use of cbit.vcell.math.Variable in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class InitialConditionsPanel method jMenuItemPaste_ActionPerformed.
* Comment
private void jMenuItemPaste_ActionPerformed(final java.awt.event.ActionEvent actionEvent) {
final Vector<String> pasteDescriptionsV = new Vector<String>();
final Vector<Expression> newExpressionsV = new Vector<Expression>();
final Vector<SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter> changedParametersV = new Vector<SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter>();
AsynchClientTask task1 = new AsynchClientTask("validating", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_NONSWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
if (actionEvent.getSource() == getJMenuItemPaste() || actionEvent.getSource() == getJMenuItemPasteAll()) {
Object pasteThis = VCellTransferable.getFromClipboard(VCellTransferable.OBJECT_FLAVOR);
MathSymbolMapping msm = null;
Exception mathMappingException = null;
try {
MathMapping mm = null;
mm = getSimulationContext().createNewMathMapping();
msm = mm.getMathSymbolMapping();
} catch (Exception e) {
mathMappingException = e;
int[] rows = null;
if (actionEvent.getSource() == getJMenuItemPasteAll()) {
rows = new int[getScrollPaneTable().getRowCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; i += 1) {
rows[i] = i;
} else {
rows = getScrollPaneTable().getSelectedRows();
// Check paste
StringBuffer errors = null;
for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; i += 1) {
SpeciesContextSpec scs = tableModel.getValueAt(rows[i]);
try {
if (pasteThis instanceof VCellTransferable.ResolvedValuesSelection) {
VCellTransferable.ResolvedValuesSelection rvs = (VCellTransferable.ResolvedValuesSelection) pasteThis;
for (int j = 0; j < rvs.getPrimarySymbolTableEntries().length; j += 1) {
SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter pasteDestination = null;
SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter clipboardBiologicalParameter = null;
if (rvs.getPrimarySymbolTableEntries()[j] instanceof SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter) {
clipboardBiologicalParameter = (SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter) rvs.getPrimarySymbolTableEntries()[j];
} else if (rvs.getAlternateSymbolTableEntries() != null && rvs.getAlternateSymbolTableEntries()[j] instanceof SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter) {
clipboardBiologicalParameter = (SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter) rvs.getAlternateSymbolTableEntries()[j];
if (clipboardBiologicalParameter == null) {
Variable pastedMathVariable = null;
if (rvs.getPrimarySymbolTableEntries()[j] instanceof Variable) {
pastedMathVariable = (Variable) rvs.getPrimarySymbolTableEntries()[j];
} else if (rvs.getAlternateSymbolTableEntries() != null && rvs.getAlternateSymbolTableEntries()[j] instanceof Variable) {
pastedMathVariable = (Variable) rvs.getAlternateSymbolTableEntries()[j];
if (pastedMathVariable != null) {
if (msm == null) {
throw mathMappingException;
Variable localMathVariable = msm.findVariableByName(pastedMathVariable.getName());
if (localMathVariable == null) {
// try if localMathVariable is a speciesContext init parameter
String initSuffix = DiffEquMathMapping.MATH_FUNC_SUFFIX_SPECIES_INIT_CONC_UNIT_PREFIX + TokenMangler.fixTokenStrict(scs.getInitialConcentrationParameter().getUnitDefinition().getSymbol());
localMathVariable = msm.findVariableByName(pastedMathVariable.getName() + initSuffix);
if (localMathVariable != null) {
SymbolTableEntry[] localBiologicalSymbolArr = msm.getBiologicalSymbol(localMathVariable);
for (int k = 0; k < localBiologicalSymbolArr.length; k += 1) {
if (localBiologicalSymbolArr[k] instanceof SpeciesContext && scs.getSpeciesContext() == localBiologicalSymbolArr[k]) {
// need to change
pasteDestination = scs.getInitialConditionParameter();
} else if (localBiologicalSymbolArr[k] instanceof SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter) {
for (int l = 0; l < scs.getParameters().length; l += 1) {
if (scs.getParameters()[l] == localBiologicalSymbolArr[k]) {
pasteDestination = (SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter) localBiologicalSymbolArr[k];
if (pasteDestination != null) {
} else {
for (int k = 0; k < scs.getParameters().length; k += 1) {
SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter scsp = (SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter) scs.getParameters()[k];
if (scsp.getRole() == clipboardBiologicalParameter.getRole() && scs.getSpeciesContext().compareEqual(((SpeciesContextSpec) clipboardBiologicalParameter.getNameScope().getScopedSymbolTable()).getSpeciesContext())) {
pasteDestination = (SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter) scsp;
if (pasteDestination != null) {
pasteDescriptionsV.add(VCellCopyPasteHelper.formatPasteList(scs.getSpeciesContext().getName(), pasteDestination.getName(), pasteDestination.getExpression().infix(), rvs.getExpressionValues()[j].infix()));
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (errors == null) {
errors = new StringBuffer();
errors.append(scs.getSpeciesContext().getName() + " (" + e.getClass().getName() + ") " + e.getMessage() + "\n\n");
if (errors != null) {
throw new Exception(errors.toString());
AsynchClientTask task2 = new AsynchClientTask("pasting", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_SWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
// Do paste
if (pasteDescriptionsV.size() > 0) {
String[] pasteDescriptionArr = new String[pasteDescriptionsV.size()];
SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter[] changedParametersArr = new SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter[changedParametersV.size()];
Expression[] newExpressionsArr = new Expression[newExpressionsV.size()];
VCellCopyPasteHelper.chooseApplyPaste(InitialConditionsPanel.this, pasteDescriptionArr, changedParametersArr, newExpressionsArr);
} else {
PopupGenerator.showInfoDialog(InitialConditionsPanel.this, "No paste items match the destination (no changes made).");
ClientTaskDispatcher.dispatch(this, new Hashtable<String, Object>(), new AsynchClientTask[] { task1, task2 });
use of cbit.vcell.math.Variable in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class FastSystemAnalyzer method refreshInvarianceMatrix.
private void refreshInvarianceMatrix() throws MathException, ExpressionException {
// the invariance's are expressed in matrix form
// |a a a a a -1 0 0| |x1| |0|
// |a a a a a 0 -1 0| * |x2| = |0|
// |a a a a a 0 0 -1| |x3| |0|
// |x4|
// |x5|
// |c1|
// |c2|
// |c3|
Variable[] vars = new Variable[fastVarList.size()];
int numVars = fastVarList.size();
int rows = fastSystem.getNumFastInvariants();
int cols = numVars + fastSystem.getNumFastInvariants();
RationalExpMatrix matrix = new RationalExpMatrix(rows, cols);
Enumeration<FastInvariant> fastInvariantsEnum = fastSystem.getFastInvariants();
for (int i = 0; i < rows && fastInvariantsEnum.hasMoreElements(); i++) {
FastInvariant fi = (FastInvariant) fastInvariantsEnum.nextElement();
Expression function = fi.getFunction();
for (int j = 0; j < numVars; j++) {
Variable var = (Variable) fastVarList.elementAt(j);
Expression exp = function.differentiate(var.getName());
exp = exp.flatten();
RationalExp coeffRationalExp = RationalExpUtils.getRationalExp(exp);
matrix.set_elem(i, j, coeffRationalExp);
matrix.set_elem(i, numVars + i, -1);
// Print
// gaussian elimination on the matrix give the following representation
// note that some column pivoting (variable re-ordering) is sometimes required to
// determine N-r dependent vars
// |10i0iccc|
// |01i0iccc| where (c)'s are the coefficients for constants of invariances
// |00i1iccc| (i)'s are the coefficients for dependent vars in terms of independent vars
// Print
if (rows > 0) {
try {
matrix.gaussianElimination(new RationalExpMatrix(rows, rows));
} catch (MatrixException e) {
throw new MathException(e.getMessage());
for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
System.out.print(vars[i].getName() + " ");
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
RationalExp rexp = matrix.get(i, j).simplify();
matrix.set_elem(i, j, rexp);
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
if (!matrix.get(i, i).isConstant() || matrix.get(i, i).getConstant().doubleValue() != 1) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < numVars; j++) {
if (matrix.get(i, j).isConstant() && matrix.get(i, j).getConstant().doubleValue() == 1.0) {
for (int ii = 0; ii < rows; ii++) {
RationalExp temp = matrix.get(ii, i);
matrix.set_elem(ii, i, matrix.get(ii, j));
matrix.set_elem(ii, j, temp);
Variable tempVar = vars[i];
vars[i] = vars[j];
vars[j] = tempVar;
// Print
for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
System.out.print(vars[i].getName() + " ");
// separate into dependent and indepent variables, and chop off identity matrix (left N-r columns)
// T |iiccc| T
// [x1 x2 x4] = -1 * |iiccc| * [x3 x5 c1 c2 c3]
// |iiccc|
int numInvariants = fastSystem.getNumFastInvariants();
for (int i = 0; i < numInvariants; i++) {
for (int i = numInvariants; i < vars.length; i++) {
int new_cols = independentVarList.size() + numInvariants;
dependencyMatrix = new RationalExpMatrix(rows, new_cols);
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < new_cols; j++) {
RationalExp rexp = matrix.get(i, j + dependentVarList.size()).simplify().minus();
dependencyMatrix.set_elem(i, j, rexp);
// Print
System.out.println("\n\nDEPENDENCY MATRIX");;
System.out.print("dependent vars: ");
for (int i = 0; i < dependentVarList.size(); i++) {
System.out.print(((Variable) dependentVarList.elementAt(i)).getName() + " ");
System.out.print("independent vars: ");
for (int i = 0; i < independentVarList.size(); i++) {
System.out.print(((Variable) independentVarList.elementAt(i)).getName() + " ");
use of cbit.vcell.math.Variable in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class FastSystemAnalyzer method refreshSubstitutedRateExps.
private void refreshSubstitutedRateExps() throws MathException, ExpressionException {
// refresh PseudoConstants (temp constants involved with fastInvariants)
Enumeration<FastInvariant> enum_fi = fastSystem.getFastInvariants();
while (enum_fi.hasMoreElements()) {
FastInvariant fi = enum_fi.nextElement();
PseudoConstant pc = new PseudoConstant(getAvailablePseudoConstantName(), fi.getFunction(), MathMapping_4_8.nullDomain);
// System.out.println("FastSystem.refreshSubstitutedRateExps() __C"+i+" = "+fi.getFunction());
// build expressions for dependent variables in terms of independent vars
// and pseudoConstants
for (int row = 0; row < dependentVarList.size(); row++) {
Expression exp = new Expression("0.0;");
for (int col = 0; col < independentVarList.size(); col++) {
Variable indepVar = (Variable) independentVarList.elementAt(col);
RationalExp coefExp = dependencyMatrix.get(row, col).simplify();
if (!coefExp.isZero()) {
exp = Expression.add(exp, new Expression(coefExp.infixString() + "*" + indepVar.getName()));
for (int col = independentVarList.size(); col < dependencyMatrix.getNumCols(); col++) {
PseudoConstant pc = (PseudoConstant) pseudoConstantList.elementAt(col - independentVarList.size());
RationalExp coefExp = dependencyMatrix.get(row, col);
if (!coefExp.isZero()) {
exp = Expression.add(exp, new Expression(coefExp.infixString() + "*" + pc.getName()));
exp = exp.flatten();
// System.out.println("FastSystem.refreshSubstitutedRateExps() "+((Variable)dependentVarList.elementAt(row)).getName()+" = "+exp.toString()+";");
// flatten functions, then substitute expressions for dependent vars into rate expressions
// VariableSymbolTable combinedSymbolTable = getCombinedSymbolTable();
Enumeration<FastRate> enum_fr = fastSystem.getFastRates();
while (enum_fr.hasMoreElements()) {
FastRate fr = enum_fr.nextElement();
Expression exp = new Expression(MathUtilities.substituteFunctions(new Expression(fr.getFunction()), this));
// System.out.println("FastSystem.refreshSubstitutedRateExps() fast rate before substitution = "+exp.toString());
for (int j = 0; j < dependentVarList.size(); j++) {
Variable depVar = (Variable) dependentVarList.elementAt(j);
Expression subExp = new Expression((Expression) dependencyExpList.elementAt(j));
exp.substituteInPlace(new Expression(depVar.getName()), subExp);
exp = exp.flatten();
// System.out.println("FastSystem.refreshSubstitutedRateExps() fast rate after substitution = "+exp.toString());
use of cbit.vcell.math.Variable in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class FastSystemAnalyzer method refreshFastVarList.
* @return java.util.Vector
private void refreshFastVarList() throws MathException, ExpressionException {
// get list of unique (VolVariables and MemVariables) in fastRate expressions
Enumeration<FastRate> fastRatesEnum = fastSystem.getFastRates();
while (fastRatesEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
FastRate fr = fastRatesEnum.nextElement();
Expression exp = fr.getFunction();
Enumeration<Variable> enum1 = MathUtilities.getRequiredVariables(exp, this);
while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
Variable var = enum1.nextElement();
if (var instanceof VolVariable || var instanceof MemVariable) {
if (!fastVarList.contains(var)) {
// System.out.println("FastSystemImplicit.refreshFastVarList(), FAST RATE VARIABLE: "+var.getName());
// get list of all variables used in invariant expressions that are not used in fast rates
Enumeration<FastInvariant> fastInvariantsEnum = fastSystem.getFastInvariants();
while (fastInvariantsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
FastInvariant fi = (FastInvariant) fastInvariantsEnum.nextElement();
Expression exp = fi.getFunction();
// System.out.println("FastSystemImplicit.refreshFastVarList(), ORIGINAL FAST INVARIANT: "+exp);
Enumeration<Variable> enum1 = MathUtilities.getRequiredVariables(exp, this);
while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
Variable var = enum1.nextElement();
if (var instanceof VolVariable || var instanceof MemVariable) {
if (!fastVarList.contains(var)) {
// verify that there are N equations (rates+invariants) and N unknowns (fastVariables)
int numBoundFunctions = fastSystem.getNumFastInvariants() + fastSystem.getNumFastRates();
if (fastVarList.size() != numBoundFunctions) {
throw new MathException("FastSystem.checkDimension(), there are " + fastVarList.size() + " variables and " + numBoundFunctions + " FastInvariant's & FastRates");
use of cbit.vcell.math.Variable in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class MathMapping_4_8 method getResolvedVolVariable.
* Find the defined variable (VolVariable) for the resolved compartments.
* This method is used to assure only one variable is created.
* @return cbit.vcell.math.VolVariable
* @param species cbit.vcell.model.Species
private VolVariable getResolvedVolVariable(Species species) {
Enumeration<SpeciesContextMapping> enum1 = getSpeciesContextMappings();
while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
SpeciesContextMapping scm = enum1.nextElement();
if (scm.getSpeciesContext().getSpecies() == species) {
Variable var = scm.getVariable();
if (var instanceof VolVariable) {
Structure structure = scm.getSpeciesContext().getStructure();
StructureMapping sm = simContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(structure);
if (structure instanceof Feature && getResolved(sm)) {
return (VolVariable) var;
return new VolVariable(TokenMangler.fixTokenStrict(species.getCommonName()), nullDomain);