use of dr.evomodel.branchratemodel.BranchRateModel in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class RateCovarianceStatisticParser method parseXMLObject.
public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException {
String name = xo.getAttribute(Statistic.NAME, xo.getId());
Tree tree = (Tree) xo.getChild(Tree.class);
BranchRateModel branchRateModel = (BranchRateModel) xo.getChild(BranchRateModel.class);
return new RateCovarianceStatistic(name, tree, branchRateModel);
use of dr.evomodel.branchratemodel.BranchRateModel in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class RateStatisticParser method parseXMLObject.
public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException {
final String name = xo.getAttribute(Statistic.NAME, xo.getId());
final Tree tree = (Tree) xo.getChild(Tree.class);
final BranchRateModel branchRateModel = (BranchRateModel) xo.getChild(BranchRateModel.class);
final boolean internal = xo.getBooleanAttribute("internal");
final boolean external = xo.getBooleanAttribute("external");
if (!(internal || external)) {
throw new XMLParseException("At least one of internal and external must be true!");
final String mode = xo.getStringAttribute(MODE);
return new RateStatistic(name, tree, branchRateModel, external, internal, mode);
use of dr.evomodel.branchratemodel.BranchRateModel in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class DiffusionRateStatistic method getStatisticValue.
public double getStatisticValue(int dim) {
String traitName = traitLikelihoods.get(0).getTraitName();
double treelength = 0;
double treeDistance = 0;
double maxDistanceFromRoot = 0;
double maxDistanceOverTimeFromRoot = 0;
//double[] rates = null;
List<Double> rates = new ArrayList<Double>();
//double[] diffusionCoefficients = null;
List<Double> diffusionCoefficients = new ArrayList<Double>();
double waDiffusionCoefficient = 0;
double lowerHeight = heightLowers[dim];
double upperHeight = Double.MAX_VALUE;
if (heightLowers.length == 1) {
upperHeight = heightUpper;
} else {
if (dim > 0) {
if (!cumulative) {
upperHeight = heightLowers[dim - 1];
for (AbstractMultivariateTraitLikelihood traitLikelihood : traitLikelihoods) {
MultivariateTraitTree tree = traitLikelihood.getTreeModel();
BranchRateModel branchRates = traitLikelihood.getBranchRateModel();
for (int i = 0; i < tree.getNodeCount(); i++) {
NodeRef node = tree.getNode(i);
if (node != tree.getRoot()) {
NodeRef parentNode = tree.getParent(node);
if ((tree.getNodeHeight(parentNode) > lowerHeight) && (tree.getNodeHeight(node) < upperHeight)) {
double[] trait = traitLikelihood.getTraitForNode(tree, node, traitName);
double[] parentTrait = traitLikelihood.getTraitForNode(tree, parentNode, traitName);
double[] traitUp = parentTrait;
double[] traitLow = trait;
double timeUp = tree.getNodeHeight(parentNode);
double timeLow = tree.getNodeHeight(node);
double rate = (branchRates != null ? branchRates.getBranchRate(tree, node) : 1.0);
MultivariateDiffusionModel diffModel = traitLikelihood.diffusionModel;
double[] precision = diffModel.getPrecisionParameter().getParameterValues();
if (tree.getNodeHeight(parentNode) > upperHeight) {
timeUp = upperHeight;
//TODO: implement TrueNoise??
traitUp = imputeValue(trait, parentTrait, upperHeight, tree.getNodeHeight(node), tree.getNodeHeight(parentNode), precision, rate, false);
if (tree.getNodeHeight(node) < lowerHeight) {
timeLow = lowerHeight;
traitLow = imputeValue(trait, parentTrait, lowerHeight, tree.getNodeHeight(node), tree.getNodeHeight(parentNode), precision, rate, false);
double time = timeUp - timeLow;
treelength += time;
double[] rootTrait = traitLikelihood.getTraitForNode(tree, tree.getRoot(), traitName);
if (useGreatCircleDistances && (trait.length == 2)) {
// Great Circle distance
SphericalPolarCoordinates coord1 = new SphericalPolarCoordinates(traitLow[0], traitLow[1]);
SphericalPolarCoordinates coord2 = new SphericalPolarCoordinates(traitUp[0], traitUp[1]);
double distance = coord1.distance(coord2);
treeDistance += distance;
double dc = Math.pow(distance, 2) / (4 * time);
waDiffusionCoefficient += dc * time;
rates.add(distance / time);
SphericalPolarCoordinates rootCoord = new SphericalPolarCoordinates(rootTrait[0], rootTrait[1]);
double tempDistanceFromRoot = rootCoord.distance(coord2);
if (tempDistanceFromRoot > maxDistanceFromRoot) {
maxDistanceFromRoot = tempDistanceFromRoot;
maxDistanceOverTimeFromRoot = tempDistanceFromRoot / (tree.getNodeHeight(tree.getRoot()) - timeLow);
//distance between traitLow and traitUp for maxDistanceFromRoot
if (timeUp == upperHeight) {
maxDistanceFromRoot = distance;
maxDistanceOverTimeFromRoot = distance / time;
} else {
double distance = getNativeDistance(traitLow, traitUp);
treeDistance += distance;
double dc = Math.pow(distance, 2) / (4 * time);
waDiffusionCoefficient += dc * time;
rates.add(distance / time);
double tempDistanceFromRoot = getNativeDistance(traitLow, rootTrait);
if (tempDistanceFromRoot > maxDistanceFromRoot) {
maxDistanceFromRoot = tempDistanceFromRoot;
maxDistanceOverTimeFromRoot = tempDistanceFromRoot / (tree.getNodeHeight(tree.getRoot()) - timeLow);
//distance between traitLow and traitUp for maxDistanceFromRoot
if (timeUp == upperHeight) {
maxDistanceFromRoot = distance;
maxDistanceOverTimeFromRoot = distance / time;
if (summaryStat == summaryStatistic.DIFFUSION_RATE) {
if (summaryMode == Mode.AVERAGE) {
return DiscreteStatistics.mean(toArray(rates));
} else if (summaryMode == Mode.MEDIAN) {
return DiscreteStatistics.median(toArray(rates));
} else if (summaryMode == Mode.COEFFICIENT_OF_VARIATION) {
// don't compute mean twice
final double mean = DiscreteStatistics.mean(toArray(rates));
return Math.sqrt(DiscreteStatistics.variance(toArray(rates), mean)) / mean;
} else {
return treeDistance / treelength;
} else if (summaryStat == summaryStatistic.DIFFUSION_COEFFICIENT) {
if (summaryMode == Mode.AVERAGE) {
return DiscreteStatistics.mean(toArray(diffusionCoefficients));
} else if (summaryMode == Mode.MEDIAN) {
return DiscreteStatistics.median(toArray(diffusionCoefficients));
} else if (summaryMode == Mode.COEFFICIENT_OF_VARIATION) {
// don't compute mean twice
final double mean = DiscreteStatistics.mean(toArray(diffusionCoefficients));
return Math.sqrt(DiscreteStatistics.variance(toArray(diffusionCoefficients), mean)) / mean;
} else {
return waDiffusionCoefficient / treelength;
} else if (summaryStat == summaryStatistic.WAVEFRONT_DISTANCE) {
return maxDistanceFromRoot;
} else {
return maxDistanceOverTimeFromRoot;
use of dr.evomodel.branchratemodel.BranchRateModel in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class MicrosatelliteFullAncestryImportanceSamplingOperatorParser method parseXMLObject.
public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException {
final double weight = xo.getDoubleAttribute(MCMCOperator.WEIGHT);
final Parameter parameter = (Parameter) xo.getChild(Parameter.class);
final MicrosatelliteSamplerTreeModel msatSamplerTreeModel = (MicrosatelliteSamplerTreeModel) xo.getChild(MicrosatelliteSamplerTreeModel.class);
final MicrosatelliteModel msatModel = (MicrosatelliteModel) xo.getChild(MicrosatelliteModel.class);
final BranchRateModel branchRateModel = (BranchRateModel) xo.getChild(BranchRateModel.class);
return new MicrosatelliteFullAncestryImportanceSamplingOperator(parameter, msatSamplerTreeModel, msatModel, branchRateModel, weight);
use of dr.evomodel.branchratemodel.BranchRateModel in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class CodonPartitionedRobustCountingParser method parseXMLObject.
public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException {
AncestralStateBeagleTreeLikelihood[] partition = new AncestralStateBeagleTreeLikelihood[3];
String[] labels = new String[] { FIRST, SECOND, THIRD };
int patternCount = -1;
BranchRateModel testBranchRateModel = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
partition[i] = (AncestralStateBeagleTreeLikelihood) xo.getChild(labels[i]).getChild(AncestralStateBeagleTreeLikelihood.class);
if (i == 0) {
patternCount = partition[i].getPatternCount();
} else {
if (partition[i].getPatternCount() != patternCount) {
throw new XMLParseException("Codon-partitioned robust counting requires all partitions to have the same length." + " Make sure that partitions include all unique sites and do not strip gaps.");
// Ensure that siteRateModel has one category
if (partition[i].getSiteRateModel().getCategoryCount() > 1) {
throw new XMLParseException("Robust counting currently only implemented for single category models");
// Ensure that branchRateModel is the same across all partitions
if (testBranchRateModel == null) {
testBranchRateModel = partition[i].getBranchRateModel();
} else if (testBranchRateModel != partition[i].getBranchRateModel()) {
throw new XMLParseException("Robust counting currently requires the same branch rate model for all partitions");
TreeModel tree = (TreeModel) xo.getChild(TreeModel.class);
Codons codons = Codons.UNIVERSAL;
if (xo.hasAttribute(GeneticCode.GENETIC_CODE)) {
String codeStr = xo.getStringAttribute(GeneticCode.GENETIC_CODE);
codons = Codons.findByName(codeStr);
String labelingString = (String) xo.getAttribute(LABELING);
CodonLabeling codonLabeling = CodonLabeling.parseFromString(labelingString);
if (codonLabeling == null) {
throw new XMLParseException("Unrecognized codon labeling '" + labelingString + "'");
String branchFormatString = xo.getAttribute(BRANCH_FORMAT, StratifiedTraitOutputFormat.SUM_OVER_SITES.getText());
StratifiedTraitOutputFormat branchFormat = StratifiedTraitOutputFormat.parseFromString(branchFormatString);
if (branchFormat == null) {
throw new XMLParseException("Unrecognized branch output format '" + branchFormat + "'");
String logFormatString = xo.getAttribute(LOG_FORMAT, StratifiedTraitOutputFormat.SUM_OVER_SITES.getText());
StratifiedTraitOutputFormat logFormat = StratifiedTraitOutputFormat.parseFromString(logFormatString);
if (logFormat == null) {
throw new XMLParseException("Unrecognized log output format '" + branchFormat + "'");
boolean useUniformization = xo.getAttribute(USE_UNIFORMIZATION, false);
boolean includeExternalBranches = xo.getAttribute(INCLUDE_EXTERNAL, true);
boolean includeInternalBranches = xo.getAttribute(INCLUDE_INTERNAL, true);
boolean doUnconditionedPerBranch = xo.getAttribute(DO_UNCONDITIONED_PER_BRANCH, false);
boolean averageRates = xo.getAttribute(AVERAGE_RATES, true);
boolean saveCompleteHistory = xo.getAttribute(SAVE_HISTORY, false);
boolean useNewNeutralModel = xo.getAttribute(USE_NEW_NEUTRAL_MODEL, false);
String prefix = xo.hasAttribute(PREFIX) ? xo.getStringAttribute(PREFIX) : null;
return new CodonPartitionedRobustCounting(xo.getId(), tree, partition, codons, codonLabeling, useUniformization, includeExternalBranches, includeInternalBranches, doUnconditionedPerBranch, saveCompleteHistory, averageRates, useNewNeutralModel, branchFormat, logFormat, prefix);