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Example 56 with Bone

use of com.jme3.animation.Bone in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class KinematicRagdollControl method setMode.

     * Enable or disable the ragdoll behaviour. if ragdollEnabled is true, the
     * character motion will only be powerd by physics else, the characted will
     * be animated by the keyframe animation, but will be able to physically
     * interact with its physic environnement
     * @param ragdollEnabled
protected void setMode(Mode mode) {
    this.mode = mode;
    AnimControl animControl = targetModel.getControl(AnimControl.class);
    animControl.setEnabled(mode == Mode.Kinematic);
    baseRigidBody.setKinematic(mode == Mode.Kinematic);
    if (mode != Mode.IK) {
        TempVars vars = TempVars.get();
        for (PhysicsBoneLink link : boneLinks.values()) {
            link.rigidBody.setKinematic(mode == Mode.Kinematic);
            if (mode == Mode.Ragdoll) {
                Quaternion tmpRot1 = vars.quat1;
                Vector3f position = vars.vect1;
                //making sure that the ragdoll is at the correct place.
                matchPhysicObjectToBone(link, position, tmpRot1);
    if (mode != Mode.IK) {
        for (Bone bone : skeleton.getRoots()) {
            RagdollUtils.setUserControl(bone, mode == Mode.Ragdoll);
Also used : Quaternion(com.jme3.math.Quaternion) Vector3f(com.jme3.math.Vector3f) TempVars(com.jme3.util.TempVars) Bone(com.jme3.animation.Bone) AnimControl(com.jme3.animation.AnimControl)

Example 57 with Bone

use of com.jme3.animation.Bone in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class KinematicRagdollControl method applyUserControl.

public void applyUserControl() {
    for (Bone bone : skeleton.getRoots()) {
        RagdollUtils.setUserControl(bone, false);
    if (ikTargets.isEmpty()) {
    } else {
        Iterator iterator = ikTargets.keySet().iterator();
        TempVars vars = TempVars.get();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            Bone bone = (Bone);
            while (bone.getParent() != null) {
                Quaternion tmpRot1 = vars.quat1;
                Vector3f position = vars.vect1;
                matchPhysicObjectToBone(boneLinks.get(bone.getName()), position, tmpRot1);
                bone = bone.getParent();
Also used : Quaternion(com.jme3.math.Quaternion) Vector3f(com.jme3.math.Vector3f) Bone(com.jme3.animation.Bone) TempVars(com.jme3.util.TempVars)

Example 58 with Bone

use of com.jme3.animation.Bone in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class Skeleton method computeSkinningMatrices.

     * Compute the skining matrices for each bone of the skeleton that would be used to transform vertices of associated meshes
     * @return 
public Matrix4f[] computeSkinningMatrices() {
    TempVars vars = TempVars.get();
    for (int i = 0; i < boneList.length; i++) {
        boneList[i].getOffsetTransform(skinningMatrixes[i], vars.quat1, vars.vect1, vars.vect2, vars.tempMat3);
    return skinningMatrixes;
Also used : TempVars(com.jme3.util.TempVars)

Example 59 with Bone

use of com.jme3.animation.Bone in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class SkeletonControl method applySkinning.

     * Method to apply skinning transforms to a mesh's buffers
     * @param mesh the mesh
     * @param offsetMatrices the offset matices to apply
private void applySkinning(Mesh mesh, Matrix4f[] offsetMatrices) {
    int maxWeightsPerVert = mesh.getMaxNumWeights();
    if (maxWeightsPerVert <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Max weights per vert is incorrectly set!");
    int fourMinusMaxWeights = 4 - maxWeightsPerVert;
    // NOTE: This code assumes the vertex buffer is in bind pose
    // resetToBind() has been called this frame
    VertexBuffer vb = mesh.getBuffer(Type.Position);
    FloatBuffer fvb = (FloatBuffer) vb.getData();
    VertexBuffer nb = mesh.getBuffer(Type.Normal);
    FloatBuffer fnb = (FloatBuffer) nb.getData();
    // get boneIndexes and weights for mesh
    ByteBuffer ib = (ByteBuffer) mesh.getBuffer(Type.BoneIndex).getData();
    FloatBuffer wb = (FloatBuffer) mesh.getBuffer(Type.BoneWeight).getData();
    float[] weights = wb.array();
    byte[] indices = ib.array();
    int idxWeights = 0;
    TempVars vars = TempVars.get();
    float[] posBuf = vars.skinPositions;
    float[] normBuf = vars.skinNormals;
    int iterations = (int) FastMath.ceil(fvb.limit() / ((float) posBuf.length));
    int bufLength = posBuf.length;
    for (int i = iterations - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        // read next set of positions and normals from native buffer
        bufLength = Math.min(posBuf.length, fvb.remaining());
        fvb.get(posBuf, 0, bufLength);
        fnb.get(normBuf, 0, bufLength);
        int verts = bufLength / 3;
        int idxPositions = 0;
        // iterate vertices and apply skinning transform for each effecting bone
        for (int vert = verts - 1; vert >= 0; vert--) {
            // Skip this vertex if the first weight is zero.
            if (weights[idxWeights] == 0) {
                idxPositions += 3;
                idxWeights += 4;
            float nmx = normBuf[idxPositions];
            float vtx = posBuf[idxPositions++];
            float nmy = normBuf[idxPositions];
            float vty = posBuf[idxPositions++];
            float nmz = normBuf[idxPositions];
            float vtz = posBuf[idxPositions++];
            float rx = 0, ry = 0, rz = 0, rnx = 0, rny = 0, rnz = 0;
            for (int w = maxWeightsPerVert - 1; w >= 0; w--) {
                float weight = weights[idxWeights];
                Matrix4f mat = offsetMatrices[indices[idxWeights++] & 0xff];
                rx += (mat.m00 * vtx + mat.m01 * vty + mat.m02 * vtz + mat.m03) * weight;
                ry += (mat.m10 * vtx + mat.m11 * vty + mat.m12 * vtz + mat.m13) * weight;
                rz += (mat.m20 * vtx + mat.m21 * vty + mat.m22 * vtz + mat.m23) * weight;
                rnx += (nmx * mat.m00 + nmy * mat.m01 + nmz * mat.m02) * weight;
                rny += (nmx * mat.m10 + nmy * mat.m11 + nmz * mat.m12) * weight;
                rnz += (nmx * mat.m20 + nmy * mat.m21 + nmz * mat.m22) * weight;
            idxWeights += fourMinusMaxWeights;
            idxPositions -= 3;
            normBuf[idxPositions] = rnx;
            posBuf[idxPositions++] = rx;
            normBuf[idxPositions] = rny;
            posBuf[idxPositions++] = ry;
            normBuf[idxPositions] = rnz;
            posBuf[idxPositions++] = rz;
        fvb.position(fvb.position() - bufLength);
        fvb.put(posBuf, 0, bufLength);
        fnb.position(fnb.position() - bufLength);
        fnb.put(normBuf, 0, bufLength);
Also used : Matrix4f(com.jme3.math.Matrix4f) FloatBuffer(java.nio.FloatBuffer) TempVars(com.jme3.util.TempVars) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer)

Example 60 with Bone

use of com.jme3.animation.Bone in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class SkeletonControl method applySkinningTangents.

     * Specific method for skinning with tangents to avoid cluttering the
     * classic skinning calculation with null checks that would slow down the
     * process even if tangents don't have to be computed. Also the iteration
     * has additional indexes since tangent has 4 components instead of 3 for
     * pos and norm
     * @param maxWeightsPerVert maximum number of weights per vertex
     * @param mesh the mesh
     * @param offsetMatrices the offsetMaytrices to apply
     * @param tb the tangent vertexBuffer
private void applySkinningTangents(Mesh mesh, Matrix4f[] offsetMatrices, VertexBuffer tb) {
    int maxWeightsPerVert = mesh.getMaxNumWeights();
    if (maxWeightsPerVert <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Max weights per vert is incorrectly set!");
    int fourMinusMaxWeights = 4 - maxWeightsPerVert;
    // NOTE: This code assumes the vertex buffer is in bind pose
    // resetToBind() has been called this frame
    VertexBuffer vb = mesh.getBuffer(Type.Position);
    FloatBuffer fvb = (FloatBuffer) vb.getData();
    VertexBuffer nb = mesh.getBuffer(Type.Normal);
    FloatBuffer fnb = (FloatBuffer) nb.getData();
    FloatBuffer ftb = (FloatBuffer) tb.getData();
    // get boneIndexes and weights for mesh
    ByteBuffer ib = (ByteBuffer) mesh.getBuffer(Type.BoneIndex).getData();
    FloatBuffer wb = (FloatBuffer) mesh.getBuffer(Type.BoneWeight).getData();
    float[] weights = wb.array();
    byte[] indices = ib.array();
    int idxWeights = 0;
    TempVars vars = TempVars.get();
    float[] posBuf = vars.skinPositions;
    float[] normBuf = vars.skinNormals;
    float[] tanBuf = vars.skinTangents;
    int iterations = (int) FastMath.ceil(fvb.limit() / ((float) posBuf.length));
    int bufLength = 0;
    int tanLength = 0;
    for (int i = iterations - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        // read next set of positions and normals from native buffer
        bufLength = Math.min(posBuf.length, fvb.remaining());
        tanLength = Math.min(tanBuf.length, ftb.remaining());
        fvb.get(posBuf, 0, bufLength);
        fnb.get(normBuf, 0, bufLength);
        ftb.get(tanBuf, 0, tanLength);
        int verts = bufLength / 3;
        int idxPositions = 0;
        //tangents has their own index because of the 4 components
        int idxTangents = 0;
        // iterate vertices and apply skinning transform for each effecting bone
        for (int vert = verts - 1; vert >= 0; vert--) {
            // Skip this vertex if the first weight is zero.
            if (weights[idxWeights] == 0) {
                idxTangents += 4;
                idxPositions += 3;
                idxWeights += 4;
            float nmx = normBuf[idxPositions];
            float vtx = posBuf[idxPositions++];
            float nmy = normBuf[idxPositions];
            float vty = posBuf[idxPositions++];
            float nmz = normBuf[idxPositions];
            float vtz = posBuf[idxPositions++];
            float tnx = tanBuf[idxTangents++];
            float tny = tanBuf[idxTangents++];
            float tnz = tanBuf[idxTangents++];
            // skipping the 4th component of the tangent since it doesn't have to be transformed
            float rx = 0, ry = 0, rz = 0, rnx = 0, rny = 0, rnz = 0, rtx = 0, rty = 0, rtz = 0;
            for (int w = maxWeightsPerVert - 1; w >= 0; w--) {
                float weight = weights[idxWeights];
                Matrix4f mat = offsetMatrices[indices[idxWeights++] & 0xff];
                rx += (mat.m00 * vtx + mat.m01 * vty + mat.m02 * vtz + mat.m03) * weight;
                ry += (mat.m10 * vtx + mat.m11 * vty + mat.m12 * vtz + mat.m13) * weight;
                rz += (mat.m20 * vtx + mat.m21 * vty + mat.m22 * vtz + mat.m23) * weight;
                rnx += (nmx * mat.m00 + nmy * mat.m01 + nmz * mat.m02) * weight;
                rny += (nmx * mat.m10 + nmy * mat.m11 + nmz * mat.m12) * weight;
                rnz += (nmx * mat.m20 + nmy * mat.m21 + nmz * mat.m22) * weight;
                rtx += (tnx * mat.m00 + tny * mat.m01 + tnz * mat.m02) * weight;
                rty += (tnx * mat.m10 + tny * mat.m11 + tnz * mat.m12) * weight;
                rtz += (tnx * mat.m20 + tny * mat.m21 + tnz * mat.m22) * weight;
            idxWeights += fourMinusMaxWeights;
            idxPositions -= 3;
            normBuf[idxPositions] = rnx;
            posBuf[idxPositions++] = rx;
            normBuf[idxPositions] = rny;
            posBuf[idxPositions++] = ry;
            normBuf[idxPositions] = rnz;
            posBuf[idxPositions++] = rz;
            idxTangents -= 4;
            tanBuf[idxTangents++] = rtx;
            tanBuf[idxTangents++] = rty;
            tanBuf[idxTangents++] = rtz;
            //once again skipping the 4th component of the tangent
        fvb.position(fvb.position() - bufLength);
        fvb.put(posBuf, 0, bufLength);
        fnb.position(fnb.position() - bufLength);
        fnb.put(normBuf, 0, bufLength);
        ftb.position(ftb.position() - tanLength);
        ftb.put(tanBuf, 0, tanLength);
Also used : Matrix4f(com.jme3.math.Matrix4f) FloatBuffer(java.nio.FloatBuffer) TempVars(com.jme3.util.TempVars) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer)


Bone (com.jme3.animation.Bone)35 Vector3f (com.jme3.math.Vector3f)25 Quaternion (com.jme3.math.Quaternion)17 TempVars (com.jme3.util.TempVars)13 SixDofJoint (com.jme3.bullet.joints.SixDofJoint)10 FloatBuffer (java.nio.FloatBuffer)10 VertexBuffer (com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer)8 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)8 Skeleton (com.jme3.animation.Skeleton)7 Matrix4f (com.jme3.math.Matrix4f)7 Transform (com.jme3.math.Transform)7 BoneContext (com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.animations.BoneContext)7 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)7 BoneTrack (com.jme3.animation.BoneTrack)6 Structure (com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.file.Structure)6 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 AnimControl (com.jme3.animation.AnimControl)5 Spatial (com.jme3.scene.Spatial)5 Map (java.util.Map)5 Animation (com.jme3.animation.Animation)4