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Example 41 with AbstractFile

use of com.mucommander.commons.file.AbstractFile in project mucommander by mucommander.

the class AppearancePanel method exportTheme.

 * Exports the specified theme.
 * @param theme theme to export.
private void exportTheme(Theme theme) {
    JFileChooser chooser;
    AbstractFile file;
    chooser = createFileChooser();
    chooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new ExtensionFileFilter("xml", Translator.get("prefs_dialog.xml_file")));
    chooser.setDialogTitle(Translator.get("prefs_dialog.export_theme", theme.getName()));
    if (chooser.showDialog(parent, Translator.get("prefs_dialog.export")) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
        file = FileFactory.getFile(chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath());
        lastSelectedFolder = file.getParent();
        // Makes sure the file's extension is .xml.
        try {
            if (// Note: getExtension() may return null if no extension
                file = lastSelectedFolder.getDirectChild(file.getName() + ".xml");
            int collision = FileCollisionChecker.checkForCollision(null, file);
            if (collision != FileCollisionChecker.NO_COLLISION) {
                // Do not offer the multiple files mode options such as 'skip' and 'apply to all'
                DialogAction action = new FileCollisionDialog(parent, parent, collision, null, file, false, false).getActionValue();
                // User chose to overwrite the file
                if (action == FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction.OVERWRITE) {
                // Simply continue and file will be overwritten
                } else // User chose to cancel or closed the dialog
            // Exports the theme.
            ThemeManager.exportTheme(theme, ( file.getUnderlyingFileObject());
            // changes.
            if (lastSelectedFolder.equals(ThemeManager.getCustomThemesFolder()))
        }// Notifies users of errors.
         catch (Exception exception) {
            InformationDialog.showErrorDialog(this, Translator.get("write_error"), Translator.get("cannot_write_file", file.getName()));
Also used : AbstractFile(com.mucommander.commons.file.AbstractFile) FileCollisionDialog(com.mucommander.ui.dialog.file.FileCollisionDialog) JFileChooser(javax.swing.JFileChooser) DialogAction(com.mucommander.ui.dialog.DialogAction) IOException(

Example 42 with AbstractFile

use of com.mucommander.commons.file.AbstractFile in project mucommander by mucommander.

the class DrivePopupButton method updateButton.

 * Updates the button's label and icon to reflect the current folder and match one of the current volumes: <
 * <ul>
 * <li>If the specified folder corresponds to a bookmark, the bookmark's name will be displayed
 * <li>If the specified folder corresponds to a local file, the enclosing volume's name will be displayed
 * <li>If the specified folder corresponds to a remote file, the protocol's name will be displayed
 * </ul>
 * The button's icon will be the current folder's one.
private void updateButton() {
    AbstractFile currentFolder = folderPanel.getCurrentFolder();
    String currentPath = currentFolder.getAbsolutePath();
    FileURL currentURL = currentFolder.getURL();
    // First try to find a bookmark matching the specified folder
    for (Bookmark bookmark : BookmarkManager.getBookmarks()) {
        if (currentPath.equals(bookmark.getLocation())) {
            // Note: if several bookmarks match current folder, the first one will be used
            setIcon(IconManager.getIcon(IconManager.FILE_ICON_SET, CustomFileIconProvider.BOOKMARK_ICON_NAME));
    // If no bookmark matched current folder
    String protocol = currentURL.getScheme();
    switch(protocol) {
        // Local file, use volume's name
        case LocalFile.SCHEMA:
            String newLabel = null;
            // display 'SMB' which is the underlying protocol
            if (OsFamily.WINDOWS.isCurrent() && !FileURL.LOCALHOST.equals(currentURL.getHost())) {
                newLabel = "SMB";
            } else {
                if (OsFamily.WINDOWS.isCurrent())
                    currentPath = currentFolder.getAbsolutePath(false).toLowerCase();
                    currentPath = currentFolder.getCanonicalPath(false).toLowerCase();
                int bestLength = -1;
                int bestIndex = 0;
                String temp;
                int len;
                for (int i = 0; i < volumes.length; i++) {
                    if (OsFamily.WINDOWS.isCurrent())
                        temp = volumes[i].getAbsolutePath(false).toLowerCase();
                        temp = volumes[i].getCanonicalPath(false).toLowerCase();
                    len = temp.length();
                    if (currentPath.startsWith(temp) && len > bestLength) {
                        bestIndex = i;
                        bestLength = len;
                newLabel = volumes[bestIndex].getName();
            // Not used because the call to FileSystemView is slow
            // if(fileSystemView!=null)
            // newToolTip = getWindowsExtendedDriveName(volumes[bestIndex]);
        case BookmarkProtocolProvider.BOOKMARK:
            String currentFolderName = currentFolder.getName();
            setText(currentFolderName.isEmpty() ? Translator.get("bookmarks_menu") : currentFolderName);
            setIcon(IconManager.getIcon(IconManager.FILE_ICON_SET, CustomFileIconProvider.BOOKMARKS_ICON_NAME));
        case SearchFile.SCHEMA:
            setIcon(IconManager.getIcon(IconManager.FILE_ICON_SET, CustomFileIconProvider.FIND_RESULT_ICON_NAME));
        case "gdrive":
            setIcon(IconManager.getIcon(IconManager.FILE_ICON_SET, CustomFileIconProvider.GOOGLE_DRIVE_ICON_NAME));
        case "dropbox":
            setIcon(IconManager.getIcon(IconManager.FILE_ICON_SET, CustomFileIconProvider.DROPBOX_ICON_NAME));
            // Remote file, use the protocol's name
Also used : FileURL(com.mucommander.commons.file.FileURL) AbstractFile(com.mucommander.commons.file.AbstractFile) Bookmark(com.mucommander.bookmark.Bookmark)

Example 43 with AbstractFile

use of com.mucommander.commons.file.AbstractFile in project mucommander by mucommander.

the class FileCollisionDialog method addFileDetails.

private void addFileDetails(XAlignedComponentPanel panel, AbstractFile file, String nameLabel) {
    addFileDetailsRow(panel, nameLabel + ":", new FileLabel(file, false), 0);
    AbstractFile parent = file.getParent();
    addFileDetailsRow(panel, Translator.get("location") + ":", new FileLabel(parent == null ? file : parent, true), 0);
    addFileDetailsRow(panel, Translator.get("size") + ":", new JLabel(SizeFormat.format(file.getSize(), SizeFormat.DIGITS_FULL | SizeFormat.UNIT_LONG | SizeFormat.INCLUDE_SPACE)), 0);
    addFileDetailsRow(panel, Translator.get("date") + ":", new JLabel(CustomDateFormat.format(new Date(file.getDate()))), 0);
    addFileDetailsRow(panel, Translator.get("permissions") + ":", new JLabel(file.getPermissionsString()), 10);
Also used : FileLabel(com.mucommander.ui.text.FileLabel) AbstractFile(com.mucommander.commons.file.AbstractFile) JLabel(javax.swing.JLabel) Date(java.util.Date)

Example 44 with AbstractFile

use of com.mucommander.commons.file.AbstractFile in project mucommander by mucommander.

the class PackDialog method computeInitialPath.

// ////////////////////////////////////////////
// TransferDestinationDialog implementation //
// ////////////////////////////////////////////
protected PathFieldContent computeInitialPath(FileSet files) {
    String initialPath = mainFrame.getInactivePanel().getCurrentFolder().getAbsolutePath(true);
    AbstractFile file;
    String fileName;
    // - if it contains more than one file, uses the FileSet's parent folder's name.
    if (files.size() == 1) {
        file = files.elementAt(0);
        fileName = file.isDirectory() && !DesktopManager.isApplication(file) ? file.getName() : file.getNameWithoutExtension();
    } else {
        file = files.getBaseFolder();
        fileName = file.isRoot() ? "" : DesktopManager.isApplication(file) ? file.getNameWithoutExtension() : file.getName();
    return new PathFieldContent(initialPath + fileName + "." + Archiver.getFormatExtension(lastFormat), initialPath.length(), initialPath.length() + fileName.length());
Also used : AbstractFile(com.mucommander.commons.file.AbstractFile)

Example 45 with AbstractFile

use of com.mucommander.commons.file.AbstractFile in project mucommander by mucommander.

the class BrowseLocationThread method run.

public void run() {
    LOGGER.debug("starting folder change...");
    boolean folderChangedSuccessfully = false;
    // Show some progress in the progress bar to give hope
    boolean userCancelled = false;
    CredentialsMapping newCredentialsMapping = null;
    // True if Guest authentication was selected in the authentication dialog (guest credentials must not be
    // added to CredentialsManager)
    boolean guestCredentialsSelected = false;
    AuthenticationType authenticationType = folderURL.getAuthenticationType();
    if (credentialsMapping != null) {
        newCredentialsMapping = credentialsMapping;
        CredentialsManager.authenticate(folderURL, newCredentialsMapping);
    } else // avoid waiting for an AuthException to be thrown.
    if (!folderURL.containsCredentials() && ((authenticationType == AuthenticationType.AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED) || (authenticationType == AuthenticationType.AUTHENTICATION_OPTIONAL && CredentialsManager.getMatchingCredentials(folderURL).length > 0))) {
        AuthDialog authDialog = popAuthDialog(folderURL, false, null);
        newCredentialsMapping = authDialog.getCredentialsMapping();
        guestCredentialsSelected = authDialog.guestCredentialsSelected();
        // User cancelled the authentication dialog, stop
        if (newCredentialsMapping == null)
            userCancelled = true;
        else // Use the provided credentials and invalidate the folder AbstractFile instance (if any) so that
        // it gets recreated with the new credentials
            CredentialsManager.authenticate(folderURL, newCredentialsMapping);
            folder = null;
    if (!userCancelled) {
        boolean canonicalPathFollowed = false;
        do {
            // Set cursor to hourglass/wait
            mainFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR));
            // Render all actions inactive while changing folder
            try {
                // Thread was created using a FileURL
                if (folder == null) {
                    AbstractFile file = FileFactory.getFile(folderURL, true);
                    synchronized (KILL_LOCK) {
                        if (killed) {
                            LOGGER.debug("this thread has been killed, returning");
                    // File resolved -> 25% complete
                    // or doesn't exist
                    if (file == null || !file.exists()) {
                        // Restore default cursor
                    if (!file.canRead()) {
                        // Restore default cursor
                    // File is a regular directory, all good
                    if (file.isDirectory()) {
                    // Just continue
                    } else // File is a browsable file (Zip archive for instance) but not a directory : Browse or Download ? => ask the user
                    if (file.isBrowsable()) {
                        // of the OpenAction (enter pressed on the file). This works well enough in practice.
                        if (!globalHistory.contains(folderURL) && !file.equals(folderPanel.getFileTable().getSelectedFile())) {
                            // Restore default cursor
                            // Download or browse file ?
                            QuestionDialog dialog = new QuestionDialog(mainFrame, null, Translator.get("table.download_or_browse"), mainFrame, Arrays.asList(BrowseLocationThreadAction.BROWSE, BrowseLocationThreadAction.DOWNLOAD, BrowseLocationThreadAction.CANCEL), 0);
                            DialogAction ret = dialog.getActionValue();
                            if (ret == DIALOG_DISPOSED_ACTION || ret == BrowseLocationThreadAction.CANCEL)
                            // Download file
                            if (ret == BrowseLocationThreadAction.DOWNLOAD) {
                            // Continue if BROWSE
                            // Set cursor to hourglass/wait
                            mainFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR));
                    // else just continue and browse file's contents
                    } else // File is a regular file: show download dialog which allows to download (copy) the file
                    // to a directory specified by the user
                    this.folder = file;
                } else // Thread was created using an AbstractFile instance, check file existence
                if (!folder.exists()) {
                    // Find a 'workable' folder if the requested folder doesn't exist anymore
                    if (findWorkableFolder) {
                        AbstractFile newFolder = locationChanger.getWorkableFolder(folder);
                        if (newFolder.equals(folder)) {
                            // If we've already tried the returned folder, give up (avoids a potentially endless loop)
                        // Try again with the new folder
                        folder = newFolder;
                        folderURL = folder.getURL();
                        // Discard the file to select, if any
                        fileToSelect = null;
                    } else {
                } else if (!folder.canRead()) {
                // resolved again.
                if (!canonicalPathFollowed && followCanonicalPath(folder)) {
                    try {
                        // Recreate the FileURL using the file's canonical path
                        FileURL newURL = FileURL.getFileURL(folder.getCanonicalPath());
                        // Keep the credentials and properties (if any)
                        this.folderURL = newURL;
                        // Invalidate the AbstractFile instance
                        this.folder = null;
                        // There won't be any further attempts after this one
                        canonicalPathFollowed = true;
                        // Loop the resolve the file
                    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                    // In the unlikely event of the canonical path being malformed, the AbstractFile
                    // and FileURL instances are left untouched
                synchronized (KILL_LOCK) {
                    if (killed) {
                        LOGGER.debug("this thread has been killed, returning");
                // File tested -> 50% complete
                synchronized (KILL_LOCK) {
                    if (killed) {
                        LOGGER.debug("this thread has been killed, returning");
                    // From now on, thread cannot be killed (would comprise table integrity)
                    doNotKill = true;
                // files listed -> 75% complete
                LOGGER.trace("calling setCurrentFolder");
                // Change the file table's current folder and select the specified file (if any)
                locationChanger.setCurrentFolder(folder, fileToSelect, changeLockedTab, true);
                // folder set -> 95% complete
                // Do not add the credentials if guest credentials were selected by the user.
                if (newCredentialsMapping != null && !guestCredentialsSelected)
                // All good !
                folderChangedSuccessfully = true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOGGER.debug("Caught exception", e);
                if (killed) {
                    // If #tryKill() called #interrupt(), the exception we just caught was most likely
                    // thrown as a result of the thread being interrupted.
                    // The exception can be a java.lang.InterruptedException (Thread throws those),
                    // a java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException (InterruptibleChannel throws those)
                    // or any other exception thrown by some code that swallowed the original exception
                    // and threw a new one.
                    LOGGER.debug("Thread was interrupted, ignoring exception");
                // Restore default cursor
                if (e instanceof AuthException) {
                    AuthException authException = (AuthException) e;
                    // Retry (loop) if user provided new credentials, if not stop
                    AuthDialog authDialog = popAuthDialog(authException.getURL(), true, authException.getMessage());
                    newCredentialsMapping = authDialog.getCredentialsMapping();
                    guestCredentialsSelected = authDialog.guestCredentialsSelected();
                    if (newCredentialsMapping != null) {
                        // Invalidate the existing AbstractFile instance
                        folder = null;
                        // Use the provided credentials
                        CredentialsManager.authenticate(folderURL, newCredentialsMapping);
                } else {
                    // Find a 'workable' folder if the requested folder doesn't exist anymore
                    if (findWorkableFolder) {
                        AbstractFile newFolder = locationChanger.getWorkableFolder(folder);
                        if (newFolder.equals(folder)) {
                            // If we've already tried the returned folder, give up (avoids a potentially endless loop)
                        // Try again with the new folder
                        folder = newFolder;
                        folderURL = folder.getURL();
                        // Discard the file to select, if any
                        fileToSelect = null;
                // Stop looping!
        } while (true);
    synchronized (KILL_LOCK) {
        // Clean things up
Also used : FileURL(com.mucommander.commons.file.FileURL) MalformedURLException( AbstractFile(com.mucommander.commons.file.AbstractFile) QuestionDialog(com.mucommander.ui.dialog.QuestionDialog) DialogAction(com.mucommander.ui.dialog.DialogAction) AuthException(com.mucommander.commons.file.AuthException) AuthDialog(com.mucommander.ui.dialog.auth.AuthDialog) Cursor(java.awt.Cursor) MalformedURLException( AuthException(com.mucommander.commons.file.AuthException) CredentialsMapping(com.mucommander.auth.CredentialsMapping) AuthenticationType(com.mucommander.commons.file.AuthenticationType)


AbstractFile (com.mucommander.commons.file.AbstractFile)150 IOException ( FileURL (com.mucommander.commons.file.FileURL)19 FileSet (com.mucommander.commons.file.util.FileSet)11 FileTable (com.mucommander.ui.main.table.FileTable)11 DialogAction (com.mucommander.ui.dialog.DialogAction)10 File ( List (java.util.List)8 MainFrame (com.mucommander.ui.main.MainFrame)6 InputStream ( Vector (java.util.Vector)6 AbstractArchiveEntryFile (com.mucommander.commons.file.archive.AbstractArchiveEntryFile)5 ProtocolFile (com.mucommander.commons.file.protocol.ProtocolFile)5 LocalFile (com.mucommander.commons.file.protocol.local.LocalFile)5 ProgressDialog (com.mucommander.ui.dialog.file.ProgressDialog)5 FolderPanel (com.mucommander.ui.main.FolderPanel)5 FileTableModel (com.mucommander.ui.main.table.FileTableModel)5 Logger (org.slf4j.Logger)5 LoggerFactory (org.slf4j.LoggerFactory)5 UnsupportedFileOperationException (com.mucommander.commons.file.UnsupportedFileOperationException)4