use of cbit.vcell.math.Variable in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SimulationData method getVarAndFunctionDataIdentifiers.
* This method was created in VisualAge.
* @return java.lang.String[]
public synchronized DataIdentifier[] getVarAndFunctionDataIdentifiers(OutputContext outputContext) throws IOException, DataAccessException {
// Is this zip format?
boolean bIsChombo = false;
try {
bIsChombo = isChombo();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
File zipFile1 = getZipFile(bIsChombo, null);
File zipFile2 = getZipFile(bIsChombo, 0);
bZipFormat1 = false;
bZipFormat2 = false;
if (zipFile1.exists()) {
bZipFormat1 = true;
} else if (zipFile2.exists()) {
bZipFormat2 = true;
if (!isComsol()) {
try {
} catch (MathException e) {
throw new DataAccessException(e.getMessage());
if (!isRulesData && !getIsODEData() && !isComsol() && dataFilenames != null) {
// read variables only when I have never read the file since variables don't change
if (dataSetIdentifierList.size() == 0) {
File file = getPDEDataFile(0.0);
DataSet dataSet = getPDEDataSet(file, 0.0);
String[] varNames = dataSet.getDataNames();
int[] varTypeInts = dataSet.getVariableTypeIntegers();
if (varNames == null) {
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < varNames.length; i++) {
VariableType varType = null;
try {
varType = VariableType.getVariableTypeFromInteger(varTypeInts[i]);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
if (LG.isEnabledFor(Level.WARN)) {
LG.warn("Exception typing " + varNames[i] + " has unsupported type " + varTypeInts[i] + ": " + e.getMessage());
varType = SimulationData.getVariableTypeFromLength(mesh, dataSet.getDataLength(varNames[i]));
Domain domain = Variable.getDomainFromCombinedIdentifier(varNames[i]);
String varName = Variable.getNameFromCombinedIdentifier(varNames[i]);
dataSetIdentifierList.addElement(new DataSetIdentifier(varName, varType, domain));
if (dataProcessingOutputInfo != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < dataProcessingOutputInfo.getVariableNames().length; i++) {
if (dataProcessingOutputInfo.getPostProcessDataType(dataProcessingOutputInfo.getVariableNames()[i]).equals(DataProcessingOutputInfo.PostProcessDataType.image)) {
dataSetIdentifierList.addElement(new DataSetIdentifier(dataProcessingOutputInfo.getVariableNames()[i], VariableType.POSTPROCESSING, null));
// always read functions file since functions might change
if ((isRulesData || getIsODEData()) && dataSetIdentifierList.size() == 0) {
ODEDataBlock odeDataBlock = getODEDataBlock();
if (odeDataBlock == null) {
throw new DataAccessException("Results are not availabe yet. Please try again later.");
ODESimData odeSimData = odeDataBlock.getODESimData();
int colCount = odeSimData.getColumnDescriptionsCount();
// assume index=0 is time "t"
int DATA_OFFSET = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < (colCount - DATA_OFFSET); i++) {
String varName = odeSimData.getColumnDescriptions(i + DATA_OFFSET).getDisplayName();
// TODO domain
Domain domain = null;
dataSetIdentifierList.addElement(new DataSetIdentifier(varName, VariableType.NONSPATIAL, domain));
if (isComsol() && dataSetIdentifierList.size() == 0) {
ComsolSimFiles comsolSimFiles = getComsolSimFiles();
if (comsolSimFiles.simTaskXMLFile != null) {
try {
String xmlString = FileUtils.readFileToString(comsolSimFiles.simTaskXMLFile);
SimulationTask simTask = XmlHelper.XMLToSimTask(xmlString);
Enumeration<Variable> variablesEnum = simTask.getSimulation().getMathDescription().getVariables();
while (variablesEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
Variable var = variablesEnum.nextElement();
if (var instanceof VolVariable) {
dataSetIdentifierList.addElement(new DataSetIdentifier(var.getName(), VariableType.VOLUME, var.getDomain()));
} else if (var instanceof MemVariable) {
dataSetIdentifierList.addElement(new DataSetIdentifier(var.getName(), VariableType.MEMBRANE, var.getDomain()));
} else if (var instanceof Function) {
VariableType varType = VariableType.UNKNOWN;
if (var.getDomain() != null && var.getDomain().getName() != null) {
SubDomain subDomain = simTask.getSimulation().getMathDescription().getSubDomain(var.getDomain().getName());
if (subDomain instanceof CompartmentSubDomain) {
varType = VariableType.VOLUME;
} else if (subDomain instanceof MembraneSubDomain) {
varType = VariableType.MEMBRANE;
} else if (subDomain instanceof FilamentSubDomain) {
throw new RuntimeException("filament subdomains not supported");
} else if (subDomain instanceof PointSubDomain) {
varType = VariableType.POINT_VARIABLE;
dataSetIdentifierList.addElement(new DataSetIdentifier(var.getName(), varType, var.getDomain()));
} else if (var instanceof Constant) {
System.out.println("ignoring Constant " + var.getName());
} else if (var instanceof InsideVariable) {
System.out.println("ignoring InsideVariable " + var.getName());
} else if (var instanceof OutsideVariable) {
System.out.println("ignoring OutsideVariable " + var.getName());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected variable " + var.getName() + " of type " + var.getClass().getName());
} catch (XmlParseException | ExpressionException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("failed to read sim task file, msg: " + e.getMessage(), e);
DataIdentifier[] dis = new DataIdentifier[dataSetIdentifierList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < dataSetIdentifierList.size(); i++) {
DataSetIdentifier dsi = (DataSetIdentifier) dataSetIdentifierList.elementAt(i);
String displayName = dsi.getName();
if (dsi.isFunction()) {
AnnotatedFunction f = null;
for (int j = 0; j < annotatedFunctionList.size(); j++) {
AnnotatedFunction function = (AnnotatedFunction) annotatedFunctionList.elementAt(j);
if (function.getName().equals(dsi.getName())) {
f = function;
if (f != null) {
displayName = f.getDisplayName();
dis[i] = new DataIdentifier(dsi.getName(), dsi.getVariableType(), dsi.getDomain(), dsi.isFunction(), displayName);
return dis;
use of cbit.vcell.math.Variable in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class OutputFunctionContext method getAutoCompleteSymbolFilter.
public AutoCompleteSymbolFilter getAutoCompleteSymbolFilter() {
AutoCompleteSymbolFilter stef = new AutoCompleteSymbolFilter() {
public boolean accept(SymbolTableEntry ste) {
MathDescription math = getSimulationOwner().getMathDescription();
Variable var = math.getVariable(ste.getName());
return (!(var instanceof InsideVariable || var instanceof OutsideVariable));
public boolean acceptFunction(String funcName) {
return true;
return stef;
use of cbit.vcell.math.Variable in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class OutputFunctionContext method getEntries.
// public abstract void validateNamingConflicts(String symbolDescription, Class<?> newSymbolClass, String newSymbolName, PropertyChangeEvent e) throws PropertyVetoException ;
public void getEntries(Map<String, SymbolTableEntry> entryMap) {
// add all valid entries (variables) from mathdescription
MathDescription mathDescription = simulationOwner.getMathDescription();
if (mathDescription != null) {
Enumeration<Variable> varEnum = mathDescription.getVariables();
while (varEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
Variable var = varEnum.nextElement();
if (!(var instanceof PseudoConstant) && !(var instanceof Constant)) {
entryMap.put(var.getName(), var);
for (DataGenerator dataGenerator : mathDescription.getPostProcessingBlock().getDataGeneratorList()) {
entryMap.put(dataGenerator.getName(), dataGenerator);
entryMap.put(ReservedVariable.TIME.getName(), ReservedVariable.TIME);
int dimension = mathDescription.getGeometry().getDimension();
if (dimension > 0) {
entryMap.put(ReservedVariable.X.getName(), ReservedVariable.X);
if (dimension > 1) {
entryMap.put(ReservedVariable.Y.getName(), ReservedVariable.Y);
if (dimension > 2) {
entryMap.put(ReservedVariable.Z.getName(), ReservedVariable.Z);
// then add list of output functions.
for (SymbolTableEntry ste : outputFunctionsList) {
entryMap.put(ste.getName(), ste);
use of cbit.vcell.math.Variable in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class OutputFunctionContext method getAutoCompleteSymbolFilter.
public AutoCompleteSymbolFilter getAutoCompleteSymbolFilter(final Domain functionDomain) {
AutoCompleteSymbolFilter stef = new AutoCompleteSymbolFilter() {
public boolean accept(SymbolTableEntry ste) {
if (simulationOwner.getGeometry().getDimension() > 0) {
if (functionDomain == null) {
return true;
if (ste.getName().endsWith(InsideVariable.INSIDE_VARIABLE_SUFFIX) || ste.getName().endsWith(OutsideVariable.OUTSIDE_VARIABLE_SUFFIX)) {
return false;
if (ste instanceof ReservedVariable) {
return true;
if (ste instanceof AnnotatedFunction) {
return functionDomain.compareEqual(((AnnotatedFunction) ste).getDomain());
if (ste instanceof Variable) {
Variable var = (Variable) ste;
if (var.getDomain() == null) {
return true;
GeometryClass gc = simulationOwner.getGeometry().getGeometryClass(functionDomain.getName());
GeometryClass vargc = simulationOwner.getGeometry().getGeometryClass(var.getDomain().getName());
if (gc instanceof SurfaceClass && vargc instanceof SubVolume) {
if (((SurfaceClass) gc).isAdjacentTo((SubVolume) vargc)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return var.getDomain().compareEqual(functionDomain);
return true;
public boolean acceptFunction(String funcName) {
return true;
return stef;
use of cbit.vcell.math.Variable in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class OutputFunctionContext method computeFunctionTypeWRTExpression.
// check if the new expression is valid for outputFunction of functionType
public VariableType computeFunctionTypeWRTExpression(AnnotatedFunction outputFunction, Expression exp) throws ExpressionException, InconsistentDomainException {
MathDescription mathDescription = getSimulationOwner().getMathDescription();
boolean bSpatial = getSimulationOwner().getGeometry().getDimension() > 0;
if (!bSpatial) {
return VariableType.NONSPATIAL;
Expression newexp = new Expression(exp);
// making sure that output function is not direct function of constant.
// here use math description as symbol table because we allow
// new expression itself to be function of constant.
newexp = MathUtilities.substituteFunctions(newexp, this).flatten();
String[] symbols = newexp.getSymbols();
VariableType functionType = outputFunction.getFunctionType();
String funcName = outputFunction.getName();
Domain funcDomain = outputFunction.getDomain();
VariableType[] varTypes = null;
if (symbols != null && symbols.length > 0) {
// making sure that new expression is defined in the same domain
varTypes = new VariableType[symbols.length];
for (int i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {
if (ReservedMathSymbolEntries.getReservedVariableEntry(symbols[i]) != null) {
varTypes[i] = functionType;
} else {
Variable var = mathDescription.getVariable(symbols[i]);
if (var == null) {
var = mathDescription.getPostProcessingBlock().getDataGenerator(symbols[i]);
varTypes[i] = VariableType.getVariableType(var);
if (funcDomain != null) {
if (var.getDomain() == null) {
// OK
GeometryClass funcGeoClass = simulationOwner.getGeometry().getGeometryClass(funcDomain.getName());
GeometryClass varGeoClass = simulationOwner.getGeometry().getGeometryClass(var.getDomain().getName());
if (varGeoClass instanceof SubVolume && funcGeoClass instanceof SurfaceClass) {
// seems ok if membrane refereces volume
if (!((SurfaceClass) funcGeoClass).isAdjacentTo((SubVolume) varGeoClass)) {
// but has to be adjacent
String errMsg = "'" + funcName + "' defined on Membrane '" + funcDomain.getName() + "' directly or indirectly references " + " variable '" + symbols[i] + "' defined on Volume '" + var.getDomain().getName() + " which is not adjacent to Membrane '" + funcDomain.getName() + "'.";
throw new ExpressionException(errMsg);
} else if (!var.getDomain().compareEqual(funcDomain)) {
String errMsg = "'" + funcName + "' defined on '" + funcDomain.getName() + "' directly or indirectly references " + " variable '" + symbols[i] + "' defined on '" + var.getDomain().getName() + ".";
throw new ExpressionException(errMsg);
// if there are no variables (like built in function, vcRegionArea), check with flattened expression to find out the variable type of the new expression
VariableDomain functionVariableDomain = functionType.getVariableDomain();
Function flattenedFunction = new Function(funcName, newexp, funcDomain);
VariableType newVarType = SimulationSymbolTable.getFunctionVariableType(flattenedFunction, getSimulationOwner().getMathDescription(), symbols, varTypes, bSpatial);
if (!newVarType.getVariableDomain().equals(functionVariableDomain)) {
String errMsg = "The expression for '" + funcName + "' includes at least one " + newVarType.getVariableDomain().getName() + " variable. Please make sure that only " + functionVariableDomain.getName() + " variables are " + "referenced in " + functionVariableDomain.getName() + " output functions.";
throw new ExpressionException(errMsg);
return newVarType;