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Example 26 with ModifyException

use of com.ximpleware.ModifyException in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.

the class VTDUtils method handleXML.

	 * 处理 XPath 表达式所定位到的 XML 内容
	 * @param ap
	 *            AutoPilot 实例
	 * @param xm
	 *            XMLModifier 实例
	 * @param xpath
	 *            xpath表达式
	 * @param newValue
	 *            要修改的新值
	 * @param condition
	 *            本次操作的限定条件
	 * @return XMLModifier 实例;
private XMLModifier handleXML(AutoPilot ap, XMLModifier xm, String xpath, String newValue, int condition, boolean remove) {
    try {
        if (ap == null) {
            ap = new AutoPilot(vn);
        if (xm == null) {
            xm = new XMLModifier(vn);
        boolean pilotToEnd = (condition & PILOT_TO_END) != 0;
        boolean isContent = false;
        if (xpath.endsWith("/text()")) {
            // 操作的是内容节点。
            xpath = xpath.substring(0, xpath.length() - "/text()".length());
            isContent = true;
        boolean exist = false;
        while (ap.evalXPath() != -1) {
            exist = true;
            long contentFragment = vn.getContentFragment();
            int currentIndex = vn.getCurrentIndex();
            int type = vn.getTokenType(currentIndex);
            if (remove || newValue == null) {
                // newValue 为 null,执行移除操作
                if (isContent) {
                    if (contentFragment != -1) {
                        // 执行删除
                        // 删除内容
                } else {
                    // 属性节点不执行删除,除非调用 delete 方法(判断是否调用 delete 方法的依据是,newValue 是否为 null)
                    if ((type != VTDNav.TOKEN_ATTR_NAME && type != VTDNav.TOKEN_ATTR_NS) || newValue == null) {
                        // 删除节点
            if (newValue != null) {
                // 执行修改
                if (isContent) {
                } else {
                    if (type == VTDNav.TOKEN_STARTING_TAG) {
                    } else if (type == VTDNav.TOKEN_ATTR_NAME || type == VTDNav.TOKEN_ATTR_NS) {
                        xm.updateToken(currentIndex + 1, newValue);
                    } else {
                        xm.updateToken(currentIndex, newValue.getBytes());
            if (!pilotToEnd) {
                // 不需要导航到 XML 末尾,停止循环
        boolean createIfNotExist = (condition & CREATE_IF_NOT_EXIST) != 0;
        if (!exist && createIfNotExist) {
            // 如果不存在并且需要创建
            int lastSeperator = xpath.lastIndexOf("/");
            String nodeName = xpath.substring(lastSeperator + 1);
            // 截掉最后一部分
            xpath = xpath.substring(0, lastSeperator);
            if (nodeName.startsWith("@")) {
                nodeName = nodeName.substring(1);
                while (ap.evalXPath() != -1) {
                    // 插入属性
                    insertAttribute(xm, nodeName, newValue);
                    if (!pilotToEnd) {
                        // 不需要导航到 XML 末尾,停止循环
            } else {
                if (isContent) {
                    // 如果改动的是节点内容
                    newValue = getNodeXML(nodeName, newValue, null);
                    while (ap.evalXPath() != -1) {
                        if (!pilotToEnd) {
                            // 不需要导航到 XML 末尾,停止循环
    } catch (XPathParseException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    } catch (XPathEvalException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    } catch (NavException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    } catch (ModifyException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    } finally {
    return xm;
Also used : XPathParseException(com.ximpleware.XPathParseException) XMLModifier(com.ximpleware.XMLModifier) AutoPilot(com.ximpleware.AutoPilot) XPathEvalException(com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException) NavException(com.ximpleware.NavException) ModifyException(com.ximpleware.ModifyException) UnsupportedEncodingException(

Example 27 with ModifyException

use of com.ximpleware.ModifyException in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.

the class VTDUtils method insertAttribute.

	 * 插入新属性(到最后的位置)。
	 * @param xm
	 * @param attrName
	 * @param attrValue
	 * @throws ModifyException
	 *             ;
private void insertAttribute(XMLModifier xm, String attrName, String attrValue) throws ModifyException {
    int startTagIndex = vn.getCurrentIndex();
    int type = vn.getTokenType(startTagIndex);
    if (type != VTDNav.TOKEN_STARTING_TAG)
        throw new ModifyException("Token type is not a starting tag");
    String attrFragment = new StringBuffer(" ").append(attrName).append("=\"").append(attrValue).append("\"").toString();
    // 得到开始标记的结束位置
    long i = vn.getOffsetAfterHead();
    if (vn.getEncoding() < VTDNav.FORMAT_UTF_16BE) {
        xm.insertBytesAt((int) i - 1, attrFragment.getBytes());
    } else {
        xm.insertBytesAt(((int) i - 1) << 1, attrFragment.getBytes());
Also used : ModifyException(com.ximpleware.ModifyException)

Example 28 with ModifyException

use of com.ximpleware.ModifyException in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.

the class XLFHandler method updateAltTrans.

private void updateAltTrans(VTDUtils vu, XMLModifier xm, String rowId, List<AltTransBean> newAltTrans, List<String> oldAltTransToolId) {
    String tuXPath = RowIdUtil.parseRowIdToXPath(rowId);
    AutoPilot ap = new AutoPilot(vu.getVTDNav());
    ap.declareXPathNameSpace("xml", VTDUtils.XML_NAMESPACE_URL);
    ap.declareXPathNameSpace(hsNSPrefix, hsR7NSUrl);
    try {
        if (ap.evalXPath() != -1) {
            StringBuffer bf = new StringBuffer();
            for (String toolId : oldAltTransToolId) {
                bf.append("@tool-id='").append(toolId).append("' | ");
            if (bf.length() > 0) {
                String toolId = bf.substring(0, bf.lastIndexOf("|"));
                String deleteXpath = "./alt-trans[" + toolId + "]";
                AutoPilot _ap = new AutoPilot(vu.getVTDNav());
                _ap.declareXPathNameSpace("xml", VTDUtils.XML_NAMESPACE_URL);
                _ap.declareXPathNameSpace(hsNSPrefix, hsR7NSUrl);
                vu.delete(_ap, xm, deleteXpath, VTDUtils.PILOT_TO_END);
            StringBuffer xmlBf = new StringBuffer();
            for (AltTransBean altTran : newAltTrans) {
            if (xmlBf.length() > 0) {
    } catch (XPathParseException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    } catch (XPathEvalException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    } catch (ModifyException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    } catch (NavException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
Also used : XPathParseException(com.ximpleware.XPathParseException) AltTransBean( AutoPilot(com.ximpleware.AutoPilot) XPathEvalException(com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException) NavException(com.ximpleware.NavException) ModifyException(com.ximpleware.ModifyException) UnsupportedEncodingException(

Example 29 with ModifyException

use of com.ximpleware.ModifyException in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.

the class XLFHandler method splitSegment.

	 * 分割文本段
	 * @param rowId
	 *            要分割的行的RowId
	 * @param spltOffset
	 *            分割的位置;
	 * @return ;
public String splitSegment(String rowId, int spltOffset) {
    String fileName = RowIdUtil.getFileNameByRowId(rowId);
    VTDNav vn = vnMap.get(fileName);
    AutoPilot ap = new AutoPilot(vn);
    ap.declareXPathNameSpace(hsNSPrefix, hsR7NSUrl);
    String xpath = RowIdUtil.parseRowIdToXPath(rowId);
    try {
        VTDUtils vu = new VTDUtils(vn);
        if (ap.evalXPath() == -1) {
            return "";
        String tuid = vu.getCurrentElementAttribut("id", "");
        String xmlSpace = vu.getCurrentElementAttribut("xml:space", "preserve");
        String approved = vu.getCurrentElementAttribut("approved", null);
        String sendToTM = vu.getCurrentElementAttribut("hs:send-to-tm", null);
        String needReview = vu.getCurrentElementAttribut("hs:needs-review", null);
        String tuHead = vu.getElementHead();
        // 删除 approved 属性
        if (approved != null) {
            tuHead = tuHead.replace(" approved=\"" + approved + "\"", "");
            tuHead = tuHead.replace(" approved='" + approved + "'", "");
        // tuHead2 删除 hs:send-to-tm, hs:needs-review 属性
        String tuHead2 = tuHead;
        if (sendToTM != null) {
            tuHead2 = tuHead2.replace(" hs:send-to-tm=\"" + sendToTM + "\"", "");
            tuHead2 = tuHead2.replace(" hs:send-to-tm='" + sendToTM + "'", "");
        if (needReview != null) {
            tuHead2 = tuHead2.replace(" hs:needs-review=\"" + needReview + "\"", "");
            tuHead2 = tuHead2.replace(" hs:needs-review='" + needReview + "'", "");
        StringBuffer tu1;
        StringBuffer tu2;
        if (tuHead.contains("id=\"" + tuid + "\"")) {
            tu1 = new StringBuffer(tuHead.replace("id=\"" + tuid + "\"", "id=\"" + tuid + "-1\""));
            tu2 = new StringBuffer(tuHead2.replace("id=\"" + tuid + "\"", "id=\"" + tuid + "-2\""));
        } else if (tuHead.contains("id='" + tuid + "'")) {
            tu1 = new StringBuffer(tuHead.replace("id='" + tuid + "'", "id=\"" + tuid + "-1\""));
            tu2 = new StringBuffer(tuHead2.replace("id='" + tuid + "'", "id=\"" + tuid + "-2\""));
        } else {
            // 不存在 id 属性
            return "";
        String sourceFragment1 = null;
        String sourceFragment2 = null;
        String targetFragment1 = null;
        String targetFragment2 = null;
        ap.selectXPath(xpath + "/source");
        if (ap.evalXPath() != -1) {
            String sourceHead = vu.getElementHead();
            if (sourceHead != null) {
                // source节点的内容
                String sourceContent = vu.getElementContent();
                // 处理光标在 g 标记内的情况 --robert 2012-11-15
                List<Map<String, String>> tagLocationList = getTagLocation(vn, sourceContent);
                String srcAddStr1 = "";
                String srcAddStr2 = "";
                for (Map<String, String> map : tagLocationList) {
                    String tagHeader = map.get("tagHeader");
                    String tagTail = map.get("tagTail");
                    int headerIdx = Integer.parseInt(map.get("headerIdx"));
                    int tailIdx = Integer.parseInt(map.get("tailIdx"));
                    if (headerIdx < spltOffset && spltOffset <= tailIdx) {
                        srcAddStr1 = tagTail + srcAddStr1;
                        srcAddStr2 += tagHeader;
                sourceFragment1 = sourceHead + sourceContent.substring(0, spltOffset) + srcAddStr1 + "</source>";
                sourceFragment2 = sourceHead + srcAddStr2 + sourceContent.substring(spltOffset) + "</source>";
        ap.selectXPath(xpath + "/target");
        if (ap.evalXPath() != -1) {
            String state = vu.getCurrentElementAttribut("state", null);
            String targetHead = vu.getElementHead();
            if (targetHead != null) {
                if (state != null && !state.equalsIgnoreCase("new")) {
                    targetHead = targetHead.replace(" state=\"" + state + "\"", " state=\"new\"");
                    targetHead = targetHead.replace(" state='" + state + "'", " state=\"new\"");
                    targetFragment1 = targetHead + vu.getElementContent() + "</target>";
                } else {
                    // target节点的段落
                    targetFragment1 = vu.getElementFragment();
                // targetFragment2 = targetHead + "</target>";
                // modify by peason---- Bug #1048
                targetFragment2 = "<target></target>";
        if (sourceFragment1 != null) {
        if (targetFragment1 != null) {
        if (sourceFragment2 != null) {
        if (targetFragment2 != null) {
        // 批注信息添加到分割后的第一个文本段中
        ap.selectXPath(xpath + "/note");
        while (ap.evalXPath() != -1) {
        StringBuffer group = new StringBuffer("<group ");
        group.append("id=\"" + tuid + "\" ");
        group.append("ts=\"hs-split\" ");
        group.append("splitMergeIndex=\"" + System.nanoTime() + "\" ");
        group.append("xml:space=\"" + xmlSpace + "\">");
        String tuFragment = "";
        if (ap.evalXPath() != -1) {
            XMLModifier xm = new XMLModifier(vn);
            // 保存修改前的内容
            tuFragment = vu.getElementFragment();
            // 保存并更新VTDNav对象
            saveAndReparse(xm, fileName);
            int index = rowIds.indexOf(rowId);
            // 移除分割前的RowId
            // 添加分割后的RowId
            rowIds.add(index, rowId + "-2");
            rowIds.add(index, rowId + "-1");
            int tuSize = tuSizeMap.get(fileName);
            // 翻译单元总数加1
            tuSizeMap.put(fileName, tuSize + 1);
        return tuFragment;
    } catch (XPathParseException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    } catch (XPathEvalException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    } catch (NavException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    } catch (ModifyException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    return "";
Also used : XMLModifier(com.ximpleware.XMLModifier) XPathEvalException(com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException) NavException(com.ximpleware.NavException) UnsupportedEncodingException( XPathParseException(com.ximpleware.XPathParseException) VTDUtils(net.heartsome.xml.vtdimpl.VTDUtils) AutoPilot(com.ximpleware.AutoPilot) ModifyException(com.ximpleware.ModifyException) VTDNav(com.ximpleware.VTDNav) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap)

Example 30 with ModifyException

use of com.ximpleware.ModifyException in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.

the class XLFHandler method resetSplitSegment.

	 * 恢复分割的文本段
	 * @param rowId
	 *            唯一标识
	 * @param tuFragment
	 *            翻译单元的原始XML文本;
public void resetSplitSegment(String rowId, String tuFragment) {
    String groupXPath = RowIdUtil.parseRowIdToGroupXPath(rowId);
    String fileName = RowIdUtil.getFileNameByRowId(rowId);
    VTDNav vn = vnMap.get(fileName);
    AutoPilot ap = new AutoPilot(vn);
    try {
        if (ap.evalXPath() != -1) {
            XMLModifier xm = new XMLModifier(vn);
            // 添加 trans-unit 节点
            // 删除 group 节点
            saveAndReparse(xm, fileName);
            int index = rowIds.indexOf(rowId + "-1");
            // 添加分割前的RowId
            rowIds.add(index, rowId);
            rowIds.remove(rowId + "-1");
            // 移除分割后的RowId
            rowIds.remove(rowId + "-2");
    } catch (XPathParseException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    } catch (XPathEvalException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    } catch (NavException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    } catch (ModifyException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
Also used : XPathParseException(com.ximpleware.XPathParseException) XMLModifier(com.ximpleware.XMLModifier) AutoPilot(com.ximpleware.AutoPilot) XPathEvalException(com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException) NavException(com.ximpleware.NavException) ModifyException(com.ximpleware.ModifyException) UnsupportedEncodingException( VTDNav(com.ximpleware.VTDNav)


ModifyException (com.ximpleware.ModifyException)35 NavException (com.ximpleware.NavException)27 XMLModifier (com.ximpleware.XMLModifier)25 AutoPilot (com.ximpleware.AutoPilot)20 XPathParseException (com.ximpleware.XPathParseException)20 XPathEvalException (com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException)18 VTDUtils (net.heartsome.xml.vtdimpl.VTDUtils)18 TranscodeException (com.ximpleware.TranscodeException)17 IOException ( VTDNav (com.ximpleware.VTDNav)16 UnsupportedEncodingException ( FileOutputStream ( BufferedOutputStream ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 ParseException (com.ximpleware.ParseException)6 VTDGen (com.ximpleware.VTDGen)6 List (java.util.List)6 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)5 FileNotFoundException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4