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Example 21 with Pass

use of in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class Face method findClosestVertex.

	 * The method finds the closest vertex to the one specified by <b>index</b>.
	 * If the vertexToIgnore is positive than it will be ignored in the result.
	 * The closest vertex must be able to create an edge that is fully contained
	 * within the face and does not cross any other edges. Also if the
	 * vertexToIgnore is not negative then the condition that the edge between
	 * the found index and the one to ignore is inside the face must also be
	 * met.
	 * @param index
	 *            the index of the vertex that needs to have found the nearest
	 *            neighbour
	 * @param indexToIgnore
	 *            the index to ignore in the result (pass -1 if none is to be
	 *            ignored)
	 * @return the index of the closest vertex to the given one
private int findClosestVertex(int index, int indexToIgnore) {
    int result = -1;
    List<Vector3f> vertices = temporalMesh.getVertices();
    Vector3f v1 = vertices.get(index);
    float distance = Float.MAX_VALUE;
    for (int i : indexes) {
        if (i != index && i != indexToIgnore) {
            Vector3f v2 = vertices.get(i);
            float d = v2.distance(v1);
            if (d < distance && this.contains(new Edge(index, i, 0, true, temporalMesh)) && (indexToIgnore < 0 || this.contains(new Edge(indexToIgnore, i, 0, true, temporalMesh)))) {
                result = i;
                distance = d;
    return result;
Also used : Vector3f(com.jme3.math.Vector3f)

Example 22 with Pass

use of in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class ChaseCamera method updateCamera.

     * Updates the camera, should only be called internally
protected void updateCamera(float tpf) {
    if (enabled) {
        if (smoothMotion) {
            //computation of target direction
            float dist = targetDir.length();
            //Low pass filtering on the target postition to avoid shaking when physics are enabled.
            if (offsetDistance < dist) {
                //target moves, start chasing.
                chasing = true;
                //target moves, start trailing if it has to.
                if (trailingEnabled) {
                    trailing = true;
                //target moves...
                targetMoves = true;
            } else {
                //We do not if the player is rotationg the cam
                if (targetMoves && !canRotate) {
                    if (targetRotation - rotation > trailingRotationInertia) {
                        targetRotation = rotation + trailingRotationInertia;
                    } else if (targetRotation - rotation < -trailingRotationInertia) {
                        targetRotation = rotation - trailingRotationInertia;
                //Target stops
                targetMoves = false;
            //the user is rotating the cam by dragging the mouse
            if (canRotate) {
                //reseting the trailing lerp factor
                trailingLerpFactor = 0;
                //stop trailing user has the control
                trailing = false;
            if (trailingEnabled && trailing) {
                if (targetMoves) {
                    //computation if the inverted direction of the target
                    Vector3f a = targetDir.negate().normalizeLocal();
                    //the x unit vector
                    Vector3f b = Vector3f.UNIT_X;
                    //2d is good enough
                    a.y = 0;
                    //computation of the rotation angle between the x axis and the trail
                    if (targetDir.z > 0) {
                        targetRotation = FastMath.TWO_PI - FastMath.acos(;
                    } else {
                        targetRotation = FastMath.acos(;
                    if (targetRotation - rotation > FastMath.PI || targetRotation - rotation < -FastMath.PI) {
                        targetRotation -= FastMath.TWO_PI;
                    //if there is an important change in the direction while trailing reset of the lerp factor to avoid jumpy movements
                    if (targetRotation != previousTargetRotation && FastMath.abs(targetRotation - previousTargetRotation) > FastMath.PI / 8) {
                        trailingLerpFactor = 0;
                    previousTargetRotation = targetRotation;
                //computing lerp factor
                trailingLerpFactor = Math.min(trailingLerpFactor + tpf * tpf * trailingSensitivity, 1);
                //computing rotation by linear interpolation
                rotation = FastMath.interpolateLinear(trailingLerpFactor, rotation, targetRotation);
                //if the rotation is near the target rotation we're good, that's over
                if (targetRotation + 0.01f >= rotation && targetRotation - 0.01f <= rotation) {
                    trailing = false;
                    trailingLerpFactor = 0;
            //linear interpolation of the distance while chasing
            if (chasing) {
                distance = temp.set(targetLocation).subtractLocal(cam.getLocation()).length();
                distanceLerpFactor = Math.min(distanceLerpFactor + (tpf * tpf * chasingSensitivity * 0.05f), 1);
                distance = FastMath.interpolateLinear(distanceLerpFactor, distance, targetDistance);
                if (targetDistance + 0.01f >= distance && targetDistance - 0.01f <= distance) {
                    distanceLerpFactor = 0;
                    chasing = false;
            //linear interpolation of the distance while zooming
            if (zooming) {
                distanceLerpFactor = Math.min(distanceLerpFactor + (tpf * tpf * zoomSensitivity), 1);
                distance = FastMath.interpolateLinear(distanceLerpFactor, distance, targetDistance);
                if (targetDistance + 0.1f >= distance && targetDistance - 0.1f <= distance) {
                    zooming = false;
                    distanceLerpFactor = 0;
            //linear interpolation of the rotation while rotating horizontally
            if (rotating) {
                rotationLerpFactor = Math.min(rotationLerpFactor + tpf * tpf * rotationSensitivity, 1);
                rotation = FastMath.interpolateLinear(rotationLerpFactor, rotation, targetRotation);
                if (targetRotation + 0.01f >= rotation && targetRotation - 0.01f <= rotation) {
                    rotating = false;
                    rotationLerpFactor = 0;
            //linear interpolation of the rotation while rotating vertically
            if (vRotating) {
                vRotationLerpFactor = Math.min(vRotationLerpFactor + tpf * tpf * rotationSensitivity, 1);
                vRotation = FastMath.interpolateLinear(vRotationLerpFactor, vRotation, targetVRotation);
                if (targetVRotation + 0.01f >= vRotation && targetVRotation - 0.01f <= vRotation) {
                    vRotating = false;
                    vRotationLerpFactor = 0;
            //computing the position
            //setting the position at last
        } else {
            //easy no smooth motion
            vRotation = targetVRotation;
            rotation = targetRotation;
            distance = targetDistance;
        //keeping track on the previous position of the target
        //the cam looks at the target
        cam.lookAt(targetLocation, initialUpVec);
Also used : Vector3f(com.jme3.math.Vector3f)

Example 23 with Pass

use of in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class AbstractShadowRenderer method postFrame.

public void postFrame(FrameBuffer out) {
    if (skipPostPass) {
    if (debug) {
    if (lightReceivers.size() != 0) {
        //setting params to recieving geometry list
        Camera cam = viewPort.getCamera();
        //some materials in the scene does not have a post shadow technique so we're using the fall back material
        if (needsfallBackMaterial) {
        //forcing the post shadow technique and render state
        //rendering the post shadow pass
        viewPort.getQueue().renderShadowQueue(lightReceivers, renderManager, cam, false);
        //resetting renderManager settings
        renderManager.setCamera(cam, false);
        //clearing the params in case there are some other shadow renderers
Also used : Camera(com.jme3.renderer.Camera)

Example 24 with Pass

use of in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class PssmShadowRenderer method postFrame.

public void postFrame(FrameBuffer out) {
    if (debug) {
    if (!noOccluders) {
        //setting params to recieving geometry list
        Camera cam = viewPort.getCamera();
        //some materials in the scene does not have a post shadow technique so we're using the fall back material
        if (needsfallBackMaterial) {
        //forcing the post shadow technique and render state
        //rendering the post shadow pass
        viewPort.getQueue().renderShadowQueue(lightReceivers, renderManager, cam, true);
        //resetting renderManager settings
        renderManager.setCamera(cam, false);
Also used : Camera(com.jme3.renderer.Camera)

Example 25 with Pass

use of in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class VRViewManagerOSVR method setupVRScene.

     * Replaces rootNode as the main cameras scene with the distortion mesh
private void setupVRScene() {
    if (environment != null) {
        if (environment.getApplication() != null) {
            // no special scene to setup if we are doing instancing
            if (environment.isInstanceRendering()) {
                // distortion has to be done with compositor here... we want only one pass on our end!
                if (environment.getApplication().getContext().getSettings().isSwapBuffers()) {
                    setupMirrorBuffers(environment.getCamera(), dualEyeTex, true);
            leftEyeTexture = (Texture2D) leftViewport.getOutputFrameBuffer().getColorBuffer().getTexture();
            rightEyeTexture = (Texture2D) rightViewport.getOutputFrameBuffer().getColorBuffer().getTexture();
            leftEyeDepth = (Texture2D) leftViewport.getOutputFrameBuffer().getDepthBuffer().getTexture();
            rightEyeDepth = (Texture2D) rightViewport.getOutputFrameBuffer().getDepthBuffer().getTexture();
            // main viewport is either going to be a distortion scene or nothing
            // mirroring is handled by copying framebuffers
            Iterator<Spatial> spatialIter = environment.getApplication().getViewPort().getScenes().iterator();
            while (spatialIter.hasNext()) {
            spatialIter = environment.getApplication().getGuiViewPort().getScenes().iterator();
            while (spatialIter.hasNext()) {
            // only setup distortion scene if compositor isn't running (or using custom mesh distortion option)
            if (environment.getVRHardware().getCompositor() == null) {
                Node distortionScene = new Node();
                Material leftMat = new Material(environment.getApplication().getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/VR/OpenVR.j3md");
                leftMat.setTexture("Texture", leftEyeTexture);
                Geometry leftEye = new Geometry("box", setupDistortionMesh(JOpenVRLibrary.EVREye.EVREye_Eye_Left, environment.getVRHardware()));
                Material rightMat = new Material(environment.getApplication().getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/VR/OpenVR.j3md");
                rightMat.setTexture("Texture", rightEyeTexture);
                Geometry rightEye = new Geometry("box", setupDistortionMesh(JOpenVRLibrary.EVREye.EVREye_Eye_Right, environment.getVRHardware()));
            //if( useCustomDistortion ) setupFinalFullTexture(app.getViewPort().getCamera());
            if (environment.getApplication().getContext().getSettings().isSwapBuffers()) {
                setupMirrorBuffers(environment.getCamera(), leftEyeTexture, false);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("This VR environment is not attached to any application.");
    } else {
        throw new IllegalStateException("This VR view manager is not attached to any VR environment.");
Also used : Geometry(com.jme3.scene.Geometry) Spatial(com.jme3.scene.Spatial) Node(com.jme3.scene.Node) Material(com.jme3.material.Material)


Material (com.jme3.material.Material)11 Vector3f (com.jme3.math.Vector3f)6 Camera (com.jme3.renderer.Camera)4 Geometry (com.jme3.scene.Geometry)4 Pass ( Node (com.jme3.scene.Node)3 AmbientLight (com.jme3.light.AmbientLight)2 DirectionalLight (com.jme3.light.DirectionalLight)2 PointLight (com.jme3.light.PointLight)2 ColorRGBA (com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA)2 Quaternion (com.jme3.math.Quaternion)2 Vector2f (com.jme3.math.Vector2f)2 ChannelInfoMessage ( ClientRegistrationMessage ( Renderer (com.jme3.renderer.Renderer)2 LightNode (com.jme3.scene.LightNode)2 Spatial (com.jme3.scene.Spatial)2 FrameBuffer (com.jme3.texture.FrameBuffer)2 Texture2D (com.jme3.texture.Texture2D)2 NativeObject (com.jme3.util.NativeObject)2