use of com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.DeltaSet in project MindsEye by SimiaCryptus.
the class CrossProductLayer method eval.
public Result eval(@Nonnull final Result... inObj) {
assert 1 == inObj.length;
final Result in = inObj[0];
TensorList indata = in.getData(); -> nnResult.addRef());
return new Result(TensorArray.wrap( -> {
final int inputDim = tensor.length();
final int outputDim = (inputDim * inputDim - inputDim) / 2;
@Nonnull final Tensor result = new Tensor(outputDim);
@Nullable final double[] inputData = tensor.getData();
@Nullable final double[] resultData = result.getData();
IntStream.range(0, inputDim).forEach(x -> {
IntStream.range(x + 1, inputDim).forEach(y -> {
resultData[CrossProductLayer.index(x, y, inputDim)] = inputData[x] * inputData[y];
return result;
}).toArray(i -> new Tensor[i])), (@Nonnull final DeltaSet<Layer> buffer, @Nonnull final TensorList delta) -> {
if (in.isAlive()) {
assert delta.length() == delta.length();
@Nonnull TensorArray tensorArray = TensorArray.wrap(IntStream.range(0, delta.length()).parallel().mapToObj(batchIndex -> {
@Nullable final Tensor deltaTensor = delta.get(batchIndex);
final int outputDim = deltaTensor.length();
final int inputDim = (1 + (int) Math.sqrt(1 + 8 * outputDim)) / 2;
@Nonnull final Tensor passback = new Tensor(inputDim);
@Nullable final double[] passbackData = passback.getData();
@Nullable final double[] tensorData = deltaTensor.getData();
Tensor inputTensor = indata.get(batchIndex);
@Nullable final double[] inputData = inputTensor.getData();
IntStream.range(0, inputDim).forEach(x -> {
IntStream.range(x + 1, inputDim).forEach(y -> {
passbackData[x] += tensorData[CrossProductLayer.index(x, y, inputDim)] * inputData[y];
passbackData[y] += tensorData[CrossProductLayer.index(x, y, inputDim)] * inputData[x];
return passback;
}).toArray(i -> new Tensor[i]));
in.accumulate(buffer, tensorArray);
}) {
protected void _free() {
indata.freeRef(); -> nnResult.freeRef());
public boolean isAlive() {
for (@Nonnull final Result element : inObj) if (element.isAlive()) {
return true;
return false;
use of com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.DeltaSet in project MindsEye by SimiaCryptus.
the class EntropyLossLayer method eval.
public Result eval(@Nonnull final Result... inObj) { -> nnResult.addRef());
final double zero_tol = 1e-12;
final Result in0 = inObj[0];
TensorList indata = in0.getData();
@Nonnull final Tensor[] gradient = new Tensor[indata.length()];
final double max_prob = 1.;
return new Result(TensorArray.wrap(IntStream.range(0, indata.length()).mapToObj(dataIndex -> {
@Nullable final Tensor l = indata.get(dataIndex);
@Nullable final Tensor r = inObj[1].getData().get(dataIndex);
assert l.length() == r.length() : l.length() + " != " + r.length();
@Nonnull final Tensor gradientTensor = new Tensor(l.getDimensions());
@Nullable final double[] gradientData = gradientTensor.getData();
double total = 0;
@Nullable final double[] ld = l.getData();
@Nullable final double[] rd = r.getData();
for (int i = 0; i < l.length(); i++) {
final double lv = Math.max(Math.min(ld[i], max_prob), zero_tol);
final double rv = rd[i];
if (rv > 0) {
gradientData[i] = -rv / lv;
total += -rv * Math.log(lv);
} else {
gradientData[i] = 0;
assert total >= 0;
gradient[dataIndex] = gradientTensor;
@Nonnull final Tensor outValue = new Tensor(new double[] { total }, 1);
return outValue;
}).toArray(i -> new Tensor[i])), (@Nonnull final DeltaSet<Layer> buffer, @Nonnull final TensorList delta) -> {
if (inObj[1].isAlive()) {
@Nonnull TensorArray tensorArray = TensorArray.wrap(IntStream.range(0, delta.length()).mapToObj(dataIndex -> {
Tensor deltaTensor = delta.get(dataIndex);
@Nullable final Tensor inputTensor = indata.get(dataIndex);
@Nonnull final Tensor passback = new Tensor(gradient[dataIndex].getDimensions());
for (int i = 0; i < passback.length(); i++) {
final double lv = Math.max(Math.min(inputTensor.get(i), max_prob), zero_tol);
passback.set(i, -deltaTensor.get(0) * Math.log(lv));
return passback;
}).toArray(i -> new Tensor[i]));
inObj[1].accumulate(buffer, tensorArray);
if (in0.isAlive()) {
@Nonnull TensorArray tensorArray = TensorArray.wrap(IntStream.range(0, delta.length()).mapToObj(dataIndex -> {
Tensor tensor = delta.get(dataIndex);
@Nonnull final Tensor passback = new Tensor(gradient[dataIndex].getDimensions());
for (int i = 0; i < passback.length(); i++) {
passback.set(i, tensor.get(0) * gradient[dataIndex].get(i));
return passback;
}).toArray(i -> new Tensor[i]));
in0.accumulate(buffer, tensorArray);
}) {
protected void _free() {
public boolean isAlive() {
return in0.isAlive() || in0.isAlive();
use of com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.DeltaSet in project MindsEye by SimiaCryptus.
the class LocalSparkTrainable method measure.
public PointSample measure(final TrainingMonitor monitor) {
final long time1 = System.nanoTime();
final JavaRDD<Tensor[]> javaRDD = sampledRDD.toJavaRDD();
assert !javaRDD.isEmpty();
final List<ReducableResult> mapPartitions = javaRDD.partitions().stream().map(partition -> {
try {
final List<Tensor[]>[] array = javaRDD.collectPartitions(new int[] { partition.index() });
assert 0 < array.length;
if (0 == final List<Tensor[]> x) -> x.size()).sum()) {
return null;
assert 0 < -> -> y.length).sum()).sum();
final Stream<Tensor[]> stream = ->;
@Nonnull final Iterator<Tensor[]> iterator = stream.iterator();
return new PartitionTask(network).call(iterator).next();
} catch (@Nonnull final RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (@Nonnull final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
}).filter(x -> null != x).collect(Collectors.toList());
final long time2 = System.nanoTime();
@Nonnull final SparkTrainable.ReducableResult result =;
if (isVerbose()) {"Measure timing: %.3f / %.3f for %s items", (time2 - time1) * 1e-9, (System.nanoTime() - time2) * 1e-9, sampledRDD.count()));
@Nonnull final DeltaSet<Layer> xxx = getDelta(result);
return new PointSample(xxx, new StateSet<Layer>(xxx), result.sum, 0.0, result.count).normalize();
use of com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.DeltaSet in project MindsEye by SimiaCryptus.
the class TensorListTrainable method getNNContext.
* Get nn context nn result [ ].
* @param data the data
* @param mask the mask
* @return the nn result [ ]
public static Result[] getNNContext(@Nullable final TensorList[] data, @Nullable final boolean[] mask) {
if (null == data)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int inputs = data.length;
assert 0 < inputs;
int items = data[0].length();
assert 0 < items;
return IntStream.range(0, inputs).mapToObj(col -> {
final Tensor[] tensors = IntStream.range(0, items).mapToObj(row -> data[col].get(row)).toArray(i -> new Tensor[i]);
@Nonnull TensorArray tensorArray = TensorArray.create(tensors);
if (null == mask || col >= mask.length || !mask[col]) {
return new ConstantResult(tensorArray);
} else {
return new Result(tensorArray, (@Nonnull final DeltaSet<Layer> buffer, @Nonnull final TensorList delta) -> {
for (int index = 0; index < delta.length(); index++) {
final Tensor dt = delta.get(index);
@Nullable final double[] d = dt.getData();
final Tensor t = tensors[index];
@Nullable final double[] p = t.getData();
@Nonnull PlaceholderLayer<double[]> layer = new PlaceholderLayer<>(p);
buffer.get(layer, p).addInPlace(d).freeRef();
}) {
public boolean isAlive() {
return true;
}).toArray(x1 -> new Result[x1]);
use of com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.DeltaSet in project MindsEye by SimiaCryptus.
the class BatchDerivativeTester method getFeedbackGradient.
private Tensor getFeedbackGradient(@Nonnull final Layer component, final int inputIndex, @Nonnull final Tensor outputPrototype, final Tensor... inputPrototype) {
final Tensor inputTensor = inputPrototype[inputIndex];
final int inputDims = inputTensor.length();
@Nonnull final Tensor result = new Tensor(inputDims, outputPrototype.length());
for (int j = 0; j < outputPrototype.length(); j++) {
final int j_ = j;
@Nonnull final PlaceholderLayer<Tensor> inputKey = new PlaceholderLayer<Tensor>(new Tensor());
@Nonnull final Result copyInput = new Result(TensorArray.create(inputPrototype), (@Nonnull final DeltaSet<Layer> buffer, @Nonnull final TensorList data) -> {
@Nonnull final Tensor gradientBuffer = new Tensor(inputDims, outputPrototype.length());
if (!Arrays.equals(inputTensor.getDimensions(), data.get(inputIndex).getDimensions())) {
throw new AssertionError();
for (int i = 0; i < inputDims; i++) {
gradientBuffer.set(new int[] { i, j_ }, data.get(inputIndex).getData()[i]);
buffer.get(inputKey, new double[gradientBuffer.length()]).addInPlace(gradientBuffer.getData());
}) {
public boolean isAlive() {
return true;
@Nullable final Result eval = component.eval(copyInput);
@Nonnull final DeltaSet<Layer> xxx = new DeltaSet<Layer>();
@Nonnull TensorArray tensorArray = TensorArray.wrap(eval.getData().stream().map(x -> {
@Nonnull Tensor set = x.set(j_, 1);
return set;
}).toArray(i -> new Tensor[i]));
eval.accumulate(xxx, tensorArray);
final Delta<Layer> inputDelta = xxx.getMap().get(inputKey);
if (null != inputDelta) {
result.addInPlace(new Tensor(inputDelta.getDelta(), result.getDimensions()));
return result;