use of com.almuradev.toolbox.util.math.DoubleRange in project Almura by AlmuraDev.
the class CropBlockImpl method canUseBonemeal.
public boolean canUseBonemeal(final World world, final Random random, final BlockPos pos, final IBlockState state) {
if (!world.isRemote) {
if (!this.isMaxAge(state)) {
// Return TRUE always when in Dev mode!
if (SpongeImplHooks.isDeobfuscatedEnvironment()) {
return true;
// TODO Maybe best to move this into an interact listener and make this hook do nothing
final CropBlockStateDefinition definition = this.definition(state);
if (definition.fertilizer != null) {
final Fertilizer fertilizer = definition.fertilizer;
// TODO Pre-1.13, this is just a mess...maybe need a Deprecated "LazyItemState" that checks data
final DoubleRange chanceRange = fertilizer.getOrLoadChanceRangeForItem(new ItemStack(Items.DYE, 1, 15));
if (chanceRange != null) {
return RANDOM.nextDouble() <= (chanceRange.random(RANDOM) / 100);
return false;
use of com.almuradev.toolbox.util.math.DoubleRange in project Almura by AlmuraDev.
the class CropBlockImpl method advanceState.
private void advanceState(final World world, final BlockPos pos, final IBlockState state, final boolean fertilizer) {
final int age = this.getAge(state);
final CropBlockStateDefinition definition = this.state(age);
if (fertilizer) {
world.setBlockState(pos, this.withAge(age + 1), BlockUpdateFlag.UPDATE_CLIENTS);
final boolean isMaxAge = this.isMaxAge(state);
final boolean canRollback = definition.canRollback;
if (isMaxAge) {
// && !canRollback) { // Remove 3/22/2018 to prevent generated crops from rolling back.
boolean rollback = false;
// Crop soil isn't fertile? Don't grow and rollback if applicable
if (!this.isFertile(world, pos.down())) {
rollback = true;
// Check if its time to perform a growth tick
@Nullable final Growth growth = definition.growth;
if (!rollback && growth != null) {
final Biome biome = world.getBiome(pos);
// Temperature of biome isn't in required range? Don't grow and rollback if applicable
// TODO Should fertilizer be blocked from advancing a crop if out of temperature? Or should it be allowed
// TODO and punish the user afterwards (might be more amusing that way)
final DoubleRange temperatureRequiredRange = growth.getOrLoadTemperatureRequiredRangeForBiome(biome);
if (temperatureRequiredRange != null) {
float biomeTemperature = this.round(biome.getTemperature(pos), 2);
if (!temperatureRequiredRange.contains(biomeTemperature)) {
// Range Check
rollback = true;
if (biomeTemperature < temperatureRequiredRange.min()) {
// Check for additional heat source
if (hasAdditionalLightSource(world, pos, 1)) {
rollback = false;
// Light of biome isn't in required range? Don't grow and rollback if applicable
final DoubleRange light = growth.getOrLoadLightRangeForBiome(biome);
final boolean hasAdditionalLightSource = hasAdditionalLightSource(world, pos, 1);
// Skip this section if rollback is true because a Tempoerature fail should never be overridden by light.
if (!rollback && light != null && world.isAreaLoaded(pos, 1)) {
final int minLight = (int) light.min();
final int maxLight = (int) light.max();
final int lightLevel = world.getLightFromNeighbors(pos);
if (lightLevel < minLight || lightLevel > maxLight) {
rollback = !hasAdditionalLightSource;
if (canRollback && rollback) {
if (world.canSeeSky(pos) && !world.isDaytime()) {
// Prevent a crop from rolling back in the middle of the night if it can see sky.
rollback = false;
if (!rollback && !this.isMaxAge(state)) {
final DoubleRange biomeGrowthChance = growth.getOrLoadChanceRangeForBiome(biome);
if (biomeGrowthChance == null || biomeGrowthChance.max() == 0) {
final double randomValue = RANDOM.nextDouble();
double growthChance = (biomeGrowthChance.random(RANDOM) / 100);
if (hasAdditionalLightSource) {
// Double the rate of growth if the heat lamp is detected.
growthChance = growthChance * 2;
// Can we grow? Yes? Awesome!
if (randomValue <= growthChance && this.isGrowthEven(world, pos, age)) {
// If growth will be even, grow
world.setBlockState(pos, this.withAge(age + 1), BlockUpdateFlag.UPDATE_CLIENTS);
if (ForgeHooks.onCropsGrowPre(world, pos, state, true)) {
// If growth will be even, grow
world.setBlockState(pos, this.withAge(age + 1), BlockUpdateFlag.UPDATE_CLIENTS);
if (!world.isRemote) {
world.playEvent(2005, pos, 0);
ForgeHooks.onCropsGrowPost(world, pos, state, null);
if (canRollback && rollback) {
if (!world.isRemote) {
// Smoke
world.playEvent(2000, pos, 10);
if (age > 0) {
world.setBlockState(pos, this.withAge(age - 1), BlockUpdateFlag.UPDATE_CLIENTS);
} else {
// They let the crop continue to roll back? Tough, they just lost it
// TODO Dockter, do you want to show a generic "dead crop block"
world.setBlockState(pos, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), BlockUpdateFlag.UPDATE_CLIENTS);
use of com.almuradev.toolbox.util.math.DoubleRange in project Almura by AlmuraDev.
the class LeafBlockImpl method updateSpreadTick.
private void updateSpreadTick(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, Random rand) {
if (worldIn.isRemote) {
final IBlockState actualBlock = worldIn.getBlockState(pos);
final Spread spread = this.definition.spread;
if (spread == null) {
if (actualBlock.getBlock() != this) {
final Biome biome = worldIn.getBiome(pos);
final DoubleRange chanceRoll = spread.getOrLoadChanceRangeForBiome(biome);
if (chanceRoll == null) {
if (!(rand.nextDouble() <= (chanceRoll.random(rand) / 100))) {
for (final EnumFacing facing : EnumFacing.values()) {
final BlockPos offset = pos.offset(facing);
final IBlockState offsetBlock = worldIn.getBlockState(offset);
if (offsetBlock.getBlock() == Blocks.AIR) {
worldIn.setBlockState(offset, spread.getBlock().get());
worldIn.playEvent(2005, pos, 0);
use of com.almuradev.toolbox.util.math.DoubleRange in project Almura by AlmuraDev.
the class LeafBlockImpl method updateTick.
public void updateTick(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, Random rand) {
if (!worldIn.isRemote) {
if (((Boolean) state.getValue(CHECK_DECAY)).booleanValue() && ((Boolean) state.getValue(DECAYABLE)).booleanValue()) {
int i = 4;
int j = 5;
int k = pos.getX();
int l = pos.getY();
int i1 = pos.getZ();
int j1 = 32;
int k1 = 1024;
int l1 = 16;
if (((BlockLeavesAccessor) (Object) this).accessor$getSurroundings() == null) {
((BlockLeavesAccessor) (Object) this).accessor$setSurroundings(new int[32768]);
final int[] surroundings = ((BlockLeavesAccessor) (Object) this).accessor$getSurroundings();
// Forge: prevent decaying leaves from updating neighbors and loading unloaded chunks
if (!worldIn.isAreaLoaded(pos, 1))
if (// Forge: extend range from 5 to 6 to account for neighbor checks in world.markAndNotifyBlock -> world.updateObservingBlocksAt
worldIn.isAreaLoaded(pos, 6)) {
BlockPos.MutableBlockPos blockpos$mutableblockpos = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos();
for (int i2 = -4; i2 <= 4; ++i2) {
for (int j2 = -4; j2 <= 4; ++j2) {
for (int k2 = -4; k2 <= 4; ++k2) {
IBlockState iblockstate = worldIn.getBlockState(blockpos$mutableblockpos.setPos(k + i2, l + j2, i1 + k2));
Block block = iblockstate.getBlock();
// Almura Start - Ask the leaf for a block that can keep it from decaying. Allow Vanilla logs to have first say
boolean preventDecay = block.canSustainLeaves(iblockstate, worldIn, blockpos$mutableblockpos.setPos(k + i2, l + j2, i1 + k2));
if (!preventDecay) {
final PreventDecay pDecay = this.definition.preventDecay;
if (pDecay != null) {
final DoubleRange chanceRoll = pDecay.getOrLoadChanceRangeForBiome(worldIn.getBiome(blockpos$mutableblockpos));
if (chanceRoll != null) {
if ((rand.nextDouble() >= (chanceRoll.random(rand) / 100))) {
// if (pDecay.getBlock().partialTest(iblockstate)) {
// preventDecay = true;
// }
if (!preventDecay) {
// Almura End
if (block.isLeaves(iblockstate, worldIn, blockpos$mutableblockpos.setPos(k + i2, l + j2, i1 + k2))) {
surroundings[(i2 + 16) * 1024 + (j2 + 16) * 32 + k2 + 16] = -2;
} else {
surroundings[(i2 + 16) * 1024 + (j2 + 16) * 32 + k2 + 16] = -1;
} else {
surroundings[(i2 + 16) * 1024 + (j2 + 16) * 32 + k2 + 16] = 0;
for (int i3 = 1; i3 <= 4; ++i3) {
for (int j3 = -4; j3 <= 4; ++j3) {
for (int k3 = -4; k3 <= 4; ++k3) {
for (int l3 = -4; l3 <= 4; ++l3) {
if (surroundings[(j3 + 16) * 1024 + (k3 + 16) * 32 + l3 + 16] == i3 - 1) {
if (surroundings[(j3 + 16 - 1) * 1024 + (k3 + 16) * 32 + l3 + 16] == -2) {
surroundings[(j3 + 16 - 1) * 1024 + (k3 + 16) * 32 + l3 + 16] = i3;
if (surroundings[(j3 + 16 + 1) * 1024 + (k3 + 16) * 32 + l3 + 16] == -2) {
surroundings[(j3 + 16 + 1) * 1024 + (k3 + 16) * 32 + l3 + 16] = i3;
if (surroundings[(j3 + 16) * 1024 + (k3 + 16 - 1) * 32 + l3 + 16] == -2) {
surroundings[(j3 + 16) * 1024 + (k3 + 16 - 1) * 32 + l3 + 16] = i3;
if (surroundings[(j3 + 16) * 1024 + (k3 + 16 + 1) * 32 + l3 + 16] == -2) {
surroundings[(j3 + 16) * 1024 + (k3 + 16 + 1) * 32 + l3 + 16] = i3;
if (surroundings[(j3 + 16) * 1024 + (k3 + 16) * 32 + (l3 + 16 - 1)] == -2) {
surroundings[(j3 + 16) * 1024 + (k3 + 16) * 32 + (l3 + 16 - 1)] = i3;
if (surroundings[(j3 + 16) * 1024 + (k3 + 16) * 32 + l3 + 16 + 1] == -2) {
surroundings[(j3 + 16) * 1024 + (k3 + 16) * 32 + l3 + 16 + 1] = i3;
int l2 = surroundings[16912];
if (l2 >= 0) {
worldIn.setBlockState(pos, state.withProperty(CHECK_DECAY, Boolean.valueOf(false)), 4);
} else {
((BlockLeavesAccessor) (Object) this).invoker$destroy(worldIn, pos);
this.updateSpreadTick(worldIn, pos, state, rand);
use of com.almuradev.toolbox.util.math.DoubleRange in project Almura by AlmuraDev.
the class PreventDecay method getOrLoadChanceRangeForBiome.
public DoubleRange getOrLoadChanceRangeForBiome(final Biome biome) {
@Nullable DoubleRange found = this.biomeChanceRanges.get(biome);
if (found == null) {
for (final Map.Entry<FunctionPredicate<Biome, ResourceLocation>, DoubleRange> entry : this.biomeChancePredicates.entrySet()) {
final FunctionPredicate<Biome, ResourceLocation> predicate = entry.getKey();
if (predicate.test(biome)) {
final DoubleRange range = entry.getValue();
this.biomeChanceRanges.put(biome, range);
found = range;
if (found == null && this.globalChanceRange != null) {
this.biomeChanceRanges.put(biome, this.globalChanceRange);
found = this.globalChanceRange;
return found;