use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class FDBSelectorPlanTest method testTwoInnerPlansWithContinuation.
void testTwoInnerPlansWithContinuation() throws Throwable {
RecordQuery query1 = RecordQuery.newBuilder().setRecordType("MySimpleRecord").build();
RecordQuery query2 = RecordQuery.newBuilder().setRecordType("MySimpleRecord").setFilter(Query.field("num_value_2").equalsValue(1)).build();
// This will select plan 1 for the first execution and later some illegal value. The idea is that after the
// first iteration, the continuation should determine the selected plan and not the relative priorities
RecordQueryPlan planUnderTest = RecordQuerySelectorPlan.from(plan(query1, query2), mockSelector());
// Iteration 1, start with empty continuation
RecordCursorResult<FDBQueriedRecord<Message>> result = querySimpleRecordStoreWithContinuation(NO_HOOK, planUnderTest, EvaluationContext::empty, null, ExecuteProperties.newBuilder().setReturnedRowLimit(15).build(), count -> assertThat(count, is(15)), record -> assertThat(record.getNumValue2(), is(1)), context -> assertDiscardedAtMost(30, context));
assertThat(result.getNoNextReason(), is(RecordCursor.NoNextReason.RETURN_LIMIT_REACHED));
// Iteration 2, start with previous continuation
byte[] continuation = result.getContinuation().toBytes();
result = querySimpleRecordStoreWithContinuation(NO_HOOK, planUnderTest, EvaluationContext::empty, continuation, ExecuteProperties.newBuilder().setReturnedRowLimit(15).build(), count -> assertThat(count, is(15)), record -> assertThat(record.getNumValue2(), is(1)), context -> assertDiscardedAtMost(30, context));
assertThat(result.getNoNextReason(), is(RecordCursor.NoNextReason.RETURN_LIMIT_REACHED));
// Iteration 3, start with previous continuation, reach end
continuation = result.getContinuation().toBytes();
result = querySimpleRecordStoreWithContinuation(NO_HOOK, planUnderTest, EvaluationContext::empty, continuation, ExecuteProperties.newBuilder().setReturnedRowLimit(15).build(), count -> assertThat(count, is(3)), record -> assertThat(record.getNumValue2(), is(1)), context -> assertDiscardedAtMost(8, context));
assertThat(result.hasNext(), is(false));
assertThat(result.getNoNextReason(), is(RecordCursor.NoNextReason.SOURCE_EXHAUSTED));
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class IndexingBase method iterateRangeOnly.
* iterate cursor's items and index them.
* @param store the record store.
* @param cursor iteration items.
* @param getRecordToIndex function to convert cursor's item to a record that should be indexed (or null, if inapplicable)
* @param nextResultCont when return, if hasMore is true, holds the last cursored result - unprocessed - as a
* continuation item.
* @param hasMore when return, true if the cursor's source is not exhausted (not more items in range).
* @param recordsScanned when return, number of scanned records.
* @param isIdempotent are all the built indexes idempotent
* @param <T> cursor result's type.
* @return hasMore, nextResultCont, and recordsScanned.
protected <T> CompletableFuture<Void> iterateRangeOnly(@Nonnull FDBRecordStore store, @Nonnull RecordCursor<T> cursor, @Nonnull BiFunction<FDBRecordStore, RecordCursorResult<T>, CompletableFuture<FDBStoredRecord<Message>>> getRecordToIndex, @Nonnull AtomicReference<RecordCursorResult<T>> nextResultCont, @Nonnull AtomicBoolean hasMore, @Nullable AtomicLong recordsScanned, final boolean isIdempotent) {
final FDBStoreTimer timer = getRunner().getTimer();
final FDBRecordContext context = store.getContext();
// Need to do this each transaction because other index enabled state might have changed. Could cache based on that.
// Copying the state also guards against changes made by other online building from check version.
AtomicLong recordsScannedCounter = new AtomicLong();
final AtomicReference<RecordCursorResult<T>> nextResult = new AtomicReference<>(null);
return AsyncUtil.whileTrue(() -> cursor.onNext().thenCompose(result -> {
RecordCursorResult<T> currResult;
final boolean isExhausted;
if (result.hasNext()) {
// has next, process one previous item (if exists)
currResult = nextResult.get();
if (currResult == null) {
// that was the first item, nothing to process
return AsyncUtil.READY_TRUE;
isExhausted = false;
} else {
// end of the cursor list
timerIncrement(timer, FDBStoreTimer.Counts.ONLINE_INDEX_BUILDER_RANGES_BY_COUNT);
if (!result.getNoNextReason().isSourceExhausted()) {
return AsyncUtil.READY_FALSE;
// source is exhausted, fall down to handle the last item and return with hasMore=false
currResult = nextResult.get();
if (currResult == null) {
// there was no data
return AsyncUtil.READY_FALSE;
// here, process the last item and return
isExhausted = true;
// here: currResult must have value
timerIncrement(timer, FDBStoreTimer.Counts.ONLINE_INDEX_BUILDER_RECORDS_SCANNED);
return getRecordToIndex.apply(store, currResult).thenCompose(rec -> {
if (null == rec) {
if (isExhausted) {
return AsyncUtil.READY_FALSE;
return AsyncUtil.READY_TRUE;
// This record should be indexed. Add it to the transaction.
if (isIdempotent) {
timerIncrement(timer, FDBStoreTimer.Counts.ONLINE_INDEX_BUILDER_RECORDS_INDEXED);
final CompletableFuture<Void> updateMaintainer = updateMaintainerBuilder(store, rec);
if (isExhausted) {
// we've just processed the last item
return updateMaintainer.thenApply(vignore -> false);
return updateMaintainer.thenCompose(vignore -> context.getApproximateTransactionSize().thenApply(size -> {
if (size >= common.config.getMaxWriteLimitBytes()) {
// the transaction becomes too big - stop iterating
timerIncrement(timer, FDBStoreTimer.Counts.ONLINE_INDEX_BUILDER_RANGES_BY_SIZE);
return false;
return true;
}), cursor.getExecutor()).thenApply(vignore -> {
long recordsScannedInTransaction = recordsScannedCounter.get();
if (recordsScanned != null) {
if (common.isTrackProgress()) {
for (Index index : common.getTargetIndexes()) {
final Subspace scannedRecordsSubspace = indexBuildScannedRecordsSubspace(store, index);
store.context.ensureActive().mutate(MutationType.ADD, scannedRecordsSubspace.getKey(), FDBRecordStore.encodeRecordCount(recordsScannedInTransaction));
return null;
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class IndexingByIndex method rebuildRangeOnly.
private CompletableFuture<Tuple> rebuildRangeOnly(@Nonnull FDBRecordStore store, Tuple cont, @Nonnull AtomicLong recordsScanned) {
final Index index = common.getIndex();
final IndexMaintainer maintainer = store.getIndexMaintainer(index);
// idempotence - We could have verified it at the first iteration only, but the repeating checks seem harmless
validateOrThrowEx(maintainer.isIdempotent(), "target index is not idempotent");
// readability - This method shouldn't block if one has already opened the record store (as we did)
final Index srcIndex = getSourceIndex(store.getRecordMetaData());
validateOrThrowEx(store.isIndexReadable(srcIndex), "source index is not readable");
final ExecuteProperties.Builder executeProperties = ExecuteProperties.newBuilder().setIsolationLevel(IsolationLevel.SNAPSHOT);
final ScanProperties scanProperties = new ScanProperties(;
final TupleRange tupleRange = TupleRange.between(cont, null);
RecordCursor<FDBIndexedRecord<Message>> cursor = store.scanIndexRecords(srcIndex.getName(), IndexScanType.BY_VALUE, tupleRange, null, scanProperties);
final AtomicReference<RecordCursorResult<FDBIndexedRecord<Message>>> lastResult = new AtomicReference<>(RecordCursorResult.exhausted());
final AtomicBoolean hasMore = new AtomicBoolean(true);
// Note that currently indexing by index is online implemented for idempotent indexes
final boolean isIdempotent = true;
return iterateRangeOnly(store, cursor, this::getRecordIfTypeMatch, lastResult, hasMore, recordsScanned, isIdempotent).thenApply(vignore -> hasMore.get() ? lastResult.get().get().getIndexEntry().getKey() : null);
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class IndexingByIndex method buildRangeOnly.
private CompletableFuture<Boolean> buildRangeOnly(@Nonnull FDBRecordStore store, byte[] startBytes, byte[] endBytes, @Nonnull AtomicLong recordsScanned) {
// return false when done
final Index index = common.getIndex();
final IndexMaintainer maintainer = store.getIndexMaintainer(index);
// idempotence - We could have verified it at the first iteration only, but the repeating checks seem harmless
validateOrThrowEx(maintainer.isIdempotent(), "target index is not idempotent");
// readability - This method shouldn't block if one has already opened the record store (as we did)
Index srcIndex = getSourceIndex(store.getRecordMetaData());
validateOrThrowEx(store.isIndexReadable(srcIndex), "source index is not readable");
RangeSet rangeSet = new RangeSet(store.indexRangeSubspace(index));
AsyncIterator<Range> ranges = rangeSet.missingRanges(store.ensureContextActive(), startBytes, endBytes).iterator();
final ExecuteProperties.Builder executeProperties = ExecuteProperties.newBuilder().setIsolationLevel(IsolationLevel.SNAPSHOT).setReturnedRowLimit(// respect limit in this path; +1 allows a continuation item
getLimit() + 1);
final ScanProperties scanProperties = new ScanProperties(;
return ranges.onHasNext().thenCompose(hasNext -> {
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(hasNext)) {
// no more missing ranges - all done
return AsyncUtil.READY_FALSE;
final Range range =;
final Tuple rangeStart = RangeSet.isFirstKey(range.begin) ? null : Tuple.fromBytes(range.begin);
final Tuple rangeEnd = RangeSet.isFinalKey(range.end) ? null : Tuple.fromBytes(range.end);
final TupleRange tupleRange = TupleRange.between(rangeStart, rangeEnd);
RecordCursor<FDBIndexedRecord<Message>> cursor = store.scanIndexRecords(srcIndex.getName(), IndexScanType.BY_VALUE, tupleRange, null, scanProperties);
final AtomicReference<RecordCursorResult<FDBIndexedRecord<Message>>> lastResult = new AtomicReference<>(RecordCursorResult.exhausted());
final AtomicBoolean hasMore = new AtomicBoolean(true);
// Note that currently indexing by index is online implemented for idempotent indexes
final boolean isIdempotent = true;
return iterateRangeOnly(store, cursor, this::getRecordIfTypeMatch, lastResult, hasMore, recordsScanned, isIdempotent).thenApply(vignore -> hasMore.get() ? lastResult.get().get().getIndexEntry().getKey() : rangeEnd).thenCompose(cont -> rangeSet.insertRange(store.ensureContextActive(), packOrNull(rangeStart), packOrNull(cont), true).thenApply(ignore -> !Objects.equals(cont, rangeEnd)));
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class IndexingMultiTargetByRecords method buildRangeOnly.
private CompletableFuture<Boolean> buildRangeOnly(@Nonnull FDBRecordStore store, byte[] startBytes, byte[] endBytes, @Nonnull AtomicLong recordsScanned) {
// return false when done
/* Multi target consistency:
* 1. Identify missing ranges from only the first index
* 2. Update all indexes' range sets as the indexes are built - each inserted range is validated as empty.
* 3. While each index as readable, we validate that its range is completely built.
RangeSet rangeSet = new RangeSet(store.indexRangeSubspace(common.getPrimaryIndex()));
AsyncIterator<Range> ranges = rangeSet.missingRanges(store.ensureContextActive(), startBytes, endBytes).iterator();
final List<Index> targetIndexes = common.getTargetIndexes();
final List<RangeSet> targetRangeSets = -> new RangeSet(store.indexRangeSubspace(targetIndex))).collect(Collectors.toList());
final boolean isIdempotent = areTheyAllIdempotent(store, targetIndexes);
final IsolationLevel isolationLevel = isIdempotent ? IsolationLevel.SNAPSHOT : IsolationLevel.SERIALIZABLE;
final ExecuteProperties.Builder executeProperties = ExecuteProperties.newBuilder().setIsolationLevel(isolationLevel).setReturnedRowLimit(// always respect limit in this path; +1 allows a continuation item
getLimit() + 1);
final ScanProperties scanProperties = new ScanProperties(;
return ranges.onHasNext().thenCompose(hasNext -> {
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(hasNext)) {
// no more missing ranges - all done
return AsyncUtil.READY_FALSE;
final Range range =;
final Tuple rangeStart = RangeSet.isFirstKey(range.begin) ? null : Tuple.fromBytes(range.begin);
final Tuple rangeEnd = RangeSet.isFinalKey(range.end) ? null : Tuple.fromBytes(range.end);
final TupleRange tupleRange = TupleRange.between(rangeStart, rangeEnd);
RecordCursor<FDBStoredRecord<Message>> cursor = store.scanRecords(tupleRange, null, scanProperties);
final AtomicReference<RecordCursorResult<FDBStoredRecord<Message>>> lastResult = new AtomicReference<>(RecordCursorResult.exhausted());
final AtomicBoolean hasMore = new AtomicBoolean(true);
return iterateRangeOnly(store, cursor, this::getRecordIfTypeMatch, lastResult, hasMore, recordsScanned, isIdempotent).thenApply(vignore -> hasMore.get() ? lastResult.get().get().getPrimaryKey() : rangeEnd).thenCompose(cont -> insertRanges(store.ensureContextActive(), targetRangeSets, packOrNull(rangeStart), packOrNull(cont)).thenApply(ignore -> !Objects.equals(cont, rangeEnd)));