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Example 11 with CheckReturnValue

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class TypeInference method traverseAssign.

private FlowScope traverseAssign(Node n, FlowScope scope) {
    Node target = n.getFirstChild();
    Node value = n.getLastChild();
    if (target.isDestructuringPattern()) {
        scope = traverse(value, scope);
        JSType valueType = getJSType(value);
        return traverseDestructuringPattern(target, scope, valueType, AssignmentType.ASSIGN);
    } else {
        scope = traverseChildren(n, scope);
        JSType valueType = getJSType(value);
        return updateScopeForAssignment(scope, target, valueType, AssignmentType.ASSIGN);
Also used : JSType( Node( CheckReturnValue(

Example 12 with CheckReturnValue

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class SemanticReverseAbstractInterpreter method caseIn.

 * Given 'property in object', ensures that the object has the property in the informed scope by
 * defining it as a qualified name if the object type lacks the property and it's not in the blind
 * scope.
 * @param object The node of the right-side of the in.
 * @param propertyName The string of the left-side of the in.
private FlowScope caseIn(Node object, String propertyName, FlowScope blindScope) {
    JSType jsType = object.getJSType();
    jsType = jsType != null ? jsType.restrictByNotNullOrUndefined() : null;
    boolean hasProperty = false;
    ObjectType objectType = ObjectType.cast(jsType);
    if (objectType != null) {
        hasProperty = objectType.hasProperty(propertyName);
    if (!hasProperty) {
        String qualifiedName = object.getQualifiedName();
        if (qualifiedName != null) {
            String propertyQualifiedName = qualifiedName + "." + propertyName;
            if (blindScope.getSlot(propertyQualifiedName) == null) {
                JSType unknownType = typeRegistry.getNativeType(JSTypeNative.UNKNOWN_TYPE);
                return blindScope.inferQualifiedSlot(object, propertyQualifiedName, unknownType, unknownType, false);
    return blindScope;
Also used : ObjectType( JSType( CheckReturnValue(

Example 13 with CheckReturnValue

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class SemanticReverseAbstractInterpreter method getPreciserScopeKnowingConditionOutcome.

public FlowScope getPreciserScopeKnowingConditionOutcome(Node condition, FlowScope blindScope, Outcome outcome) {
    // Check for the typeof operator.
    Token operatorToken = condition.getToken();
    switch(operatorToken) {
        case EQ:
        case NE:
        case SHEQ:
        case SHNE:
        case CASE:
            Node left;
            Node right;
            if (operatorToken == Token.CASE) {
                // the switch condition
                left = condition.getParent().getFirstChild();
                right = condition.getFirstChild();
            } else {
                left = condition.getFirstChild();
                right = condition.getLastChild();
            Node typeOfNode = null;
            Node stringNode = null;
            if (left.isTypeOf() && right.isStringLit()) {
                typeOfNode = left;
                stringNode = right;
            } else if (right.isTypeOf() && left.isStringLit()) {
                typeOfNode = right;
                stringNode = left;
            if (typeOfNode != null && stringNode != null) {
                Node operandNode = typeOfNode.getFirstChild();
                JSType operandType = getTypeIfRefinable(operandNode, blindScope);
                if (operandType != null) {
                    boolean resultEqualsValue = operatorToken == Token.EQ || operatorToken == Token.SHEQ || operatorToken == Token.CASE;
                    if (!outcome.isTruthy()) {
                        resultEqualsValue = !resultEqualsValue;
                    return caseTypeOf(operandNode, operandType, stringNode.getString(), resultEqualsValue, blindScope);
    switch(operatorToken) {
        case AND:
            if (outcome.isTruthy()) {
                return caseAndOrNotShortCircuiting(condition.getFirstChild(), condition.getLastChild(), blindScope, Outcome.TRUE);
            } else {
                return caseAndOrMaybeShortCircuiting(condition.getFirstChild(), condition.getLastChild(), blindScope, Outcome.TRUE);
        case OR:
            if (!outcome.isTruthy()) {
                return caseAndOrNotShortCircuiting(condition.getFirstChild(), condition.getLastChild(), blindScope, Outcome.FALSE);
            } else {
                return caseAndOrMaybeShortCircuiting(condition.getFirstChild(), condition.getLastChild(), blindScope, Outcome.FALSE);
        case EQ:
            if (outcome.isTruthy()) {
                return caseEquality(condition, blindScope, EQ);
            } else {
                return caseEquality(condition, blindScope, NE);
        case NE:
            if (outcome.isTruthy()) {
                return caseEquality(condition, blindScope, NE);
            } else {
                return caseEquality(condition, blindScope, EQ);
        case SHEQ:
            if (outcome.isTruthy()) {
                return caseEquality(condition, blindScope, SHEQ);
            } else {
                return caseEquality(condition, blindScope, SHNE);
        case SHNE:
            if (outcome.isTruthy()) {
                return caseEquality(condition, blindScope, SHNE);
            } else {
                return caseEquality(condition, blindScope, SHEQ);
        case NAME:
        case GETPROP:
            return caseNameOrGetProp(condition, blindScope, outcome);
        case ASSIGN:
            return firstPreciserScopeKnowingConditionOutcome(condition.getFirstChild(), firstPreciserScopeKnowingConditionOutcome(condition.getSecondChild(), blindScope, outcome), outcome);
        case NOT:
            return firstPreciserScopeKnowingConditionOutcome(condition.getFirstChild(), blindScope, outcome.not());
        case LE:
        case LT:
        case GE:
        case GT:
            if (outcome.isTruthy()) {
                return caseEquality(condition, blindScope, ineq);
        case INSTANCEOF:
            return caseInstanceOf(condition.getFirstChild(), condition.getLastChild(), blindScope, outcome);
        case IN:
            if (outcome.isTruthy() && condition.getFirstChild().isStringLit()) {
                return caseIn(condition.getLastChild(), condition.getFirstChild().getString(), blindScope);
        case CASE:
                Node left = // the switch condition
                Node right = condition.getFirstChild();
                if (outcome.isTruthy()) {
                    return caseEquality(left, right, blindScope, SHEQ);
                } else {
                    return caseEquality(left, right, blindScope, SHNE);
        case CALL:
                Node left = condition.getFirstChild();
                String leftName = left.getQualifiedName();
                if ("Array.isArray".equals(leftName) && left.getNext() != null) {
                    return caseIsArray(left.getNext(), blindScope, outcome);
    return nextPreciserScopeKnowingConditionOutcome(condition, blindScope, outcome);
Also used : JSType( Node( Token( CheckReturnValue(

Example 14 with CheckReturnValue

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class SemanticReverseAbstractInterpreter method caseAndOrMaybeShortCircuiting.

private FlowScope caseAndOrMaybeShortCircuiting(Node left, Node right, FlowScope blindScope, Outcome outcome) {
    // Perform two separate refinements, one for if short-circuiting occurred, and one for if it did
    // not.  Because it's not clear whether short-circuiting occurred, we actually have to ignore
    // both separate result flow scopes individually, but if they both refined the same slot, we
    // can join the two refinements.  TODO(sdh): look into simplifying this.  If joining were
    // more efficient, we should just be able to join the scopes unconditionally?
    Set<String> refinements = new HashSet<>();
    blindScope = new RefinementTrackingFlowScope(blindScope, refinements);
    FlowScope leftScope = firstPreciserScopeKnowingConditionOutcome(left, blindScope, outcome.not());
    StaticTypedSlot leftVar = refinements.size() == 1 ? leftScope.getSlot(refinements.iterator().next()) : null;
    if (leftVar == null) {
        // must create a child instead.
        return unwrap(blindScope);
    // Note: re-wrap the scope, in case it was unwrapped by a nested call to this method.
    FlowScope rightScope = new RefinementTrackingFlowScope(firstPreciserScopeKnowingConditionOutcome(left, blindScope, outcome), refinements);
    rightScope = firstPreciserScopeKnowingConditionOutcome(right, rightScope, outcome.not());
    StaticTypedSlot rightVar = refinements.size() == 1 ? rightScope.getSlot(refinements.iterator().next()) : null;
    if (rightVar == null || !leftVar.getName().equals(rightVar.getName())) {
        return unwrap(blindScope);
    JSType type = leftVar.getType().getLeastSupertype(rightVar.getType());
    return unwrap(blindScope).inferSlotType(leftVar.getName(), type);
Also used : StaticTypedSlot( JSType( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) CheckReturnValue(

Example 15 with CheckReturnValue

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class SemanticReverseAbstractInterpreter method caseAndOrNotShortCircuiting.

private FlowScope caseAndOrNotShortCircuiting(Node left, Node right, FlowScope blindScope, Outcome outcome) {
    // left type
    JSType leftType = getTypeIfRefinable(left, blindScope);
    boolean leftIsRefineable;
    if (leftType != null) {
        leftIsRefineable = true;
    } else {
        leftIsRefineable = false;
        leftType = left.getJSType();
        blindScope = firstPreciserScopeKnowingConditionOutcome(left, blindScope, outcome);
    // restricting left type
    JSType restrictedLeftType = (leftType == null) ? null : leftType.getRestrictedTypeGivenOutcome(outcome);
    if (restrictedLeftType == null) {
        return firstPreciserScopeKnowingConditionOutcome(right, blindScope, outcome);
    blindScope = maybeRestrictName(blindScope, left, leftType, leftIsRefineable ? restrictedLeftType : null);
    // right type
    JSType rightType = getTypeIfRefinable(right, blindScope);
    boolean rightIsRefineable;
    if (rightType != null) {
        rightIsRefineable = true;
    } else {
        rightIsRefineable = false;
        rightType = right.getJSType();
        blindScope = firstPreciserScopeKnowingConditionOutcome(right, blindScope, outcome);
    if (outcome.isTruthy()) {
        JSType restrictedRightType = (rightType == null) ? null : rightType.getRestrictedTypeGivenOutcome(outcome);
        // creating new scope
        return maybeRestrictName(blindScope, right, rightType, rightIsRefineable ? restrictedRightType : null);
    return blindScope;
Also used : JSType( CheckReturnValue(


CheckReturnValue ( JSType ( Node ( ObjectType ( BugCheckerInfo ( SeverityLevel ( ErrorProneFlags ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)2 VisibleForTesting ( Predicate ( Supplier ( HashBiMap ( ImmutableBiMap ( ImmutableList ( ImmutableMap ( ImmutableSet ( Sets ( ErrorProneOptions ( Severity (