use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class ScopeComputer method setBitwidth.
* Modifies the integer bitwidth of this solution's model (and sets the max
* sequence length to 0)
private void setBitwidth(Pos pos, int newBitwidth) throws ErrorAPI, ErrorSyntax {
if (newBitwidth < 0)
throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "Cannot specify a bitwidth less than 0");
if (newBitwidth > 30)
throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "Cannot specify a bitwidth greater than 30");
bitwidth = newBitwidth;
maxseq = 0;
sig2scope.put(SIGINT, bitwidth < 1 ? 0 : 1 << bitwidth);
sig2scope.put(SEQIDX, 0);
use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class TranslateAlloyToKodkod method execute_commandFromBook.
* Based on the specified "options", execute one command and return the
* resulting A4Solution object.
* <p>
* Note: it will first test whether the model fits one of the model from the
* "Software Abstractions" book; if so, it will use the exact instance that was
* in the book.
* @param rep - if nonnull, we'll send compilation diagnostic messages to it
* @param sigs - the list of sigs; this list must be complete
* @param cmd - the Command to execute
* @param opt - the set of options guiding the execution of the command
* @return null if the user chose "save to FILE" as the SAT solver, and nonnull
* if the solver finishes the entire solving and is either satisfiable
* or unsatisfiable.
* <p>
* If the return value X is satisfiable, you can call to get
* the next satisfying solution X2; and you can call to get
* the next satisfying solution X3... until you get an unsatisfying
* solution.
public static A4Solution execute_commandFromBook(A4Reporter rep, Iterable<Sig> sigs, Command cmd, A4Options opt) throws Err {
if (rep == null)
rep = A4Reporter.NOP;
TranslateAlloyToKodkod tr = null;
try {
if (cmd.parent != null || !cmd.getGrowableSigs().isEmpty())
return execute_greedyCommand(rep, sigs, cmd, opt);
tr = new TranslateAlloyToKodkod(rep, opt, sigs, cmd);
return tr.frame.solve(rep, cmd, new Simplifier(), true);
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError ex) {
throw new ErrorFatal("The required JNI library cannot be found: " + ex.toString().trim(), ex);
} catch (CapacityExceededException ex) {
throw rethrow(ex);
} catch (HigherOrderDeclException ex) {
Pos p = tr != null ? tr.frame.kv2typepos(ex.decl().variable()).b : Pos.UNKNOWN;
throw new ErrorType(p, "Analysis cannot be performed since it requires higher-order quantification that could not be skolemized.");
} catch (Throwable ex) {
if (ex instanceof Err)
throw (Err) ex;
throw new ErrorFatal("Unknown exception occurred: " + ex, ex);
use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class CUP$CompParser$actions method c.
private void c(boolean follow, ExprVar o, ExprVar x, ExprVar n, Expr e, List<CommandScope> s, ExprConstant c) throws Err {
if (n != null)
int bitwidth = (-1), maxseq = (-1), overall = (-1), expects = (c == null ? -1 : c.num);
Pos p = o.pos.merge(n != null ? n.span() : e.span());
for (int i = s.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Sig j = s.get(i).sig;
int k = s.get(i).startingScope;
p = p.merge(j.pos);
if (j.label.equals("univ")) {
overall = k;
if (j.label.equals("int")) {
if (bitwidth >= 0)
throw new ErrorSyntax(j.pos, "The bitwidth cannot be specified more than once.");
bitwidth = k;
if (j.label.equals("seq")) {
if (maxseq >= 0)
throw new ErrorSyntax(j.pos, "The maximum sequence length cannot be specified more than once.");
maxseq = k;
if (n != null)
parser.alloymodule.addCommand(follow, p, n, o.label.equals("c"), overall, bitwidth, maxseq, expects, s, x);
parser.alloymodule.addCommand(follow, p, e, o.label.equals("c"), overall, bitwidth, maxseq, expects, s, x);
use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class CompUtil method parseEverything_fromFile.
* Read everything from "file" and parse it; if it mentions submodules, open
* them and parse them too.
* @param rep - if nonnull, we will report compilation progress messages to it
* @param loaded - a cache of files that have been pre-fetched (can be null if
* there were no prefetching)
* @param filename - the main module we are parsing
* @param initialResolutionMode - use 1 for the historical behavior, and 2 for
* Alloy 4.2's new "universal implicit this" name resolution behavior
* @return the root CompModule which contains pointers to all submodules
* @throws Err if an error occurred
* <p>
* And if loaded!=null, it will contain all the files needed for
* this parse, and furthermore, other entries will be deleted.
public static CompModule parseEverything_fromFile(A4Reporter rep, Map<String, String> loaded, String filename, int initialResolutionMode) throws Err {
try {
filename =;
Set<String> thispath = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
if (loaded == null)
loaded = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
Map<String, String> fc = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(loaded);
List<Object> seenDollar = new ArrayList<Object>();
CompModule root = parseRecursively(seenDollar, loaded, fc, new Pos(filename, 1, 1), filename, null, "", thispath, initialResolutionMode);
// if no sigs are defined by the user, add one
if (root.getAllReachableUserDefinedSigs().isEmpty()) {
root.seenDollar = seenDollar.size() > 0;
return CompModule.resolveAll(rep == null ? A4Reporter.NOP : rep, root);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
throw new ErrorSyntax("File cannot be found.\n" + ex.getMessage(), ex);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new ErrorFatal("IOException occurred: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
if (ex instanceof Err)
throw (Err) ex;
throw new ErrorFatal("Unknown exception occurred: " + ex, ex);
use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class CompUtil method parseRecursively.
// =============================================================================================================//
* Helper method that recursively parse a file and all its included subfiles
* @param loaded - this stores the text files we've loaded while parsing; cannot
* be null
* @param fc - if a file cannot be found, we consult this cache first before
* attempting to load it from disk/jar; cannot be null
* @param pos - the position of the "open" statement
* @param filename - the filename to open
* @param root - the root module (this field is ignored if prefix=="")
* @param prefix - the prefix for the file we are about to parse
* @param thispath - the set of filenames involved in the current
* chain_of_file_opening
private static CompModule parseRecursively(List<Object> seenDollar, Map<String, String> loaded, Map<String, String> fc, Pos pos, String filename, CompModule root, String prefix, Set<String> thispath, int initialResolution) throws Err, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
// repeated.
if (thispath.contains(filename))
throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "Circular dependency in module import. The file \"" + (new File(filename)).getName() + "\" is imported infinitely often.");
// No cycle detected so far. So now we parse the file.
CompModule u = CompUtil.parse(seenDollar, loaded, fc, root, 0, filename, prefix, initialResolution);
if (prefix.length() == 0)
root = u;
// Here, we recursively open the included files
for (Open x : u.getOpens()) {
String cp =, filename, x.filename)), content = fc.get(cp);
try {
if (content == null) {
content = loaded.get(cp);
if (content == null) {
content = fc.get(x.filename);
if (content != null)
cp = x.filename;
if (content == null) {
content = loaded.get(x.filename);
if (content != null)
cp = x.filename;
if (content == null) {
content = Util.readAll(cp);
} catch (IOException ex1) {
try {
String newCp = (Util.jarPrefix() + "models/" + x.filename + ".als").replace('/', File.separatorChar);
content = Util.readAll(newCp);
cp = newCp;
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new ErrorSyntax(x.pos, "This module cannot be found.\nIt is not a built-in library module, and it cannot be found at \"" + cp + "\".\n");
loaded.put(cp, content);
CompModule y = parseRecursively(seenDollar, loaded, fc, x.pos, cp, root, (prefix.length() == 0 ? x.alias : prefix + "/" + x.alias), thispath, initialResolution);
// Remove this file from the CYCLE DETECTION
// LIST.
return u;