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the class InstrumentationTestRunner method getDevice.
private IDevice getDevice(String serial) throws InterruptedException {
AndroidDebugBridge adb = createAdb();
if (adb == null) {
System.err.println("Unable to set up adb.");
IDevice[] allDevices = adb.getDevices();
for (IDevice device : allDevices) {
if (device.getSerialNumber().equals(serial)) {
return device;
return null;
use of in project buck by facebook.
the class AdbHelperTest method createAdbHelper.
private AdbHelper createAdbHelper(ExecutionContext executionContext, AdbOptions adbOptions, TargetDeviceOptions targetDeviceOptions) throws CmdLineException {
Console console = new TestConsole();
BuckEventBus eventBus = BuckEventBusFactory.newInstance();
return new AdbHelper(adbOptions, targetDeviceOptions, executionContext, console, eventBus, true) {
protected boolean isDeviceTempWritable(IDevice device, String name) {
return true;
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the class AdbHelperTest method testDeviceFilterMultipleDevices.
* Verify that multi-install is not enabled and multiple devices
* pass the filter null is returned. Also verify that if multiple
* devices are passing the filter and multi-install mode is enabled
* they all appear in resulting list.
public void testDeviceFilterMultipleDevices() throws CmdLineException {
IDevice[] devices = new IDevice[] { createEmulator("1", IDevice.DeviceState.ONLINE), createEmulator("2", IDevice.DeviceState.ONLINE), createRealDevice("4", IDevice.DeviceState.ONLINE), createRealDevice("5", IDevice.DeviceState.ONLINE) };
List<IDevice> filteredDevicesNoMultiInstall = basicAdbHelper.filterDevices(devices);
assertEquals(devices.length, filteredDevicesNoMultiInstall.size());
AdbHelper myAdbHelper = createAdbHelper(new AdbOptions(0, true), new TargetDeviceOptions());
List<IDevice> filteredDevices = myAdbHelper.filterDevices(devices);
assertEquals(devices.length, filteredDevices.size());
use of in project buck by facebook.
the class AdbHelperTest method testEmulatorAddsGenymotionDevices.
public void testEmulatorAddsGenymotionDevices() throws Throwable {
AdbHelper adbHelper = createAdbHelper(new AdbOptions(), new TargetDeviceOptions(true, false, Optional.empty()));
IDevice[] devices = new IDevice[] { TestDevice.createRealDevice("foobarblahblah"), TestDevice.createRealDevice("") };
List<IDevice> filtered = adbHelper.filterDevices(devices);
assertEquals(1, filtered.size());
assertEquals("", filtered.get(0).getSerialNumber());
use of in project buck by facebook.
the class AdbHelperTest method testQuietDeviceInstall.
public void testQuietDeviceInstall() throws InterruptedException {
final File apk = new File("/some/file.apk");
final AtomicReference<String> apkPath = new AtomicReference<>();
TestDevice device = new TestDevice() {
public void installPackage(String s, boolean b, String... strings) throws InstallException {
final List<IDevice> deviceList = Lists.newArrayList((IDevice) device);
TestConsole console = new TestConsole();
BuckEventBus eventBus = BuckEventBusFactory.newInstance();
AdbHelper adbHelper = new AdbHelper(new AdbOptions(), new TargetDeviceOptions(), TestExecutionContext.newInstance(), console, eventBus, true) {
protected boolean isDeviceTempWritable(IDevice device, String name) {
return true;
public List<IDevice> getDevices(boolean quiet) {
return deviceList;
boolean success = adbHelper.adbCall(new AdbHelper.AdbCallable() {
public boolean call(IDevice device) throws Exception {
return basicAdbHelper.installApkOnDevice(device, apk, false, true);
public String toString() {
return "install apk";
}, true);
assertEquals(apk.getAbsolutePath(), apkPath.get());
assertEquals("", console.getTextWrittenToStdOut());
assertEquals("", console.getTextWrittenToStdErr());