use of gdsc.smlm.results.MemoryPeakResults in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class DensityImage method run.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see ij.plugin.PlugIn#run(java.lang.String)
public void run(String arg) {
SMLMUsageTracker.recordPlugin(this.getClass(), arg);
// Require some fit results and selected regions
int size = MemoryPeakResults.countMemorySize();
if (size == 0) {
IJ.error(TITLE, "There are no fitting results in memory");
if (!showDialog())
MemoryPeakResults results = ResultsManager.loadInputResults(inputOption, false);
if (results == null || results.size() == 0) {
IJ.error(TITLE, "No results could be loaded");
boolean[] isWithin = new boolean[1];
results = cropWithBorder(results, isWithin);
if (results.size() == 0) {
IJ.error(TITLE, "No results within the crop region");
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
IJ.showStatus("Calculating density ...");
boolean useAdjustment = adjustForBorder && !isWithin[0];
DensityManager dm = createDensityManager(results);
int[] density = null;
if (useSquareApproximation)
density = dm.calculateSquareDensity(radius, resolution, useAdjustment);
density = dm.calculateDensity(radius, useAdjustment);
density = cropBorder(results, density);
// Convert to float
ScoreCalculator calc = createCalculator(results);
float[] densityScore = calc.calculate(density);
int filtered = plotResults(results, densityScore, calc);
logDensityResults(results, density, radius, filtered);
if (computeRipleysPlot)
double seconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000.0;
IJ.showStatus(TITLE + " complete : " + seconds + "s");
use of gdsc.smlm.results.MemoryPeakResults in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class BenchmarkSpotFit method run.
private void run() {
// Extract all the results in memory into a list per frame. This can be cached
boolean refresh = false;
if (lastId != {
// Do not get integer coordinates
// The Coordinate objects will be PeakResultPoint objects that store the original PeakResult
// from the MemoryPeakResults
actualCoordinates = ResultsMatchCalculator.getCoordinates(results.getResults(), false);
lastId =;
refresh = true;
// Extract all the candidates into a list per frame. This can be cached if the settings have not changed
final int width = (config.isIncludeNeighbours()) ? config.getRelativeFitting() : 0;
final Settings settings = new Settings(, fractionPositives, fractionNegativesAfterAllPositives, negativesAfterAllPositives, width);
if (refresh || !settings.equals(lastSettings)) {
filterCandidates = subsetFilterResults(BenchmarkSpotFilter.filterResult.filterResults, width);
lastSettings = settings;
lastFilterId =;
stopWatch = StopWatch.createStarted();
final ImageStack stack = imp.getImageStack();
// Save results to memory
MemoryPeakResults peakResults = new MemoryPeakResults();
// Create a pool of workers
final int nThreads = Prefs.getThreads();
BlockingQueue<Integer> jobs = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Integer>(nThreads * 2);
List<Worker> workers = new LinkedList<Worker>();
List<Thread> threads = new LinkedList<Thread>();
for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) {
Worker worker = new Worker(jobs, stack, actualCoordinates, filterCandidates, peakResults);
Thread t = new Thread(worker);
// Fit the frames
long runTime = System.nanoTime();
totalProgress = stack.getSize();
stepProgress = Utils.getProgressInterval(totalProgress);
progress = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= totalProgress; i++) {
put(jobs, i);
// Finish all the worker threads by passing in a null job
for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) {
put(jobs, -1);
// Wait for all to finish
for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
runTime = System.nanoTime() - runTime;
if (Utils.isInterrupted()) {
final String timeString = stopWatch.toString();
IJ.log("Spot fit time : " + timeString);
IJ.showStatus("Collecting results ...");
fitResults = new TIntObjectHashMap<FilterCandidates>();
for (Worker w : workers) {
// Assign a unique ID to each result
int count = 0;
// Materialise into an array since we use it twice
FilterCandidates[] candidates = fitResults.values(new FilterCandidates[fitResults.size()]);
for (FilterCandidates result : candidates) {
for (int i = 0; i < result.fitResult.length; i++) {
final MultiPathFitResult fitResult = result.fitResult[i];
count += count(fitResult.getSingleFitResult());
count += count(fitResult.getMultiFitResult());
count += count(fitResult.getDoubletFitResult());
count += count(fitResult.getMultiDoubletFitResult());
PreprocessedPeakResult[] preprocessedPeakResults = new PreprocessedPeakResult[count];
count = 0;
for (FilterCandidates result : candidates) {
for (int i = 0; i < result.fitResult.length; i++) {
final MultiPathFitResult fitResult = result.fitResult[i];
count = store(fitResult.getSingleFitResult(), count, preprocessedPeakResults);
count = store(fitResult.getMultiFitResult(), count, preprocessedPeakResults);
count = store(fitResult.getDoubletFitResult(), count, preprocessedPeakResults);
count = store(fitResult.getMultiDoubletFitResult(), count, preprocessedPeakResults);
summariseResults(fitResults, runTime, preprocessedPeakResults, count);
use of gdsc.smlm.results.MemoryPeakResults in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class BenchmarkFilterAnalysis method saveResults.
* Save the results to memory.
* @param filterResults
* The results from running the filter (or null)
* @param filter
* the filter
private void saveResults(PreprocessedPeakResult[] filterResults, DirectFilter filter) {
MemoryPeakResults results = createResults(filterResults, filter, true);
use of gdsc.smlm.results.MemoryPeakResults in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class PSFCreator method fitPSF.
* Fit the new PSF image and show a graph of the amplitude/width
* @param psf
* @param loess
* @param averageRange
* @param fitCom
* @return The width of the PSF in the z-centre
private double fitPSF(ImageStack psf, LoessInterpolator loess, int cz, double averageRange, double[][] fitCom) {
IJ.showStatus("Fitting final PSF");
// is not appropriate for a normalised PSF.
if (fitConfig.getFitSolver() == FitSolver.MLE) {
Utils.log(" Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) is not appropriate for final PSF fitting.");
Utils.log(" Switching to Least Square Estimation");
if (interactiveMode) {
GlobalSettings settings = new GlobalSettings();
PeakFit.configureFitSolver(settings, null, false, false);
// Update the box radius since this is used in the fitSpot method.
boxRadius = psf.getWidth() / 2;
int x = boxRadius, y = boxRadius;
FitConfiguration fitConfig = config.getFitConfiguration();
final double shift = fitConfig.getCoordinateShiftFactor();
fitConfig.setInitialPeakStdDev0(fitConfig.getInitialPeakStdDev0() * magnification);
fitConfig.setInitialPeakStdDev1(fitConfig.getInitialPeakStdDev1() * magnification);
// Need to be updated after the widths have been set
// Since the PSF will be normalised
//fitConfig.setLog(new IJLogger());
MemoryPeakResults results = fitSpot(psf, psf.getWidth(), psf.getHeight(), x, y);
if (results.size() < 5) {
Utils.log(" Final PSF: Not enough fit results %d", results.size());
return 0;
// Get the results for the spot centre and width
double[] z = new double[results.size()];
double[] xCoord = new double[z.length];
double[] yCoord = new double[z.length];
double[] sd = new double[z.length];
double[] a = new double[z.length];
int i = 0;
// Set limits for the fit
final float maxWidth = (float) (FastMath.max(fitConfig.getInitialPeakStdDev0(), fitConfig.getInitialPeakStdDev1()) * magnification * 4);
// PSF is normalised to 1
final float maxSignal = 2;
for (PeakResult peak : results.getResults()) {
// Remove bad fits where the width/signal is above the expected
final float w = FastMath.max(peak.getXSD(), peak.getYSD());
if (peak.getSignal() > maxSignal || w > maxWidth)
z[i] = peak.getFrame();
fitCom[0][peak.getFrame() - 1] = xCoord[i] = peak.getXPosition() - x;
fitCom[1][peak.getFrame() - 1] = yCoord[i] = peak.getYPosition() - y;
sd[i] = w;
a[i] = peak.getAmplitude();
// Truncate
z = Arrays.copyOf(z, i);
xCoord = Arrays.copyOf(xCoord, i);
yCoord = Arrays.copyOf(yCoord, i);
sd = Arrays.copyOf(sd, i);
a = Arrays.copyOf(a, i);
// Extract the average smoothed range from the individual fits
int r = (int) Math.ceil(averageRange / 2);
int start = 0, stop = z.length - 1;
for (int j = 0; j < z.length; j++) {
if (z[j] > cz - r) {
start = j;
for (int j = z.length; j-- > 0; ) {
if (z[j] < cz + r) {
stop = j;
// Extract xy centre coords and smooth
double[] smoothX = new double[stop - start + 1];
double[] smoothY = new double[smoothX.length];
double[] smoothSd = new double[smoothX.length];
double[] smoothA = new double[smoothX.length];
double[] newZ = new double[smoothX.length];
int smoothCzIndex = 0;
for (int j = start, k = 0; j <= stop; j++, k++) {
smoothX[k] = xCoord[j];
smoothY[k] = yCoord[j];
smoothSd[k] = sd[j];
smoothA[k] = a[j];
newZ[k] = z[j];
if (newZ[k] == cz)
smoothCzIndex = k;
smoothX = loess.smooth(newZ, smoothX);
smoothY = loess.smooth(newZ, smoothY);
smoothSd = loess.smooth(newZ, smoothSd);
smoothA = loess.smooth(newZ, smoothA);
// Update the widths and positions using the magnification
final double scale = 1.0 / magnification;
for (int j = 0; j < xCoord.length; j++) {
xCoord[j] *= scale;
yCoord[j] *= scale;
sd[j] *= scale;
for (int j = 0; j < smoothX.length; j++) {
smoothX[j] *= scale;
smoothY[j] *= scale;
smoothSd[j] *= scale;
showPlots(z, a, newZ, smoothA, xCoord, yCoord, sd, newZ, smoothX, smoothY, smoothSd, cz);
// Store the data for replotting
this.z = z;
this.a = a;
this.smoothAz = newZ;
this.smoothA = smoothA;
this.xCoord = xCoord;
this.yCoord = yCoord; = sd;
this.newZ = newZ;
this.smoothX = smoothX;
this.smoothY = smoothY;
this.smoothSd = smoothSd;
//maximumIndex = findMinimumIndex(smoothSd, maximumIndex - start);
return smoothSd[smoothCzIndex];
use of gdsc.smlm.results.MemoryPeakResults in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class PSFCreator method fitSpot.
private MemoryPeakResults fitSpot(ImageStack stack, final int width, final int height, final int x, final int y) {
Rectangle regionBounds = null;
// Create a fit engine
MemoryPeakResults results = new MemoryPeakResults();
FitEngine engine = new FitEngine(config, results, Prefs.getThreads(), FitQueue.BLOCKING);
List<ParameterisedFitJob> jobItems = new ArrayList<ParameterisedFitJob>(stack.getSize());
for (int slice = 1; slice <= stack.getSize(); slice++) {
// Extract the region from each frame
ImageExtractor ie = new ImageExtractor((float[]) stack.getPixels(slice), width, height);
if (regionBounds == null)
regionBounds = ie.getBoxRegionBounds(x, y, boxRadius);
float[] region = ie.crop(regionBounds);
// Fit only a spot in the centre
FitParameters params = new FitParameters();
params.maxIndices = new int[] { boxRadius * regionBounds.width + boxRadius };
ParameterisedFitJob job = new ParameterisedFitJob(slice, params, slice, region, regionBounds);
return results;