use of com.xenoage.utils.math.geom.Point2f in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class BezierCurveTools method correctBezier.
* Corrects the given bezier curve, if it is too plain,
* so it looks more like a part of a circle (which looks good for
* a slur).
public static CubicBezierCurve correctBezier(CubicBezierCurve curve, VSide side) {
// compute left angle
Point2f p1c1 = curve.getC1().sub(curve.getP1());
Point2f p1p2 = curve.getP2().sub(curve.getP1());
float angleLeft = (float) Math.acos(p1c1.dotProduct(p1p2) / (p1c1.length() * p1p2.length()));
if (angleLeft < 0.3 || Float.isNaN(angleLeft)) {
// correct curve
float slurDown = -1 * side.getDir() * 1;
Point2f p1 = curve.getP1().add(0, slurDown);
Point2f c1 = curve.getC1().add(0, slurDown).rotate(p1, 1 * side.getDir() * 0.5f);
Point2f p2 = curve.getP2().add(0, slurDown);
Point2f c2 = curve.getC2().add(0, slurDown).rotate(p2, -1 * side.getDir() * 0.5f);
return new CubicBezierCurve(p1, c1, c2, p2);
} else {
// curve is ok
return curve;
use of com.xenoage.utils.math.geom.Point2f in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class QuadraticCurvesTools method computeOverConvexHull.
* Computes a list of possible quadratic curves over the given {@link ConvexHull},
* that start at the first point of the hull and end at the last point of the hull,
* but may also start and end further away according to the given parameters. The curve
* will not cross the area of the convex hull.
* @param convexHull the convex hull
* @param leftArea the tolerance of the distance of the start point
* (between 0 and this value). always positive or 0.
* @param rightArea the tolerance of the distance of the end point
* (between 0 and this value). always positive or 0.
* @return a list of possible quadratic curves
public static List<QuadraticCurve> computeOverConvexHull(ConvexHull convexHull, float leftArea, float rightArea) {
LinkedList<QuadraticCurve> ret = new LinkedList<>();
ArrayList<Point2f> points = convexHull.getPoints();
VSide side = convexHull.getSide();
int sideDir = side.getDir();
int n = points.size();
// compute the possible start and endpoints
Point2f[] startPoints = new Point2f[] { points.get(0), points.get(0).add(0, sideDir * leftArea) };
Point2f[] endPoints = new Point2f[] { points.get(n - 1), points.get(n - 1).add(0, sideDir * rightArea) };
// the quadratic expression {a, b, c} for ax² + bx + c = 0
// equations:
// - (2): must start at startPoints[0] or startPoints[1] (between is never optimal!)
// - (2): must end at endPoints[0] or endPoints[1] (between is never optimal!)
// inequations:
// - (0): a must be <=/>= 0 (parabola is open on the bottom/top side, dependent
// on the side of the convex hull) - not used in SLE, checked later
// - (m): curve must be above/below each of the m = n-2 middle points (dependent on the side)
int m = n - 2;
Point2f[] eq = new Point2f[2 + 2 + m];
eq[0] = startPoints[0];
eq[1] = startPoints[1];
eq[2] = endPoints[0];
eq[3] = endPoints[1];
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
eq[4 + i] = points.get(1 + i);
// strategy, based on the simplex algorithm for linear optimization:
// for each possible combination of 3 equations (optimum is always at the corner of the simplex,
// so we can use the inequations like equations), solve the SLE, test, if the curve is
// valid for all inequations, and if so, compute the area between the curve and the convex hull.
// take the curve which has the smallest area.
// there are ((m+4) choose 3) possible SLEs, but we have to ignore those where eq[0] AND eq[1]
// are used and those where eq[2] AND eq[3] are used.
int[][] subsets = getAllCombinationsOf3(m + 4);
for (int[] eqIndices : subsets) {
// not useable: {0,1,?}, {2,3,?} and {?,2,3}
if (eqIndices[0] == 0 && eqIndices[1] == 1 || eqIndices[0] == 2 && eqIndices[1] == 3 || eqIndices[1] == 2 && eqIndices[2] == 3) {
// ignore
} else {
// usable. solve SLE
double[][] A = new double[3][3];
double[] b = new double[3];
for (int iy = 0; iy < 3; iy++) {
Point2f p = eq[eqIndices[iy]];
A[iy][0] = p.x * p.x;
A[iy][1] = p.x;
A[iy][2] = 1;
b[iy] = p.y;
double[] params = Gauss.solve(A, b);
// parameters ok for all equations?
boolean ok = true;
ok &= sideDir * getY(startPoints[0].x, params) >= sideDir * startPoints[0].y;
ok &= sideDir * getY(startPoints[1].x, params) <= sideDir * startPoints[1].y;
ok &= sideDir * getY(endPoints[0].x, params) >= sideDir * endPoints[0].y;
ok &= sideDir * getY(endPoints[1].x, params) <= sideDir * endPoints[1].y;
// parabole is open on the bottom/top side
ok &= sideDir * params[0] <= 0;
for (int im = 0; ok && im < m; im++) {
ok &= sideDir * getY(points.get(1 + im).x, params) >= sideDir * points.get(1 + im).y;
if (ok) {
// remember this equation
ret.add(new QuadraticCurve((float) params[0], (float) params[1], (float) params[2]));
if (ret.size() == 0) {
// no curve found. use direct line between first and last point.
double[][] A = new double[][] { { points.get(0).x, 1 }, { points.get(n - 1).x, 1 } };
double[] b = new double[] { points.get(0).y, points.get(n - 1).y };
double[] params = Gauss.solve(A, b);
ret.add(new QuadraticCurve(0f, (float) params[0], (float) params[1]));
// return result
return ret;
use of com.xenoage.utils.math.geom.Point2f in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class StaffStamper method createStaffStampings.
public StaffStampings createStaffStampings(Score score, FrameSpacing frame) {
int systemsCount = frame.getSystems().size();
int stavesCount = score.getStavesCount();
List<StaffStamping> allStaves = alist(systemsCount * stavesCount);
// go through the systems
for (int iSystem : range(systemsCount)) {
SystemSpacing system = frame.getSystems().get(iSystem);
float systemXOffset = system.getMarginLeftMm();
// create staves of the system
float yOffset = system.getOffsetYMm();
for (int iStaff : range(stavesCount)) {
yOffset += system.getStaffDistanceMm(iStaff);
int linesCount = score.getStaff(iStaff).getLinesCount();
float interlineSpace = score.getInterlineSpace(iStaff);
StaffStamping staff = new StaffStamping(system, iStaff, new Point2f(systemXOffset, yOffset), system.widthMm, linesCount, interlineSpace);
yOffset += system.getStaffHeightMm(iStaff);
return new StaffStampings(allStaves, systemsCount, stavesCount);
use of com.xenoage.utils.math.geom.Point2f in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class TupletRenderer method draw.
* Draws the given {@link TupletStamping} on the given {@link Canvas},
* using the given {@link RendererArgs}.
public void draw(Stamping stamping, Canvas canvas, RendererArgs args) {
TupletStamping tuplet = (TupletStamping) stamping;
StaffStamping parentStaff = tuplet.parentStaff;
float scaling = args.targetScaling;
// horizontal position
float x1Mm = tuplet.leftSP.xMm;
float x2Mm = tuplet.rightSP.xMm;
// height of hook is 1 IS
float hookHeightPx = Units.mmToPx(, scaling);
// width and color of the line
Color color = Color.Companion.getBlack();
// a little bit thicker than staff line
float width = parentStaff.getLineWidthMm() * 1.5f;
float paintWidth;
// compute the horizontal line and color
float y1Mm, y2Mm;
Color paintColor;
if (canvas.getFormat() == CanvasFormat.Raster) {
BitmapStaff ss = parentStaff.getBitmapInfo().getBitmapStaff(scaling);
y1Mm = parentStaff.positionMm.y + ss.getYMm(tuplet.leftSP.lp);
y2Mm = parentStaff.positionMm.y + ss.getYMm(tuplet.rightSP.lp);
BitmapLine screenLine = parentStaff.getBitmapInfo().getBitmapLine(scaling, width, color);
paintColor = screenLine.color;
paintWidth = screenLine.widthMm;
} else {
y1Mm = parentStaff.computeYMm(tuplet.leftSP.lp);
y2Mm = parentStaff.computeYMm(tuplet.rightSP.lp);
paintColor = color;
paintWidth = width;
// compute gap for text
FormattedText text = tuplet.text;
float gapMm = 0;
float textMm = 0;
if (text != null && text.getParagraphs().size() > 0) {
textMm = text.getFirstParagraph().getMetrics().getWidth();
gapMm = textMm * 2;
// draw line and hooks
if (gapMm > 0) {
// two lines, when there is text in between
float xGapLMm = (x2Mm + x1Mm) / 2 - gapMm / 2;
float xGapRMm = xGapLMm + gapMm;
float gapVerticalMm = gapMm / (x2Mm - x1Mm) * (y2Mm - y1Mm);
float yGapLMm = (y2Mm + y1Mm) / 2 - gapVerticalMm / 2;
float yGapRMm = yGapLMm + gapVerticalMm;
canvas.drawLine(new Point2f(x1Mm, y1Mm), new Point2f(xGapLMm, yGapLMm), paintColor, paintWidth);
canvas.drawLine(new Point2f(xGapRMm, yGapRMm), new Point2f(x2Mm, y2Mm), paintColor, paintWidth);
} else {
// no gap
canvas.drawLine(new Point2f(x1Mm, y1Mm), new Point2f(x2Mm, y2Mm), paintColor, paintWidth);
// hooks
canvas.drawLine(new Point2f(x1Mm, y1Mm), new Point2f(x1Mm, y1Mm + hookHeightPx * (tuplet.leftSP.lp < 0 ? -1 : 1)), paintColor, paintWidth);
canvas.drawLine(new Point2f(x2Mm, y2Mm), new Point2f(x2Mm, y2Mm + hookHeightPx * (tuplet.rightSP.lp < 0 ? -1 : 1)), paintColor, paintWidth);
// draw text
if (text != null && text.getParagraphs().size() > 0) {
float textAscent = text.getFirstParagraph().getMetrics().getAscent();
float textX = (x1Mm + x2Mm) / 2 - textMm / 2;
float textY = (y1Mm + y2Mm) / 2 + textAscent / 2;
canvas.drawText(tuplet.text, null, new Point2f(textX, textY), true, 0);
use of com.xenoage.utils.math.geom.Point2f in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class VoltaRenderer method draw.
* Draws the given {@link VoltaStamping} on the given {@link Canvas},
* using the given {@link RendererArgs}.
public void draw(Stamping stamping, Canvas canvas, RendererArgs args) {
VoltaStamping volta = (VoltaStamping) stamping;
StaffStamping parentStaff = volta.parentStaff;
float scaling = args.scaling;
// horizontal position
float x1 = volta.leftXMm + parentStaff.positionMm.x;
float x2 = volta.rightXMm + parentStaff.positionMm.x;
// compute hooks
boolean hook = volta.leftHook || volta.rightHook;
float hookHeight = 0;
if (hook) {
// height of hook is 2 interline spaces
hookHeight = * 2;
// width and color of the line
Color color = Color.Companion.getBlack();
// a little bit thicker than staff line
float width = parentStaff.getLineWidthMm() * 1.5f;
float paintWidth;
// compute the horizontal line and color
float y;
Color paintColor;
if (canvas.getFormat() == CanvasFormat.Raster) {
BitmapStaff ss = parentStaff.getBitmapInfo().getBitmapStaff(scaling);
y = parentStaff.positionMm.y + ss.getYMm(volta.lp);
BitmapLine screenLine = parentStaff.getBitmapInfo().getBitmapLine(scaling, width, color);
paintColor = screenLine.color;
paintWidth = screenLine.widthMm;
} else {
y = parentStaff.computeYMm(volta.lp);
paintColor = color;
paintWidth = width;
// draw line and hooks
canvas.drawLine(new Point2f(x1, y), new Point2f(x2, y), paintColor, paintWidth);
if (volta.leftHook) {
canvas.drawLine(new Point2f(x1, y), new Point2f(x1, y + hookHeight), paintColor, paintWidth);
if (volta.rightHook) {
canvas.drawLine(new Point2f(x2, y), new Point2f(x2, y + hookHeight), paintColor, paintWidth);
// draw text
FormattedText text = volta.text;
if (text != null && text.getParagraphs().size() > 0) {
float textAscent = text.getFirstParagraph().getMetrics().getAscent();
float textX = x1 + * 1;
float textY = y + textAscent;
canvas.drawText(volta.text, null, new Point2f(textX, textY), true, 0);