException {
printWriter.println("# reactions");
Enumeration<SubDomain> subdomains = mathDesc.getSubDomains();
while (subdomains.hasMoreElements()) {
SubDomain subdomain = subdomains.nextElement();
for (ParticleJumpProcess pjp : subdomain.getParticleJumpProcesses()) {
ArrayList<Variable> reactants = new ArrayList<Variable>();
ArrayList<Variable> products = new ArrayList<Variable>();
for (Action a : pjp.getActions().toArray(new Action[pjp.getActions().size()])) {
if (a.getOperation().equals(Action.ACTION_CREATE)) {
} else if (a.getOperation().equals(Action.ACTION_DESTROY)) {
Expression rateDefinition = null;
JumpProcessRateDefinition jprd = pjp.getParticleRateDefinition();
if (jprd instanceof MacroscopicRateConstant) {
rateDefinition = subsituteFlatten(((MacroscopicRateConstant) jprd).getExpression());
} else if (jprd instanceof InteractionRadius) {
rateDefinition = subsituteFlatten(((InteractionRadius) jprd).getExpression());
} else {
new RuntimeException("The jump process rate definition is not supported");
if (rateDefinition.isZero()) {
if (mathDesc.isSpatialHybrid()) {
String[] symbols = rateDefinition.getSymbols();
if (symbols != null) {
if (subdomain instanceof MembraneSubDomain) {
rateDefinition = new Expression(FiniteVolumeFileWriter.replaceVolumeVariable(getSimulationTask(), (MembraneSubDomain) subdomain, rateDefinition));
} else {
try {
} catch (ExpressionException ex) {
throw new ExpressionException("reaction rate for jump process " + pjp.getName() + " is not a constant. Constants are required for all reaction rates.");
// Smoldyn takes maximum 2nd order reaction.
if (reactants.size() > 2) {
throw new MathException("VCell spatial stochastic models support up to 2nd order reactions. \n" + "The reaction:" + pjp.getName() + " has more than 2 reactants.");
if (products.size() > 2) {
throw new MathException("VCell spatial stochastic models support up to 2nd order reactions. \n" + "The reaction:" + pjp.getName() + " has more than 2 products.");
String rateDefinitionStr = simulation.getMathDescription().isSpatialHybrid() ? rateDefinition.infix() + ";" : rateDefinition.evaluateConstant() + "";
if (subdomain instanceof CompartmentSubDomain) {
// 0th order reaction, product limited to one and we'll let the reaction know where it happens
if (reactants.size() == 0 && products.size() == 1) {
printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reaction_cmpt + " " + subdomain.getName() + " " + pjp.getName() + " ");
} else {
printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reaction + " " + /* + subdomain.getName() + " "*/
pjp.getName() + " ");
writeReactionCommand(reactants, products, subdomain, rateDefinitionStr);
} else if (subdomain instanceof MembraneSubDomain) {
// 0th order reaction, product limited to one and it can be on mem or in vol
if (reactants.size() == 0 && products.size() == 1) {
printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reaction_surface + " " + subdomain.getName() + " " + pjp.getName() + " ");
writeReactionCommand(reactants, products, subdomain, rateDefinitionStr);
} else // consuming of a species to nothing, limited to one reactant
if (reactants.size() == 1 && products.size() == 0) {
if (// consuming a mem species in mem reaction
getMembraneVariableCount(reactants) == 1) {
printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reaction_surface + " " + subdomain.getName() + " " + pjp.getName() + " ");
writeReactionCommand(reactants, products, subdomain, rateDefinitionStr);
} else // it equals to adsorption, species A from vol adsorbed to mem as again species A, and then we kill the speceis A on mem.
if (getVolumeVariableCount(reactants) == 1) {
writeRateTransitionCommand(reactants, products, subdomain, rateDefinitionStr);
String speciesName = reactants.get(0).getName();
String killMolCmd = "cmd " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.E + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.killmol + " " + speciesName + "(" + SmoldynKeyword.up + ")";
} else // Use rate command for any membrane reactions with 1 reactant and 1 product
if ((reactants.size() == 1) && (products.size() == 1)) {
// Membrane reaction (1 react to 1 product).
if (getMembraneVariableCount(products) == 1 && getMembraneVariableCount(reactants) == 1) {
printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reaction_surface + " " + subdomain.getName() + " " + pjp.getName() + " ");
writeReactionCommand(reactants, products, subdomain, rateDefinitionStr);
} else // Other single molecular reactions
writeRateTransitionCommand(reactants, products, subdomain, rateDefinitionStr);
} else // membrane reactions which are not one to one, or 0th order, or consuming species
if (// membrane reaction has one membrane bound reactant
(getMembraneVariableCount(reactants) == 1)) {
printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reaction_surface + " " + subdomain.getName() + " " + pjp.getName() + " ");
writeReactionCommand(reactants, products, subdomain, rateDefinitionStr);
} else if (// bimolecular membrane reaction
getMembraneVariableCount(reactants) == 2) {
if (jprd instanceof InteractionRadius) {
printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reaction_surface + " " + subdomain.getName() + " " + pjp.getName() + " ");
writeReactionByInteractionRadius(reactants, products, subdomain, rateDefinitionStr, pjp.getName());
} else {
// throw new MathException("Error with reaction: " + pjp.getName() + ".\nVCell Spatial stochastic modeling requires macroscopic or microscopic kinetics for bimolecular membrane reactions.");
printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reaction_surface + " " + subdomain.getName() + " " + pjp.getName() + " ");
writeReactionCommand(reactants, products, subdomain, rateDefinitionStr);
} else if (getMembraneVariableCount(reactants) == 0) {
throw new MathException("Error with reaction: " + pjp.getName() + ".\nIn VCell spatial stochastic modeling, the membrane reaction requires at least one membrane bound reactant.");
use of cbit.vcell.math.MembraneSubDomain in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SmoldynSurfaceTessellator method writeSurfaces.
protected void writeSurfaces() throws SolverException, ImageException, PropertyVetoException, GeometryException, ExpressionException {
GeometrySurfaceDescription geometrySurfaceDescription = resampledGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription();
SurfaceClass[] surfaceClasses = geometrySurfaceDescription.getSurfaceClasses();
GeometrySpec geometrySpec = resampledGeometry.getGeometrySpec();
SubVolume[] surfaceGeometrySubVolumes = geometrySpec.getSubVolumes();
GeometricRegion[] AllGeometricRegions = resampledGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription().getGeometricRegions();
ArrayList<SurfaceGeometricRegion> surfaceRegionList = new ArrayList<SurfaceGeometricRegion>();
ArrayList<VolumeGeometricRegion> volumeRegionList = new ArrayList<VolumeGeometricRegion>();
for (GeometricRegion geometricRegion : AllGeometricRegions) {
if (geometricRegion instanceof SurfaceGeometricRegion) {
surfaceRegionList.add((SurfaceGeometricRegion) geometricRegion);
} else if (geometricRegion instanceof VolumeGeometricRegion) {
volumeRegionList.add((VolumeGeometricRegion) geometricRegion);
} else {
throw new SolverException("unsupported geometric region type " + geometricRegion.getClass());
printWriter.println("# geometry");
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.dim + " " + dimension);
if (bHasNoSurface) {
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.max_compartment + " " + surfaceGeometrySubVolumes.length);
} else {
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.max_compartment + " " + (surfaceGeometrySubVolumes.length + 1));
// plus the surface which are bounding walls
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.max_surface + " " + (surfaceClasses.length + dimension));
// write boundaries and wall surfaces
// for 3D ... smoldyn normal convension is triangle right-hand-rule normal points to the outside compartment subdomain.
if (!bHasNoSurface) {
membraneSubdomainTriangleMap = new HashMap<MembraneSubDomain, ArrayList<TrianglePanel>>();
// write surfaces
printWriter.println("# surfaces");
int triangleGlobalCount = 0;
int membraneIndex = -1;
SurfaceCollection surfaceCollection = geometrySurfaceDescription.getSurfaceCollection();
// pre-allocate collections used repeatedly in following loops; clear before reusing
HashMap<Node, Set<String>> nodeTriMap = new HashMap<>();
ArrayList<TrianglePanel> triList = new ArrayList<TrianglePanel>();
// use a sorted set to ensure neighbors written out is same order for reproducibility
SortedSet<String> neighborsForCurrentNode = new TreeSet<String>();
for (int sci = 0; sci < surfaceClasses.length; sci++) {
int triLocalCount = 0;
SurfaceClass surfaceClass = surfaceClasses[sci];
GeometricRegion[] geometricRegions = geometrySurfaceDescription.getGeometricRegions(surfaceClass);
for (GeometricRegion gr : geometricRegions) {
SurfaceGeometricRegion sgr = (SurfaceGeometricRegion) gr;
VolumeGeometricRegion volRegion0 = (VolumeGeometricRegion) sgr.getAdjacentGeometricRegions()[0];
VolumeGeometricRegion volRegion1 = (VolumeGeometricRegion) sgr.getAdjacentGeometricRegions()[1];
SubVolume subVolume0 = volRegion0.getSubVolume();
SubVolume subVolume1 = volRegion1.getSubVolume();
CompartmentSubDomain compart0 = mathDesc.getCompartmentSubDomain(subVolume0.getName());
CompartmentSubDomain compart1 = mathDesc.getCompartmentSubDomain(subVolume1.getName());
MembraneSubDomain membraneSubDomain = mathDesc.getMembraneSubDomain(compart0, compart1);
if (membraneSubDomain == null) {
throw new SolverException(VCellErrorMessages.getSmoldynUnexpectedSurface(compart0, compart1));
int exteriorRegionID = volRegion0.getRegionID();
int interiorRegionID = volRegion1.getRegionID();
if (membraneSubDomain.getInsideCompartment() == compart0) {
exteriorRegionID = volRegion1.getRegionID();
interiorRegionID = volRegion0.getRegionID();
for (int j = 0; j < surfaceCollection.getSurfaceCount(); j++) {
Surface surface = surfaceCollection.getSurfaces(j);
if ((surface.getInteriorRegionIndex() == exteriorRegionID && surface.getExteriorRegionIndex() == interiorRegionID) || (surface.getInteriorRegionIndex() == interiorRegionID && surface.getExteriorRegionIndex() == exteriorRegionID)) {
// Polygon polygon = surface.getPolygons(k);
for (Polygon polygon : surface) {
if (polygonMembaneElementMap != null) {
membraneIndex = polygonMembaneElementMap.get(polygon).getMembraneIndex();
Node[] nodes = polygon.getNodes();
if (dimension == 2) {
// ignore z
Vect3d unitNormal = new Vect3d();
unitNormal.set(unitNormal.getX(), unitNormal.getY(), 0);
int point0 = 0;
Vect3d v0 = new Vect3d(nodes[point0].getX(), nodes[point0].getY(), 0);
int point1 = 1;
Vect3d v1 = null;
for (point1 = 1; point1 < nodes.length; point1++) {
if (v0.getX() != nodes[point1].getX() || v0.getY() != nodes[point1].getY()) {
v1 = new Vect3d(nodes[point1].getX(), nodes[point1].getY(), 0);
if (v1 == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("failed to generate surface");
Vect3d v01 = Vect3d.sub(v1, v0);
Vect3d unit01n = v01.cross(unitNormal);
if (Math.abs(unit01n.getZ() - 1.0) < 1e-6) {
// v0 to v1 opposes vcell surface normal. it's already flipped.
Triangle triangle;
if (surface.getInteriorRegionIndex() == interiorRegionID) {
// we have to flipped it back
triangle = new Triangle(nodes[point1], nodes[point0], null);
} else {
triangle = new Triangle(nodes[point0], nodes[point1], null);
triList.add(new TrianglePanel(triLocalCount++, triangleGlobalCount++, membraneIndex, triangle));
} else if (Math.abs(unit01n.getZ() + 1.0) < 1e-6) {
// v0 to v1 is in direction of vcell surface normal.
Triangle triangle;
if (surface.getInteriorRegionIndex() == interiorRegionID) {
triangle = new Triangle(nodes[point0], nodes[point1], null);
} else {
triangle = new Triangle(nodes[point1], nodes[point0], null);
triList.add(new TrianglePanel(triLocalCount++, triangleGlobalCount++, membraneIndex, triangle));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("failed to generate surface");
} else if (dimension == 3) {
Triangle triangle1;
Triangle triangle2;
if (surface.getInteriorRegionIndex() == interiorRegionID) {
// interior
triangle1 = new Triangle(nodes[0], nodes[1], nodes[2]);
triangle2 = new Triangle(nodes[0], nodes[2], nodes[3]);
} else {
triangle1 = new Triangle(nodes[2], nodes[1], nodes[0]);
triangle2 = new Triangle(nodes[3], nodes[2], nodes[0]);
triList.add(new TrianglePanel(triLocalCount++, triangleGlobalCount++, membraneIndex, triangle1));
triList.add(new TrianglePanel(triLocalCount++, triangleGlobalCount++, membraneIndex, triangle2));
// add triangles to node hash
for (TrianglePanel triPanel : triList) {
for (Node node : triPanel.triangle.getNodes()) {
if (node == null) {
Set<String> triNameSet = nodeTriMap.get(node);
if (triNameSet == null) {
triNameSet = new HashSet<String>();
nodeTriMap.put(node, triNameSet);
SubVolume[] adjacentSubvolums = surfaceClass.getAdjacentSubvolumes().toArray(new SubVolume[0]);
CompartmentSubDomain csd0 = simulation.getMathDescription().getCompartmentSubDomain(adjacentSubvolums[0].getName());
CompartmentSubDomain csd1 = simulation.getMathDescription().getCompartmentSubDomain(adjacentSubvolums[1].getName());
MembraneSubDomain membraneSubDomain = simulation.getMathDescription().getMembraneSubDomain(csd0, csd1);
membraneSubdomainTriangleMap.put(membraneSubDomain, triList);
final boolean initialMoleculesOnMembrane = (closestTriangles != null);
if (initialMoleculesOnMembrane) {
findClosestTriangles(membraneSubDomain, triList);
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.start_surface + " " + surfaceClass.getName());
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + "(" + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + ") " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reflect);
// printWriter.println(SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynKeyword.all + "(" + SmoldynKeyword.up + ") " + SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + SmoldynKeyword.reflect);
Color c = colorForSurface(sci);
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.color + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + c.getRed() / 255.0 + " " + c.getGreen() / 255.0 + " " + c.getBlue() / 255.0 + " 0.1");
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.polygon + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.front + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.edge);
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.polygon + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.back + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.edge);
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.max_panels + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.tri + " " + triList.size());
for (TrianglePanel trianglePanel : triList) {
Triangle triangle = trianglePanel.triangle;
printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.tri);
switch(dimension) {
case 1:
printWriter.print(" " + triangle.getNodes(0).getX());
case 2:
printWriter.print(" " + triangle.getNodes(0).getX() + " " + triangle.getNodes(0).getY());
printWriter.print(" " + triangle.getNodes(1).getX() + " " + triangle.getNodes(1).getY());
case 3:
for (Node node : triangle.getNodes()) {
printWriter.print(" " + node.getX() + " " + node.getY() + " " + node.getZ());
printWriter.println(" " +;
for (TrianglePanel triPanel : triList) {
for (Node node : triPanel.triangle.getNodes()) {
if (node == null) {
// printWriter.print(SmoldynKeyword.neighbors + " ";
// to allow smoldyn read line length as 256, chop the neighbors to multiple lines
int maxNeighborCount = 4;
int count = 0;
for (String neigh : neighborsForCurrentNode) {
if (count % maxNeighborCount == 0) {
printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.neighbors + " " +;
printWriter.print(" " + neigh);
use of cbit.vcell.math.MembraneSubDomain in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class MathTestingUtilities method comparePDEResultsWithExact.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (8/20/2003 12:58:10 PM)
public static SimulationComparisonSummary comparePDEResultsWithExact(SimulationSymbolTable simSymbolTable, PDEDataManager dataManager, String type, double absErrorThreshold, double relErrorThreshold) throws DataAccessException, ExpressionException {
java.util.Hashtable<String, DataErrorSummary> tempVarHash = new java.util.Hashtable<String, DataErrorSummary>();
double[] timeArray = dataManager.getDataSetTimes();
Variable[] vars = simSymbolTable.getVariables();
CartesianMesh mesh = dataManager.getMesh();
MathDescription mathDesc = simSymbolTable.getSimulation().getMathDescription();
// Get volumeSubdomains from mathDesc/mesh and store in lookupTable
int numVol = mesh.getSizeX() * mesh.getSizeY() * mesh.getSizeZ();
CompartmentSubDomain[] volSubDomainLookup = new CompartmentSubDomain[numVol];
for (int i = 0; i < numVol; i++) {
int subVolumeIndex = mesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i);
SubVolume subVolume = mathDesc.getGeometry().getGeometrySpec().getSubVolume(subVolumeIndex);
CompartmentSubDomain compSubDomain = mathDesc.getCompartmentSubDomain(subVolume.getName());
volSubDomainLookup[i] = compSubDomain;
// Get membraneSubdomains from mathDesc/mesh and store in lookupTable
int numMem = mesh.getMembraneElements().length;
MembraneSubDomain[] memSubDomainLookup = new MembraneSubDomain[numMem];
for (int i = 0; i < numMem; i++) {
int insideVolIndex = mesh.getMembraneElements()[i].getInsideVolumeIndex();
int outsideVolIndex = mesh.getMembraneElements()[i].getOutsideVolumeIndex();
MembraneSubDomain memSubDomain = mathDesc.getMembraneSubDomain(volSubDomainLookup[insideVolIndex], volSubDomainLookup[outsideVolIndex]);
memSubDomainLookup[i] = memSubDomain;
double[] valueArray = new double[4];
SimpleSymbolTable symbolTable = new SimpleSymbolTable(new String[] { "t", "x", "y", "z" });
int tIndex = symbolTable.getEntry("t").getIndex();
int xIndex = symbolTable.getEntry("x").getIndex();
int yIndex = symbolTable.getEntry("y").getIndex();
int zIndex = symbolTable.getEntry("z").getIndex();
SimulationComparisonSummary simComparisonSummary = new SimulationComparisonSummary();
String hashKey = new String("");
long dataLength = 0;
// for each var, do the following :
for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
if (vars[i] instanceof VolVariable || vars[i] instanceof MemVariable || vars[i] instanceof FilamentVariable || vars[i] instanceof VolumeRegionVariable || vars[i] instanceof MembraneRegionVariable || vars[i] instanceof FilamentRegionVariable) {
// for each time in timeArray,
for (int j = 0; j < timeArray.length; j++) {
if (type.equals(TestCaseNew.EXACT_STEADY)) {
if (j != (timeArray.length - 1)) {
// get data block from varName, data from datablock
SimDataBlock simDataBlock = dataManager.getSimDataBlock(vars[i].getName(), timeArray[j]);
double[] data = simDataBlock.getData();
dataLength = data.length;
SubDomain subDomain = null;
Coordinate subDomainCoord = null;
// for each point in data block ...
for (int k = 0; k < dataLength; k++) {
// Get subdomain from mesh (from the lookupTable), get coordinates (x,y,z) from mesh, evaluate EXACT SOLN at that coord
if (vars[i] instanceof VolVariable) {
subDomain = volSubDomainLookup[k];
subDomainCoord = mesh.getCoordinateFromVolumeIndex(k);
} else if (vars[i] instanceof MemVariable) {
subDomain = memSubDomainLookup[k];
subDomainCoord = mesh.getCoordinateFromMembraneIndex(k);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Var " + vars[i].getName() + " not supported yet!");
hashKey = vars[i].getName() + ":" + subDomain.getName();
DataErrorSummary tempVar = (DataErrorSummary) tempVarHash.get(hashKey);
if (tempVar == null) {
Expression exp = new Expression(subDomain.getEquation(vars[i]).getExactSolution());
exp = MathUtilities.substituteFunctions(exp, simSymbolTable);
exp = exp.flatten();
tempVar = new DataErrorSummary(exp);
tempVarHash.put(hashKey, tempVar);
// time
valueArray[tIndex] = timeArray[j];
// x
valueArray[xIndex] = subDomainCoord.getX();
// y
valueArray[yIndex] = subDomainCoord.getY();
// z
valueArray[zIndex] = subDomainCoord.getZ();
// EXACT soln at coord subDomainCoord
double value = tempVar.getExactExp().evaluateVector(valueArray);
tempVar.addDataValues(value, data[k], timeArray[j], k, absErrorThreshold, relErrorThreshold);
// end for (k)
// end for (j)
// end - if (var)
// end for (i)
Enumeration<String> enumKeys = tempVarHash.keys();
while (enumKeys.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = enumKeys.nextElement();
DataErrorSummary tempVarSummary = tempVarHash.get(key);
simComparisonSummary.addVariableComparisonSummary(new VariableComparisonSummary(key, tempVarSummary.getMinRef(), tempVarSummary.getMaxRef(), tempVarSummary.getMaxAbsoluteError(), tempVarSummary.getMaxRelativeError(), tempVarSummary.getL2Norm(), tempVarSummary.getTimeAtMaxAbsoluteError(), tempVarSummary.getIndexAtMaxAbsoluteError(), tempVarSummary.getTimeAtMaxRelativeError(), tempVarSummary.getIndexAtMaxRelativeError()));
return simComparisonSummary;
use of cbit.vcell.math.MembraneSubDomain in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class MathTestingUtilities method constructExactMath.
* constructExactMath()
* take an equation of the form:
* d A
* --- = F(A,t)
* d t
* and create a new equation with a known exact solution 'A_exact' by adding a forcing function R(t)
* d A
* --- = F(A,t) + R(t)
* d t
* where:
* d A_exact
* R(t) = --------- - F(A_exact,t)
* d t
* solving for R(t) is done analytically.
* Creation date: (1/21/2003 10:47:54 AM)
* @return cbit.vcell.math.MathDescription
* @param mathDesc cbit.vcell.math.MathDescription
public static MathDescription constructExactMath(MathDescription mathDesc, java.util.Random random, ConstructedSolutionTemplate constructedSolutionTemplate) throws ExpressionException, MathException, MappingException {
if (mathDesc.hasFastSystems()) {
throw new RuntimeException("SolverTest.constructExactMath() suppport for fastSystems not yet implemented.");
MathDescription exactMath = null;
try {
exactMath = (MathDescription) BeanUtils.cloneSerializable(mathDesc);
exactMath.setDescription("constructed exact solution from MathDescription (" + mathDesc.getName() + ")");
exactMath.setName("exact from " + mathDesc.getName());
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException("error cloning MathDescription: " + e.getMessage());
// preload the VariableHash with existing Variables (and Constants,Functions,etc) and then sort all at once.
VariableHash varHash = new VariableHash();
Enumeration<Variable> enumVar = exactMath.getVariables();
while (enumVar.hasMoreElements()) {
java.util.Enumeration<SubDomain> subDomainEnum = exactMath.getSubDomains();
while (subDomainEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
SubDomain subDomain = subDomainEnum.nextElement();
Domain domain = new Domain(subDomain);
java.util.Enumeration<Equation> equationEnum = subDomain.getEquations();
if (subDomain instanceof MembraneSubDomain) {
MembraneSubDomain memSubDomain = (MembraneSubDomain) subDomain;
AnalyticSubVolume insideAnalyticSubVolume = (AnalyticSubVolume) exactMath.getGeometry().getGeometrySpec().getSubVolume(memSubDomain.getInsideCompartment().getName());
Function[] outwardNormalFunctions = getOutwardNormal(insideAnalyticSubVolume.getExpression(), "_" + insideAnalyticSubVolume.getName());
for (int i = 0; i < outwardNormalFunctions.length; i++) {
while (equationEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
Equation equation = equationEnum.nextElement();
if (equation.getExactSolution() != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("exact solution already exists");
Enumeration<Constant> origMathConstants = mathDesc.getConstants();
if (equation instanceof OdeEquation) {
OdeEquation odeEquation = (OdeEquation) equation;
Expression substitutedRateExp = substituteWithExactSolution(odeEquation.getRateExpression(), (CompartmentSubDomain) subDomain, exactMath);
SolutionTemplate solutionTemplate = constructedSolutionTemplate.getSolutionTemplate(equation.getVariable().getName(), subDomain.getName());
String varName = odeEquation.getVariable().getName();
String initName = null;
while (origMathConstants.hasMoreElements()) {
Constant constant = origMathConstants.nextElement();
if (constant.getName().startsWith(varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + DiffEquMathMapping.MATH_FUNC_SUFFIX_SPECIES_INIT_CONC_UNIT_PREFIX)) {
initName = constant.getName();
String exactName = varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_exact";
String errorName = varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_error";
String origRateName = "_" + varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_origRate";
String substitutedRateName = "_" + varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_substitutedRate";
String exactTimeDerivativeName = "_" + varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_exact_dt";
Expression exactExp = solutionTemplate.getTemplateExpression();
Expression errorExp = new Expression(exactName + " - " + varName);
Expression origRateExp = new Expression(odeEquation.getRateExpression());
Expression exactTimeDerivativeExp = exactExp.differentiate("t").flatten();
Expression newRate = new Expression(origRateName + " - " + substitutedRateName + " + " + exactTimeDerivativeName);
Constant[] constants = solutionTemplate.getConstants();
for (int i = 0; i < constants.length; i++) {
Expression initExp = new Expression(exactExp);
initExp.substituteInPlace(new Expression("t"), new Expression(0.0));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(initName, initExp.flatten(), domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(exactName, exactExp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(errorName, errorExp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(exactTimeDerivativeName, exactTimeDerivativeExp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(origRateName, origRateExp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(substitutedRateName, substitutedRateExp, domain));
odeEquation.setInitialExpression(new Expression(initName));
odeEquation.setExactSolution(new Expression(exactName));
} else if (equation instanceof PdeEquation) {
PdeEquation pdeEquation = (PdeEquation) equation;
Expression substitutedRateExp = substituteWithExactSolution(pdeEquation.getRateExpression(), (CompartmentSubDomain) subDomain, exactMath);
SolutionTemplate solutionTemplate = constructedSolutionTemplate.getSolutionTemplate(equation.getVariable().getName(), subDomain.getName());
String varName = pdeEquation.getVariable().getName();
String initName = null;
while (origMathConstants.hasMoreElements()) {
Constant constant = origMathConstants.nextElement();
if (constant.getName().startsWith(varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + DiffEquMathMapping.MATH_FUNC_SUFFIX_SPECIES_INIT_CONC_UNIT_PREFIX)) {
initName = constant.getName();
String diffusionRateName = "_" + varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_diffusionRate";
String exactName = varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_exact";
String errorName = varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_error";
String origRateName = "_" + varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_origRate";
String substitutedRateName = "_" + varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_substitutedRate";
String exactTimeDerivativeName = "_" + varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_exact_dt";
String exactDxName = "_" + varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_exact_dx";
String exactDyName = "_" + varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_exact_dy";
String exactDzName = "_" + varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_exact_dz";
String exactDx2Name = "_" + varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_exact_dx2";
String exactDy2Name = "_" + varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_exact_dy2";
String exactDz2Name = "_" + varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_exact_dz2";
String exactLaplacianName = "_" + varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_exact_laplacian";
Expression exactExp = solutionTemplate.getTemplateExpression();
Expression errorExp = new Expression(exactName + " - " + varName);
Expression origRateExp = new Expression(pdeEquation.getRateExpression());
Expression initExp = new Expression(exactExp);
initExp.substituteInPlace(new Expression("t"), new Expression(0.0));
initExp = initExp.flatten();
Expression exactTimeDerivativeExp = exactExp.differentiate("t").flatten();
Expression exactDxExp = exactExp.differentiate("x").flatten();
Expression exactDx2Exp = exactDxExp.differentiate("x").flatten();
Expression exactDyExp = exactExp.differentiate("y").flatten();
Expression exactDy2Exp = exactDxExp.differentiate("y").flatten();
Expression exactDzExp = exactExp.differentiate("z").flatten();
Expression exactDz2Exp = exactDxExp.differentiate("z").flatten();
Expression exactLaplacianExp = Expression.add(Expression.add(exactDx2Exp, exactDy2Exp), exactDz2Exp).flatten();
Expression newRate = new Expression(origRateName + " - " + substitutedRateName + " - ((" + diffusionRateName + ")*" + exactLaplacianName + ")" + " + " + exactTimeDerivativeName);
Constant[] constants = solutionTemplate.getConstants();
for (int i = 0; i < constants.length; i++) {
varHash.addVariable(new Function(initName, initExp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(diffusionRateName, new Expression(pdeEquation.getDiffusionExpression()), domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(exactName, exactExp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(errorName, errorExp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(exactTimeDerivativeName, exactTimeDerivativeExp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(origRateName, origRateExp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(substitutedRateName, substitutedRateExp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(exactDxName, exactDxExp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(exactDyName, exactDyExp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(exactDzName, exactDzExp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(exactDx2Name, exactDx2Exp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(exactDy2Name, exactDy2Exp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(exactDz2Name, exactDz2Exp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(exactLaplacianName, exactLaplacianExp, domain));
pdeEquation.setInitialExpression(new Expression(initName));
pdeEquation.setDiffusionExpression(new Expression(diffusionRateName));
pdeEquation.setExactSolution(new Expression(exactName));
CompartmentSubDomain compartmentSubDomain = (CompartmentSubDomain) subDomain;
if (compartmentSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionXm().isDIRICHLET()) {
Expression origExp = pdeEquation.getBoundaryXm();
if (origExp != null) {
Expression substitutedExp = substituteWithExactSolution(origExp, compartmentSubDomain, exactMath);
pdeEquation.setBoundaryXm(new Expression(origExp + "-" + substitutedExp + "+" + exactExp));
} else {
} else if (compartmentSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionXm().isNEUMANN()) {
Expression origExp = pdeEquation.getBoundaryXm();
if (origExp != null) {
Expression substitutedExp = substituteWithExactSolution(origExp, compartmentSubDomain, exactMath);
pdeEquation.setBoundaryXm(new Expression(origExp + "-" + substitutedExp + "-" + diffusionRateName + "*" + exactDxName));
} else {
pdeEquation.setBoundaryXm(new Expression("-" + diffusionRateName + "*" + exactDxName));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unsupported boundary condition type " + compartmentSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionXm());
if (compartmentSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionXp().isDIRICHLET()) {
Expression origExp = pdeEquation.getBoundaryXp();
if (origExp != null) {
Expression substitutedExp = substituteWithExactSolution(origExp, compartmentSubDomain, exactMath);
pdeEquation.setBoundaryXp(new Expression(origExp + "-" + substitutedExp + "+" + exactExp));
} else {
} else if (compartmentSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionXp().isNEUMANN()) {
Expression origExp = pdeEquation.getBoundaryXp();
if (origExp != null) {
Expression substitutedExp = substituteWithExactSolution(origExp, compartmentSubDomain, exactMath);
pdeEquation.setBoundaryXp(new Expression(origExp + "-" + substitutedExp + "+" + diffusionRateName + "*" + exactDxName));
} else {
pdeEquation.setBoundaryXp(new Expression(diffusionRateName + "*" + exactDxName));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unsupported boundary condition type " + compartmentSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionXp());
if (compartmentSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionYm().isDIRICHLET()) {
Expression origExp = pdeEquation.getBoundaryYm();
if (origExp != null) {
Expression substitutedExp = substituteWithExactSolution(origExp, compartmentSubDomain, exactMath);
pdeEquation.setBoundaryYm(new Expression(origExp + "-" + substitutedExp + "+" + exactExp));
} else {
} else if (compartmentSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionYm().isNEUMANN()) {
Expression origExp = pdeEquation.getBoundaryYm();
if (origExp != null) {
Expression substitutedExp = substituteWithExactSolution(origExp, compartmentSubDomain, exactMath);
pdeEquation.setBoundaryYm(new Expression(origExp + "-" + substitutedExp + "-" + diffusionRateName + "*" + exactDyName));
} else {
pdeEquation.setBoundaryYm(new Expression("-" + diffusionRateName + "*" + exactDyName));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unsupported boundary condition type " + compartmentSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionYm());
if (compartmentSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionYp().isDIRICHLET()) {
Expression origExp = pdeEquation.getBoundaryYp();
if (origExp != null) {
Expression substitutedExp = substituteWithExactSolution(origExp, compartmentSubDomain, exactMath);
pdeEquation.setBoundaryYp(new Expression(origExp + "-" + substitutedExp + "+" + exactExp));
} else {
} else if (compartmentSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionYp().isNEUMANN()) {
Expression origExp = pdeEquation.getBoundaryYp();
if (origExp != null) {
Expression substitutedExp = substituteWithExactSolution(origExp, compartmentSubDomain, exactMath);
pdeEquation.setBoundaryYp(new Expression(origExp + "-" + substitutedExp + "+" + diffusionRateName + "*" + exactDyName));
} else {
pdeEquation.setBoundaryYp(new Expression(diffusionRateName + "*" + exactDyName));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unsupported boundary condition type " + compartmentSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionYp());
if (compartmentSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionZm().isDIRICHLET()) {
Expression origExp = pdeEquation.getBoundaryZm();
if (origExp != null) {
Expression substitutedExp = substituteWithExactSolution(origExp, compartmentSubDomain, exactMath);
pdeEquation.setBoundaryZm(new Expression(origExp + "-" + substitutedExp + "+" + exactExp));
} else {
} else if (compartmentSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionZm().isNEUMANN()) {
Expression origExp = pdeEquation.getBoundaryZm();
if (origExp != null) {
Expression substitutedExp = substituteWithExactSolution(origExp, compartmentSubDomain, exactMath);
pdeEquation.setBoundaryZm(new Expression(origExp + "-" + substitutedExp + "-" + diffusionRateName + "*" + exactDzName));
} else {
pdeEquation.setBoundaryZm(new Expression("-" + diffusionRateName + "*" + exactDzName));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unsupported boundary condition type " + compartmentSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionXm());
if (compartmentSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionZp().isDIRICHLET()) {
Expression origExp = pdeEquation.getBoundaryZp();
if (origExp != null) {
Expression substitutedExp = substituteWithExactSolution(origExp, compartmentSubDomain, exactMath);
pdeEquation.setBoundaryZp(new Expression(origExp + "-" + substitutedExp + "+" + exactExp));
} else {
} else if (compartmentSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionZp().isNEUMANN()) {
Expression origExp = pdeEquation.getBoundaryZp();
if (origExp != null) {
Expression substitutedExp = substituteWithExactSolution(origExp, compartmentSubDomain, exactMath);
pdeEquation.setBoundaryZp(new Expression(origExp + "-" + substitutedExp + "+" + diffusionRateName + "*" + exactDzName));
} else {
pdeEquation.setBoundaryZp(new Expression(diffusionRateName + "*" + exactDzName));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unsupported boundary condition type " + compartmentSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionZp());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("SolverTest.constructedExactMath(): equation type " + equation.getClass().getName() + " not yet implemented");
if (subDomain instanceof MembraneSubDomain) {
MembraneSubDomain membraneSubDomain = (MembraneSubDomain) subDomain;
Enumeration<JumpCondition> enumJumpConditions = membraneSubDomain.getJumpConditions();
while (enumJumpConditions.hasMoreElements()) {
JumpCondition jumpCondition = enumJumpConditions.nextElement();
Expression origInfluxExp = jumpCondition.getInFluxExpression();
Expression origOutfluxExp = jumpCondition.getOutFluxExpression();
Expression substitutedInfluxExp = substituteWithExactSolution(origInfluxExp, membraneSubDomain, exactMath);
Expression substitutedOutfluxExp = substituteWithExactSolution(origOutfluxExp, membraneSubDomain, exactMath);
String varName = jumpCondition.getVariable().getName();
String origInfluxName = "_" + varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_origInflux";
String origOutfluxName = "_" + varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_origOutflux";
String substitutedInfluxName = "_" + varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_substitutedInflux";
String substitutedOutfluxName = "_" + varName + "_" + subDomain.getName() + "_substitutedOutflux";
String diffusionRateInsideName = "_" + varName + "_" + membraneSubDomain.getInsideCompartment().getName() + "_diffusionRate";
String diffusionRateOutsideName = "_" + varName + "_" + membraneSubDomain.getOutsideCompartment().getName() + "_diffusionRate";
String exactInsideDxName = "_" + varName + "_" + membraneSubDomain.getInsideCompartment().getName() + "_exact_dx";
String exactInsideDyName = "_" + varName + "_" + membraneSubDomain.getInsideCompartment().getName() + "_exact_dy";
String exactInsideDzName = "_" + varName + "_" + membraneSubDomain.getInsideCompartment().getName() + "_exact_dz";
String exactOutsideDxName = "_" + varName + "_" + membraneSubDomain.getOutsideCompartment().getName() + "_exact_dx";
String exactOutsideDyName = "_" + varName + "_" + membraneSubDomain.getOutsideCompartment().getName() + "_exact_dy";
String exactOutsideDzName = "_" + varName + "_" + membraneSubDomain.getOutsideCompartment().getName() + "_exact_dz";
String outwardNormalXName = "_" + membraneSubDomain.getInsideCompartment().getName() + "_Nx";
String outwardNormalYName = "_" + membraneSubDomain.getInsideCompartment().getName() + "_Ny";
String outwardNormalZName = "_" + membraneSubDomain.getInsideCompartment().getName() + "_Nz";
String exactInfluxName = "_" + varName + "_" + membraneSubDomain.getName() + "_exactInflux";
String exactOutfluxName = "_" + varName + "_" + membraneSubDomain.getName() + "_exactOutflux";
Expression exactInfluxExp = new Expression(diffusionRateInsideName + " * (" + outwardNormalXName + "*" + exactInsideDxName + " + " + outwardNormalYName + "*" + exactInsideDyName + " + " + outwardNormalZName + "*" + exactInsideDzName + ")");
Expression exactOutfluxExp = new Expression("-" + diffusionRateOutsideName + " * (" + outwardNormalXName + "*" + exactOutsideDxName + " + " + outwardNormalYName + "*" + exactOutsideDyName + " + " + outwardNormalZName + "*" + exactOutsideDzName + ")");
Expression newInfluxExp = new Expression(origInfluxName + " - " + substitutedInfluxName + " + " + exactInfluxName);
Expression newOutfluxExp = new Expression(origOutfluxName + " - " + substitutedOutfluxName + " + " + exactOutfluxName);
varHash.addVariable(new Function(origInfluxName, origInfluxExp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(origOutfluxName, origOutfluxExp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(exactInfluxName, exactInfluxExp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(exactOutfluxName, exactOutfluxExp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(substitutedInfluxName, substitutedInfluxExp, domain));
varHash.addVariable(new Function(substitutedOutfluxName, substitutedOutfluxExp, domain));
if (!exactMath.isValid()) {
throw new RuntimeException("generated Math is not valid: " + exactMath.getWarning());
return exactMath;