use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class ExprCall method make.
// ============================================================================================================//
* Constructs an ExprCall node with the given predicate/function "fun" and the
* list of arguments "args".
public static Expr make(Pos pos, Pos closingBracket, Func fun, List<Expr> args, long extraPenalty) {
if (extraPenalty < 0)
extraPenalty = 0;
if (args == null)
args = ConstList.make();
long weight = extraPenalty;
boolean ambiguous = false;
JoinableList<Err> errs = emptyListOfErrors;
TempList<Expr> newargs = new TempList<Expr>(args.size());
if (args.size() != fun.count()) {
errs = errs.make(new ErrorSyntax(pos, "" + fun + " has " + fun.count() + " parameters but is called with " + args.size() + " arguments."));
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
final int a = (i < fun.count()) ? fun.get(i).type.arity() : 0;
final Expr x = args.get(i).typecheck_as_set();
ambiguous = ambiguous || x.ambiguous;
errs = errs.make(x.errors);
weight = weight + x.weight;
if (x.mult != 0)
errs = errs.make(new ErrorSyntax(x.span(), "Multiplicity expression not allowed here."));
if (a > 0 && x.errors.isEmpty() && !x.type.hasArity(a))
errs = errs.make(new ErrorType(x.span(), "This should have arity " + a + " but instead its possible type(s) are " + x.type));
Type t = Type.FORMULA;
if (!fun.isPred && errs.size() == 0) {
final Type tt = fun.returnDecl.type;
try {
// This provides a limited form of polymorphic function,
// by using actual arguments at each call site to derive a
// tighter bound on the return value.
DeduceType d = new DeduceType();
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
ExprVar param = fun.get(i);
d.env.put(param, newargs.get(i).type.extract(param.type.arity()));
t = fun.returnDecl.accept(d);
if (t == null || t.is_int() || t.is_bool || t.arity() != tt.arity())
// Just in case an error occurred...
t = tt;
} catch (Throwable ex) {
// Just in case an error occurred...
t = tt;
return new ExprCall(pos, closingBracket, ambiguous, t, fun, newargs.makeConst(), extraPenalty, weight, errs);
use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class ExprChoice method make.
// ============================================================================================================//
* Construct an ExprChoice node.
public static Expr make(boolean ignoreIntFuns, Pos pos, ConstList<Expr> choices, ConstList<String> reasons) {
if (choices.size() == 0)
return new ExprBad(pos, "", new ErrorType(pos, "This expression failed to be typechecked."));
if (choices.size() == 1 && choices.get(0).errors.isEmpty())
// Shortcut
return choices.get(0);
if (ignoreIntFuns) {
int n = choices.size();
TempList<Expr> ch = new TempList<Expr>(n);
TempList<String> rs = new TempList<String>(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Expr e = choices.get(i);
if (!((e instanceof ExprCall) && e.toString().startsWith("integer/"))) {
return make(false, pos, ch.makeConst(), rs.makeConst());
Type type = EMPTY;
boolean first = true;
long weight = 0;
for (Expr x : choices) {
type = x.type.merge(type);
if (first || weight > x.weight)
if (x.type != EMPTY) {
weight = x.weight;
first = false;
return new ExprChoice(pos, choices, reasons, type, weight);
use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class ExprChoice method resolveHelper.
// ============================================================================================================//
* Resolve the list of choices, or return an ExprBad object containing the list
* of unresolvable ambiguities.
private Expr resolveHelper(boolean firstPass, final Type t, List<Expr> choices, List<String> reasons, Collection<ErrorWarning> warns) {
List<Expr> ch = new ArrayList<Expr>(choices.size());
List<String> re = new ArrayList<String>(choices.size());
// We first prefer exact matches
for (int i = 0; i < choices.size(); i++) {
Type tt = choices.get(i).type;
if (/* [AM](t.is_int() && tt.is_int()) || */
(t.is_bool && tt.is_bool) || t.intersects(tt)) {
// If none, we try any legal matches
if (ch.size() == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < choices.size(); i++) if (choices.get(i).type.hasCommonArity(t)) {
// If too many, then keep the choices with the smallest weight
if (ch.size() > 1) {
List<Expr> ch2 = new ArrayList<Expr>(ch.size());
List<String> re2 = new ArrayList<String>(ch.size());
long w = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ch.size(); i++) {
Expr c = ch.get(i);
String r = re.get(i);
if (ch2.size() > 0 && c.weight > w)
else if (ch2.size() == 0 || c.weight < w) {
w = c.weight;
ch = ch2;
re = re2;
// resolve them all and try again
if (firstPass && ch.size() > 1) {
ch2 = new ArrayList<Expr>(ch.size());
for (Expr c : ch) ch2.add(c.resolve(t, null));
return resolveHelper(false, t, ch2, re, warns);
// If we are down to exactly 1 match, return it
if (ch.size() == 1)
return ch.get(0).resolve(t, warns);
// emptyset-of-the-same-arity, then just return emptyset
none: while (ch.size() > 1) {
int arity = -1;
for (Expr c : ch) {
if (c.type.is_bool || c.type.is_int() || c.type.hasTuple())
break none;
int a = c.type.arity();
if (a < 1)
break none;
if (arity < 0)
arity = a;
else if (arity != a)
break none;
Expr ans = Sig.NONE;
while (arity > 1) {
ans = ans.product(Sig.NONE);
return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(span(), ans);
// Otherwise, complain!
String txt;
if (ch.size() > 1) {
txt = "\nThis name is ambiguous due to multiple matches:";
} else {
txt = "\nThis name cannot be resolved; its relevant type does not intersect with any of the following candidates:";
re = reasons;
StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(txt);
for (String r : re) msg.append('\n').append(r);
return new ExprBad(pos, toString(), new ErrorType(pos, msg.toString()));
use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class ExprList method make.
* Generates a call to a builtin predicate
public static ExprList make(Pos pos, Pos closingBracket, Op op, List<? extends Expr> args) {
boolean ambiguous = false;
JoinableList<Err> errs = emptyListOfErrors;
TempList<Expr> newargs = new TempList<Expr>(args.size());
long weight = 0;
Type commonArity = null;
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
Expr a = (op == Op.AND || op == Op.OR) ? args.get(i).typecheck_as_formula() : args.get(i).typecheck_as_set();
ambiguous = ambiguous || a.ambiguous;
weight = weight + a.weight;
if (a.mult != 0)
errs = errs.make(new ErrorSyntax(a.span(), "Multiplicity expression not allowed here."));
if (!a.errors.isEmpty())
errs = errs.make(a.errors);
else if (commonArity == null)
commonArity = a.type;
commonArity = commonArity.pickCommonArity(a.type);
if (op == Op.AND)
addAND(newargs, a);
else if (op == Op.OR)
addOR(newargs, a);
if (op == Op.TOTALORDER) {
if (newargs.size() != 3) {
errs = errs.make(new ErrorSyntax(pos, "The builtin pred/totalOrder[] predicate must be called with exactly three arguments."));
} else if (errs.isEmpty()) {
if (!newargs.get(0).type.hasArity(1))
errs = errs.make(new ErrorType(pos, "The first argument to pred/totalOrder must be unary."));
if (!newargs.get(1).type.hasArity(1))
errs = errs.make(new ErrorType(pos, "The second argument to pred/totalOrder must be unary."));
if (!newargs.get(2).type.hasArity(2))
errs = errs.make(new ErrorType(pos, "The third argument to pred/totalOrder must be binary."));
if (op == Op.DISJOINT) {
if (newargs.size() < 2)
errs = errs.make(new ErrorSyntax(pos, "The builtin disjoint[] predicate must be called with at least two arguments."));
if (commonArity == EMPTY)
errs = errs.make(new ErrorType(pos, "The builtin predicate disjoint[] cannot be used among expressions of different arities."));
return new ExprList(pos, closingBracket, op, ambiguous, newargs.makeConst(), weight, errs);
use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class ExampleUsingTheCompiler method main.
* Execute every command in every file. This method parses every file, then
* execute every command. If there are syntax or type errors, it may throw a
* ErrorSyntax or ErrorType or ErrorAPI or ErrorFatal exception. You should
* catch them and display them, and they may contain filename/line/column
* information.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Err {
// The visualizer (We will initialize it to nonnull when we visualize an
// Alloy solution)
VizGUI viz = null;
// Alloy4 sends diagnostic messages and progress reports to the
// A4Reporter.
// By default, the A4Reporter ignores all these events (but you can
// extend the A4Reporter to display the event for the user)
A4Reporter rep = new A4Reporter() {
// For example, here we choose to display each "warning" by printing
// it to System.out
public void warning(ErrorWarning msg) {
System.out.print("Relevance Warning:\n" + (msg.toString().trim()) + "\n\n");
for (String filename : args) {
// Parse+typecheck the model
System.out.println("=========== Parsing+Typechecking " + filename + " =============");
Module world = CompUtil.parseEverything_fromFile(rep, null, filename);
// Choose some default options for how you want to execute the
// commands
A4Options options = new A4Options();
options.solver = A4Options.SatSolver.SAT4J;
for (Command command : world.getAllCommands()) {
// Execute the command
System.out.println("============ Command " + command + ": ============");
A4Solution ans = TranslateAlloyToKodkod.execute_command(rep, world.getAllReachableSigs(), command, options);
// Print the outcome
// If satisfiable...
if (ans.satisfiable()) {
// You can query "ans" to find out the values of each set or
// type.
// This can be useful for debugging.
// You can also write the outcome to an XML file
// You can then visualize the XML file by calling this:
if (viz == null) {
viz = new VizGUI(false, "alloy_example_output.xml", null);
} else {
viz.loadXML("alloy_example_output.xml", true);