use of com.gempukku.libgdx.graph.shader.node.DefaultFieldOutput in project gdx-graph by MarcinSc.
the class CheckerboardShapeShaderNodeBuilder method buildCommonNode.
protected ObjectMap<String, ? extends FieldOutput> buildCommonNode(boolean designTime, String nodeId, JsonValue data, ObjectMap<String, FieldOutput> inputs, ObjectSet<String> producedOutputs, CommonShaderBuilder commonShaderBuilder, GraphShaderContext graphShaderContext, GraphShader graphShader) {
FieldOutput uvValue = inputs.get("uv");
FieldOutput repeatValue = inputs.get("repeat");
String uv = uvValue.getRepresentation();
String repeat = repeatValue != null ? repeatValue.getRepresentation() : "vec2(1.0)";
commonShaderBuilder.addMainLine("// Checkerboard shape node");
String name = "result_" + nodeId;
commonShaderBuilder.addMainLine("float " + name + " = mod(dot(vec2(1.0), step(vec2(0.5), fract(" + uv + " * " + repeat + "))), 2.0);");
return LibGDXCollections.singletonMap("output", new DefaultFieldOutput(ShaderFieldType.Float, name));
use of com.gempukku.libgdx.graph.shader.node.DefaultFieldOutput in project gdx-graph by MarcinSc.
the class EllipseShapeShaderNodeBuilder method buildCommonNode.
protected ObjectMap<String, ? extends FieldOutput> buildCommonNode(boolean designTime, String nodeId, JsonValue data, ObjectMap<String, FieldOutput> inputs, ObjectSet<String> producedOutputs, CommonShaderBuilder commonShaderBuilder, GraphShaderContext graphShaderContext, GraphShader graphShader) {
FieldOutput uvValue = inputs.get("uv");
FieldOutput sizeValue = inputs.get("size");
FieldOutput borderValue = inputs.get("border");
if (sizeValue != null && sizeValue.getFieldType().getName().equals(ShaderFieldType.Float))
sizeValue = new DefaultFieldOutput(ShaderFieldType.Vector2, "vec2(" + sizeValue.getRepresentation() + ")");
String uv = uvValue.getRepresentation();
String size = sizeValue != null ? sizeValue.getRepresentation() : "vec2(1.0)";
String border = borderValue != null ? borderValue.getRepresentation() : "0.0";
commonShaderBuilder.addMainLine("// Ellipse shape node");
String temp1 = "temp_" + nodeId;
String name = "result_" + nodeId;
commonShaderBuilder.addMainLine("vec2 " + temp1 + " = " + uv + " * 2.0 - 1.0;");
commonShaderBuilder.addMainLine("float " + name + " = 1.0 - smoothstep(0.0 - " + border + ", 0.0, length(" + temp1 + " / " + size + ") - 1.0);");
return LibGDXCollections.singletonMap("output", new DefaultFieldOutput(ShaderFieldType.Float, name));
use of com.gempukku.libgdx.graph.shader.node.DefaultFieldOutput in project gdx-graph by MarcinSc.
the class StepShaderNodeBuilder method buildCommonNode.
protected ObjectMap<String, ? extends FieldOutput> buildCommonNode(boolean designTime, String nodeId, JsonValue data, ObjectMap<String, FieldOutput> inputs, ObjectSet<String> producedOutputs, CommonShaderBuilder commonShaderBuilder, GraphShaderContext graphShaderContext, GraphShader graphShader) {
FieldOutput inputValue = inputs.get("input");
FieldOutput edgeValue = inputs.get("edge");
if (edgeValue == null)
edgeValue = new DefaultFieldOutput(ShaderFieldType.Float, "1.0");
ShaderFieldType resultType = inputValue.getFieldType();
commonShaderBuilder.addMainLine("// Step node");
String name = "result_" + nodeId;
commonShaderBuilder.addMainLine(resultType.getShaderType() + " " + name + " = step(" + edgeValue.getRepresentation() + ", " + inputValue.getRepresentation() + ");");
return LibGDXCollections.singletonMap("output", new DefaultFieldOutput(resultType, name));
use of com.gempukku.libgdx.graph.shader.node.DefaultFieldOutput in project gdx-graph by MarcinSc.
the class LogarithmBase2ShaderNodeBuilder method buildCommonNode.
protected ObjectMap<String, ? extends FieldOutput> buildCommonNode(boolean designTime, String nodeId, JsonValue data, ObjectMap<String, FieldOutput> inputs, ObjectSet<String> producedOutputs, CommonShaderBuilder commonShaderBuilder, GraphShaderContext graphShaderContext, GraphShader graphShader) {
FieldOutput inputValue = inputs.get("input");
ShaderFieldType resultType = inputValue.getFieldType();
commonShaderBuilder.addMainLine("// Logarithm base 2 node");
String name = "result_" + nodeId;
commonShaderBuilder.addMainLine(resultType.getShaderType() + " " + name + " = log2(" + inputValue.getRepresentation() + ");");
return LibGDXCollections.singletonMap("output", new DefaultFieldOutput(ShaderFieldType.Float, name));
use of com.gempukku.libgdx.graph.shader.node.DefaultFieldOutput in project gdx-graph by MarcinSc.
the class NaturalLogarithmShaderNodeBuilder method buildCommonNode.
protected ObjectMap<String, ? extends FieldOutput> buildCommonNode(boolean designTime, String nodeId, JsonValue data, ObjectMap<String, FieldOutput> inputs, ObjectSet<String> producedOutputs, CommonShaderBuilder commonShaderBuilder, GraphShaderContext graphShaderContext, GraphShader graphShader) {
FieldOutput inputValue = inputs.get("input");
ShaderFieldType resultType = inputValue.getFieldType();
commonShaderBuilder.addMainLine("// Natural logarithm node");
String name = "result_" + nodeId;
commonShaderBuilder.addMainLine(resultType.getShaderType() + " " + name + " = log(" + inputValue.getRepresentation() + ");");
return LibGDXCollections.singletonMap("output", new DefaultFieldOutput(ShaderFieldType.Float, name));