use of in project apex-malhar by apache.
the class PojoOuterJoinTest method PojoLeftOuterJoinTest.
public void PojoLeftOuterJoinTest() {
String[] leftKeys = { "uId" };
String[] rightKeys = { "uId" };
PojoLeftOuterJoin<TestPojo1, TestPojo3> pij = new PojoLeftOuterJoin<>(TestOutClass.class, leftKeys, rightKeys);
List<Multimap<List<Object>, Object>> accu = pij.defaultAccumulatedValue();
Assert.assertEquals(2, accu.size());
accu = pij.accumulate(accu, new TestPojo1(1, "Josh"));
accu = pij.accumulate(accu, new TestPojo1(2, "Bob"));
accu = pij.accumulate2(accu, new TestPojo3(1, "NickJosh", 12));
accu = pij.accumulate2(accu, new TestPojo3(3, "NickBob", 13));
List result = pij.getOutput(accu);
Assert.assertEquals(2, result.size());
Object o = result.get(0);
Assert.assertTrue(o instanceof TestOutClass);
TestOutClass testOutClass = (TestOutClass) o;
int uId = testOutClass.getUId();
if (uId == 1) {
checkNameAge("Josh", 12, testOutClass);
o = result.get(1);
Assert.assertTrue(o instanceof TestOutClass);
testOutClass = (TestOutClass) o;
uId = testOutClass.getUId();
Assert.assertEquals(2, testOutClass.getUId());
checkNameAge("Bob", 0, testOutClass);
} else if (uId == 2) {
checkNameAge("Bob", 0, testOutClass);
o = result.get(1);
Assert.assertTrue(o instanceof TestOutClass);
testOutClass = (TestOutClass) o;
uId = testOutClass.getUId();
Assert.assertEquals(1, testOutClass.getUId());
checkNameAge("Josh", 12, testOutClass);
use of in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class QueryOperationExecutor method sortProperties.
* Produce a valid ordering of the properties by using the given dependency information.
* <p>
* This method uses a topological sort (Kahn's algorithm) in order to find a valid ordering.
* </p>
private ImmutableList<VarAndProperty> sortProperties() {
ImmutableList.Builder<VarAndProperty> sorted = ImmutableList.builder();
// invertedDependencies is intended to just be a 'view' on dependencies, so when dependencies is modified
// we should always also modify invertedDependencies (and vice-versa).
Multimap<VarAndProperty, VarAndProperty> dependencies = HashMultimap.create(this.dependencies);
Multimap<VarAndProperty, VarAndProperty> invertedDependencies = HashMultimap.create();
Multimaps.invertFrom(dependencies, invertedDependencies);
Queue<VarAndProperty> propertiesWithoutDependencies = new ArrayDeque<>(Sets.filter(properties, property -> dependencies.get(property).isEmpty()));
VarAndProperty property;
// Retrieve the next property without any dependencies
while ((property = propertiesWithoutDependencies.poll()) != null) {
// We copy this into a new list because the underlying collection gets modified during iteration
Collection<VarAndProperty> dependents = Lists.newArrayList(invertedDependencies.get(property));
for (VarAndProperty dependent : dependents) {
// Because the property has been removed, the dependent no longer needs to depend on it
dependencies.remove(dependent, property);
invertedDependencies.remove(property, dependent);
boolean hasNoDependencies = dependencies.get(dependent).isEmpty();
if (hasNoDependencies) {
if (!dependencies.isEmpty()) {
// This means there must have been a loop. Pick an arbitrary remaining var to display
Var var = dependencies.keys().iterator().next().var();
throw GraqlQueryException.insertRecursive(printableRepresentation(var));
use of in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class RelationshipAtom method inferPossibleRelationConfigurations.
* @return a map of relationships and corresponding roles that could be played by this atom
private Multimap<RelationshipType, Role> inferPossibleRelationConfigurations(Answer sub) {
Set<Role> roles = getExplicitRoles().filter(r -> !Schema.MetaSchema.isMetaLabel(r.getLabel())).collect(toSet());
Map<Var, Type> varTypeMap = getParentQuery().getVarTypeMap(sub);
Set<Type> types = getRolePlayers().stream().filter(varTypeMap::containsKey).map(varTypeMap::get).collect(toSet());
if (roles.isEmpty() && types.isEmpty()) {
RelationshipType metaRelationType = tx().admin().getMetaRelationType();
Multimap<RelationshipType, Role> compatibleTypes = HashMultimap.create();
metaRelationType.subs().filter(rt -> !rt.equals(metaRelationType)).forEach(rt -> compatibleTypes.putAll(rt, rt.relates().collect(toSet())));
return compatibleTypes;
// intersect relation types from roles and types
Multimap<RelationshipType, Role> compatibleTypes;
Multimap<RelationshipType, Role> compatibleTypesFromRoles = compatibleRelationTypesWithRoles(roles, new RoleConverter());
Multimap<RelationshipType, Role> compatibleTypesFromTypes = compatibleRelationTypesWithRoles(types, new TypeConverter());
if (roles.isEmpty()) {
compatibleTypes = compatibleTypesFromTypes;
} else // no types from roles -> roles correspond to mutually exclusive relations
if (compatibleTypesFromRoles.isEmpty() || types.isEmpty()) {
compatibleTypes = compatibleTypesFromRoles;
} else {
compatibleTypes = multimapIntersection(compatibleTypesFromTypes, compatibleTypesFromRoles);
return compatibleTypes;
use of in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class RelationshipAtom method getRoleRelationPlayerMap.
private Multimap<Role, RelationPlayer> getRoleRelationPlayerMap() {
Multimap<Role, RelationPlayer> roleRelationPlayerMap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
Multimap<Role, Var> roleVarMap = getRoleVarMap();
List<RelationPlayer> relationPlayers = getRelationPlayers();
roleVarMap.asMap().forEach((role, value) -> {
Label roleLabel = role.getLabel(); -> rp.getRole().isPresent()).forEach(rp -> {
VarPatternAdmin roleTypeVar = rp.getRole().orElse(null);
Label rl = roleTypeVar != null ? roleTypeVar.getTypeLabel().orElse(null) : null;
if (roleLabel != null && roleLabel.equals(rl)) {
roleRelationPlayerMap.put(role, rp);
return roleRelationPlayerMap;
use of in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class BenchmarkIT method loadRandomisedRelationInstances.
private void loadRandomisedRelationInstances(String entityLabel, String fromRoleLabel, String toRoleLabel, String relationLabel, int N, GraknSession session, GraknClient graknClient, Keyspace keyspace) {
try (BatchExecutorClient loader = BatchExecutorClient.newBuilder().taskClient(graknClient).build()) {
GraknTx tx =;
Var entityVar = var().asUserDefined();
ConceptId[] instances = tx.graql().match(entityVar.isa(entityLabel)).get().execute().stream().map(ans -> ans.get(entityVar).getId()).toArray(ConceptId[]::new);
assertEquals(instances.length, N);
Role fromRole = tx.getRole(fromRoleLabel);
Role toRole = tx.getRole(toRoleLabel);
RelationshipType relationType = tx.getRelationshipType(relationLabel);
Random rand = new Random();
Multimap<Integer, Integer> assignmentMap = HashMultimap.create();
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
int from = rand.nextInt(N - 1);
int to = rand.nextInt(N - 1);
while (to == from && assignmentMap.get(from).contains(to)) to = rand.nextInt(N - 1);
Var fromRolePlayer = Graql.var();
Var toRolePlayer = Graql.var();
Pattern relationInsert = Graql.var().rel(Graql.label(fromRole.getLabel()), fromRolePlayer).rel(Graql.label(toRole.getLabel()), toRolePlayer).isa(Graql.label(relationType.getLabel())).and(fromRolePlayer.asUserDefined().id(instances[from])).and(toRolePlayer.asUserDefined().id(instances[to]));
loader.add(Graql.insert(relationInsert.admin().varPatterns()), keyspace).subscribe();