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Example 11 with AnalysisObject

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class UnknownTypeState method doUnion2.

private static TypeState doUnion2(BigBang bb, MultiTypeState s1, MultiTypeState s2, boolean resultCanBeNull, int startId1, int startId2) {
    int idx1 = startId1;
    int idx2 = startId2;
    try (UnsafeArrayListClosable<AnalysisObject> resultObjectsClosable = getTLArrayList(doUnion2TL, s1.objects.length + s2.objects.length)) {
        UnsafeArrayList<AnalysisObject> resultObjects = resultObjectsClosable.list;
        /* Add the beginning of the s1 list that we already walked above. */
        AnalysisObject[] objects = s1.objects;
        resultObjects.addAll(objects, 0, idx1);
        /* Create the union of the overlapping sections of the s1 and s2. */
        try (UnsafeArrayListClosable<AnalysisObject> tlUnionObjectsClosable = getTLArrayList(doUnion2ObjectsTL, s1.objects.length + s2.objects.length)) {
            UnsafeArrayList<AnalysisObject> unionObjects = tlUnionObjectsClosable.list;
            while (idx1 < s1.objects.length && idx2 < s2.objects.length) {
                AnalysisObject o1 = s1.objects[idx1];
                AnalysisObject o2 = s2.objects[idx2];
                if (bb.analysisPolicy().isSummaryObject(o1) && o1.type().equals(o2.type())) {
                    /* Skip over s2 objects of this type while marking them as merged. */
                    while (idx2 < s2.objects.length && s2.objects[idx2].type().equals(o1.type())) {
                        bb.analysisPolicy().noteMerge(bb, s2.objects[idx2]);
                } else if (bb.analysisPolicy().isSummaryObject(o2) && o1.type().equals(o2.type())) {
                    /* Skip over s1 objects of this type while marking them as merged. */
                    while (idx1 < s1.objects.length && s1.objects[idx1].type().equals(o2.type())) {
                        bb.analysisPolicy().noteMerge(bb, s1.objects[idx1]);
                } else if (o1.getId() < o2.getId()) {
                } else if (o1.getId() > o2.getId()) {
                } else {
                    assert o1.equals(o2);
                 * Check if the union of objects of a type in the overlapping section reached the
                 * limit. The limit, bb.options().maxObjectSetSize(), has a minimum value of 1.
            if (PointstoOptions.LimitObjectArrayLength.getValue(bb.getOptions()) && unionObjects.size() > PointstoOptions.MaxObjectSetSize.getValue(bb.getOptions())) {
                int idxStart = 0;
                int idxEnd = 0;
                while (idxEnd < unionObjects.size()) {
                    AnalysisObject oStart = unionObjects.get(idxStart);
                    /* While types are equal and the end is not reached, advance idxEnd. */
                    while (idxEnd < unionObjects.size() && oStart.equals(unionObjects.get(idxEnd))) {
                        idxEnd = idxEnd + 1;
                         * Process the type change or, if idxEnd reached the end, process the last
                         * stride
                    int size = idxEnd - idxStart;
                    if (size > PointstoOptions.MaxObjectSetSize.getValue(bb.getOptions())) {
                             * Object count exceeds the limit. Mark the objects in the stride as
                             * merged.
                        for (int i = idxStart; i < idxEnd; i += 1) {
                            bb.analysisPolicy().noteMerge(bb, unionObjects.get(i));
                        /* Add the context insensitive object in the result list. */
                    } else {
                        /* Object count is within the limit, add them to the result. */
                        resultObjects.addAll(unionObjects.elementData, idxStart, idxEnd);
                    idxStart = idxEnd;
            } else {
                resultObjects.addAll(unionObjects.elementData, 0, unionObjects.size);
             * Add the leftover objects in the result list.
             * Arrays.asList(a).subList(from, to) first creates a list wrapper over the array then
             * it creates a view of a portion of the list, thus it only allocates the list and
             * sub-list wrappers. Then ArrayList.addAll() calls System.arraycopy() which should be
             * more efficient than copying one element at a time.
        if (idx1 < s1.objects.length) {
            resultObjects.addAll(s1.objects, idx1, s1.objects.length);
        } else if (idx2 < s2.objects.length) {
            resultObjects.addAll(s2.objects, idx2, s2.objects.length);
        assert resultObjects.size() > 1 : "The result state of a (Multi U Multi) operation must have at least 2 objects";
        /* Logical OR the type bit sets. */
        BitSet resultTypesBitSet = TypeStateUtils.or(s1.typesBitSet, s2.typesBitSet);
        int properties = bb.analysisPolicy().makePopertiesForUnion(s1, s2);
        MultiTypeState result = new MultiTypeState(bb, resultCanBeNull, properties, resultTypesBitSet, resultObjects.copyToArray(new AnalysisObject[resultObjects.size()]));
        assert !result.equals(s1) : "speculation code should prevent this case";
        /* The result can be equal to s2 only if s1 and s2 have the same number of types. */
        if (s1.typesCount() == s2.typesCount() && result.equals(s2)) {
            return s2.forCanBeNull(bb, resultCanBeNull);
        PointsToStats.registerUnionOperation(bb, s1, s2, result);
        return result;
Also used : AnalysisObject( BitSet(java.util.BitSet)

Example 12 with AnalysisObject

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class TypeStateUtils method checkUnionSize.

private static AnalysisObject[] checkUnionSize(BigBang bb, AnalysisObject[] oa1, AnalysisObject[] oa2, AnalysisObject[] result) {
    assert result.length >= 2;
    if (PointstoOptions.LimitObjectArrayLength.getValue(bb.getOptions()) && (result.length > PointstoOptions.MaxObjectSetSize.getValue(bb.getOptions()))) {
        AnalysisObject rObj = result[0].type().getContextInsensitiveAnalysisObject();
        bb.analysisPolicy().noteMerge(bb, oa1);
        bb.analysisPolicy().noteMerge(bb, oa2);
        bb.analysisPolicy().noteMerge(bb, rObj);
        return new AnalysisObject[] { rObj };
    } else {
        return result;
Also used : AnalysisObject(

Example 13 with AnalysisObject

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class MultiTypeState method checkObjects.

private boolean checkObjects(OptionValues options) {
    assert PointstoOptions.ExtendedAsserts.getValue(options);
    for (int idx = 0; idx < objects.length - 1; idx++) {
        AnalysisObject o0 = objects[idx];
        AnalysisObject o1 = objects[idx + 1];
        assert o0 != null && o1 != null : "Object state must contain non null elements.";
        /* Check that the objects array are sorted by type. */
        assert (o0.type().equals(o1.type()) && o0.getId() < o1.getId()) || o0.type().getId() < o1.type().getId() : "Analysis objects must be sorted by type ID and ID.";
        /* Check that the bit is set for the types. */
        assert typesBitSet.get(o0.type().getId());
        assert typesBitSet.get(o1.type().getId());
    return true;
Also used : AnalysisObject(

Example 14 with AnalysisObject

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class SingleTypeState method checkObjects.

protected boolean checkObjects(OptionValues options) {
    assert PointstoOptions.ExtendedAsserts.getValue(options);
    /* Check that the objects array are sorted by type. */
    for (int idx = 0; idx < objects.length - 1; idx++) {
        AnalysisObject o0 = objects[idx];
        AnalysisObject o1 = objects[idx + 1];
        assert o0 != null && o1 != null : "Object state must contain non null elements.";
        assert o0.type().equals(o1.type()) : "Single type state objects must have the same type.";
             * Check that the objects are sorted by ID. Since the objects should be unique (context
             * sensitive objects are merged when they have the same type during the union
             * operation), we use < for the test.
        assert o0.getId() < o1.getId() : "Analysis objects must be sorted by ID.";
    return true;
Also used : AnalysisObject(

Example 15 with AnalysisObject

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class UnknownTypeState method doUnion.

private static TypeState doUnion(BigBang bb, MultiTypeState s1, SingleTypeState s2) {
    boolean resultCanBeNull = s1.canBeNull() || s2.canBeNull();
    if (s2.objects.length == 1 && s1.containsObject(s2.objects[0])) {
             * Speculate that s2 has a single object and s1 already contains that object. This
             * happens often during object scanning where we repeatedly add the scanned constants to
             * field or array elements flows. The binary search executed by containsObject should be
             * faster than the linear search bellow.
        return s1.forCanBeNull(bb, resultCanBeNull);
    if (s1.containsType(s2.exactType())) {
        /* Objects of the same type as s2 are contained in s1. */
        /* Get the range of objects in s1 corresponding to the type of s2. */
        Range typeRange = s1.findTypeRange(s2.exactType());
        /* Get the slice of objects in s1 corresponding to the type of s2. */
        AnalysisObject[] s1ObjectsSlice = s1.objectsArray(typeRange);
        /* Create the resulting objects array. */
        AnalysisObject[] unionObjects = TypeStateUtils.union(bb, s1ObjectsSlice, s2.objects);
        /* Check if s1 contains s2's objects for this type. */
        if (unionObjects == s1ObjectsSlice) {
            return s1.forCanBeNull(bb, resultCanBeNull);
             * Due to the test above and to the fact that TypeStateUtils.union checks if one array
             * contains the other the union set cannot be equal to s1's objects slice.
        assert !PointstoOptions.ExtendedAsserts.getValue(bb.getOptions()) || !Arrays.equals(unionObjects, s1ObjectsSlice);
             * Replace the s1 objects slice of the same type as s2 with the union objects and create
             * a new state.
        int resultSize = s1.objects.length + unionObjects.length - s1ObjectsSlice.length;
        AnalysisObject[] resultObjects = new AnalysisObject[resultSize];
        System.arraycopy(s1.objects, 0, resultObjects, 0, typeRange.left);
        System.arraycopy(unionObjects, 0, resultObjects, typeRange.left, unionObjects.length);
        System.arraycopy(s1.objects, typeRange.right, resultObjects, typeRange.left + unionObjects.length, s1.objects.length - typeRange.right);
        /* The types bit set of the result and s1 are the same. */
        int properties = bb.analysisPolicy().makePopertiesForUnion(s1, s2);
        MultiTypeState result = new MultiTypeState(bb, resultCanBeNull, properties, s1.typesBitSet, resultObjects);
        assert !result.equals(s1);
             * No need to check the result size against the all-instantiated since the type count
             * didn't change.
        PointsToStats.registerUnionOperation(bb, s1, s2, result);
        return result;
    } else {
        AnalysisObject[] resultObjects;
        if (s2.exactType().getId() < s1.firstType().getId()) {
            resultObjects = TypeStateUtils.concat(s2.objects, s1.objects);
        } else if (s2.exactType().getId() > s1.lastType().getId()) {
            resultObjects = TypeStateUtils.concat(s1.objects, s2.objects);
        } else {
            /* Find insertion point within the s1.objects. */
            int idx1 = 0;
            while (idx1 < s1.objects.length && s1.objects[idx1].type().getId() < s2.exactType().getId()) {
            /* Create the resulting objects array and insert the s2 objects. */
            resultObjects = new AnalysisObject[s1.objects.length + s2.objects.length];
            System.arraycopy(s1.objects, 0, resultObjects, 0, idx1);
            System.arraycopy(s2.objects, 0, resultObjects, idx1, s2.objects.length);
            System.arraycopy(s1.objects, idx1, resultObjects, idx1 + s2.objects.length, s1.objects.length - idx1);
        /* Create the types bit set by adding the s2 type to avoid walking the objects. */
        BitSet typesBitSet = TypeStateUtils.set(s1.typesBitSet, s2.exactType().getId());
        int properties = bb.analysisPolicy().makePopertiesForUnion(s1, s2);
        MultiTypeState result = new MultiTypeState(bb, resultCanBeNull, properties, typesBitSet, resultObjects);
        PointsToStats.registerUnionOperation(bb, s1, s2, result);
        return result;
Also used : AnalysisObject( BitSet(java.util.BitSet) Range(


AnalysisObject ( BitSet (java.util.BitSet)8 TypeState ( AnalysisType ( AnalysisContext ( Range ( ArrayElementsTypeFlow ( FieldTypeFlow ( ConstantContextSensitiveObject ( AnalysisField ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 PrimitiveConstant ( MethodCallTargetNode (