use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class A4SolutionReader method parseSkolem.
* Parse skolem.
private ExprVar parseSkolem(String id) throws IOException, Err {
final XMLNode node = nmap.get(id);
if (node == null)
throw new IOException("Unknown ID " + id + " encountered.");
if (!"skolem"))
throw new IOException("ID " + id + " is not a skolem.");
String label = label(node);
Expr type = null;
for (XMLNode sub : node) if ("types")) {
Expr t = parseType(sub);
if (type == null)
type = t;
type =;
int arity;
if (type == null || (arity = type.type().arity()) < 1)
throw new IOException("Skolem " + label + " is maltyped.");
ExprVar var = ExprVar.make(Pos.UNKNOWN, label, type.type());
TupleSet ts = parseTuples(node, arity);
expr2ts.put(var, ts);
return var;
use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class VizTree method convertValueToText.
* {@inheritDoc}
public String convertValueToText(Object val, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean focus) {
String c = ">";
if (onWindows)
c = selected ? " style=\"color:#ffffff;\">" : " style=\"color:#000000;\">";
if (val instanceof A4Solution)
return "<html> <b" + c + encode(title == null ? "" : title) + "</b></html>";
if (val instanceof Sig) {
String label = ((Sig) val).label;
if (label.startsWith("this/"))
label = label.substring(5);
return "<html> <b" + c + "sig " + encode(label) + "</b></html>";
if (val instanceof ExprVar)
return "<html> <b" + c + "set " + encode(((ExprVar) val).label) + "</b></html>";
if (val instanceof String)
return "<html> <span" + c + encode((String) val) + "</span></html>";
if (val instanceof Pair)
return "<html> <b" + c + "field " + encode(((ExprHasName) (((Pair<?, ?>) val).b)).label) + "</b></html>";
if (val instanceof A4Tuple) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<html> <span" + c);
A4Tuple tp = (A4Tuple) val;
for (int i = 1; i < tp.arity(); i++) {
if (i > 1)
sb.append(" -> ");
return sb.toString();
return "";
use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class CompModule method resolveFuncDecls.
* Each FunAST will now point to a bodyless Func object.
private JoinableList<Err> resolveFuncDecls(A4Reporter rep, JoinableList<Err> errors, List<ErrorWarning> warns) throws Err {
for (ArrayList<Func> list : funcs.values()) {
for (int listi = 0; listi < list.size(); listi++) {
Func f = list.get(listi);
String fullname = (path.length() == 0 ? "this/" : (path + "/")) + f.label;
// Each PARAMETER can refer to earlier parameter in the same
// function, and any SIG or FIELD visible from here.
// Each RETURNTYPE can refer to the parameters of the same
// function, and any SIG or FIELD visible from here.
Context cx = new Context(this, warns);
cx.rootfunparam = true;
TempList<Decl> tmpdecls = new TempList<Decl>();
boolean err = false;
for (Decl d : f.decls) {
TempList<ExprVar> tmpvars = new TempList<ExprVar>();
Expr val = cx.check(d.expr).resolve_as_set(warns);
if (!val.errors.isEmpty()) {
err = true;
errors = errors.make(val.errors);
for (ExprHasName n : d.names) {
ExprVar v = ExprVar.make(n.span(), n.label, val.type());
cx.put(n.label, v);
rep.typecheck((f.isPred ? "pred " : "fun ") + fullname + ", Param " + n.label + ": " + v.type() + "\n");
tmpdecls.add(new Decl(d.isPrivate, d.disjoint, d.disjoint2, tmpvars.makeConst(), val));
Expr ret = null;
if (!f.isPred) {
ret = cx.check(f.returnDecl).resolve_as_set(warns);
if (!ret.errors.isEmpty()) {
err = true;
errors = errors.make(ret.errors);
if (err)
try {
f = new Func(f.pos, f.isPrivate, fullname, tmpdecls.makeConst(), ret, f.getBody());
list.set(listi, f);
rep.typecheck("" + f + ", RETURN: " + f.returnDecl.type() + "\n");
} catch (Err ex) {
errors = errors.make(ex);
return errors;
use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class SimInstance method read.
* Construct a new simulation context by reading the given file.
public static synchronized SimInstance read(Module root, String filename, List<ExprVar> vars) throws Err, IOException {
FileInputStream fis = null;
BufferedInputStream bis = null;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(filename);
bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
// read maxseq
if (!readkey(bis).equals("maxseq"))
throw new IOException("Expecting maxseq = ...");
int maxseq = readNonNegativeIntThenLinebreak(bis);
// read bitwidth
if (!readkey(bis).equals("bitwidth"))
throw new IOException("Expecting bitwidth = ...");
int bitwidth = readNonNegativeIntThenLinebreak(bis);
// construct the SimInstance object with no atoms and no relations
SimInstance ans = new SimInstance(root, bitwidth, maxseq);
// parse all the relations
Map<String, SimTupleset> sfs = new HashMap<String, SimTupleset>();
while (true) {
String key = readkey(bis);
if (key.length() == 0)
// we don't expect any more data after this
// assign its value in the new SimInstance's sfs map
for (final Sig s : root.getAllReachableSigs()) if (!s.builtin) {
SimTupleset ts = sfs.get("sig " + s.label);
if (ts != null)
ans.sfs.put(s, ts);
for (final Field f : s.getFields()) if (!f.defined) {
ts = sfs.get("field " + s.label + " " + f.label);
if (ts != null)
ans.sfs.put(f, ts);
// assign its value in the new SimInstance's sfs map
if (vars != null)
for (ExprVar v : vars) {
SimTupleset ts = sfs.get("var " + v.label);
if (ts != null)
ans.sfs.put(v, ts);
// close the files then return the answer
bis = null;
fis = null;
return ans;
} finally {
// free the temporary array
readcache = null;
// if an exception occurred, we'll try to close to files anyway,
// since open file descriptors is a scarce resource
use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class SimInstance method write.
* Write the bitwidth, maxseq, set of all atoms, and map of all sig/field/var
* into the given file.
private void write(BufferedOutputStream out) throws IOException {
write(out, "maxseq = " + maxseq + ("\n" + "bitwidth = ") + bitwidth + "\n");
for (Map.Entry<Expr, SimTupleset> entry : sfs.entrySet()) {
Expr e = entry.getKey();
if (e instanceof Sig)
write(out, "sig " + ((Sig) e).label + " = ");
else if (e instanceof Field)
write(out, "field " + ((Field) e).sig.label + " " + ((Field) e).label + " = ");
else if (e instanceof ExprVar)
write(out, "var " + ((ExprVar) e).label + " = ");