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Example 31 with Location

use of in project logisim-evolution by reds-heig.

the class PropagationPoints method draw.

void draw(ComponentDrawContext context) {
    if (data.isEmpty())
    CircuitState state = context.getCircuitState();
    HashMap<CircuitState, CircuitState> stateMap = new HashMap<CircuitState, CircuitState>();
    for (CircuitState s : state.getSubstates()) {
        addSubstates(stateMap, s, s);
    Graphics g = context.getGraphics();
    GraphicsUtil.switchToWidth(g, 2);
    for (Entry e : data) {
        if (e.state == state) {
            Location p = e.loc;
            g.drawOval(p.getX() - 4, p.getY() - 4, 8, 8);
        } else if (stateMap.containsKey(e.state)) {
            CircuitState substate = stateMap.get(e.state);
            Component subcirc = substate.getSubcircuit();
            Bounds b = subcirc.getBounds();
            g.drawRect(b.getX(), b.getY(), b.getWidth(), b.getHeight());
    GraphicsUtil.switchToWidth(g, 1);
Also used : Graphics(java.awt.Graphics) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Bounds( Component(com.cburch.logisim.comp.Component) Location(

Example 32 with Location

use of in project logisim-evolution by reds-heig.

the class SubcircuitFactory method paintBase.

private void paintBase(InstancePainter painter, Graphics g) {
    CircuitAttributes attrs = (CircuitAttributes) painter.getAttributeSet();
    Direction facing = attrs.getFacing();
    Direction defaultFacing = source.getAppearance().getFacing();
    Location loc = painter.getLocation();
    g.translate(loc.getX(), loc.getY());
    source.getAppearance().paintSubcircuit(g, facing);
    drawCircuitLabel(painter, getOffsetBounds(attrs), facing, defaultFacing);
    g.translate(-loc.getX(), -loc.getY());
Also used : Direction( Location(

Example 33 with Location

use of in project logisim-evolution by reds-heig.

the class WireIterator method next.

public Location next() {
    Location ret = Location.create(curX, curY);
    destReturned |= curX == destX && curY == destY;
    curX += deltaX;
    curY += deltaY;
    return ret;
Also used : Location(

Example 34 with Location

use of in project logisim-evolution by reds-heig.

the class WireRepair method doSplits.

private void doSplits(CircuitMutator mutator) {
    Set<Location> splitLocs = circuit.wires.points.getSplitLocations();
    ReplacementMap repl = new ReplacementMap();
    for (Wire w : circuit.getWires()) {
        Location w0 = w.getEnd0();
        Location w1 = w.getEnd1();
        ArrayList<Location> splits = null;
        for (Location loc : splitLocs) {
            if (w.contains(loc) && !loc.equals(w0) && !loc.equals(w1)) {
                if (splits == null)
                    splits = new ArrayList<Location>();
        if (splits != null) {
            Location e0 = w0;
            ArrayList<Wire> subs = new ArrayList<Wire>(splits.size());
            for (Location e1 : splits) {
                subs.add(Wire.create(e0, e1));
                e0 = e1;
            repl.put(w, subs);
    mutator.replace(circuit, repl);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Location(

Example 35 with Location

use of in project logisim-evolution by reds-heig.

the class DefaultAppearance method old_build.

private static List<CanvasObject> old_build(Collection<Instance> pins) {
    Map<Direction, List<Instance>> edge;
    edge = new HashMap<Direction, List<Instance>>();
    edge.put(Direction.NORTH, new ArrayList<Instance>());
    edge.put(Direction.SOUTH, new ArrayList<Instance>());
    edge.put(Direction.EAST, new ArrayList<Instance>());
    edge.put(Direction.WEST, new ArrayList<Instance>());
    for (Instance pin : pins) {
        Direction pinFacing = pin.getAttributeValue(StdAttr.FACING);
        Direction pinEdge = pinFacing.reverse();
        List<Instance> e = edge.get(pinEdge);
    for (Map.Entry<Direction, List<Instance>> entry : edge.entrySet()) {
        sortPinList(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey());
    int numNorth = edge.get(Direction.NORTH).size();
    int numSouth = edge.get(Direction.SOUTH).size();
    int numEast = edge.get(Direction.EAST).size();
    int numWest = edge.get(Direction.WEST).size();
    int maxVert = Math.max(numNorth, numSouth);
    int maxHorz = Math.max(numEast, numWest);
    int offsNorth = computeOffset(numNorth, numSouth, maxHorz);
    int offsSouth = computeOffset(numSouth, numNorth, maxHorz);
    int offsEast = computeOffset(numEast, numWest, maxVert);
    int offsWest = computeOffset(numWest, numEast, maxVert);
    int width = computeDimension(maxVert, maxHorz);
    int height = computeDimension(maxHorz, maxVert);
    // compute position of anchor relative to top left corner of box
    int ax;
    int ay;
    if (numEast > 0) {
        // anchor is on east side
        ax = width;
        ay = offsEast;
    } else if (numNorth > 0) {
        // anchor is on north side
        ax = offsNorth;
        ay = 0;
    } else if (numWest > 0) {
        // anchor is on west side
        ax = 0;
        ay = offsWest;
    } else if (numSouth > 0) {
        // anchor is on south side
        ax = offsSouth;
        ay = height;
    } else {
        // anchor is top left corner
        ax = 0;
        ay = 0;
    // place rectangle so anchor is on the grid
    int rx = OFFS + (9 - (ax + 9) % 10);
    int ry = OFFS + (9 - (ay + 9) % 10);
    Location e0 = Location.create(rx + (width - 8) / 2, ry + 1);
    Location e1 = Location.create(rx + (width + 8) / 2, ry + 1);
    Location ct = Location.create(rx + width / 2, ry + 11);
    Curve notch = new Curve(e0, e1, ct);
    notch.setValue(DrawAttr.STROKE_WIDTH, Integer.valueOf(2));
    notch.setValue(DrawAttr.STROKE_COLOR, Color.GRAY);
    Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(rx, ry, width, height);
    rect.setValue(DrawAttr.STROKE_WIDTH, Integer.valueOf(2));
    List<CanvasObject> ret = new ArrayList<CanvasObject>();
    placePins(ret, edge.get(Direction.WEST), rx, ry + offsWest, 0, 10);
    placePins(ret, edge.get(Direction.EAST), rx + width, ry + offsEast, 0, 10);
    placePins(ret, edge.get(Direction.NORTH), rx + offsNorth, ry, 10, 0);
    placePins(ret, edge.get(Direction.SOUTH), rx + offsSouth, ry + height, 10, 0);
    ret.add(new AppearanceAnchor(Location.create(rx + ax, ry + ay)));
    return ret;
Also used : Instance(com.cburch.logisim.instance.Instance) Curve(com.cburch.draw.shapes.Curve) Rectangle(com.cburch.draw.shapes.Rectangle) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Direction( CanvasObject(com.cburch.draw.model.CanvasObject) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) Location(


Location ( Direction ( Graphics (java.awt.Graphics)35 Component (com.cburch.logisim.comp.Component)26 Bounds ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)23 CanvasObject (com.cburch.draw.model.CanvasObject)17 BitWidth ( Wire (com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Wire)13 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)10 Handle (com.cburch.draw.model.Handle)9 AttributeSet ( Value ( Instance (com.cburch.logisim.instance.Instance)9 Port (com.cburch.logisim.instance.Port)9 Color (java.awt.Color)9 Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)9 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)9 Circuit (com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Circuit)8 EndData (com.cburch.logisim.comp.EndData)7