use of com.jme3.bounding.BoundingVolume in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class BoundingBox method intersects.
* determines if this bounding box intersects with a given oriented bounding
* box.
* @see com.jme.bounding.BoundingVolume#intersectsOrientedBoundingBox(com.jme.bounding.OrientedBoundingBox)
// public boolean intersectsOrientedBoundingBox(OrientedBoundingBox obb) {
// return obb.intersectsBoundingBox(this);
// }
* determines if this bounding box intersects with a given ray object. If an
* intersection has occurred, true is returned, otherwise false is returned.
* @see BoundingVolume#intersects(com.jme3.math.Ray)
public boolean intersects(Ray ray) {
assert Vector3f.isValidVector(center);
float rhs;
TempVars vars = TempVars.get();
Vector3f diff = ray.origin.subtract(getCenter(vars.vect2), vars.vect1);
final float[] fWdU = vars.fWdU;
final float[] fAWdU = vars.fAWdU;
final float[] fDdU = vars.fDdU;
final float[] fADdU = vars.fADdU;
final float[] fAWxDdU = vars.fAWxDdU;
fWdU[0] = ray.getDirection().dot(Vector3f.UNIT_X);
fAWdU[0] = FastMath.abs(fWdU[0]);
fDdU[0] =;
fADdU[0] = FastMath.abs(fDdU[0]);
if (fADdU[0] > xExtent && fDdU[0] * fWdU[0] >= 0.0) {
return false;
fWdU[1] = ray.getDirection().dot(Vector3f.UNIT_Y);
fAWdU[1] = FastMath.abs(fWdU[1]);
fDdU[1] =;
fADdU[1] = FastMath.abs(fDdU[1]);
if (fADdU[1] > yExtent && fDdU[1] * fWdU[1] >= 0.0) {
return false;
fWdU[2] = ray.getDirection().dot(Vector3f.UNIT_Z);
fAWdU[2] = FastMath.abs(fWdU[2]);
fDdU[2] =;
fADdU[2] = FastMath.abs(fDdU[2]);
if (fADdU[2] > zExtent && fDdU[2] * fWdU[2] >= 0.0) {
return false;
Vector3f wCrossD = ray.getDirection().cross(diff, vars.vect2);
fAWxDdU[0] = FastMath.abs(;
rhs = yExtent * fAWdU[2] + zExtent * fAWdU[1];
if (fAWxDdU[0] > rhs) {
return false;
fAWxDdU[1] = FastMath.abs(;
rhs = xExtent * fAWdU[2] + zExtent * fAWdU[0];
if (fAWxDdU[1] > rhs) {
return false;
fAWxDdU[2] = FastMath.abs(;
rhs = xExtent * fAWdU[1] + yExtent * fAWdU[0];
if (fAWxDdU[2] > rhs) {
return false;
return true;
use of com.jme3.bounding.BoundingVolume in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class BoundingBox method transform.
public BoundingVolume transform(Matrix4f trans, BoundingVolume store) {
BoundingBox box;
if (store == null || store.getType() != Type.AABB) {
box = new BoundingBox();
} else {
box = (BoundingBox) store;
TempVars vars = TempVars.get();
float w = trans.multProj(center,;;
Matrix3f transMatrix = vars.tempMat3;
// Make the rotation matrix all positive to get the maximum x/y/z extent
vars.vect1.set(xExtent, yExtent, zExtent);
transMatrix.mult(vars.vect1, vars.vect1);
// Assign the biggest rotations after scales.
box.xExtent = FastMath.abs(vars.vect1.getX());
box.yExtent = FastMath.abs(vars.vect1.getY());
box.zExtent = FastMath.abs(vars.vect1.getZ());
return box;
use of com.jme3.bounding.BoundingVolume in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class BoundingSphere method merge.
// /**
// * Merges this sphere with the given OBB.
// *
// * @param volume
// * The OBB to merge.
// * @return This sphere, after merging.
// */
// private BoundingSphere mergeOBB(OrientedBoundingBox volume) {
// // compute edge points from the obb
// if (!volume.correctCorners)
// volume.computeCorners();
// _mergeBuf.rewind();
// for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
// _mergeBuf.put(volume.vectorStore[i].x);
// _mergeBuf.put(volume.vectorStore[i].y);
// _mergeBuf.put(volume.vectorStore[i].z);
// }
// // remember old radius and center
// float oldRadius = radius;
// Vector3f oldCenter = _compVect2.set( center );
// // compute new radius and center from obb points
// computeFromPoints(_mergeBuf);
// Vector3f newCenter = _compVect3.set( center );
// float newRadius = radius;
// // restore old center and radius
// center.set( oldCenter );
// radius = oldRadius;
// //merge obb points result
// merge( newRadius, newCenter, this );
// return this;
// }
private BoundingVolume merge(float temp_radius, Vector3f temp_center, BoundingSphere rVal) {
TempVars vars = TempVars.get();
Vector3f diff = temp_center.subtract(center, vars.vect1);
float lengthSquared = diff.lengthSquared();
float radiusDiff = temp_radius - radius;
float fRDiffSqr = radiusDiff * radiusDiff;
if (fRDiffSqr >= lengthSquared) {
if (radiusDiff <= 0.0f) {
return this;
Vector3f rCenter =;
if (rCenter == null) {
rVal.setCenter(rCenter = new Vector3f());
return rVal;
float length = (float) Math.sqrt(lengthSquared);
Vector3f rCenter =;
if (rCenter == null) {
rVal.setCenter(rCenter = new Vector3f());
if (length > RADIUS_EPSILON) {
float coeff = (length + radiusDiff) / (2.0f * length);
} else {
rVal.setRadius(0.5f * (length + radius + temp_radius));
return rVal;
use of com.jme3.bounding.BoundingVolume in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class Spatial method read.
public void read(JmeImporter im) throws IOException {
InputCapsule ic = im.getCapsule(this);
name = ic.readString("name", null);
worldBound = (BoundingVolume) ic.readSavable("world_bound", null);
cullHint = ic.readEnum("cull_mode", CullHint.class, CullHint.Inherit);
batchHint = ic.readEnum("batch_hint", BatchHint.class, BatchHint.Inherit);
queueBucket = ic.readEnum("queue", RenderQueue.Bucket.class, RenderQueue.Bucket.Inherit);
shadowMode = ic.readEnum("shadow_mode", ShadowMode.class, ShadowMode.Inherit);
localTransform = (Transform) ic.readSavable("transform", Transform.IDENTITY);
localLights = (LightList) ic.readSavable("lights", null);
ArrayList<MatParamOverride> localOverridesList = ic.readSavableArrayList("overrides", null);
if (localOverridesList == null) {
localOverrides = new SafeArrayList<>(MatParamOverride.class);
} else {
localOverrides = new SafeArrayList(MatParamOverride.class, localOverridesList);
worldOverrides = new SafeArrayList<>(MatParamOverride.class);
//changed for backward compatibility with j3o files generated before the AnimControl/SkeletonControl split
//the AnimControl creates the SkeletonControl for old files and add it to the spatial.
//The SkeletonControl must be the last in the stack so we add the list of all other control before it.
//When backward compatibility won't be needed anymore this can be replaced by :
//controls = ic.readSavableArrayList("controlsList", null));
controls.addAll(0, ic.readSavableArrayList("controlsList", null));
userData = (HashMap<String, Savable>) ic.readStringSavableMap("user_data", null);
use of com.jme3.bounding.BoundingVolume in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class Node method updateWorldBound.
protected void updateWorldBound() {
// for a node, the world bound is a combination of all it's children
// bounds
BoundingVolume resultBound = null;
for (Spatial child : children.getArray()) {
// child bound is assumed to be updated
assert (child.refreshFlags & RF_BOUND) == 0;
if (resultBound != null) {
// merge current world bound with child world bound
} else {
// set world bound to first non-null child world bound
if (child.getWorldBound() != null) {
resultBound = child.getWorldBound().clone(this.worldBound);
this.worldBound = resultBound;