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Example 31 with Participation

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class ParticipationResource method createParticipation.

 * POST  /participations : Create a new participation.
 * @param participation the participation to create
 * @return the ResponseEntity with status 201 (Created) and with body the new participation, or with status 400 (Bad Request) if the participation has already an ID
 * @throws URISyntaxException if the Location URI syntax is incorrect
@PreAuthorize("hasAnyRole('TA', 'INSTRUCTOR', 'ADMIN')")
public ResponseEntity<Participation> createParticipation(@RequestBody Participation participation) throws URISyntaxException {
    log.debug("REST request to save Participation : {}", participation);
    Course course = participation.getExercise().getCourse();
    if (!courseService.userHasTAPermissions(course)) {
        return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN).build();
    if (participation.getId() != null) {
        throw new BadRequestAlertException("A new participation cannot already have an ID", ENTITY_NAME, "idexists");
    Participation result =;
    return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/participations/" + result.getId())).headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityCreationAlert(ENTITY_NAME, result.getId().toString())).body(result);
Also used : BadRequestAlertException( URI( Timed(com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed) PreAuthorize(

Example 32 with Participation

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class ExerciseService method cleanup.

 * Delete build plans (except BASE) and optionally repositores of all exercise participations.
 * @param id id of the exercise for which build plans in respective participations are deleted
public cleanup(Long id, boolean deleteRepositories) throws {
    Exercise exercise = findOneLoadParticipations(id);"Request to cleanup all participations for Exercise : {}", exercise.getTitle());
    List<Repository> studentRepositories = new ArrayList<>();
    Path finalZipFilePath = null;
    if (Optional.ofNullable(exercise).isPresent() && exercise instanceof ProgrammingExercise) {
        exercise.getParticipations().forEach(participation -> {
            if (participation.getBuildPlanId() != null) {
                // ignore participations without build plan id
                try {
                } catch (BambooException ex) {
                    if (ex.getCause() != null) {
            if (deleteRepositories == true && participation.getRepositoryUrl() != null) {
                // ignore participations without repository URL
                try {
                    // 1. clone the repository
                    Repository repo = gitService.get().getOrCheckoutRepository(participation);
                    // 2. collect the repo file
                } catch (GitAPIException | IOException ex) {
                    log.error("Archiving and deleting the repository " + participation.getRepositoryUrlAsUrl() + " did not work as expected", ex);
        if (deleteRepositories == false) {
            // in this case, we are done
            return null;
        if (studentRepositories.isEmpty()) {
  "No student repositories have been found.");
            return null;
        // from here on, deleteRepositories is true and does not need to be evaluated again"Create zip file for all repositories");
        finalZipFilePath = Paths.get("zippedRepos", exercise.getCourse().getTitle() + " " + exercise.getTitle() + " Student");
        zipAllRepositories(studentRepositories, finalZipFilePath);
        exercise.getParticipations().forEach(participation -> {
            if (participation.getRepositoryUrl() != null) {
                // ignore participations without repository URL
                try {
                    // 3. delete the locally cloned repo again
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    log.error("Archiving and deleting the repository " + participation.getRepositoryUrlAsUrl() + " did not work as expected", e);
                // 4. finally delete the repository on the VC Server
        scheduleForDeletion(finalZipFilePath, 300);
    } else {"Exercise with id {} is not an instance of ProgrammingExercise. Ignoring the request to cleanup repositories and build plan", id);
        return null;
    return new;
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) GitAPIException(org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException) ExerciseRepository( BambooException( IOException( Transactional(org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional)

Example 33 with Participation

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class GitService method getOrCheckoutRepository.

 * Get the local repository for a given participation.
 * If the local repo does not exist yet, it will be checked out.
 * @param participation Participation the remote repository belongs to.
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws GitAPIException
public Repository getOrCheckoutRepository(Participation participation) throws IOException, GitAPIException {
    URL repoUrl = participation.getRepositoryUrlAsUrl();
    Repository repository = getOrCheckoutRepository(repoUrl);
    return repository;
Also used : Repository( URL(

Example 34 with Participation

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class QuizStatisticService method recalculateStatistics.

 * 1. Go through all Results in the Participation and recalculate the score
 * 2. Recalculate the statistics of the given quizExercise
 * @param quizExercise the changed QuizExercise object which will be used to recalculate the existing Results and Statistics
public void recalculateStatistics(QuizExercise quizExercise) {
    // reset all statistics
    if (quizExercise.getQuizPointStatistic() != null) {
    } else {
        var quizPointStatistic = new QuizPointStatistic();
    for (QuizQuestion quizQuestion : quizExercise.getQuizQuestions()) {
        if (quizQuestion.getQuizQuestionStatistic() != null) {
    // add the Results in every participation of the given quizExercise to the statistics
    for (Participation participation : studentParticipationRepository.findByExerciseId(quizExercise.getId())) {
        Result latestRatedResult = null;
        Result latestUnratedResult = null;
        // update all Results of a participation
        for (Result result : resultRepository.findAllByParticipationIdOrderByCompletionDateDesc(participation.getId())) {
            // find the latest rated Result
            if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(result.isRated()) && (latestRatedResult == null || latestRatedResult.getCompletionDate().isBefore(result.getCompletionDate()))) {
                latestRatedResult = result;
            // find latest unrated Result
            if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(result.isRated()) && (latestUnratedResult == null || latestUnratedResult.getCompletionDate().isBefore(result.getCompletionDate()))) {
                latestUnratedResult = result;
        // update statistics with the latest rated und unrated Result
    // save changed Statistics;
    for (QuizQuestion quizQuestion : quizExercise.getQuizQuestions()) {
        if (quizQuestion.getQuizQuestionStatistic() != null) {
Also used : Participation( Result(

Example 35 with Participation

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class QuizSubmissionService method checkSubmissionForLiveModeOrThrow.

 * Check that the user is allowed to currently submit to the specified exercise and throws an exception if not
private void checkSubmissionForLiveModeOrThrow(Long exerciseId, String userLogin, String logText, long start) throws QuizSubmissionException {
    // check if submission is still allowed
    QuizExercise quizExercise = quizScheduleService.getQuizExercise(exerciseId);
    if (quizExercise == null) {
        // Fallback solution"Quiz not in QuizScheduleService cache, fetching from DB");
        quizExercise = quizExerciseRepository.findByIdElseThrow(exerciseId);
    log.debug("{}: Received quiz exercise for user {} in quiz {} in {} µs.", logText, userLogin, exerciseId, (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000);
    if (!quizExercise.isQuizStarted() || quizExercise.isQuizEnded()) {
        throw new QuizSubmissionException("The quiz is not active");
    var cachedSubmission = quizScheduleService.getQuizSubmission(exerciseId, userLogin);
    if (cachedSubmission.isSubmitted()) {
        // the old submission has not yet been processed, so don't allow a new one yet
        throw new QuizSubmissionException("You have already submitted the quiz");
    if (quizExercise.getQuizMode() == QuizMode.SYNCHRONIZED) {
        // the batch exists if the quiz is active, otherwise a new inactive batch is returned
        if (!quizBatchService.getOrCreateSynchronizedQuizBatch(quizExercise).isSubmissionAllowed()) {
            throw new QuizSubmissionException("The quiz is not active");
        // in synchronized mode we cache the participation after we processed the submission, so we can check there if the submission was already processed
        var cachedParticipation = quizScheduleService.getParticipation(exerciseId, userLogin);
        if (cachedParticipation != null && cachedParticipation.getResults().stream().anyMatch(r -> r.getSubmission().isSubmitted())) {
            throw new QuizSubmissionException("You have already submitted the quiz");
    } else {
        // in the other modes the resubmission checks are done at join time and the student-batch association is removed when processing a submission
        var batch = quizBatchService.getQuizBatchForStudentByLogin(quizExercise, userLogin);
        // there is no way of distinguishing these two error cases without an extra db query
        if (batch.isEmpty()) {
            throw new QuizSubmissionException("You did not join or have already submitted the quiz");
        if (!batch.get().isSubmissionAllowed()) {
            throw new QuizSubmissionException("The quiz is not active");
// TODO: additional checks that may be beneficial
// for example it is possible for students that are not members of the course to submit the quiz
// but for performance reasons the checks may have to be done in the quiz submission service where no feedback for the students can be generated
Also used : Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) QuizExercise( QuizSubmission( QuizSubmissionException( QuizScheduleService( ZonedDateTime(java.time.ZonedDateTime) Participation( LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) SubmissionType( AssessmentType( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Result( EntityNotFoundException( QuizMode( Service(org.springframework.stereotype.Service) QuizExerciseRepository( Optional(java.util.Optional) StudentParticipation( SubmittedAnswer( QuizSubmissionRepository( ResultRepository( QuizSubmissionException( QuizExercise(


StudentParticipation ( WithMockUser ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)124 ProgrammingExerciseStudentParticipation ( Participation ( ParameterizedTest (org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest)50 ZonedDateTime (java.time.ZonedDateTime)47 ModelingSubmission ( PreAuthorize ( ModelingExercise ( EntityNotFoundException ( AbstractSpringIntegrationBambooBitbucketJiraTest ( QuizExercise ( TextPlagiarismResult ( Collectors ( HttpHeaders (org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders)34 ( Result ( Exam ( ModelingPlagiarismResult (