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Example 6 with ReadOnlyVector3

use of com.ardor3d.math.type.ReadOnlyVector3 in project energy3d by concord-consortium.

the class Foundation method updateHandle.

private void updateHandle(final Vector3 p, final ReadOnlyVector3 dir) {
    final ReadOnlyVector3 step = dir.normalize(null).multiplyLocal(3);
    if (step.length() == 0) {
    final ReadOnlyVector3 center = getCenter();
    final Point2D p2D = new Point2D.Double();
    for (final HousePart part : Scene.getInstance().getParts()) {
        if (part != this && part instanceof Foundation) {
            final ArrayList<Vector3> points = part.getPoints();
            final Path2D foundationPoly = new Path2D.Double();
            foundationPoly.moveTo(points.get(0).getX(), points.get(0).getY());
            foundationPoly.lineTo(points.get(2).getX(), points.get(2).getY());
            foundationPoly.lineTo(points.get(3).getX(), points.get(3).getY());
            foundationPoly.lineTo(points.get(1).getX(), points.get(1).getY());
            p2D.setLocation(p.getX(), p.getY());
            if (foundationPoly.contains(p2D)) {
                while (foundationPoly.contains(p2D)) {
                    p2D.setLocation(p.getX(), p.getY());
Also used : ReadOnlyVector3(com.ardor3d.math.type.ReadOnlyVector3) Point2D(java.awt.geom.Point2D) Path2D(java.awt.geom.Path2D) ReadOnlyVector3(com.ardor3d.math.type.ReadOnlyVector3) Vector3(com.ardor3d.math.Vector3)

Example 7 with ReadOnlyVector3

use of com.ardor3d.math.type.ReadOnlyVector3 in project energy3d by concord-consortium.

the class Foundation method drawGrids.

public void drawGrids(final double gridSize) {
    final ReadOnlyVector3 p0 = getAbsPoint(0);
    final ReadOnlyVector3 p1 = getAbsPoint(1);
    final ReadOnlyVector3 p2 = getAbsPoint(2);
    final ReadOnlyVector3 width = p2.subtract(p0, null);
    final ReadOnlyVector3 height = p1.subtract(p0, null);
    final ArrayList<ReadOnlyVector3> points = new ArrayList<ReadOnlyVector3>();
    final int cols = (int) (width.length() / gridSize);
    for (int col = 0; col < cols + 1; col++) {
        final ReadOnlyVector3 lineP1 = width.normalize(null).multiplyLocal(col * gridSize).addLocal(p0);
        final ReadOnlyVector3 lineP2 = lineP1.add(height, null);
    final int rows = (int) (height.length() / gridSize);
    for (int row = 0; row < rows + 1; row++) {
        final ReadOnlyVector3 lineP1 = height.normalize(null).multiplyLocal(row * gridSize).addLocal(p0);
        final ReadOnlyVector3 lineP2 = lineP1.add(width, null);
    if (points.size() < 2) {
    final FloatBuffer buf = BufferUtils.createVector3Buffer(points.size());
    for (final ReadOnlyVector3 p : points) {
        buf.put(p.getXf()).put(p.getYf()).put((float) this.height + 0.1f);
Also used : ReadOnlyVector3(com.ardor3d.math.type.ReadOnlyVector3) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FloatBuffer(java.nio.FloatBuffer) CullHint(com.ardor3d.scenegraph.hint.CullHint)

Example 8 with ReadOnlyVector3

use of com.ardor3d.math.type.ReadOnlyVector3 in project energy3d by concord-consortium.

the class Foundation method rotate.

 * If center is null, use the center of this foundation. set update false if this is for rotating the coordinate system of this foundation for easier math
public void rotate(final double angle, ReadOnlyVector3 center, final boolean update) {
    final Matrix3 matrix = new Matrix3().fromAngles(0, 0, angle);
    if (center == null) {
        center = toRelative(getCenter().clone());
    for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
        final Vector3 p = getAbsPoint(i);
        final Vector3 op = p.subtract(center, null);
        matrix.applyPost(op, op);
        op.add(center, p);
    if (update) {
        if (SceneManager.getInstance().getSelectedPart() == this) {
Also used : ReadOnlyVector3(com.ardor3d.math.type.ReadOnlyVector3) Vector3(com.ardor3d.math.Vector3) CullHint(com.ardor3d.scenegraph.hint.CullHint) Matrix3(com.ardor3d.math.Matrix3)

Example 9 with ReadOnlyVector3

use of com.ardor3d.math.type.ReadOnlyVector3 in project energy3d by concord-consortium.

the class HipRoof method setPreviewPoint.

public void setPreviewPoint(final int x, final int y) {
    final Foundation foundation = getTopContainer();
    if (foundation != null && foundation.getLockEdit()) {
    final EditState editState = new EditState();
    if (editPointIndex == -1) {
        pickContainer(x, y, Wall.class);
        recalculateEditPoints = true;
    } else if (editPointIndex == 0) {
        final ReadOnlyVector3 base = getCenter();
        final Vector3 p = Util.closestPoint(base, Vector3.UNIT_Z, x, y);
        if (p != null) {
            snapToGrid(p, getAbsPoint(editPointIndex), getGridSize());
            height = Math.max(0, p.getZ() - base.getZ());
    } else if (editPointIndex == 1 || editPointIndex == 2) {
        final Vector3 hipDirection = container.getAbsPoint(2).subtractLocal(container.getAbsPoint(0)).normalizeLocal();
        final Vector3 p = Util.closestPoint(getAbsPoint(0), hipDirection, x, y);
        if (p != null) {
            // snapToGrid(p, getAbsPoint(editPointIndex), getGridSize(), false);
            if (insideWallsPolygon(p)) {
Also used : ReadOnlyVector3(com.ardor3d.math.type.ReadOnlyVector3) ReadOnlyVector3(com.ardor3d.math.type.ReadOnlyVector3) Vector3(com.ardor3d.math.Vector3)

Example 10 with ReadOnlyVector3

use of com.ardor3d.math.type.ReadOnlyVector3 in project energy3d by concord-consortium.

the class HousePart method drawArrow.

protected void drawArrow(final ReadOnlyVector3 o, final ReadOnlyVector3 normal, final FloatBuffer arrowsVertices, final double heat) {
    if (this instanceof Wall) {
        final Wall wall = (Wall) this;
        for (final HousePart x : wall.children) {
            if (x instanceof Window || x instanceof Door) {
                final Vector3 vo = x.toRelative(o);
                double xmin = 2;
                double zmin = 2;
                double xmax = -2;
                double zmax = -2;
                for (final Vector3 a : x.points) {
                    if (a.getX() > xmax) {
                        xmax = a.getX();
                    if (a.getZ() > zmax) {
                        zmax = a.getZ();
                    if (a.getX() < xmin) {
                        xmin = a.getX();
                    if (a.getZ() < zmin) {
                        zmin = a.getZ();
                if (vo.getX() > xmin && vo.getZ() > zmin && vo.getX() < xmax && vo.getZ() < zmax) {
    final Vector3 p = new Vector3();
    normal.multiply(Scene.getInstance().getHeatVectorLength() * Math.abs(heat), p);
    final Vector3 p2 = new Vector3();
    o.add(p, p2);
    if (heat < 0) {
    if (heat != 0) {
        final float arrowLength = 0.5f;
        final double sign = Math.signum(heat);
        if (this instanceof Roof) {
            final float px = (float) (p.getX() * arrowLength * sign);
            final float py = (float) (p.getY() * arrowLength * sign);
            final float pz = (float) (p.getZ() * arrowLength * sign);
            final float yp = -pz;
            final float zp = py;
            arrowsVertices.put(p2.getXf() - px).put(p2.getYf() - py + yp * 0.25f).put(p2.getZf() - pz + zp * 0.25f);
            arrowsVertices.put(p2.getXf() - px).put(p2.getYf() - py - yp * 0.25f).put(p2.getZf() - pz - zp * 0.25f);
        } else if (this instanceof Foundation) {
            final float cos = (float) ( * sign);
            final float sin = (float) ( * sign);
            arrowsVertices.put(p2.getXf() - arrowLength * cos).put(p2.getYf() - arrowLength * 0.5f).put(p2.getZf() - arrowLength * sin);
            arrowsVertices.put(p2.getXf() - arrowLength * cos).put(p2.getYf() + arrowLength * 0.5f).put(p2.getZf() - arrowLength * sin);
        } else {
            final float cos = (float) ( * sign);
            final float sin = (float) ( * sign);
            arrowsVertices.put(p2.getXf() - arrowLength * cos).put(p2.getYf() - arrowLength * sin).put(p2.getZf() - arrowLength * 0.5f);
            arrowsVertices.put(p2.getXf() - arrowLength * cos).put(p2.getYf() - arrowLength * sin).put(p2.getZf() + arrowLength * 0.5f);
Also used : ReadOnlyVector3(com.ardor3d.math.type.ReadOnlyVector3) Vector3(com.ardor3d.math.Vector3)


ReadOnlyVector3 (com.ardor3d.math.type.ReadOnlyVector3)125 Vector3 (com.ardor3d.math.Vector3)88 CullHint (com.ardor3d.scenegraph.hint.CullHint)60 FloatBuffer (java.nio.FloatBuffer)45 TPoint (org.poly2tri.triangulation.point.TPoint)44 Point (org.poly2tri.geometry.primitives.Point)34 PolygonPoint (org.poly2tri.geometry.polygon.PolygonPoint)32 Mesh (com.ardor3d.scenegraph.Mesh)25 Spatial (com.ardor3d.scenegraph.Spatial)25 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)23 Node (com.ardor3d.scenegraph.Node)18 PickingHint (com.ardor3d.scenegraph.hint.PickingHint)18 Ray3 (com.ardor3d.math.Ray3)16 PickResults (com.ardor3d.intersection.PickResults)15 PrimitivePickResults (com.ardor3d.intersection.PrimitivePickResults)15 ArdorVector3Point (org.poly2tri.triangulation.point.ardor3d.ArdorVector3Point)15 TriangulationPoint (org.poly2tri.triangulation.TriangulationPoint)13 Matrix3 (com.ardor3d.math.Matrix3)10 CancellationException (java.util.concurrent.CancellationException)10 Vector2 (com.ardor3d.math.Vector2)9