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Example 16 with AnalysisObject

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class UnknownTypeState method doSubtraction.

private static TypeState doSubtraction(BigBang bb, MultiTypeState s1, SingleTypeState s2) {
    boolean resultCanBeNull = s1.canBeNull() && !s2.canBeNull();
    if (s1.containsType(s2.exactType())) {
        /* See comment above for the limitation explanation. */
        assert s2.objects.length == 1 && s2.objects[0].isContextInsensitiveObject() : "Current implementation limitation.";
        /* Find the range of objects of s2.exactType() in s1. */
        Range typeRange = s1.findTypeRange(s2.exactType());
        int newLength = s1.objects.length - (typeRange.right - typeRange.left);
        AnalysisObject[] resultObjects = new AnalysisObject[newLength];
        /* Copy all the objects in s1 but the ones inside the range to the result list. */
        System.arraycopy(s1.objects, 0, resultObjects, 0, typeRange.left);
        System.arraycopy(s1.objects, typeRange.right, resultObjects, typeRange.left, s1.objects.length - typeRange.right);
        if (resultObjects.length == 1) {
            return new SingleTypeState(bb, resultCanBeNull, bb.analysisPolicy().makePoperties(bb, resultObjects[0]), resultObjects[0]);
        } else if (TypeStateUtils.holdsSingleTypeState(resultObjects)) {
            /* Multiple objects of the same type. */
            return new SingleTypeState(bb, resultCanBeNull, bb.analysisPolicy().makePoperties(bb, resultObjects), resultObjects);
        } else {
            BitSet resultTypesBitSet = TypeStateUtils.clear(s1.typesBitSet, s2.exactType().getId());
            return new MultiTypeState(bb, resultCanBeNull, bb.analysisPolicy().makePoperties(bb, resultObjects), resultTypesBitSet, resultObjects);
    } else {
        return s1.forCanBeNull(bb, resultCanBeNull);
Also used : AnalysisObject( BitSet(java.util.BitSet) Range(

Example 17 with AnalysisObject

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class UnknownTypeState method forContextInsensitiveTypeState.

 * Simplifies a type state by replacing all context sensitive objects with context insensitive
 * objects.
public static TypeState forContextInsensitiveTypeState(BigBang bb, TypeState state) {
    if (!PointstoOptions.AllocationSiteSensitiveHeap.getValue(bb.getOptions()) || state.isEmpty() || state.isNull() || state.isUnknown()) {
        /* The type state is already context insensitive. */
        return state;
    } else {
        if (state.isSingleTypeState()) {
            AnalysisType type = state.exactType();
            AnalysisObject analysisObject = type.getContextInsensitiveAnalysisObject();
            return new SingleTypeState(bb, state.canBeNull(), bb.analysisPolicy().makePoperties(bb, analysisObject), analysisObject);
        } else {
            MultiTypeState multiState = (MultiTypeState) state;
            AnalysisObject[] objectsArray = new AnalysisObject[multiState.typesCount()];
            int i = 0;
            for (AnalysisType type : multiState.types()) {
                objectsArray[i++] = type.getContextInsensitiveAnalysisObject();
                 * For types use the already created bit set. Since the original type state is
                 * immutable its types bit set cannot change.
            BitSet typesBitSet = multiState.typesBitSet;
            int properties = bb.analysisPolicy().makePoperties(bb, objectsArray);
            return new MultiTypeState(bb, multiState.canBeNull(), properties, typesBitSet, objectsArray);
Also used : AnalysisType( AnalysisObject( BitSet(java.util.BitSet)

Example 18 with AnalysisObject

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class SpecialInvokeTypeFlow method onObservedUpdate.

public void onObservedUpdate(BigBang bb) {
    assert this.isClone();
         * Initialize the callee lazily so that if the invoke flow is not reached in this context,
         * i.e. for this clone, there is no callee linked.
    if (callee == null) {
        MethodCallTargetNode target = (MethodCallTargetNode) invoke.callTarget();
        callee = ((AnalysisMethod) target.targetMethod()).getTypeFlow();
        // set the callee in the original invoke too
        ((DirectInvokeTypeFlow) originalInvoke).callee = callee;
    TypeState invokeState = getReceiver().getState();
    for (AnalysisObject receiverObject : invokeState.objects()) {
        AnalysisContext calleeContext = bb.contextPolicy().calleeContext(bb, receiverObject, callerContext, callee);
        MethodFlowsGraph calleeFlows = callee.addContext(bb, calleeContext, this);
        if (calleesFlows.putIfAbsent(calleeFlows, Boolean.TRUE) == null) {
            linkCallee(bb, false, calleeFlows);
        updateReceiver(bb, calleeFlows, receiverObject);
Also used : AnalysisObject( MethodCallTargetNode( TypeState( AnalysisContext(

Example 19 with AnalysisObject

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class NewInstanceTypeFlow method cloneSourceState.

 * Create the type state for a clone.
protected TypeState cloneSourceState(BigBang bb, MethodFlowsGraph methodFlows) {
    assert !this.isClone();
    AnalysisContext allocatorContext = methodFlows.context();
    AnalysisContext allocationContext = bb.contextPolicy().allocationContext(allocatorContext, PointstoOptions.MaxHeapContextDepth.getValue(bb.getOptions()));
    if (bb.analysisPolicy().isContextSensitiveAllocation(bb, type, allocationContext)) {
             * If the analysis is context sensitive create a new heap object for the new context, or
             * return an existing one. The original NewInstanceTypeFlow is the one that stores the
             * (Context->HeapObject) mapping.
        AnalysisObject newHeapObject = createHeapObject(bb, allocationContext);
        return TypeState.forNonNullObject(bb, newHeapObject);
    } else {
             * In the heap insensitive case instead of more precise heap abstractions (i.e.
             * allocation site) we use just the type of the object wrapped into the AbstractObject
             * base class. There is no cloning in this case.
        return TypeState.forExactType(bb, type, false);
Also used : AnalysisObject( AnalysisContext(

Example 20 with AnalysisObject

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class AnalysisType method getCachedConstantObject.

public AnalysisObject getCachedConstantObject(BigBang bb, JavaConstant constant) {
         * Constant caching is only used we certain analysis policies. Ideally we would store the
         * cache in the policy, but it is simpler to store the cache for each type.
    assert bb.analysisPolicy().needsConstantCache() : "The analysis policy doesn't specify the need for a constants cache.";
    assert bb.trackConcreteAnalysisObjects(this);
    assert !(constant instanceof PrimitiveConstant) : "The analysis should not model PrimitiveConstant.";
    if (uniqueConstant != null) {
        // The constants have been merged, return the unique constant
        return uniqueConstant;
    if (constantObjectsCache.size() > PointstoOptions.MaxConstantObjectsPerType.getValue(bb.getOptions())) {
        // The number of constant objects has increased above the limit,
        // merge the constants in the uniqueConstant and return it
        return uniqueConstant;
    // Get the analysis ConstantObject modeling the JavaConstant
    AnalysisObject result = constantObjectsCache.get(constant);
    if (result == null) {
        // Create a ConstantObject to model each JavaConstant
        ConstantContextSensitiveObject newValue = new ConstantContextSensitiveObject(bb, this, constant);
        ConstantContextSensitiveObject oldValue = constantObjectsCache.putIfAbsent(constant, newValue);
        result = oldValue != null ? oldValue : newValue;
        if (PointstoOptions.ProfileConstantObjects.getValue(bb.getOptions())) {
    return result;
Also used : AnalysisObject( PrimitiveConstant( ConstantContextSensitiveObject(


AnalysisObject ( BitSet (java.util.BitSet)8 TypeState ( AnalysisType ( AnalysisContext ( Range ( ArrayElementsTypeFlow ( FieldTypeFlow ( ConstantContextSensitiveObject ( AnalysisField ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 PrimitiveConstant ( MethodCallTargetNode (