use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class BunchedMapTest method insertSingleKey.
public void insertSingleKey() {
List<Tuple> testTuples = Stream.of(1066L, 1776L, 1415L, 800L).map(Tuple::from).collect(Collectors.toList());
Tuple value = Tuple.from(1415L); -> {
Tuple minSoFar = null;
for (int i = 0; i < testTuples.size(); i++) {
Tuple key = testTuples.get(i);
minSoFar = (minSoFar == null || key.compareTo(minSoFar) < 0) ? key : minSoFar;
map.put(tr, bmSubspace, key, value).join();
for (int j = 0; j < testTuples.size(); j++) {
assertEquals(j <= i, map.containsKey(tr, bmSubspace, testTuples.get(j)).join());
List<KeyValue> rangeKVs = tr.getRange(bmSubspace.range()).asList().join();
assertEquals(1, rangeKVs.size());
assertArrayEquals(bmSubspace.pack(minSoFar), rangeKVs.get(0).getKey());
List<Map.Entry<Tuple, Tuple>> entryList = testTuples.subList(0, i + 1).stream().sorted().map(t -> new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(t, value)).collect(Collectors.toList());
assertArrayEquals(serializer.serializeEntries(entryList), rangeKVs.get(0).getValue());
return null;
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class VersionFromTimestamp method versionFromTimestamp.
private static CompletableFuture<Long> versionFromTimestamp(@Nonnull ReadTransaction tr, @Nonnull Instant timestamp, boolean start) {
final byte[] dateKey = ByteArrayUtil.join(SystemKeyspace.TIMEKEEPER_KEY_PREFIX, Tuple.from(timestamp.getEpochSecond()).pack());
final KeySelector startKey;
final KeySelector endKey;
if (start) {
startKey = KeySelector.firstGreaterThan(SystemKeyspace.TIMEKEEPER_KEY_PREFIX);
endKey = KeySelector.firstGreaterThan(dateKey);
} else {
startKey = KeySelector.firstGreaterOrEqual(dateKey);
endKey = KeySelector.firstGreaterOrEqual(ByteArrayUtil.strinc(SystemKeyspace.TIMEKEEPER_KEY_PREFIX));
final AsyncIterator<KeyValue> range = tr.getRange(startKey, endKey, 1, start).iterator();
return range.onHasNext().thenApply(hasNext -> {
if (hasNext) {
return Tuple.fromBytes(;
} else if (start) {
return 0L;
} else {
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class BunchedMap method entryForKey.
private CompletableFuture<Optional<KeyValue>> entryForKey(@Nonnull Transaction tr, @Nonnull byte[] subspaceKey, @Nonnull K key) {
byte[] keyBytes = ByteArrayUtil.join(subspaceKey, serializer.serializeKey(key));
// result in additional elements being returned.
return instrumentRangeRead(tr.snapshot().getRange(KeySelector.lastLessOrEqual(keyBytes), KeySelector.firstGreaterThan(keyBytes), ReadTransaction.ROW_LIMIT_UNLIMITED, false, StreamingMode.WANT_ALL).asList()).thenApply(keyValues -> {
if (keyValues.isEmpty()) {
// There aren't any entries before this key in the database.
return Optional.empty();
} else {
// The last (and probably only) result of the range read should be
// the greatest key that is less than or equal to keyBytes.
KeyValue kv = keyValues.get(keyValues.size() - 1);
if (ByteArrayUtil.compareUnsigned(kv.getKey(), keyBytes) > 0) {
throw new BunchedMapException("signpost key found for key is greater than original key").addLogInfo(LogMessageKeys.SUBSPACE, ByteArrayUtil2.loggable(subspaceKey)).addLogInfo("key", ByteArrayUtil2.loggable(keyBytes)).addLogInfo("signpostKey", ByteArrayUtil2.loggable(kv.getKey()));
if (ByteArrayUtil.startsWith(kv.getKey(), subspaceKey)) {
// The candidate key is in the correct subspace, so this is the signpost key for the given key
return Optional.of(kv);
} else {
// vacuously the case if the map is empty).
return Optional.empty();
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class BunchedMap method compact.
* Compact the values within the map into as few keys as possible. This will scan through and re-write
* the keys to be optimal. This feature is experimental at the moment, but it should be used to better
* pack entries if needed.
* @param tcx database or transaction to use when compacting data
* @param subspace subspace within which the map's data are located
* @param keyLimit maximum number of database keys to read in a single transaction
* @param continuation the continuation returned from a previous call or <code>null</code>
* to start from the beginning of the subspace
* @return future that will complete with a continuation that can be used to complete
* the compaction across multiple transactions (<code>null</code> if finished)
protected CompletableFuture<byte[]> compact(@Nonnull TransactionContext tcx, @Nonnull Subspace subspace, int keyLimit, @Nullable byte[] continuation) {
return tcx.runAsync(tr -> {
byte[] subspaceKey = subspace.getKey();
byte[] begin = (continuation == null) ? subspaceKey : continuation;
byte[] end = subspace.range().end;
final AsyncIterable<KeyValue> iterable = tr.snapshot().getRange(begin, end, keyLimit);
List<Map.Entry<K, V>> currentEntryList = new ArrayList<>(bunchSize);
// The estimated size can be off (and will be off for many implementations of BunchedSerializer),
// but it is just a heuristic to know when to split, so that's fine (I claim).
AtomicInteger currentEntrySize = new AtomicInteger(0);
AtomicInteger readKeys = new AtomicInteger(0);
AtomicReference<byte[]> lastReadKeyBytes = new AtomicReference<>(null);
AtomicReference<K> lastKey = new AtomicReference<>(null);
return AsyncUtil.forEach(iterable, kv -> {
final K boundaryKey = serializer.deserializeKey(kv.getKey(), subspaceKey.length);
final List<Map.Entry<K, V>> entriesFromKey = serializer.deserializeEntries(boundaryKey, kv.getValue());
if (entriesFromKey.size() >= bunchSize && currentEntryList.isEmpty()) {
// Nothing can be done. Just move on.
if (lastReadKeyBytes.get() == null) {
final byte[] endKeyBytes = ByteArrayUtil.join(subspaceKey, serializer.serializeKey(entriesFromKey.get(entriesFromKey.size() - 1).getKey()), ZERO_ARRAY);
tr.addReadConflictRange(lastReadKeyBytes.get(), endKeyBytes);
tr.addWriteConflictRange(lastReadKeyBytes.get(), kv.getKey());
instrumentDelete(kv.getKey(), kv.getValue());
for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : entriesFromKey) {
byte[] serializedEntry = serializer.serializeEntry(entry);
if (currentEntrySize.get() + serializedEntry.length > MAX_VALUE_SIZE && !currentEntryList.isEmpty()) {
flushEntryList(tr, subspaceKey, currentEntryList, lastKey);
if (currentEntryList.size() == bunchSize) {
flushEntryList(tr, subspaceKey, currentEntryList, lastKey);
}, tr.getExecutor()).thenApply(vignore -> {
if (!currentEntryList.isEmpty()) {
flushEntryList(tr, subspaceKey, currentEntryList, lastKey);
// Return a valid continuation if there might be more keys
if (lastKey.get() != null && keyLimit != ReadTransaction.ROW_LIMIT_UNLIMITED && readKeys.get() == keyLimit) {
return ByteArrayUtil.join(subspaceKey, serializer.serializeKey(lastKey.get()), ZERO_ARRAY);
} else {
return null;
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class BunchedMap method put.
* Inserts or updates a key into a map with a new value. This will find an appropriate
* bunch to insert the key into (or create one if one doesn't exist or if all of the candidates
* are full). It will do work to make sure that the placement is locally optimal (that is, it
* will choose between the one or two bunches closest to the key when performing its bunching).
* It makes no attempt to fix suboptimal bunches elsewhere within the map. If the map already
* contains <code>key</code>, it will overwrite the existing key with the new value. This will
* return the old value if one is present.
* <p>
* Note that this method is <b>not</b> thread-safe if multiple threads call it with the same
* transaction and subspace. (Multiple calls with different transactions or subspaces are safe.)
* </p>
* <p>
* Note that this call is asynchronous. It will return a {@link CompletableFuture} that will be
* completed when this task has completed.
* </p>
* @param tcx database or transaction to use when performing the insertion
* @param subspace subspace within which the map's data are located
* @param key key of the map entry to insert
* @param value value of the map entry to insert
* @return a future that will complete with an optional that will either contain the previous value
* associated with the key or be empty if there was not a previous value
public CompletableFuture<Optional<V>> put(@Nonnull TransactionContext tcx, @Nonnull Subspace subspace, @Nonnull K key, @Nonnull V value) {
return tcx.runAsync(tr -> {
byte[] subspaceKey = subspace.pack();
byte[] keyBytes = ByteArrayUtil.join(subspaceKey, serializer.serializeKey(key));
// keys are added (within this transaction) to the RYW cache.
return instrumentRangeRead(tr.snapshot().getRange(KeySelector.lastLessOrEqual(keyBytes), KeySelector.firstGreaterThan(keyBytes).add(1), ReadTransaction.ROW_LIMIT_UNLIMITED, false, StreamingMode.WANT_ALL).asList()).thenApply(keyValues -> {
KeyValue kvBefore = null;
KeyValue kvAfter = null;
for (KeyValue next : keyValues) {
if (ByteArrayUtil.startsWith(next.getKey(), subspaceKey)) {
if (ByteArrayUtil.compareUnsigned(keyBytes, next.getKey()) < 0) {
kvAfter = next;
// no need to continue after kvAfter is set
if (ByteArrayUtil.compareUnsigned(next.getKey(), keyBytes) <= 0) {
kvBefore = next;
// picking the correct keys and values.
if (kvBefore != null && (ByteArrayUtil.compareUnsigned(keyBytes, kvBefore.getKey()) < 0 || !ByteArrayUtil.startsWith(kvBefore.getKey(), subspaceKey))) {
throw new BunchedMapException("database key before map key compared incorrectly").addLogInfo(LogMessageKeys.SUBSPACE, ByteArrayUtil2.loggable(subspaceKey)).addLogInfo("key", ByteArrayUtil2.loggable(keyBytes)).addLogInfo("kvBefore", ByteArrayUtil2.loggable(kvBefore.getKey()));
if (kvAfter != null && (ByteArrayUtil.compareUnsigned(keyBytes, kvAfter.getKey()) >= 0 || !ByteArrayUtil.startsWith(kvAfter.getKey(), subspaceKey))) {
throw new BunchedMapException("database key after map key compared incorrectly").addLogInfo(LogMessageKeys.SUBSPACE, ByteArrayUtil2.loggable(subspaceKey)).addLogInfo("key", ByteArrayUtil2.loggable(keyBytes)).addLogInfo("kvAfter", ByteArrayUtil2.loggable(kvAfter.getKey()));
Map.Entry<K, V> newEntry = new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(key, value);
return insertEntry(tr, subspaceKey, keyBytes, key, value, kvBefore, kvAfter, newEntry);