use of crazypants.enderio.base.render.util.HalfBakedQuad.HalfBakedList in project EnderIO by SleepyTrousers.
the class TankRenderHelper method mkTank.
* Generate a cube of liquid for a SmartTank.
* @param tank
* The tank that contains the liquid.
* @param xzBorder
* How many pixels of space to leave around the y and z sides. (0-7.99)
* @param miny
* Height to start the tank. (0-15.99)
* @param maxy
* Height to end the tank (0.01-16)
* @param renderBottom
* Render the bottom face?
* @return A HalfBakedList with the tank content or null if the tank is empty
public static HalfBakedList mkTank(SmartTank tank, double xzBorder, double miny, double maxy, boolean renderBottom) {
if (tank != null) {
float ratio = tank.getFilledRatio();
final FluidStack fluid = tank.getFluid();
if (fluid != null && ratio > 0) {
float height = 1 - ratio;
ResourceLocation still = fluid.getFluid().getStill(fluid);
int color = fluid.getFluid().getColor(fluid);
Vector4f vecC = new Vector4f((color >> 16 & 0xFF) / 255d, (color >> 8 & 0xFF) / 255d, (color & 0xFF) / 255d, 1);
TextureAtlasSprite sprite = still == null ? null : Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureMapBlocks().getTextureExtry(still.toString());
if (sprite == null) {
sprite = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureMapBlocks().getMissingSprite();
vecC = null;
boolean gas = fluid.getFluid().isGaseous(fluid);
BoundingBox bb = gas ? new BoundingBox(xzBorder * px, (maxy - (maxy - miny) * ratio) * px, xzBorder * px, (16 - xzBorder) * px, maxy * px, (16 - xzBorder) * px) : new BoundingBox(xzBorder * px, miny * px, xzBorder * px, (16 - xzBorder) * px, ((maxy - miny) * ratio + miny) * px, (16 - xzBorder) * px);
HalfBakedList buffer = new HalfBakedList();
buffer.add(bb, EnumFacing.NORTH, 0f, 1f, height, 1f, sprite, vecC, gas);
buffer.add(bb, EnumFacing.EAST, 0f, 1f, height, 1f, sprite, vecC, gas);
buffer.add(bb, EnumFacing.SOUTH, 0f, 1f, height, 1f, sprite, vecC, gas);
buffer.add(bb, EnumFacing.WEST, 0f, 1f, height, 1f, sprite, vecC, gas);
if (!gas || renderBottom) {
buffer.add(bb, EnumFacing.UP, 0f, 1f, 0f, 1f, sprite, vecC);
if (gas || renderBottom) {
buffer.add(bb, EnumFacing.DOWN, 0f, 1f, 0f, 1f, sprite, vecC);
return buffer;
return null;
use of crazypants.enderio.base.render.util.HalfBakedQuad.HalfBakedList in project EnderIO by SleepyTrousers.
the class FusedQuartzItemRenderMapper method mapItemDynamicOverlayRender.
public ItemQuadCollector mapItemDynamicOverlayRender(@Nonnull Block block, @Nonnull ItemStack stack) {
if (NbtValue.FAKE.hasTag(stack)) {
// this is for the TOP overlay, kind of a hack putting it here, but the alternative would be adding a new item just for this...
SmartTank tank = ItemTankHelper.getTank(stack);
HalfBakedList buffer = TankRenderHelper.mkTank(tank, 0, 0, 16, true);
if (buffer != null) {
ItemQuadCollector result = new ItemQuadCollector();
List<BakedQuad> quads = new ArrayList<BakedQuad>();
result.addQuads(null, quads);
return result;
return null;
use of crazypants.enderio.base.render.util.HalfBakedQuad.HalfBakedList in project EnderIO by SleepyTrousers.
the class TankItemRenderMapper method mapItemDynamicOverlayRender.
public ItemQuadCollector mapItemDynamicOverlayRender(@Nonnull Block block, @Nonnull ItemStack stack) {
ItemQuadCollector result = new ItemQuadCollector();
if (stack.hasTagCompound()) {
SmartTank tank = ItemTankHelper.getTank(stack);
HalfBakedList buffer = TankRenderHelper.mkTank(tank, 0.5, 0.5, 15.5, false);
if (buffer != null) {
List<BakedQuad> quads = new ArrayList<BakedQuad>();
result.addQuads(null, quads);
if (!NbtValue.FAKE.hasTag(stack)) {
result.addBlockState(block.getStateFromMeta(stack.getMetadata()).withProperty(EnumRenderMode.RENDER, EnumRenderMode.FRONT_ON), stack, true);
return result;
use of crazypants.enderio.base.render.util.HalfBakedQuad.HalfBakedList in project EnderIO by SleepyTrousers.
the class KillerJoeRenderMapper method renderFuel.
private List<BakedQuad> renderFuel(ItemStack stack) {
if (stack.hasTagCompound()) {
SmartTank tank = ItemTankHelper.getTank(stack);
HalfBakedList buffer = TankRenderHelper.mkTank(tank, 2.51, 1, 14, false);
if (buffer != null) {
List<BakedQuad> quads = new ArrayList<BakedQuad>();
return quads;
return null;
use of crazypants.enderio.base.render.util.HalfBakedQuad.HalfBakedList in project EnderIO by SleepyTrousers.
the class FillGaugeBakery method mkQuads.
private void mkQuads() {
VertexRotationFacing rot = new VertexRotationFacing(face);
buffer = new HalfBakedList();
final double upperBound = (connectUp ? 16 : 13) * px, lowerBound = (connectDown ? 0 : 3) * px;
final double full_out = -.5 * px, half_out = full_out / 2, quarter_out = full_out / 4, bit_in = .01 * px;
BoundingBox border1 = new BoundingBox(6 * px, lowerBound, full_out, 7 * px, upperBound, bit_in);
buffer.add(border1, EnumFacing.NORTH, 15.01 * px, 15.99 * px, lowerBound, upperBound, tex, null);
buffer.add(border1, EnumFacing.EAST, 15.01 * px, 15.49 * px, lowerBound, upperBound, tex, null);
buffer.add(border1, EnumFacing.WEST, 15.99 * px, 15.51 * px, lowerBound, upperBound, tex, null);
BoundingBox border2 = new BoundingBox(9 * px, lowerBound, full_out, 10 * px, upperBound, bit_in);
buffer.add(border2, EnumFacing.NORTH, 12.01 * px, 12.99 * px, lowerBound, upperBound, tex, null);
buffer.add(border2, EnumFacing.EAST, 12.01 * px, 12.49 * px, lowerBound, upperBound, tex, null);
buffer.add(border2, EnumFacing.WEST, 12.99 * px, 12.51 * px, lowerBound, upperBound, tex, null);
BoundingBox back = new BoundingBox(6 * px, (connectDown ? 0 : 2) * px, full_out, 10 * px, (connectUp ? 16 : 14) * px, bit_in);
buffer.add(back, EnumFacing.SOUTH, 4.01 * px, 7.99 * px, (connectDown ? 0 : 2) * px, (connectUp ? 16 : 14) * px, tex, null);
if (!connectDown) {
BoundingBox border3 = new BoundingBox(6 * px, lowerBound - 1 * px, full_out, 10 * px, 3 * px, bit_in);
buffer.add(border3, EnumFacing.NORTH, 0.005 * px, 3.995 * px, 13.01 * px, 13.99 * px, tex, null);
buffer.add(border3, EnumFacing.UP, 0.005 * px, 3.995 * px, 13.5 * px, 13.99 * px, tex, null);
buffer.add(border3, EnumFacing.DOWN, 0.005 * px, 3.995 * px, 13.5 * px, 13.99 * px, tex, null);
buffer.add(border3, EnumFacing.WEST, 3.01 * px, 3.49 * px, 13.01 * px, 13.99 * px, tex, null);
buffer.add(border3, EnumFacing.EAST, 0.99 * px, 0.51 * px, 13.01 * px, 13.99 * px, tex, null);
if (!connectUp) {
BoundingBox border4 = new BoundingBox(6 * px, 13 * px, full_out, 10 * px, upperBound + 1 * px, bit_in);
buffer.add(border4, EnumFacing.NORTH, 0.005 * px, 3.995 * px, 2.01 * px, 2.99 * px, tex, null);
buffer.add(border4, EnumFacing.UP, 0.005 * px, 3.995 * px, 2.01 * px, 2.5 * px, tex, null);
buffer.add(border4, EnumFacing.DOWN, 0.005 * px, 3.995 * px, 2.01 * px, 2.5 * px, tex, null);
buffer.add(border4, EnumFacing.WEST, 3.01 * px, 3.49 * px, 2.01 * px, 2.99 * px, tex, null);
buffer.add(border4, EnumFacing.EAST, 0.99 * px, 0.51 * px, 2.01 * px, 2.99 * px, tex, null);
BoundingBox bg = new BoundingBox(6.5 * px, (connectDown ? 0 : 2.5) * px, quarter_out, 9.5 * px, (connectUp ? 16 : 13.5) * px, bit_in);
buffer.add(bg, EnumFacing.NORTH, 12.5 * px, 15.5 * px, (connectDown ? 0 : 2.5) * px, (connectUp ? 16 : 13.5) * px, tex, null);
if (localFillLevel > 0.001) {
BoundingBox fg = new BoundingBox(6.5 * px, (connectDown ? 0 : 2.99) * px, half_out, 9.5 * px, localFillLevel * px, bit_in);
litBuffer = new HalfBakedList();
litBuffer.add(fg, EnumFacing.NORTH, 8.55 * px, 11.45 * px, (connectDown ? 0 : 2.99) * px, localFillLevel * px, tex, null);