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Example 6 with CheckReturnValue

use of in project error-prone by google.

the class ScannerSupplier method plus.

 * Composes this {@link ScannerSupplier} with the {@code other} {@link ScannerSupplier}. The set
 * of checks that are turned on is the intersection of the checks on in {@code this} and {@code
 * other}.
public ScannerSupplier plus(ScannerSupplier other) {
    HashBiMap<String, BugCheckerInfo> combinedAllChecks = HashBiMap.create(this.getAllChecks());
    other.getAllChecks().forEach((k, v) -> {
        BugCheckerInfo existing = combinedAllChecks.putIfAbsent(k, v);
        if (existing != null && !existing.checkerClass().getName().contentEquals(v.checkerClass().getName())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Cannot combine scanner suppliers with different implementations of" + " '%s': %s, %s", k, v.checkerClass().getName(), existing.checkerClass().getName()));
    HashMap<String, SeverityLevel> combinedSeverities = new LinkedHashMap<>(this.severities());
    other.severities().forEach((k, v) -> {
        SeverityLevel existing = combinedSeverities.putIfAbsent(k, v);
        if (existing != null && !existing.equals(v)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Cannot combine scanner suppliers with different severities for" + " '%s': %s, %s", k, v, existing));
    ImmutableSet<String> disabled = ImmutableSet.copyOf(Sets.union(disabled(), other.disabled()));
    ErrorProneFlags combinedFlags = this.getFlags().plus(other.getFlags());
    return new ScannerSupplierImpl(ImmutableBiMap.copyOf(combinedAllChecks), ImmutableMap.copyOf(combinedSeverities), disabled, combinedFlags);
Also used : SeverityLevel( BugCheckerInfo( ErrorProneFlags( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) CheckReturnValue(

Example 7 with CheckReturnValue

use of in project error-prone by google.

the class ScannerSupplier method applyOverrides.

 * Applies options to this {@link ScannerSupplier}.
 * <p>Command-line options to override check severities may do any of the following:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>Enable a check that is currently off
 *   <li>Disable a check that is currently on
 *   <li>Change the severity of a check that is on, promoting a warning to an error or demoting an
 *       error to a warning
 * </ul>
 * @param errorProneOptions an {@link ErrorProneOptions} object that encapsulates the overrides
 *     for this compilation
 * @throws InvalidCommandLineOptionException if the override map attempts to disable a check that
 *     may not be disabled
public ScannerSupplier applyOverrides(ErrorProneOptions errorProneOptions) throws InvalidCommandLineOptionException {
    Map<String, Severity> severityOverrides = errorProneOptions.getSeverityMap();
    if (severityOverrides.isEmpty() && errorProneOptions.getFlags().isEmpty() && !errorProneOptions.isEnableAllChecksAsWarnings() && !errorProneOptions.isDropErrorsToWarnings() && !errorProneOptions.isDisableAllChecks()) {
        return this;
    // Initialize result allChecks map and enabledChecks set with current state of this Supplier.
    ImmutableBiMap<String, BugCheckerInfo> checks = getAllChecks();
    Map<String, SeverityLevel> severities = new LinkedHashMap<>(severities());
    Set<String> disabled = new HashSet<>(disabled());
    if (errorProneOptions.isEnableAllChecksAsWarnings()) {
        disabled.forEach(c -> severities.put(c, SeverityLevel.WARNING));
    if (errorProneOptions.isDropErrorsToWarnings()) {
        getAllChecks().values().stream().filter(c -> c.defaultSeverity() == SeverityLevel.ERROR && c.disableable()).forEach(c -> severities.put(c.canonicalName(), SeverityLevel.WARNING));
    if (errorProneOptions.isDisableAllChecks()) {
        getAllChecks().values().stream().filter(c -> c.disableable()).forEach(c -> disabled.add(c.canonicalName()));
    // Process overrides
    severityOverrides.forEach((checkName, newSeverity) -> {
        BugCheckerInfo check = getAllChecks().get(checkName);
        if (check == null) {
            if (errorProneOptions.ignoreUnknownChecks()) {
            throw new InvalidCommandLineOptionException(checkName + " is not a valid checker name");
        switch(newSeverity) {
            case OFF:
                if (!check.disableable()) {
                    throw new InvalidCommandLineOptionException(check.canonicalName() + " may not be disabled");
            case DEFAULT:
                severities.put(check.canonicalName(), check.defaultSeverity());
            case WARN:
                // Demoting an enabled check from an error to a warning is a form of disabling
                if (!disabled().contains(check.canonicalName()) && !check.disableable() && check.defaultSeverity() == SeverityLevel.ERROR) {
                    throw new InvalidCommandLineOptionException(check.canonicalName() + " is not disableable and may not be demoted to a warning");
                severities.put(check.canonicalName(), SeverityLevel.WARNING);
            case ERROR:
                severities.put(check.canonicalName(), SeverityLevel.ERROR);
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected severity level: " + newSeverity);
    return new ScannerSupplierImpl(checks, ImmutableMap.copyOf(severities), ImmutableSet.copyOf(disabled), errorProneOptions.getFlags());
Also used : Arrays(java.util.Arrays) ImmutableSet( ImmutableMap( CheckReturnValue( Supplier( BugChecker( Set(java.util.Set) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Severity( Sets( ImmutableBiMap( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) HashBiMap( ImmutableList( ErrorProneFlags( Predicate( BugCheckerInfo( ErrorProneOptions( Map(java.util.Map) VisibleForTesting( InvalidCommandLineOptionException( SeverityLevel( BugCheckerInfo( InvalidCommandLineOptionException( Severity( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) SeverityLevel( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) CheckReturnValue(

Example 8 with CheckReturnValue

use of in project error-prone by google.

the class IncompatibleArgumentType method populateTypesToEnforce.

// Return whether this method contains any @CompatibleWith annotations. If there are none, the
// caller should explore super-methods.
private boolean populateTypesToEnforce(MethodSymbol declaredMethod, Type calledMethodType, Type calledReceiverType, List<RequiredType> argumentTypeRequirements, VisitorState state) {
    boolean foundAnyTypeToEnforce = false;
    List<VarSymbol> params = declaredMethod.params();
    for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
        VarSymbol varSymbol = params.get(i);
        CompatibleWith anno = ASTHelpers.getAnnotation(varSymbol, CompatibleWith.class);
        if (anno != null) {
            foundAnyTypeToEnforce = true;
            // Now we try and resolve the generic type argument in the annotation against the current
            // method call's projection of this generic type.
            RequiredType requiredType = resolveRequiredTypeForThisCall(state, calledMethodType, calledReceiverType, declaredMethod, anno.value());
            // @CW is on the varags parameter
            if (declaredMethod.isVarArgs() && i == params.size() - 1) {
                if (i >= argumentTypeRequirements.size()) {
                    // void foo(String...); foo();
                } else {
                    // Set this required type for all of the arguments in the varargs position.
                    for (int j = i; j < argumentTypeRequirements.size(); j++) {
                        argumentTypeRequirements.set(j, requiredType);
            } else {
                argumentTypeRequirements.set(i, requiredType);
    return foundAnyTypeToEnforce;
Also used : VarSymbol( CompatibleWith( CheckReturnValue(

Example 9 with CheckReturnValue

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class TypeInference method updateScopeForAssignment.

 * Updates the scope according to the result of an assignment.
private FlowScope updateScopeForAssignment(FlowScope scope, Node target, JSType resultType, Node updateNode, AssignmentType type) {
    checkState(updateNode == null || updateNode == target);
    // may be null
    JSType targetType = target.getJSType();
    Node right = NodeUtil.getRValueOfLValue(target);
    if (isPossibleMixinApplication(target, right)) {
    switch(target.getToken()) {
        case NAME:
            String varName = target.getString();
            TypedVar var = getDeclaredVar(scope, varName);
            JSType varType = var == null ? null : var.getType();
            boolean isVarDeclaration = type == AssignmentType.DECLARATION && !var.isTypeInferred() && // implicit vars (like arguments) have no nameNode
            var.getNameNode() != null;
            // Whether this variable is declared not because it has JSDoc with a declaration, but
            // because it is const and the right-hand-side is easily inferrable.
            // e.g. these are 'typeless const declarations':
            // const x = 0;
            // /** @const */
            // a.b.c = SomeOtherConstructor;
            // but these are not:
            // let x = 0;
            // /** @const @constructor */
            // a.b.c = someMixin();
            // This is messy, since the definition of 'typeless const' is duplicated in
            // TypedScopeCreator and this code.
            boolean isTypelessConstDecl = isVarDeclaration && // ignore redeclarations of implicit globals
            var.getNameNode().isName() && NodeUtil.isConstantDeclaration(var.getJSDocInfo(), var.getNameNode()) && !(var.getJSDocInfo() != null && var.getJSDocInfo().containsDeclarationExcludingTypelessConst());
            // When looking at VAR initializers for declared VARs, we tend
            // to use the declared type over the type it's being
            // initialized to in the global scope.
            // For example,
            // /** @param {number} */ var f = goog.abstractMethod;
            // it's obvious that the programmer wants you to use
            // the declared function signature, not the inferred signature.
            // Or,
            // /** @type {Object.<string>} */ var x = {};
            // the one-time anonymous object on the right side
            // is as narrow as it can possibly be, but we need to make
            // sure we back-infer the <string> element constraint on
            // the left hand side, so we use the left hand side.
            boolean isVarTypeBetter = isVarDeclaration && // Makes it easier to check for NPEs.
            !resultType.isNullType() && !resultType.isVoidType() && // because this type was computed from the RHS
            if (isVarTypeBetter) {
                scope = redeclareSimpleVar(scope, target, varType);
            } else {
                scope = redeclareSimpleVar(scope, target, resultType);
            if (updateNode != null) {
            if (var != null && var.isTypeInferred() && // TODO(sdh): remove this condition after cleaning up code depending on it.
            !(target.getParent().isLet() && !target.hasChildren())) {
                JSType oldType = var.getType();
                var.setType(oldType == null ? resultType : oldType.getLeastSupertype(resultType));
            } else if (isTypelessConstDecl) {
                // /** @const */ var x = y;
                // should be redeclared, so that the type of y
                // gets propagated to inner scopes.
        case GETPROP:
            if (target.isQualifiedName()) {
                String qualifiedName = target.getQualifiedName();
                boolean declaredSlotType = false;
                JSType rawObjType = target.getFirstChild().getJSType();
                if (rawObjType != null) {
                    ObjectType objType = ObjectType.cast(rawObjType.restrictByNotNullOrUndefined());
                    if (objType != null) {
                        String propName = target.getString();
                        declaredSlotType = objType.isPropertyTypeDeclared(propName);
                JSType safeLeftType = targetType == null ? unknownType : targetType;
                scope = scope.inferQualifiedSlot(target, qualifiedName, safeLeftType, resultType, declaredSlotType);
            if (updateNode != null) {
            ensurePropertyDefined(target, resultType, scope);
    return scope;
Also used : ObjectType( JSType( Node( CheckReturnValue(

Example 10 with CheckReturnValue

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class TypeInference method traverseReturn.

 * Traverse a return value.
private FlowScope traverseReturn(Node n, FlowScope scope) {
    scope = traverseChildren(n, scope);
    Node retValue = n.getFirstChild();
    if (retValue != null) {
        JSType type = containerScope.getRootNode().getJSType();
        if (type != null) {
            FunctionType fnType = type.toMaybeFunctionType();
            if (fnType != null) {
                inferPropertyTypesToMatchConstraint(retValue.getJSType(), fnType.getReturnType());
    return scope;
Also used : JSType( Node( FunctionType( CheckReturnValue(


CheckReturnValue ( JSType ( Node ( ObjectType ( BugCheckerInfo ( SeverityLevel ( ErrorProneFlags ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)2 VisibleForTesting ( Predicate ( Supplier ( HashBiMap ( ImmutableBiMap ( ImmutableList ( ImmutableMap ( ImmutableSet ( Sets ( ErrorProneOptions ( Severity (