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Example 1 with CheckReturnValue

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class SemanticReverseAbstractInterpreter method caseInstanceOf.

private FlowScope caseInstanceOf(Node left, Node right, FlowScope blindScope, Outcome outcome) {
    JSType leftType = getTypeIfRefinable(left, blindScope);
    if (leftType == null) {
        return blindScope;
    JSType rightType = right.getJSType();
    ObjectType targetType = typeRegistry.getNativeObjectType(JSTypeNative.UNKNOWN_TYPE);
    if (rightType != null && rightType.isFunctionType()) {
        targetType = rightType.toMaybeFunctionType();
    Visitor<JSType> visitor;
    if (outcome.isTruthy()) {
        visitor = new RestrictByTrueInstanceOfResultVisitor(targetType);
    } else {
        visitor = new RestrictByFalseInstanceOfResultVisitor(targetType);
    return maybeRestrictName(blindScope, left, leftType, leftType.visit(visitor));
Also used : ObjectType( JSType( CheckReturnValue(

Example 2 with CheckReturnValue

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class SemanticReverseAbstractInterpreter method caseEquality.

private FlowScope caseEquality(Node left, Node right, FlowScope blindScope, Function<TypePair, TypePair> merging) {
    // left type
    JSType leftType = getTypeIfRefinable(left, blindScope);
    boolean leftIsRefineable;
    if (leftType != null) {
        leftIsRefineable = true;
    } else {
        leftIsRefineable = false;
        leftType = left.getJSType();
    // right type
    JSType rightType = getTypeIfRefinable(right, blindScope);
    boolean rightIsRefineable;
    if (rightType != null) {
        rightIsRefineable = true;
    } else {
        rightIsRefineable = false;
        rightType = right.getJSType();
    // merged types
    TypePair merged = merging.apply(new TypePair(leftType, rightType));
    // creating new scope
    if (merged != null) {
        return maybeRestrictTwoNames(blindScope, left, leftType, leftIsRefineable ? merged.typeA : null, right, rightType, rightIsRefineable ? merged.typeB : null);
    return blindScope;
Also used : JSType( TypePair( CheckReturnValue(

Example 3 with CheckReturnValue

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class TypeInference method traverseCatch.

 * Any value can be thrown, so it's really impossible to determine the type of a CATCH param.
 * Treat it as the UNKNOWN type.
private FlowScope traverseCatch(Node catchNode, FlowScope scope) {
    Node catchTarget = catchNode.getFirstChild();
    if (catchTarget.isName()) {
        Node name = catchNode.getFirstChild();
        JSType type = name.getJSType();
        // Otherwise use "unknown".
        if (type == null) {
            type = unknownType;
        return redeclareSimpleVar(scope, name, type);
    } else if (catchTarget.isDestructuringPattern()) {
        Node pattern = catchNode.getFirstChild();
        return traverseDestructuringPattern(pattern, scope, unknownType, AssignmentType.DECLARATION);
    } else {
        checkState(catchTarget.isEmpty(), catchTarget);
        // ES2019 allows `try {} catch {}` with no catch expression
        return scope;
Also used : JSType( Node( CheckReturnValue(

Example 4 with CheckReturnValue

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class TypeInference method flowThrough.

FlowScope flowThrough(Node n, FlowScope input) {
    // want to infer anything about this scope.
    if (input == bottomScope) {
        return input;
    // This method also does some logic for ES modules right before and after entering/exiting the
    // scope rooted at the module. The reasoning for separating out this logic is that we can just
    // ignore the actual AST nodes for IMPORT/EXPORT, in most cases, because we have already
    // created an abstraction of imports and exports.
    Node root = NodeUtil.getEnclosingScopeRoot(n);
    // Inferred types of ES module imports/exports aren't knowable until after TypeInference runs.
    // First update the type of all imports in the scope, then do flow-sensitive inference, then
    // update the implicit '*exports*' object.
    Module module = ModuleImportResolver.getModuleFromScopeRoot(compiler.getModuleMap(), compiler, root);
    TypedScope syntacticBlockScope = scopeCreator.createScope(root);
    if (module != null && module.metadata().isEs6Module()) {
        moduleImportResolver.declareEsModuleImports(module, syntacticBlockScope, compiler.getInput(NodeUtil.getInputId(n)));
    // This logic is not specific to ES modules.
    FlowScope output = input.withSyntacticScope(syntacticBlockScope);
    output = inferDeclarativelyUnboundVarsWithoutTypes(output);
    output = traverse(n, output);
    updateModuleScope(module, syntacticBlockScope);
    return output;
Also used : Node( Module( FlowScope( CheckReturnValue(

Example 5 with CheckReturnValue

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class TypeInference method traverseAssignOp.

private FlowScope traverseAssignOp(Node n, FlowScope scope) {
    Node left = n.getFirstChild();
    scope = traverseBigIntCompatibleBinaryOperator(n, scope);
    // The lhs is both an input and an output, so don't update the input type here.
    return updateScopeForAssignment(scope, left, getJSType(n), /* updateNode= */
    null, AssignmentType.ASSIGN);
Also used : Node( CheckReturnValue(


CheckReturnValue ( JSType ( Node ( ObjectType ( BugCheckerInfo ( SeverityLevel ( ErrorProneFlags ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)2 VisibleForTesting ( Predicate ( Supplier ( HashBiMap ( ImmutableBiMap ( ImmutableList ( ImmutableMap ( ImmutableSet ( Sets ( ErrorProneOptions ( Severity (