use of com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.DeltaSet in project MindsEye by SimiaCryptus.
the class StaticScalarLossLayer method eval.
public Result eval(@Nonnull final Result... inObj) {
if (1 != inObj.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(); -> nnResult.addRef());
// if (inObj[0].getData().length() != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
final Result in0 = inObj[0];
TensorList indata = in0.getData();
return new Result(TensorArray.wrap(IntStream.range(0, indata.length()).parallel().mapToObj(dataIndex -> {
@Nullable final Tensor a = indata.get(dataIndex);
final double diff = Math.abs(a.get(0) - getTarget());
return new Tensor(new double[] { diff }, 1);
}).toArray(i -> new Tensor[i])), (@Nonnull final DeltaSet<Layer> buffer, @Nonnull final TensorList data) -> {
if (in0.isAlive()) {
@Nonnull TensorArray tensorArray = TensorArray.wrap(IntStream.range(0, data.length()).parallel().mapToObj(dataIndex -> {
@Nullable final Tensor a = indata.get(dataIndex);
Tensor tensor = data.get(dataIndex);
final double deriv = tensor.get(0) * (a.get(0) - getTarget() < 0 ? -1 : 1);
return new Tensor(new double[] { deriv }, 1);
}).toArray(i -> new Tensor[i]));
in0.accumulate(buffer, tensorArray);
}) {
protected void _free() {
indata.freeRef(); -> nnResult.freeRef());
public boolean isAlive() {
return in0.isAlive();
use of com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.DeltaSet in project MindsEye by SimiaCryptus.
the class LayerRateDiagnosticTrainer method run.
* Run map.
* @return the map
public Map<Layer, LayerStats> run() {
final long timeoutMs = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout.toMillis();
PointSample measure = measure();
@Nonnull final ArrayList<Layer> layers = new ArrayList<>(measure.weights.getMap().keySet());
while (timeoutMs > System.currentTimeMillis() && measure.sum > terminateThreshold) {
if (currentIteration.get() > maxIterations) {
final PointSample initialPhasePoint = measure();
measure = initialPhasePoint;
for (int subiteration = 0; subiteration < iterationsPerSample; subiteration++) {
if (currentIteration.incrementAndGet() > maxIterations) {
@Nonnull final SimpleLineSearchCursor orient = (SimpleLineSearchCursor) getOrientation().orient(subject, measure, monitor);
final double stepSize = 1e-12 * orient.origin.sum;
@Nonnull final DeltaSet<Layer> pointB = orient.step(stepSize, monitor);
@Nonnull final DeltaSet<Layer> pointA = orient.step(0.0, monitor);
@Nonnull final DeltaSet<Layer> d1 = pointA;
@Nonnull final DeltaSet<Layer> d2 = d1.add(pointB.scale(-1)).scale(1.0 / stepSize);
@Nonnull final Map<Layer, Double> steps = new HashMap<>();
final double overallStepEstimate = d1.getMagnitude() / d2.getMagnitude();
for (final Layer layer : layers) {
final DoubleBuffer<Layer> a = d2.get(layer, (double[]) null);
final DoubleBuffer<Layer> b = d1.get(layer, (double[]) null);
final double bmag = Math.sqrt(b.deltaStatistics().sumSq());
final double amag = Math.sqrt(a.deltaStatistics().sumSq());
final double dot = / (amag * bmag);
final double idealSize = bmag / (amag * dot);
steps.put(layer, idealSize);
monitor.log(String.format("Layers stats: %s (%s, %s, %s) => %s", layer, amag, bmag, dot, idealSize));
monitor.log(String.format("Estimated ideal rates for layers: %s (%s overall; probed at %s)", steps, overallStepEstimate, stepSize));
@Nullable SimpleLineSearchCursor bestOrient = null;
@Nullable PointSample bestPoint = null;
layerLoop: for (@Nonnull final Layer layer : layers) {
@Nonnull SimpleLineSearchCursor orient = (SimpleLineSearchCursor) getOrientation().orient(subject, measure, monitor);
@Nonnull final DeltaSet<Layer> direction = filterDirection(orient.direction, layer);
if (direction.getMagnitude() == 0) {
monitor.log(String.format("Zero derivative for layer %s; skipping", layer));
continue layerLoop;
orient = new SimpleLineSearchCursor(orient.subject, orient.origin, direction);
final PointSample previous = measure;
measure = getLineSearchStrategy().step(orient, monitor);
if (isStrict()) {
monitor.log(String.format("Iteration %s reverting. Error: %s", currentIteration.get(), measure.sum));
monitor.log(String.format("Optimal rate for layer %s: %s", layer.getName(), measure.getRate()));
if (null == bestPoint || bestPoint.sum < measure.sum) {
bestOrient = orient;
bestPoint = measure;
getLayerRates().put(layer, new LayerStats(measure.getRate(), initialPhasePoint.sum - measure.sum));
orient.step(0, monitor);
measure = previous;
} else if (previous.sum == measure.sum) {
monitor.log(String.format("Iteration %s failed. Error: %s", currentIteration.get(), measure.sum));
} else {
monitor.log(String.format("Iteration %s complete. Error: %s", currentIteration.get(), measure.sum));
monitor.log(String.format("Optimal rate for layer %s: %s", layer.getName(), measure.getRate()));
getLayerRates().put(layer, new LayerStats(measure.getRate(), initialPhasePoint.sum - measure.sum));
monitor.log(String.format("Ideal rates: %s", getLayerRates()));
if (null != bestPoint) {
bestOrient.step(bestPoint.rate, monitor);
monitor.onStepComplete(new Step(measure, currentIteration.get()));
return getLayerRates();
use of com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.DeltaSet in project MindsEye by SimiaCryptus.
the class NthPowerActivationLayer method eval.
public Result eval(@Nonnull final Result... inObj) {
final int itemCnt = inObj[0].getData().length();
assert 0 < itemCnt; -> nnResult.addRef());
@Nonnull final Tensor[] inputGradientA = new Tensor[itemCnt];
return new Result(TensorArray.wrap(IntStream.range(0, itemCnt).parallel().mapToObj(dataIndex -> {
@Nullable final Tensor input = inObj[0].getData().get(dataIndex);
@Nonnull final Tensor output = new Tensor(inObj[0].getData().getDimensions());
@Nonnull final Tensor gradient = new Tensor(input.length());
@Nullable final double[] inputData = input.getData();
@Nullable final double[] gradientData = gradient.getData();
@Nullable final double[] outputData = output.getData();
inputGradientA[dataIndex] = gradient;
if (power == 2) {
NthPowerActivationLayer.square(input, inputData, gradientData, outputData);
} else if (power == 0.5) {
NthPowerActivationLayer.squareRoot(input, inputData, gradientData, outputData);
} else if (power == 0.0) {
NthPowerActivationLayer.unity(input, inputData, gradientData, outputData);
} else {
NthPowerActivationLayer.nthPower(power, input, inputData, gradientData, outputData);
return output;
}).toArray(i -> new Tensor[i])), (@Nonnull final DeltaSet<Layer> buffer, @Nonnull final TensorList data) -> {
if (inObj[0].isAlive()) {
@Nonnull TensorArray tensorArray = TensorArray.wrap(IntStream.range(0, itemCnt).parallel().mapToObj(dataIndex -> {
@Nonnull final Tensor passback = new Tensor(data.getDimensions());
@Nullable final Tensor tensor = data.get(dataIndex);
@Nullable double[] tensorData = tensor.getData();
@Nullable final double[] gradientData = inputGradientA[dataIndex].getData();
IntStream.range(0, passback.length()).forEach(i -> {
final double v = gradientData[i];
if (Double.isFinite(v)) {
passback.set(i, tensorData[i] * v);
return passback;
}).toArray(i -> new Tensor[i]));
inObj[0].accumulate(buffer, tensorArray);
}) {
protected void _free() {;;
public boolean isAlive() {
return 0.0 != power && inObj[0].isAlive();
use of com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.DeltaSet in project MindsEye by SimiaCryptus.
the class ProductLayer method eval.
public Result eval(@Nonnull final Result... inObj) { -> nnResult.addRef()); -> x.getData().addRef());
final Result in0 = inObj[0];
@Nonnull final double[] sum_A = new double[in0.getData().length()];
final Tensor[] outputA = IntStream.range(0, in0.getData().length()).mapToObj(dataIndex -> {
double sum = 1;
for (@Nonnull final Result element : inObj) {
Tensor tensor = element.getData().get(dataIndex);
@Nullable final double[] input = tensor.getData();
for (final double element2 : input) {
sum *= element2;
sum_A[dataIndex] = sum;
return new Tensor(new double[] { sum }, 1);
}).toArray(i -> new Tensor[i]);
return new Result(TensorArray.wrap(outputA), (@Nonnull final DeltaSet<Layer> buffer, @Nonnull final TensorList delta) -> {
for (@Nonnull final Result in_l : inObj) {
if (in_l.isAlive()) {
@Nonnull TensorArray tensorArray = TensorArray.wrap(IntStream.range(0, delta.length()).mapToObj(dataIndex -> {
Tensor dataTensor = delta.get(dataIndex);
Tensor lTensor = in_l.getData().get(dataIndex);
@Nonnull final Tensor passback = new Tensor(lTensor.getDimensions());
for (int i = 0; i < lTensor.length(); i++) {
passback.set(i, dataTensor.get(0) * sum_A[dataIndex] / lTensor.getData()[i]);
return passback;
}).toArray(i -> new Tensor[i]));
in_l.accumulate(buffer, tensorArray);
}) {
protected void _free() { -> nnResult.freeRef()); -> x.getData().freeRef());
public boolean isAlive() {
for (@Nonnull final Result element : inObj) if (element.isAlive()) {
return true;
return false;
use of com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.DeltaSet in project MindsEye by SimiaCryptus.
the class ReshapeLayer method evalAndFree.
public Result evalAndFree(@Nonnull final Result... inObj) {
assert 1 == inObj.length;
TensorList data = inObj[0].getData();
@Nonnull int[] inputDims = data.getDimensions();
ReshapedTensorList reshapedTensorList = new ReshapedTensorList(data, outputDims);
return new Result(reshapedTensorList, (DeltaSet<Layer> buffer, TensorList delta) -> {
@Nonnull ReshapedTensorList tensorList = new ReshapedTensorList(delta, inputDims);
inObj[0].accumulate(buffer, tensorList);
}) {
protected void _free() {
for (@Nonnull Result result : inObj) {
public boolean isAlive() {
return inObj[0].isAlive();