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Example 1 with CharacterDiscipline

use of com.ixale.starparse.domain.CharacterDiscipline in project StarParse by Ixale.

the class Parser method processEventHealing.

public void processEventHealing(final Event e, final String effectiveValue) {
    if (e.getThreat() != null) {
        if (isAbilityFakeHeal(e)) {
            // ignore
    // continue normally
    } else if (!isEffectiveLogged) {
        if (isAbilityNoThreat(e) && e.getSource() == e.getTarget()) {
            // consider as fully effective
        } else {
        // no effective, nothing to do
    // resolve effective healing
    if (!actorStates.containsKey(e.getSource())) {
        // setup healer
        actorStates.put(e.getSource(), new ActorState());
    // detect healer if possible
    if (actorStates.get(e.getSource()).role == null) {
        final CharacterDiscipline actorDiscipline = getDiscipline(e.getAbility().getGuid(), false);
        if (actorDiscipline != null) {
            actorStates.get(e.getSource()).role = actorDiscipline.getRole();
        // if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        // logger.debug("Healing threat ratio set to " + actorDiscipline.getRole() + " for " + e.getSource() + " at " + e.getTs());
        // }
    if (isEffectiveLogged) {
        if (effectiveValue != null && !effectiveValue.isEmpty()) {
            e.setEffectiveHeal("0".equals(effectiveValue) || effectiveValue.startsWith("-") ? /* FIXME */
            null : Integer.valueOf(effectiveValue));
        } else {
    // shortcuts
    final boolean isGuarded = actorStates.get(e.getSource()).guarded > 0;
    final boolean isHealer = actorStates.get(e.getSource()).role == null || CharacterRole.HEALER.equals(actorStates.get(e.getSource()).role);
    final boolean isTank = !isHealer && CharacterRole.TANK.equals(actorStates.get(e.getSource()).role);
    // calculate effective heal using the threat generated
    int effectiveHeal = getEffectiveHeal(e.getThreat(), isHealer && !isAbilityNonreducedThreat(e), isGuarded, isTank);
    // sanity check
    if (effectiveHeal == e.getValue() || Math.abs(effectiveHeal - e.getValue()) <= HEALING_THREAT_TOLERANCE) {
        // fully effective (possibly with rounding issue)
    if (effectiveHeal < e.getValue()) {
        // not fully effective
        if (!isGuarded) {
            // try with guard on
            effectiveHeal = getEffectiveHeal(e.getThreat(), isHealer && !isAbilityNonreducedThreat(e), true, isTank);
            if (Math.abs(effectiveHeal - e.getValue()) <= HEALING_THREAT_TOLERANCE) {
                // target is guarded, fix the flag
                // if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                // logger.debug("Healing threat is reduced by guard, fixed for " + e.getSource() + " at " + e.getTs());
                // }
                actorStates.get(e.getSource()).guarded = 1;
        // nothing to be done (e.g. unable to detect not fully effective heals from guarded healers)
    // value is too high - the ratios are off, try to detect the error ...
    if (isHealer && !isAbilityNonreducedThreat(e)) {
        // try without the 10% healing reduction
        effectiveHeal = getEffectiveHeal(e.getThreat(), false, isGuarded, false);
        if (effectiveHeal < (e.getValue() + HEALING_THREAT_TOLERANCE)) {
            if (CharacterRole.HEALER.equals(actorStates.get(e.getSource()).role)) {
            // we know for sure this is a healer, therefore 10% reduced, so assume
            // it is actually the ability not being affected by it (true for many HOTs etc)
            } else {
                // healing threat reduction not active (probably a DPS class off-healing), reset
                actorStates.get(e.getSource()).role = CharacterRole.DPS;
            // if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            // logger.debug("Healing threat reduction removed for " + e.getSource() + " at " + e.getTs());
            // }
            e.setEffectiveHeal(Math.min(e.getValue(), effectiveHeal));
    if (isGuarded) {
        // try without the guard 25% reduction
        effectiveHeal = getEffectiveHeal(e.getThreat(), isHealer && !isAbilityNonreducedThreat(e), false, isTank);
        if (effectiveHeal <= (e.getValue() + HEALING_THREAT_TOLERANCE)) {
            // supposedly guarded, but the threat is not reduced (possibly SWTOR bug) - reset the flag
            actorStates.get(e.getSource()).guarded = 0;
            // if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            // logger.debug("Healing threat is not reduced by guard, cancelled for " + e.getSource() + " at " + e.getTs());
            // }
            e.setEffectiveHeal(Math.min(e.getValue(), effectiveHeal));
    if (isGuarded && isHealer && !isAbilityNonreducedThreat(e)) {
        // both of the above combined (without 35% reduction)
        effectiveHeal = getEffectiveHeal(e.getThreat(), false, false, false);
        if (effectiveHeal <= (e.getValue() + HEALING_THREAT_TOLERANCE)) {
            actorStates.get(e.getSource()).guarded = 0;
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Healing threat is not reduced by guard, cancelled for " + e.getSource() + " at " + e.getTs());
            if (CharacterRole.HEALER.equals(actorStates.get(e.getSource()).role)) {
            // we know for sure this is a healer, therefore 10% reduced, so assume
            // it is actually the ability not being affected by it (true for many HOTs etc)
            } else {
                actorStates.get(e.getSource()).role = CharacterRole.DPS;
            // if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            // logger.debug("Healing threat reduction removed for " + e.getSource() + " at " + e.getTs());
            // }
            e.setEffectiveHeal(Math.min(e.getValue(), effectiveHeal));
    if (!isTank) {
        // try with tanking 200% ratio (and without the reduction if any)
        effectiveHeal = getEffectiveHeal(e.getThreat(), false, isGuarded, true);
        if (effectiveHeal <= (e.getValue() + HEALING_THREAT_TOLERANCE)) {
            actorStates.get(e.getSource()).role = CharacterRole.TANK;
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Healing threat ratio set to tank for " + e.getSource() + " at " + e.getTs());
            e.setEffectiveHeal(Math.min(e.getValue(), effectiveHeal));
    if (!isTank && isGuarded) {
        // try again, this time even without a guard
        effectiveHeal = getEffectiveHeal(e.getThreat(), false, false, true);
        if (effectiveHeal <= (e.getValue() + HEALING_THREAT_TOLERANCE)) {
            actorStates.get(e.getSource()).guarded = 0;
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Healing threat is not reduced by guard, cancelled for " + e.getSource() + " at " + e.getTs());
            actorStates.get(e.getSource()).role = CharacterRole.TANK;
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Healing threat ratio set to tank for " + e.getSource() + " at " + e.getTs());
            e.setEffectiveHeal(Math.min(e.getValue(), effectiveHeal));
    e.setEffectiveHeal(Math.min(e.getValue(), effectiveHeal));
    logger.warn("Unknown heal ratio for event: " + e);
// throw new ParserException("Unknown heal ratio for event: " + e);
Also used : CharacterDiscipline(com.ixale.starparse.domain.CharacterDiscipline)

Example 2 with CharacterDiscipline

use of com.ixale.starparse.domain.CharacterDiscipline in project StarParse by Ixale.

the class Parser method parseLogLine.

public boolean parseLogLine(final String line) throws ParserException {
    if (line == null) {
        logger.warn("Empty line, ignoring");
        return false;
    if (combatLog == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Enclosing combat log not set");
    // match the combat log line
    Matcher baseMatcher;
    if (context.getVersion() == null) {
        baseMatcher = v7ZonePattern.matcher(line);
        if (baseMatcher.matches()) {
            final long timestamp = getTimestamp(baseMatcher);
            setCharacterName(getSourceActor(baseMatcher, timestamp, null), timestamp);
            if ("InstanceName") != null && !"InstanceName").isEmpty()) {
                parseInstanceType("InstanceName"),"InstanceGuid"),"InstanceType"),"InstanceTypeGuid"), timestamp);
        } else {
            // cropped?
            for (final Pattern v7pattern : Arrays.asList(v7BasePattern, v7ZonePattern, v7DisciplinePattern)) {
                baseMatcher = v7pattern.matcher(line);
                if (baseMatcher.matches()) {
                    // tentative, inconclusive
                    return false;
        if (context.getVersion() == null) {
            // give up
            // legacy - default
        if (context.getVersion().startsWith("7")) {
            basePattern = v7BasePattern;
            combatPattern = null;
            zonePattern = v7ZonePattern;
            disciplinePattern = v7DisciplinePattern;
            ignorePattern = null;
            isEffectiveLogged = true;
            gsfPattern = v7GsfPattern;
        } else {
            basePattern = legacyBasePattern;
            combatPattern = legacyCombatPattern;
            zonePattern = null;
            disciplinePattern = null;
            ignorePattern = null;
            isEffectiveLogged = false;
            gsfPattern = legacyGsfPattern;
        if (baseMatcher.matches()) {
  "Version detected as " + context.getVersion());
            return false;
    baseMatcher = basePattern.matcher(line);
    if (!baseMatcher.matches()) {
        if (combatPattern != null) {
            // fallback to combat enter/exit
            baseMatcher = combatPattern.matcher(line);
        if (!baseMatcher.matches()) {
            if (disciplinePattern != null) {
                baseMatcher = disciplinePattern.matcher(line);
                if (baseMatcher.matches()) {
                    final long timestamp = getTimestamp(baseMatcher);
                    final Actor a = getSourceActor(baseMatcher, timestamp, null);
                    final CharacterDiscipline newDiscipline = CharacterDiscipline.fromGuid("DisciplineGuid"));
                    if (newDiscipline != null) {
                        if (!Objects.equals(newDiscipline, a.getDiscipline())) {
                            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                logger.debug(a + ": Discipline set as [" + newDiscipline + "] (was " + a.getDiscipline() + ") at " + Event.formatTs(getTimestamp(baseMatcher)));
                            if (Actor.Type.SELF.equals(a.getType())) {
                        if (actorStates.containsKey(a)) {
                            actorStates.get(a).discipline = a.getDiscipline();
                            actorStates.get(a).role = a.getDiscipline().getRole();
                    return false;
            if (zonePattern != null) {
                baseMatcher = zonePattern.matcher(line);
                if (baseMatcher.matches()) {
                    final long timestamp = getTimestamp(baseMatcher);
                    if ("InstanceName") != null && !"InstanceName").isEmpty()) {
                        parseInstanceType("InstanceName"),"InstanceGuid"),"InstanceType"),"InstanceTypeGuid"), timestamp);
                    return false;
            if (gsfPattern.matcher(line).matches()) {
                // GSF combat line, ignore for now
                return false;
            if (ignorePattern != null && ignorePattern.matcher(line).matches()) {
                // intentionally ignored
                return false;
            throw new ParserException("Invalid line");
    // setup event
    final Event e = new Event(++eventId, combatLogId, getTimestamp(baseMatcher));
    if (e.getEventId() == 1) {
        // adjust combat log start from the very first event
    // auto detect name if not already (pre v7)
    if (combatLog.getCharacterName() == null &&"SourcePlayerName") != null && !"SourcePlayerName").isEmpty() &&"SourcePlayerName").equals("TargetPlayerName"))) {
        // found, set
        setCharacterName(getSourceActor(baseMatcher, e.getTimestamp(), null), e.getTimestamp());
    // source
    if ("Source") != null && !"Source").isEmpty()) {
        e.setSource(getSourceActor(baseMatcher, e.getTimestamp(),"EffectGuid")));
    } else {
        e.setSource(context.getActor("Unknown", Actor.Type.NPC));
    // target
    if ("Target") != null && !"Target").isEmpty()) {
        if ("=".equals("Target"))) {
        } else {
            e.setTarget(getTargetActor(baseMatcher, e.getTimestamp(),"EffectGuid")));
    } else {
        if (isEffectiveLogged) {
        } else {
            e.setTarget(context.getActor("Unknown", Actor.Type.NPC));
    if (e.getSource() != null && (Actor.Type.PLAYER.equals(e.getSource().getType()) || Actor.Type.SELF.equals(e.getSource().getType()))) {
        ActorState ac = actorStates.get(e.getSource());
        if (ac == null) {
            ac = new ActorState();
            if (e.getSource().getDiscipline() != null) {
                // v7+
                ac.discipline = e.getSource().getDiscipline();
                ac.role = e.getSource().getDiscipline().getRole();
            if (combat != null && (isEffectiveLogged || Actor.Type.SELF.equals(e.getSource().getType()))) {
                context.addCombatPlayer(combat, e.getSource(), ac.discipline);
            actorStates.put(e.getSource(), ac);
            if (Actor.Type.SELF.equals(e.getSource().getType())) {
            } else {
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("Added group player " + e.getSource() + " at " + e.getTs());
        } else if (combat != null) {
            if (isEffectiveLogged || Actor.Type.SELF.equals(e.getSource().getType())) {
                context.addCombatPlayer(combat, e.getSource(), ac.discipline);
    if (zonePattern == null &&"Value") != null && "836045448945489".equals("EffectGuid"))) {
        // EnterCombat
        // enter, any ops details? // pre v7
        parseInstanceType(null, null,"Value"), null, e.getTimestamp());
    // ability
    if ("Ability") != null && !"Ability").isEmpty()) {
    // action
    // effect
    // value (healing / damage)
    if ("Value") != null && !EntityGuid.EnterCombat.toString().equals("EffectGuid")) && !EntityGuid.ExitCombat.toString().equals("EffectGuid"))) {
        // critical hit?
        e.setCrit("IsCrit") != null);
        // damage
        if ("DamageType") != null && !"DamageTypeGuid").equals(EntityGuid.Charges.toString())) {
        // reflect
        if ("ReflectType") != null) {
        // mitigation
        if ("IsMitigation") != null) {
            if ("MitigationType") != null) {
                // attack type (incoming attacks to known actors only)
                if (combat != null && actorStates.containsKey(e.getTarget())) {
            } else {
                // unknown mitigation
                e.setMitigation(getEntity("unknown", "-1"));
        // absorption
        if ("AbsorbValue") != null) {
            if (e.getValue() != null && e.getAbsorbed() != null && e.getAbsorbed() > e.getValue()) {
            if (isEffectiveLogged) {
                final String s;
                if (e.getSource() == e.getTarget()) {
                    // no TargetMaxHp for [=]
                    s ="SourceMaxHp");
                } else {
                    s ="TargetMaxHp");
                final Integer maxHp = s == null ? null : Integer.valueOf(s);
                if (maxHp != null && maxHp < e.getAbsorbed()) {
                    // looking at you, Ciphas & Doom
    // threat
    if ("Threat") != null) {
    // guard
    if (actorStates.containsKey(e.getSource()) || actorStates.containsKey(e.getTarget())) {
    // combat
    final boolean wasInCombat = combat != null;
    // healing
    if (isEffectHeal(e)) {
        processEventHealing(e, isEffectiveLogged ?"Effective") : null);
    // effect
    if (actorStates.containsKey(e.getSource()) || actorStates.containsKey(e.getTarget())) {
    // absorption
    processEventAbsorption(e, isEffectiveLogged ?"Effective") : null);
    // instance swap?
    if (isEffectEqual(e, EntityGuid.SafeLoginImmunity.getGuid()) && isActionApply(e)) {
        if (zonePattern == null) {
            instanceMode = null;
            instanceSize = null;
        isUsingMimCrystal = false;
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Instance reset at " + e.getTs());
    // } else if (isEffectEqual(e, EntityGuid.Bolster.getGuid())) {
    // instanceMode = Raid.Mode.SM;
    } else if (isEffectEqual(e, 3638571739119616L) && isActionApply(e)) {
        // Nightmare Fury
        instanceMode = Raid.Mode.NiM;
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("NiM crystal detected at " + e.getTs());
        if (!isUsingMimCrystal && combat != null) {
            // activated mid fight?
            context.addCombatEvent(combat.getCombatId(), e.getSource(), Event.Type.NIM_CRYSTAL, e.getTimestamp());
        isUsingMimCrystal = true;
    // hots tracking
    if (isSourceThisPlayer(e) && isTargetAnyPlayer(e) && (combat == null || actorStates.get(e.getSource()).discipline == null || CharacterRole.HEALER.equals(actorStates.get(e.getSource()).discipline.getRole()))) {
        processEventHots(e, baseMatcher);
    return wasInCombat && combat == null;
Also used : Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) CharacterDiscipline(com.ixale.starparse.domain.CharacterDiscipline) Actor(com.ixale.starparse.domain.Actor) Event(com.ixale.starparse.domain.Event)

Example 3 with CharacterDiscipline

use of com.ixale.starparse.domain.CharacterDiscipline in project StarParse by Ixale.

the class RankServiceImpl method getRanking.

private void getRanking(final RaidBoss boss, final RankType type, final CharacterDiscipline discipline, final Consumer<Ranking> callback) {
    final String key = buildKey(boss, type, discipline);
    if (!rankings.containsKey(key)) {
        if (rankingExecutor == null) {
            rankingExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(r -> {
                final Thread worker = new Thread(r, "Ranking Worker");
                return worker;
        rankingExecutor.execute(() -> {
            try {
                // build remote URL
                final URL url = buildUrl(boss, host, key);
                // fetch from remote
                final String content = FileDownloader.fetchFile(url);
                // parse
                final Ranking ranking = readRanking(content);
                // cache
                rankings.put(key, ranking);
                Platform.runLater(() -> {
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("Ranking fetched from remote (" + boss + ", " + type + ", " + discipline + "): " + ranking);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (e.getMessage().equals("Read timed out") || e.getMessage().startsWith("Server returned non-OK status: 404")) {
                    // local issue, silently ignore
                logger.error("Failed to rank " + key + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
Also used : CharacterDiscipline(com.ixale.starparse.domain.CharacterDiscipline) RaidBossName(com.ixale.starparse.domain.RaidBossName) Marshaller(com.ixale.starparse.gui.Marshaller) Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) URL( LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Percentile(com.ixale.starparse.domain.Ranking.Percentile) RankService(com.ixale.starparse.service.RankService) Executors(java.util.concurrent.Executors) FileDownloader(com.ixale.starparse.utils.FileDownloader) Platform(javafx.application.Platform) Consumer(java.util.function.Consumer) Reason(com.ixale.starparse.domain.RankClass.Reason) RankClass(com.ixale.starparse.domain.RankClass) Ranking(com.ixale.starparse.domain.Ranking) RaidBoss(com.ixale.starparse.domain.RaidBoss) Service(org.springframework.stereotype.Service) Map(java.util.Map) CharacterClass(com.ixale.starparse.domain.CharacterClass) Mode(com.ixale.starparse.domain.Raid.Mode) ExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) Ranking(com.ixale.starparse.domain.Ranking) URL(

Example 4 with CharacterDiscipline

use of com.ixale.starparse.domain.CharacterDiscipline in project StarParse by Ixale.

the class ParserTest method testDisciplines.

public void testDisciplines() throws Exception {
    for (CharacterDiscipline discipline : CharacterDiscipline.values()) {
        for (long guid : discipline.getAbilities()) {
            final Parser p = createParser();
            p.parseLogLine("[14:14:35.306] [@Ixayly] [@Ixayly] [] [Event {836045448945472}: EnterCombat {836045448945489}] ()");
            assertNull(p.getActorStates().get(p.getContext().getActor("Ixayly", Actor.Type.SELF)).discipline);
            p.parseLogLine("[21:30:14.981] [@SomeoneElse] [@Ixayly] [FooBar {" + guid + "}] [Event {836045448945472}: AbilityActivate {836045448945479}] ()");
            assertNull(p.getActorStates().get(p.getContext().getActor("Ixayly", Actor.Type.SELF)).discipline);
            p.parseLogLine("[21:30:14.981] [@SomeoneElse] [@SomeoneElse] [FooBar {" + guid + "}] [Event {836045448945472}: AbilityActivate {836045448945479}] ()");
            assertNull(p.getActorStates().get(p.getContext().getActor("Ixayly", Actor.Type.SELF)).discipline);
            p.parseLogLine("[21:30:14.981] [@SomeoneElse] [@SomeoneElse] [FooBar {" + guid + "}] [Event {836045448945472}: AbilityActivate {836045448945479}] ()");
            assertNull(p.getActorStates().get(p.getContext().getActor("Ixayly", Actor.Type.SELF)).discipline);
            if (CharacterClass.Sentinel.equals(discipline.getCharacterClass())) {
                p.parseLogLine("[04:41:22.825] [@Ixayly] [@Ixayly] [Centering {2528580391141376}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Centering {2528580391141376}] ()");
            if (CharacterClass.Marauder.equals(discipline.getCharacterClass())) {
                p.parseLogLine("[04:41:22.825] [@Ixayly] [@Ixayly] [Fury {2515454971084800}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Fury {2515454971084800}] ()");
            p.parseLogLine("[21:30:14.981] [@Ixayly] [@Ixayly] [FooBar {" + guid + "}] [Event {836045448945472}: AbilityActivate {836045448945479}] ()");
            assertEquals("Failed to detect discipline", discipline, p.getActorStates().get(p.getContext().getActor("Ixayly", Actor.Type.SELF)).discipline);
Also used : CharacterDiscipline(com.ixale.starparse.domain.CharacterDiscipline) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with CharacterDiscipline

use of com.ixale.starparse.domain.CharacterDiscipline in project StarParse by Ixale.

the class CombatDaoImpl method storeCombat.

private void storeCombat(final Combat c, boolean create, boolean close) throws Exception {
    // resolve name
    final String combatName = close ? getJdbcTemplate().query(SQL_GET_NAME, new Object[] { c.getEventIdFrom(), c.getEventIdTo() != null ? c.getEventIdTo() : Integer.MAX_VALUE }, rs -> ? rs.getString("combat_name") : null) : null;
    final Timestamp fromTs = new Timestamp(c.getTimeFrom());
    Integer selfTick = null;
    for (final Map.Entry<Actor, CharacterDiscipline> entry : context.getCombatInfo().get(c.getCombatId()).getCombatPlayers().entrySet()) {
        // gather statistics
        final CombatStats stats = getCombatStats(c, new CombatSelection(c.getEventIdFrom(), c.getEventIdTo(), null, null), entry.getKey().getName());
        // insert or update (same structure)
        final Timestamp toTs = new Timestamp(c.getTimeTo() != null ? c.getTimeTo() : c.getTimeFrom() + stats.getTick());
        if (selfTick == null) {
            // take first encountered (== this player)
            selfTick = stats.getTick();
        getJdbcTemplate().update(create ? SQL_INSERT_STATS : SQL_UPDATE_STATS, new Object[] { c.getEventIdFrom(), c.getEventIdTo(), fromTs, toTs, stats.getActions(), stats.getApm(), stats.getDamage(), stats.getDps(), stats.getHeal(), stats.getHps(), stats.getEffectiveHeal(), stats.getEhps(), stats.getEhpsPercent(), stats.getDamageTaken(), stats.getDtps(), stats.getAbsorbed(), stats.getAps(), stats.getHealTaken(), stats.getHpsTaken(), stats.getEhpsTaken(), stats.getEffectiveHealTakenTotal(), stats.getThreat(), stats.getThreatPositive(), stats.getTps(), entry.getValue() != null ? entry.getValue().name() : null, c.getCombatId(), entry.getKey().getName() });
    getJdbcTemplate().update(create ? SQL_INSERT : SQL_UPDATE, new Object[] { c.getLogId(), c.getEventIdFrom(), c.getEventIdTo(), fromTs, new Timestamp(c.getTimeTo() != null ? c.getTimeTo() : c.getTimeFrom() + (selfTick == null ? 1000 : selfTick)), c.getBoss() != null ? c.getBoss().getRaid().getName() : null, c.getBoss() != null ? c.getBoss().toString() : null, combatName, c.isPvp() != null ? c.isPvp() : null, !close, c.getCombatId() });
Also used : CharacterDiscipline(com.ixale.starparse.domain.CharacterDiscipline) AbsorptionStats(com.ixale.starparse.domain.stats.AbsorptionStats) DamageDealtStats(com.ixale.starparse.domain.stats.DamageDealtStats) DataAccessException(org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException) CombatChallenge(com.ixale.starparse.domain.CombatChallenge) CombatMitigationStats(com.ixale.starparse.domain.stats.CombatMitigationStats) CombatTickStats(com.ixale.starparse.domain.stats.CombatTickStats) HealingDoneStats(com.ixale.starparse.domain.stats.HealingDoneStats) LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) Autowired(org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired) SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) CombatDao(com.ixale.starparse.service.dao.CombatDao) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Effect(com.ixale.starparse.domain.Effect) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) Calendar(java.util.Calendar) EntityGuid(com.ixale.starparse.domain.EntityGuid) CombatStats(com.ixale.starparse.domain.stats.CombatStats) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) Map(java.util.Map) Event(com.ixale.starparse.domain.Event) Helpers(com.ixale.starparse.parser.Helpers) Repository(org.springframework.stereotype.Repository) TimeUtils(com.ixale.starparse.time.TimeUtils) EmptyResultDataAccessException(org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException) Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) Combat(com.ixale.starparse.domain.Combat) Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) Set(java.util.Set) DamageTakenStats(com.ixale.starparse.domain.stats.DamageTakenStats) HealingTakenStats(com.ixale.starparse.domain.stats.HealingTakenStats) List(java.util.List) CombatSelection(com.ixale.starparse.domain.CombatSelection) ChallengeStats(com.ixale.starparse.domain.stats.ChallengeStats) RowMapper(org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper) Actor(com.ixale.starparse.domain.Actor) Collections(java.util.Collections) CombatSelection(com.ixale.starparse.domain.CombatSelection) CombatStats(com.ixale.starparse.domain.stats.CombatStats) CharacterDiscipline(com.ixale.starparse.domain.CharacterDiscipline) Actor(com.ixale.starparse.domain.Actor) Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map)


CharacterDiscipline (com.ixale.starparse.domain.CharacterDiscipline)5 Actor (com.ixale.starparse.domain.Actor)2 Event (com.ixale.starparse.domain.Event)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 Logger (org.slf4j.Logger)2 LoggerFactory (org.slf4j.LoggerFactory)2 CharacterClass (com.ixale.starparse.domain.CharacterClass)1 Combat (com.ixale.starparse.domain.Combat)1 CombatChallenge (com.ixale.starparse.domain.CombatChallenge)1 CombatSelection (com.ixale.starparse.domain.CombatSelection)1 Effect (com.ixale.starparse.domain.Effect)1 EntityGuid (com.ixale.starparse.domain.EntityGuid)1 Mode (com.ixale.starparse.domain.Raid.Mode)1 RaidBoss (com.ixale.starparse.domain.RaidBoss)1 RaidBossName (com.ixale.starparse.domain.RaidBossName)1 RankClass (com.ixale.starparse.domain.RankClass)1 Reason (com.ixale.starparse.domain.RankClass.Reason)1 Ranking (com.ixale.starparse.domain.Ranking)1 Percentile (com.ixale.starparse.domain.Ranking.Percentile)1