use of dr.evolution.alignment.Patterns in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class SankoffParsimony method main.
public static void main(String[] argv) {
FlexibleNode tip1 = new FlexibleNode(new Taxon("tip1"));
FlexibleNode tip2 = new FlexibleNode(new Taxon("tip2"));
FlexibleNode tip3 = new FlexibleNode(new Taxon("tip3"));
FlexibleNode tip4 = new FlexibleNode(new Taxon("tip4"));
FlexibleNode tip5 = new FlexibleNode(new Taxon("tip5"));
FlexibleNode node1 = new FlexibleNode();
FlexibleNode node2 = new FlexibleNode();
FlexibleNode node3 = new FlexibleNode();
FlexibleNode root = new FlexibleNode();
FlexibleTree tree = new FlexibleTree(root);
Patterns patterns = new Patterns(Nucleotides.INSTANCE, tree);
//patterns.addPattern(new int[] {1, 0, 1, 2, 2});
//patterns.addPattern(new int[] {2, 1, 1, 1, 2});
patterns.addPattern(new int[] { 2, 3, 1, 3, 3 });
FitchParsimony fitch = new FitchParsimony(patterns, false);
SankoffParsimony sankoff = new SankoffParsimony(patterns);
for (int i = 0; i < patterns.getPatternCount(); i++) {
double[] scores = fitch.getSiteScores(tree);
System.out.println("Pattern = " + i);
System.out.println(" No. Steps = " + scores[i]);
System.out.println(" state(node1) = " + fitch.getStates(tree, node1)[i]);
System.out.println(" state(node2) = " + fitch.getStates(tree, node2)[i]);
System.out.println(" state(node3) = " + fitch.getStates(tree, node3)[i]);
System.out.println(" state(root) = " + fitch.getStates(tree, root)[i]);
scores = sankoff.getSiteScores(tree);
System.out.println(" No. Steps = " + scores[i]);
System.out.println(" state(node1) = " + sankoff.getStates(tree, node1)[i]);
System.out.println(" state(node2) = " + sankoff.getStates(tree, node2)[i]);
System.out.println(" state(node3) = " + sankoff.getStates(tree, node3)[i]);
System.out.println(" state(root) = " + sankoff.getStates(tree, root)[i]);
use of dr.evolution.alignment.Patterns in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class MicroSatImporter method importPatterns.
public List<Patterns> importPatterns() throws IOException, Importer.ImportException {
List<Patterns> microsatPatList = new ArrayList<Patterns>();
// 1st List<String> is taxon names
List<List<String>> data = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
// microsatName[0] is keyword, microsatName[1] is name
String[] microsatName = new String[2];
microsatName[1] = "unnamed.microsat";
String line = reader.readLine();
while (line.startsWith("#")) {
// comments
if (line.toUpperCase().contains("NAME")) {
microsatName = line.trim().split("[" + delimiter + " ]+");
if (microsatName[1] == null || microsatName[1].length() < 1)
throw new Importer.ImportException("Improper microsatellite name : " + microsatName[1]);
line = reader.readLine();
// read locus (microsat pattern) names in the 1st row after comments, where 1st element is id
// trim trailing whitespace ?
String[] names = line.trim().split("[" + delimiter + " ]+");
// for validation
int colLen = names.length;
if (colLen < 2)
throw new Importer.ImportException("Import file must have more than 1 columns : " + colLen);
for (int i = 0; i < colLen; i++) {
// init data
List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>();
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
line = reader.readLine();
while (line != null) {
// read data
String[] dataLine = line.trim().split("[" + delimiter + " ]+");
if (dataLine.length != colLen)
throw new Importer.ImportException("The number of name columns are different with values columns," + "\nplease use only letters or numbers in the name.");
for (int i = 0; i < dataLine.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
int v = parseInt(dataLine[i]);
if (v != Microsatellite.UNKNOWN_STATE_LENGTH) {
if (min > v)
min = v;
if (max < v)
max = v;
line = reader.readLine();
if (max < min)
throw new Importer.ImportException("Importing invalid data: max < min !");
// if (min - 2 < 0) throw new Importer.ImportException("Importing invaild data: min-2 < 0 where min = " + min);
// The min also = 1 and max should be the longest repeat length + 2.
microsatellite = new Microsatellite(microsatName[1], 1, max + 2, 1);
Taxa taxaHaploid = new Taxa();
for (String name : data.get(0)) {
Taxon t = new Taxon(name);
// unionSetTaxonList.addTaxa(taxaHaploid);
Patterns microsatPat;
for (int i = 1; i < data.size(); i++) {
// create pattern
// List<Integer> pattern = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Integer> pattern;
Taxa taxa = new Taxa();
if ((i + 1 < data.size()) && names[i].equalsIgnoreCase(names[i + 1])) {
// diploid: Locus2 Locus2
Taxa taxaDiploid = new Taxa();
for (String name : data.get(0)) {
Taxon t = new Taxon(names[i] + "_1_" + name);
for (String name : data.get(0)) {
Taxon t = new Taxon(names[i] + "_2_" + name);
if (unionSetTaxonList.containsAny(taxaDiploid))
throw new Importer.ImportException("Importing invalid data: duplicate taxon name in this locus : " + names[i]);
hasDifferentTaxon = true;
pattern = new ArrayList<Integer>();
String value;
int size = data.get(i).size();
for (int v = 0; v < size; v++) {
value = data.get(i).get(v);
// if (!isUnknownChar(value)) {
Taxon t = taxaDiploid.getTaxon(v);
if (!taxa.contains(t)) {
if (!unionSetTaxonList.contains(t)) {
if (i > 1)
hasDifferentTaxon = true;
// }
for (int v = 0; v < data.get(i + 1).size(); v++) {
value = data.get(i + 1).get(v);
// if (!isUnknownChar(value)) {
Taxon t = taxaDiploid.getTaxon(v + size);
if (!taxa.contains(t)) {
if (!unionSetTaxonList.contains(t)) {
if (i > 1)
hasDifferentTaxon = true;
// }
} else {
// haploid Locus1
pattern = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int v = 0; v < data.get(i).size(); v++) {
String value = data.get(i).get(v);
// if (!isUnknownChar(value)) {
Taxon t = taxaHaploid.getTaxon(v);
if (!taxa.contains(t)) {
if (!unionSetTaxonList.contains(t)) {
if (i > 1)
hasDifferentTaxon = true;
// }
int[] p = new int[pattern.size()];
for (int v = 0; v < pattern.size(); v++) {
p[v] = pattern.get(v);
microsatPat = new Patterns(microsatellite, taxa);
return microsatPatList;
use of dr.evolution.alignment.Patterns in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class OptimizedBeagleTreeLikelihoodParser method parseXMLObject.
public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException {
//Default of 100 likelihood calculations for calibration
int calibrate = 100;
if (xo.hasAttribute(CALIBRATE)) {
calibrate = xo.getIntegerAttribute(CALIBRATE);
//Default: only try the next split up, unless a RETRY value is specified in the XML
int retry = 0;
if (xo.hasAttribute(RETRY)) {
retry = xo.getIntegerAttribute(RETRY);
int childCount = xo.getChildCount();
List<Likelihood> likelihoods = new ArrayList<Likelihood>();
List<Likelihood> originalLikelihoods = new ArrayList<Likelihood>();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
likelihoods.add((Likelihood) xo.getChild(i));
originalLikelihoods.add((Likelihood) xo.getChild(i));
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(childCount + " BeagleTreeLikelihoods added.");
int[] instanceCounts = new int[childCount];
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
instanceCounts[i] = 1;
int[] currentLocation = new int[childCount];
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
currentLocation[i] = i;
int[] siteCounts = new int[childCount];
//store everything for later use
SitePatterns[] patterns = new SitePatterns[childCount];
TreeModel[] treeModels = new TreeModel[childCount];
BranchModel[] branchModels = new BranchModel[childCount];
GammaSiteRateModel[] siteRateModels = new GammaSiteRateModel[childCount];
BranchRateModel[] branchRateModels = new BranchRateModel[childCount];
boolean[] ambiguities = new boolean[childCount];
PartialsRescalingScheme[] rescalingSchemes = new PartialsRescalingScheme[childCount];
boolean[] isDelayRescalingUntilUnderflow = new boolean[childCount];
List<Map<Set<String>, Parameter>> partialsRestrictions = new ArrayList<Map<Set<String>, Parameter>>();
for (int i = 0; i < likelihoods.size(); i++) {
patterns[i] = (SitePatterns) ((BeagleTreeLikelihood) likelihoods.get(i)).getPatternsList();
siteCounts[i] = patterns[i].getPatternCount();
treeModels[i] = ((BeagleTreeLikelihood) likelihoods.get(i)).getTreeModel();
branchModels[i] = ((BeagleTreeLikelihood) likelihoods.get(i)).getBranchModel();
siteRateModels[i] = (GammaSiteRateModel) ((BeagleTreeLikelihood) likelihoods.get(i)).getSiteRateModel();
branchRateModels[i] = ((BeagleTreeLikelihood) likelihoods.get(i)).getBranchRateModel();
ambiguities[i] = ((BeagleTreeLikelihood) likelihoods.get(i)).useAmbiguities();
rescalingSchemes[i] = ((BeagleTreeLikelihood) likelihoods.get(i)).getRescalingScheme();
isDelayRescalingUntilUnderflow[i] = ((BeagleTreeLikelihood) likelihoods.get(i)).isDelayRescalingUntilUnderflow();
partialsRestrictions.add(i, ((BeagleTreeLikelihood) likelihoods.get(i)).getPartialsRestrictions());
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("Pattern counts: ");
for (int i = 0; i < siteCounts.length; i++) {
System.err.println(siteCounts[i] + " vs. " + patterns[i].getPatternCount());
System.err.println("Instance counts: ");
for (int i = 0; i < instanceCounts.length; i++) {
System.err.print(instanceCounts[i] + " ");
System.err.println("Current locations: ");
for (int i = 0; i < currentLocation.length; i++) {
System.err.print(currentLocation[i] + " ");
TestThreadedCompoundLikelihood compound = new TestThreadedCompoundLikelihood(likelihoods);
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("Timing estimates for each of the " + calibrate + " likelihood calculations:");
double start = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 0; i < calibrate; i++) {
if (DEBUG) {
//double debugStart = System.nanoTime();
//double debugEnd = System.nanoTime();
//System.err.println(debugEnd - debugStart);
} else {
double end = System.nanoTime();
double baseResult = end - start;
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("Starting evaluation took: " + baseResult);
int longestIndex = 0;
int longestSize = siteCounts[0];
/*System.err.println("Detailed evaluation times: ");
long[] evaluationTimes = compound.getEvaluationTimes();
int[] evaluationCounts = compound.getEvaluationCounts();
long longest = evaluationTimes[0];
for (int i = 0; i < evaluationTimes.length; i++) {
System.err.println(i + ": time=" + evaluationTimes[i] + " count=" + evaluationCounts[i]);
if (evaluationTimes[i] > longest) {
longest = evaluationTimes[i];
boolean notFinished = true;
while (notFinished) {
for (int i = 0; i < siteCounts.length; i++) {
if (siteCounts[i] > longestSize) {
longestIndex = i;
longestSize = siteCounts[longestIndex];
System.err.println("Split likelihood " + longestIndex + " with pattern count " + longestSize);
//split it in 2
int instanceCount = ++instanceCounts[longestIndex];
List<Likelihood> newList = new ArrayList<Likelihood>();
for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; i++) {
Patterns subPatterns = new Patterns(patterns[longestIndex], 0, 0, 1, i, instanceCount);
BeagleTreeLikelihood treeLikelihood = createTreeLikelihood(
subPatterns, treeModels[longestIndex], branchModels[longestIndex], siteRateModels[longestIndex], branchRateModels[longestIndex],
ambiguities[longestIndex], rescalingSchemes[longestIndex], partialsRestrictions.get(longestIndex),
treeLikelihood.setId(xo.getId() + "_" + instanceCount);
for (int i = 0; i < newList.size()-1; i++) {
//likelihoods.add(longestIndex, new CompoundLikelihood(newList));
for (int i = 0; i < newList.size(); i++) {
likelihoods.add(currentLocation[longestIndex], newList.get(i));
for (int i = longestIndex+1; i < currentLocation.length; i++) {
//compound = new ThreadedCompoundLikelihood(likelihoods);
compound = new CompoundLikelihood(likelihoods);
siteCounts[longestIndex] = (instanceCount-1)*siteCounts[longestIndex]/instanceCount;
longestSize = (instanceCount-1)*longestSize/instanceCount;
//check number of likelihoods
System.err.println("Number of BeagleTreeLikelihoods: " + compound.getLikelihoodCount());
System.err.println("Pattern counts: ");
for (int i = 0;i < siteCounts.length; i++) {
System.err.print(siteCounts[i] + " ");
System.err.println("Instance counts: ");
for (int i = 0;i < instanceCounts.length; i++) {
System.err.print(instanceCounts[i] + " ");
System.err.println("Current locations: ");
for (int i = 0;i < currentLocation.length; i++) {
System.err.print(currentLocation[i] + " ");
//evaluate speed
start = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 0; i < TEST_RUNS; i++) {
end = System.nanoTime();
double newResult = end - start;
System.err.println("New evaluation took: " + newResult + " vs. old evaluation: " + baseResult);
if (newResult < baseResult) {
baseResult = newResult;
} else {
notFinished = false;
//remove 1 instanceCount
System.err.print("Removing 1 instance count: " + instanceCount);
instanceCount = --instanceCounts[longestIndex];
System.err.println(" -> " + instanceCount + " for likelihood " + longestIndex);
newList = new ArrayList<Likelihood>();
for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; i++) {
Patterns subPatterns = new Patterns(patterns[longestIndex], 0, 0, 1, i, instanceCount);
BeagleTreeLikelihood treeLikelihood = createTreeLikelihood(
subPatterns, treeModels[longestIndex], branchModels[longestIndex], siteRateModels[longestIndex], branchRateModels[longestIndex],
ambiguities[longestIndex], rescalingSchemes[longestIndex], partialsRestrictions.get(longestIndex),
treeLikelihood.setId(xo.getId() + "_" + instanceCount);
for (int i = 0; i < newList.size()+1; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < newList.size(); i++) {
likelihoods.add(currentLocation[longestIndex], newList.get(i));
for (int i = longestIndex+1; i < currentLocation.length; i++) {
//likelihoods.add(longestIndex, new CompoundLikelihood(newList));
//compound = new ThreadedCompoundLikelihood(likelihoods);
compound = new CompoundLikelihood(likelihoods);
siteCounts[longestIndex] = (instanceCount+1)*siteCounts[longestIndex]/instanceCount;
longestSize = (instanceCount+1)*longestSize/instanceCount;
System.err.println("Pattern counts: ");
for (int i = 0;i < siteCounts.length; i++) {
System.err.print(siteCounts[i] + " ");
System.err.println("Instance counts: ");
for (int i = 0;i < instanceCounts.length; i++) {
System.err.print(instanceCounts[i] + " ");
System.err.println("Current locations: ");
for (int i = 0;i < currentLocation.length; i++) {
System.err.print(currentLocation[i] + " ");
} else {*/
//Try splitting the same likelihood until no further improvement, then move on towards the next one
boolean notFinished = true;
//construct list with likelihoods to split up
List<Integer> splitList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < siteCounts.length; i++) {
int top = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < siteCounts.length; j++) {
if (siteCounts[j] > siteCounts[top]) {
top = j;
siteCounts[top] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < likelihoods.size(); i++) {
siteCounts[i] = patterns[i].getPatternCount();
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("Site count " + i + " = " + siteCounts[i]);
if (DEBUG) {
//print list
System.err.print("Ordered list of likelihoods to be evaluated: ");
for (int i = 0; i < splitList.size(); i++) {
System.err.print(splitList.get(i) + " ");
int timesRetried = 0;
while (notFinished) {
//split it in 1 more piece
longestIndex = splitList.get(0);
int instanceCount = ++instanceCounts[longestIndex];
List<Likelihood> newList = new ArrayList<Likelihood>();
for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; i++) {
Patterns subPatterns = new Patterns(patterns[longestIndex], 0, 0, 1, i, instanceCount);
BeagleTreeLikelihood treeLikelihood = createTreeLikelihood(subPatterns, treeModels[longestIndex], branchModels[longestIndex], siteRateModels[longestIndex], branchRateModels[longestIndex], null, ambiguities[longestIndex], rescalingSchemes[longestIndex], isDelayRescalingUntilUnderflow[longestIndex], partialsRestrictions.get(longestIndex), xo);
treeLikelihood.setId(xo.getId() + "_" + longestIndex + "_" + i);
System.err.println(treeLikelihood.getId() + " created.");
for (int i = 0; i < newList.size() - 1; i++) {
//likelihoods.add(longestIndex, new CompoundLikelihood(newList));
for (int i = 0; i < newList.size(); i++) {
likelihoods.add(currentLocation[longestIndex], newList.get(i));
for (int i = longestIndex + 1; i < currentLocation.length; i++) {
compound = new TestThreadedCompoundLikelihood(likelihoods);
//compound = new CompoundLikelihood(likelihoods);
//compound = new ThreadedCompoundLikelihood(likelihoods);
siteCounts[longestIndex] = (instanceCount - 1) * siteCounts[longestIndex] / instanceCount;
longestSize = (instanceCount - 1) * longestSize / instanceCount;
if (DEBUG) {
//check number of likelihoods
System.err.println("Number of BeagleTreeLikelihoods: " + compound.getLikelihoodCount());
System.err.println("Pattern counts: ");
for (int i = 0; i < siteCounts.length; i++) {
System.err.print(siteCounts[i] + " ");
System.err.println("Instance counts: ");
for (int i = 0; i < instanceCounts.length; i++) {
System.err.print(instanceCounts[i] + " ");
System.err.println("Current locations: ");
for (int i = 0; i < currentLocation.length; i++) {
System.err.print(currentLocation[i] + " ");
//evaluate speed
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("Timing estimates for each of the " + calibrate + " likelihood calculations:");
start = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 0; i < calibrate; i++) {
if (DEBUG) {
//double debugStart = System.nanoTime();
//double debugEnd = System.nanoTime();
//System.err.println(debugEnd - debugStart);
} else {
end = System.nanoTime();
double newResult = end - start;
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("New evaluation took: " + newResult + " vs. old evaluation: " + baseResult);
if (newResult < baseResult) {
//new partitioning is faster, so partition further
baseResult = newResult;
//reorder split list
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.print("Current split list: ");
for (int i = 0; i < splitList.size(); i++) {
System.err.print(splitList.get(i) + " ");
System.err.print("Current pattern counts: ");
for (int i = 0; i < splitList.size(); i++) {
System.err.print(siteCounts[splitList.get(i)] + " ");
int currentPatternCount = siteCounts[longestIndex];
int findIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < splitList.size(); i++) {
if (siteCounts[splitList.get(i)] > currentPatternCount) {
findIndex = i;
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("Current pattern count: " + currentPatternCount);
System.err.println("Index found: " + findIndex + " with pattern count: " + siteCounts[findIndex]);
System.err.println("Moving 0 to " + findIndex);
for (int i = 0; i < findIndex; i++) {
int temp = splitList.get(i);
splitList.set(i, splitList.get(i + 1));
splitList.set(i + 1, temp);
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.print("New split list: ");
for (int i = 0; i < splitList.size(); i++) {
System.err.print(splitList.get(i) + " ");
System.err.print("New pattern counts: ");
for (int i = 0; i < splitList.size(); i++) {
System.err.print(siteCounts[splitList.get(i)] + " ");
timesRetried = 0;
} else {
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("timesRetried = " + timesRetried + " vs. retry = " + retry);
//new partitioning is slower, so reinstate previous state unless RETRY is specified
if (timesRetried < retry) {
//try splitting further any way
//do not set baseResult
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("RETRY number " + timesRetried);
} else {
if (splitList.size() == 0) {
notFinished = false;
//remove timesTried instanceCount(s)
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.print("Removing " + (timesRetried + 1) + " instance count(s): " + instanceCount);
//instanceCount = --instanceCounts[longestIndex];
instanceCounts[longestIndex] = instanceCounts[longestIndex] - (timesRetried + 1);
instanceCount = instanceCounts[longestIndex];
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(" -> " + instanceCount + " for likelihood " + longestIndex);
newList = new ArrayList<Likelihood>();
for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; i++) {
Patterns subPatterns = new Patterns(patterns[longestIndex], 0, 0, 1, i, instanceCount);
BeagleTreeLikelihood treeLikelihood = createTreeLikelihood(subPatterns, treeModels[longestIndex], branchModels[longestIndex], siteRateModels[longestIndex], branchRateModels[longestIndex], null, ambiguities[longestIndex], rescalingSchemes[longestIndex], isDelayRescalingUntilUnderflow[longestIndex], partialsRestrictions.get(longestIndex), xo);
treeLikelihood.setId(xo.getId() + "_" + longestIndex + "_" + i);
System.err.println(treeLikelihood.getId() + " created.");
/*for (int i = 0; i < newList.size()+1; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < newList.size() + timesRetried + 1; i++) {
unregisterAllModels((BeagleTreeLikelihood) likelihoods.get(currentLocation[longestIndex]));
for (int i = 0; i < newList.size(); i++) {
likelihoods.add(currentLocation[longestIndex], newList.get(i));
for (int i = longestIndex + 1; i < currentLocation.length; i++) {
currentLocation[i] -= (timesRetried + 1);
//likelihoods.add(longestIndex, new CompoundLikelihood(newList));
compound = new TestThreadedCompoundLikelihood(likelihoods);
//compound = new CompoundLikelihood(likelihoods);
//compound = new ThreadedCompoundLikelihood(likelihoods);
siteCounts[longestIndex] = (instanceCount + timesRetried + 1) * siteCounts[longestIndex] / instanceCount;
longestSize = (instanceCount + timesRetried + 1) * longestSize / instanceCount;
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("Pattern counts: ");
for (int i = 0; i < siteCounts.length; i++) {
System.err.print(siteCounts[i] + " ");
System.err.println("Instance counts: ");
for (int i = 0; i < instanceCounts.length; i++) {
System.err.print(instanceCounts[i] + " ");
System.err.println("Current locations: ");
for (int i = 0; i < currentLocation.length; i++) {
System.err.print(currentLocation[i] + " ");
timesRetried = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < originalLikelihoods.size(); i++) {
unregisterAllModels((BeagleTreeLikelihood) originalLikelihoods.get(i));
return compound;
use of dr.evolution.alignment.Patterns in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class BeastGenerator method checkOptions.
* Checks various options to check they are valid. Throws IllegalArgumentExceptions with
* descriptions of the problems.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is a problem with the current settings
public void checkOptions() throws GeneratorException {
try {
if (options.contains(Microsatellite.INSTANCE)) {
// clear all masks
for (PartitionPattern partitionPattern : options.getPartitionPattern()) {
// set mask
for (PartitionTreeModel model : options.getPartitionTreeModels()) {
// if a tree only has 1 data partition, which mostly mean unlinked trees
if (options.getDataPartitions(model).size() == 1) {
PartitionPattern partition = (PartitionPattern) options.getDataPartitions(model).get(0);
Patterns patterns = partition.getPatterns();
for (int i = 0; i < patterns.getTaxonCount(); i++) {
int state = patterns.getPatternState(i, 0);
// mask ? from data
if (state < 0) {
// System.out.println("mask set = " + patterns.getMaskSet() + " in partition " + partition.getName());
//++++++++++++++++ Taxon List ++++++++++++++++++
TaxonList taxonList = options.taxonList;
Set<String> ids = new HashSet<String>();
if (taxonList != null) {
if (taxonList.getTaxonCount() < 2) {
throw new GeneratorException("BEAST requires at least two taxa to run.");
for (int i = 0; i < taxonList.getTaxonCount(); i++) {
Taxon taxon = taxonList.getTaxon(i);
if (ids.contains(taxon.getId())) {
throw new GeneratorException("A taxon has the same id," + taxon.getId() + MESSAGE_CAL);
//++++++++++++++++ Taxon Sets ++++++++++++++++++
for (PartitionTreeModel model : options.getPartitionTreeModels()) {
// should be only 1 calibrated internal node with a proper prior and monophyletic for each tree at moment
if (model.getPartitionTreePrior().getNodeHeightPrior() == TreePriorType.YULE_CALIBRATION) {
if (// invalid node calibration
options.treeModelOptions.isNodeCalibrated(model) < 0)
throw new GeneratorException(MESSAGE_CAL_YULE);
if (options.treeModelOptions.isNodeCalibrated(model) > 0) {
// internal node calibration
List taxonSetsList = options.getKeysFromValue(options.taxonSetsTreeModel, model);
if (taxonSetsList.size() != 1 || !options.taxonSetsMono.get(taxonSetsList.get(0))) {
// 1 tmrca per tree && monophyletic
throw new GeneratorException(MESSAGE_CAL_YULE, BeautiFrame.TAXON_SETS);
for (Taxa taxa : options.taxonSets) {
// AR - we should allow single taxon taxon sets...
if (// && !options.taxonSetsIncludeStem.get(taxa)
taxa.getTaxonCount() < 1) {
throw new GeneratorException("Taxon set, " + taxa.getId() + ", should contain \n" + "at least one taxa. Please go back to Taxon Sets \n" + "panel to correct this.", BeautiFrame.TAXON_SETS);
if (ids.contains(taxa.getId())) {
throw new GeneratorException("A taxon set has the same id," + taxa.getId() + MESSAGE_CAL, BeautiFrame.TAXON_SETS);
//++++++++++++++++ *BEAST ++++++++++++++++++
if (options.useStarBEAST) {
if (!options.traitExists(TraitData.TRAIT_SPECIES))
throw new GeneratorException("A trait labelled \"species\" is required for *BEAST species designations." + "\nPlease create or import the species designations in the Traits table.", BeautiFrame.TRAITS);
// should be only 1 calibrated internal node with monophyletic at moment
if (options.getPartitionTreePriors().get(0).getNodeHeightPrior() == TreePriorType.SPECIES_YULE_CALIBRATION) {
if (options.speciesSets.size() != 1 || !options.speciesSetsMono.get(options.speciesSets.get(0))) {
throw new GeneratorException(MESSAGE_CAL_YULE, BeautiFrame.TAXON_SETS);
for (Taxa species : options.speciesSets) {
if (species.getTaxonCount() < 2) {
throw new GeneratorException("Species set, " + species.getId() + ",\n should contain" + "at least two species. \nPlease go back to Species Sets panel to select included species.", BeautiFrame.TAXON_SETS);
if (ids.contains(species.getId())) {
throw new GeneratorException("A species set has the same id," + species.getId() + MESSAGE_CAL, BeautiFrame.TAXON_SETS);
int tId = options.starBEASTOptions.getEmptySpeciesIndex();
if (tId >= 0) {
throw new GeneratorException("The taxon " + options.taxonList.getTaxonId(tId) + " has NULL value for \"species\" trait", BeautiFrame.TRAITS);
// if (options.isShareSameTreePrior()) {
if (options.getPartitionTreeModels().size() > 1) {
//TODO not allowed multi-prior yet
for (PartitionTreePrior prior : options.getPartitionTreePriors()) {
if (prior.getNodeHeightPrior() == TreePriorType.GMRF_SKYRIDE) {
throw new GeneratorException("For the Skyride, tree model/tree prior combination not implemented by BEAST." + "\nThe Skyride is only available for a single tree model partition in this release.", BeautiFrame.TREES);
//+++++++++++++++ Starting tree ++++++++++++++++
for (PartitionTreeModel model : options.getPartitionTreeModels()) {
if (model.getStartingTreeType() == StartingTreeType.USER) {
if (model.getUserStartingTree() == null) {
throw new GeneratorException("Please select a starting tree in " + BeautiFrame.TREES + " panel, " + "\nwhen choosing user specified starting tree option.", BeautiFrame.TREES);
//++++++++++++++++ Random local clock model validation ++++++++++++++++++
for (PartitionClockModel model : options.getPartitionClockModels()) {
// 1 random local clock CANNOT have different tree models
if (model.getClockType() == ClockType.RANDOM_LOCAL_CLOCK) {
PartitionTreeModel treeModel = null;
for (AbstractPartitionData pd : options.getDataPartitions(model)) {
// only the PDs linked to this tree model
if (treeModel != null && treeModel != pd.getPartitionTreeModel()) {
throw new GeneratorException("A single random local clock cannot be applied to multiple trees.", BeautiFrame.CLOCK_MODELS);
treeModel = pd.getPartitionTreeModel();
//++++++++++++++++ Tree Model ++++++++++++++++++
for (PartitionTreeModel model : options.getPartitionTreeModels()) {
int numOfTaxa = -1;
for (AbstractPartitionData pd : options.getDataPartitions(model)) {
if (pd.getTaxonCount() > 0) {
if (numOfTaxa > 0) {
if (numOfTaxa != pd.getTaxonCount()) {
throw new GeneratorException("Partitions with different taxa cannot share the same tree.", BeautiFrame.DATA_PARTITIONS);
} else {
numOfTaxa = pd.getTaxonCount();
//++++++++++++++++ Prior Bounds ++++++++++++++++++
for (Parameter param : options.selectParameters()) {
if (param.getInitial() != Double.NaN) {
if (param.isTruncated && (param.getInitial() < param.truncationLower || param.getInitial() > param.truncationUpper)) {
throw new GeneratorException("Parameter \"" + param.getName() + "\":" + "\ninitial value " + param.getInitial() + " is NOT in the range [" + param.truncationLower + ", " + param.truncationUpper + "]," + "\nor this range is wrong. Please check the Prior panel.", BeautiFrame.PRIORS);
} else if (param.priorType == PriorType.UNIFORM_PRIOR && (param.getInitial() < param.uniformLower || param.getInitial() > param.uniformUpper)) {
throw new GeneratorException("Parameter \"" + param.getName() + "\":" + "\ninitial value " + param.getInitial() + " is NOT in the range [" + param.uniformLower + ", " + param.uniformUpper + "]," + "\nor this range is wrong. Please check the Prior panel.", BeautiFrame.PRIORS);
if (param.isNonNegative && param.getInitial() < 0.0) {
throw new GeneratorException("Parameter \"" + param.getName() + "\":" + "\ninitial value " + param.getInitial() + " should be non-negative. Please check the Prior panel.", BeautiFrame.PRIORS);
if (param.isZeroOne && (param.getInitial() < 0.0 || param.getInitial() > 1.0)) {
throw new GeneratorException("Parameter \"" + param.getName() + "\":" + "\ninitial value " + param.getInitial() + " should lie in the interval [0, 1]. Please check the Prior panel.", BeautiFrame.PRIORS);
// add other tests and warnings here
// Speciation model with dated tips
// Sampling rates without dated tips or priors on rate or nodes
} catch (Exception e) {
// catch any other exceptions here and rethrow to generate messages
throw new GeneratorException(e.getMessage());
use of dr.evolution.alignment.Patterns in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class MicrosatelliteSimulatorParser method parseXMLObject.
public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException {
Microsatellite msatDataType = (Microsatellite) xo.getChild(Microsatellite.class);
Taxa taxa = (Taxa) xo.getChild(Taxa.class);
Tree tree = (Tree) xo.getChild(Tree.class);
MicrosatelliteModel msatModel = (MicrosatelliteModel) xo.getChild(MicrosatelliteModel.class);
BranchRateModel brModel = (BranchRateModel) xo.getChild(BranchRateModel.class);
if (brModel == null) {
brModel = new DefaultBranchRateModel();
MicrosatelliteSimulator msatSim = new MicrosatelliteSimulator(msatDataType, taxa, tree, new GammaSiteModel(msatModel), brModel);
Patterns patterns = msatSim.simulateMsatPattern();
String msatPatId = xo.getAttribute("id", "simMsatPat");
return patterns;