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Example 51 with Err

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class CompModule method addFunc.

 * Add a FUN or PRED declaration.
void addFunc(Pos p, Pos isPrivate, String n, Expr f, List<Decl> decls, Expr t, Expr v) throws Err {
    if (decls == null)
        decls = new ArrayList<Decl>();
        decls = new ArrayList<Decl>(decls);
    if (f != null)
        decls.add(0, new Decl(null, null, null, Util.asList(ExprVar.make(f.span(), "this")), f));
    for (Decl d : decls) {
        if (d.isPrivate != null) {
            ExprHasName name = d.names.get(0);
            throw new ErrorSyntax(d.isPrivate.merge(name.pos), "Function parameter \"" + name.label + "\" is always private already.");
        if (d.disjoint2 != null) {
            ExprHasName name = d.names.get(d.names.size() - 1);
            throw new ErrorSyntax(d.disjoint2.merge(name.pos), "Function parameter \"" + name.label + "\" cannot be bound to a 'disjoint' expression.");
    status = 3;
    dup(p, n, false);
    ExprHasName dup = Decl.findDuplicateName(decls);
    if (dup != null)
        throw new ErrorSyntax(dup.span(), "The parameter name \"" + dup.label + "\" cannot appear more than once.");
    Func ans = new Func(p, isPrivate, n, decls, t, v);
    ArrayList<Func> list = funcs.get(n);
    if (list == null) {
        list = new ArrayList<Func>();
        funcs.put(n, list);
Also used : ErrorSyntax( Func( ExprHasName( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Decl(

Example 52 with Err

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class CompModule method resolveFuncDecls.

 * Each FunAST will now point to a bodyless Func object.
private JoinableList<Err> resolveFuncDecls(A4Reporter rep, JoinableList<Err> errors, List<ErrorWarning> warns) throws Err {
    for (ArrayList<Func> list : funcs.values()) {
        for (int listi = 0; listi < list.size(); listi++) {
            Func f = list.get(listi);
            String fullname = (path.length() == 0 ? "this/" : (path + "/")) + f.label;
            // Each PARAMETER can refer to earlier parameter in the same
            // function, and any SIG or FIELD visible from here.
            // Each RETURNTYPE can refer to the parameters of the same
            // function, and any SIG or FIELD visible from here.
            Context cx = new Context(this, warns);
            cx.rootfunparam = true;
            TempList<Decl> tmpdecls = new TempList<Decl>();
            boolean err = false;
            for (Decl d : f.decls) {
                TempList<ExprVar> tmpvars = new TempList<ExprVar>();
                Expr val = cx.check(d.expr).resolve_as_set(warns);
                if (!val.errors.isEmpty()) {
                    err = true;
                    errors = errors.make(val.errors);
                for (ExprHasName n : d.names) {
                    ExprVar v = ExprVar.make(n.span(), n.label, val.type());
                    cx.put(n.label, v);
                    rep.typecheck((f.isPred ? "pred " : "fun ") + fullname + ", Param " + n.label + ": " + v.type() + "\n");
                tmpdecls.add(new Decl(d.isPrivate, d.disjoint, d.disjoint2, tmpvars.makeConst(), val));
            Expr ret = null;
            if (!f.isPred) {
                ret = cx.check(f.returnDecl).resolve_as_set(warns);
                if (!ret.errors.isEmpty()) {
                    err = true;
                    errors = errors.make(ret.errors);
            if (err)
            try {
                f = new Func(f.pos, f.isPrivate, fullname, tmpdecls.makeConst(), ret, f.getBody());
                list.set(listi, f);
                rep.typecheck("" + f + ", RETURN: " + f.returnDecl.type() + "\n");
            } catch (Err ex) {
                errors = errors.make(ex);
    return errors;
Also used : ExprVar( Err( Func( Decl( TempList( Expr( ExprHasName(

Example 53 with Err

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class CompModule method populate.

 * Resolve the name based on the current context and this module.
private Expr populate(TempList<Expr> ch, TempList<String> re, Decl rootfield, Sig rootsig, boolean rootfunparam, Func rootfunbody, Pos pos, String fullname, Expr THIS) {
    // Return object can be Func(with > 0 arguments) or Expr
    final String name = (fullname.charAt(0) == '@') ? fullname.substring(1) : fullname;
    boolean fun = (rootsig != null && (rootfield == null || rootfield.expr.mult() == ExprUnary.Op.EXACTLYOF)) || (rootsig == null && !rootfunparam);
    if (name.equals("univ"))
        return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, UNIV);
    if (name.equals("Int"))
        return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, SIGINT);
    if (name.equals("seq/Int"))
        return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, SEQIDX);
    if (name.equals("String"))
        return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, STRING);
    if (name.equals("none"))
        return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, NONE);
    if (name.equals("iden"))
        return ExprConstant.Op.IDEN.make(pos, 0);
    if (name.equals("sig$") || name.equals("field$"))
        if (world != null) {
            Sig s = world.sigs.get(name);
            if (s != null)
                return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, s);
    final List<Object> ans = name.indexOf('/') >= 0 ? getRawQS(fun ? 5 : 1, name) : getRawNQS(this, fun ? 5 : 1, name);
    final Sig param = params.get(name);
    if (param != null && !ans.contains(param))
    for (Object x : ans) {
        if (x instanceof Sig) {
            Sig y = (Sig) x;
            ch.add(ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, y, null, 0));
            re.add("sig " + y.label);
        } else if (x instanceof Func) {
            Func f = (Func) x;
            int fn = f.count();
            int penalty = 0;
            if (resolution == 1 && fn > 0 && rootsig != null && THIS != null && THIS.type().hasArity(1) && f.get(0).type().intersects(THIS.type())) {
                // If we're inside a sig, and there is a unary variable
                // bound to "this",
                // we should consider it as a possible FIRST ARGUMENT of a
                // fun/pred call
                ConstList<Expr> t = Util.asList(THIS);
                // penalty
                ch.add(fn == 1 ? ExprCall.make(pos, null, f, t, 1 + penalty) : ExprBadCall.make(pos, null, f, t, 1 + penalty));
                // of
                // 1
                re.add((f.isPred ? "pred this." : "fun this.") + f.label);
            if (resolution == 1) {
                ch.add(fn == 0 ? ExprCall.make(pos, null, f, null, penalty) : ExprBadCall.make(pos, null, f, null, penalty));
                re.add((f.isPred ? "pred " : "fun ") + f.label);
            if (resolution == 2 && f != rootfunbody && THIS != null && fullname.charAt(0) != '@' && fn > 0 && f.get(0).type().intersects(THIS.type())) {
                // If there is some value bound to "this", we should
                // consider it as a possible FIRST ARGUMENT of a fun/pred
                // call
                ConstList<Expr> t = Util.asList(THIS);
                ch.add(fn == 1 ? ExprCall.make(pos, null, f, t, 0) : ExprBadCall.make(pos, null, f, t, 0));
                re.add((f.isPred ? "pred this." : "fun this.") + f.label);
            if (resolution != 1) {
                ch.add(fn == 0 ? ExprCall.make(pos, null, f, null, 0) : ExprBadCall.make(pos, null, f, null, 0));
                re.add((f.isPred ? "pred " : "fun ") + f.label);
    // All else: we can call, and can refer to anything visible.
    for (CompModule m : getAllNameableModules()) for (Sig s : m.sigs.values()) if (m == this || s.isPrivate == null)
        for (Field f : s.getFields()) if (f.isMeta == null && (m == this || f.isPrivate == null) && f.label.equals(name))
            if (resolution == 1) {
                Expr x = null;
                if (rootsig == null) {
                    x = ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, f, null, 0);
                } else if (rootsig.isSameOrDescendentOf(f.sig)) {
                    x = ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, f, null, 0);
                    if (fullname.charAt(0) != '@')
                        x = THIS.join(x);
                } else if (rootfield == null || rootfield.expr.mult() == ExprUnary.Op.EXACTLYOF) {
                    x = ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, f, null, 1);
                // penalty of 1
                if (x != null) {
                    re.add("field " + f.sig.label + " <: " + f.label);
            } else if (rootfield == null || rootsig.isSameOrDescendentOf(f.sig)) {
                Expr x0 = ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, f, null, 0);
                if (resolution == 2 && THIS != null && fullname.charAt(0) != '@' && f.type().firstColumnOverlaps(THIS.type())) {
                    re.add("field " + f.sig.label + " <: this." + f.label);
                    if (rootsig != null)
                re.add("field " + f.sig.label + " <: " + f.label);
    if (metaSig() != null && (rootsig == null || rootfield == null)) {
        SafeList<PrimSig> children = null;
        try {
            children = metaSig().children();
        } catch (Err err) {
            return null;
        // exception NOT possible
        for (PrimSig s : children) for (Field f : s.getFields()) if (f.label.equals(name)) {
            Expr x = ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, f, null, 0);
            re.add("field " + f.sig.label + " <: " + f.label);
    if (metaField() != null && (rootsig == null || rootfield == null)) {
        SafeList<PrimSig> children = null;
        try {
            children = metaField().children();
        } catch (Err err) {
            return null;
        // exception NOT possible
        for (PrimSig s : children) for (Field f : s.getFields()) if (f.label.equals(name)) {
            Expr x = ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, f, null, 0);
            re.add("field " + f.sig.label + " <: " + f.label);
    return null;
Also used : Err( Func( PrimSig( Sig( SubsetSig( Field( Expr( ConstList( PrimSig(

Example 54 with Err

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class CompModule method resolveParams.

 * Every param in every module will now point to a nonnull Sig.
private static void resolveParams(A4Reporter rep, List<CompModule> modules) throws Err {
    while (true) {
        boolean chg = false;
        Open missing = null;
        String missingName = "";
        for (CompModule mod : modules) for (Open open : mod.opens.values()) {
            CompModule sub = open.realModule;
            if (open.args.size() != sub.params.size())
                throw new ErrorSyntax(open.pos, "You supplied " + open.args.size() + " arguments to the open statement, but the imported module requires " + sub.params.size() + " arguments.");
            int i = 0;
            for (Map.Entry<String, Sig> p : sub.params.entrySet()) {
                Sig old = p.getValue();
                String kn = p.getKey(), vn = open.args.get(i);
                Sig vv = mod.getRawSIG(open.pos, vn);
                if (vv == null) {
                    if (old == null) {
                        missing = open;
                        missingName = vn;
                if (old == vv)
                if (old != null)
                    throw new ErrorFatal(open.pos, "Internal error (module re-instantiated with different arguments)");
                if (vv == NONE)
                    throw new ErrorSyntax(open.pos, "You cannot use \"none\" as an instantiating argument.");
                chg = true;
                rep.parse("RESOLVE: " + (sub.path.length() == 0 ? "this/" : sub.path) + "/" + kn + " := " + vv + "\n");
        if (!chg && missing == null)
        if (!chg)
            throw new ErrorSyntax(missing.pos, "The signature name \"" + missingName + "\" cannot be found.");
Also used : PrimSig( Sig( SubsetSig( ErrorSyntax( ErrorFatal(

Example 55 with Err

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class CompModule method unique.

 * Throw an exception if there are more than 1 match; return nonnull if only one
 * match; return null if no match.
private Object unique(Pos pos, String name, List<Object> objs) throws Err {
    if (objs.size() == 0)
        return null;
    if (objs.size() == 1)
        return objs.get(0);
    StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("The name \"").append(name);
    msg.append("\" is ambiguous.\n" + "There are ").append(objs.size()).append(" choices:");
    for (int i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) {
        msg.append("\n\n#").append(i + 1).append(": ");
        Object x = objs.get(i);
        if (x instanceof Sig) {
            Sig y = (Sig) x;
            msg.append("sig ").append(y.label).append("\n" + "at ").append(y.pos.toShortString());
        } else if (x instanceof Func) {
            Func y = (Func) x;
            msg.append(y.isPred ? "pred " : "fun ").append(y.label).append("\n" + "at ").append(y.pos.toShortString());
        } else if (x instanceof Expr) {
            Expr y = (Expr) x;
            msg.append("assertion at ").append(y.pos.toShortString());
    throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, msg.toString());
Also used : PrimSig( Sig( SubsetSig( ErrorSyntax( Expr( Func(


ErrorSyntax ( PrimSig ( ErrorFatal ( Err ( Expr ( Sig ( Pos ( ErrorType ( ExprVar ( SubsetSig ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)15 Field ( LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)10 IOException ( TempList ( Func ( TupleSet (kodkod.instance.TupleSet)8 Command ( ErrorAPI ( XMLNode (