use of gdsc.core.utils.ImageExtractor in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class PSFCreator method run.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter#run(ij.process.ImageProcessor)
public void run(ImageProcessor ip) {
BasePoint[] spots = getSpots();
if (spots.length == 0) {
IJ.error(TITLE, "No spots without neighbours within " + (boxRadius * 2) + "px");
ImageStack stack = getImageStack();
final int width = imp.getWidth();
final int height = imp.getHeight();
final int currentSlice = imp.getSlice();
// Adjust settings for a single maxima
ArrayList<double[]> centres = new ArrayList<double[]>(spots.length);
int iterations = 1;
LoessInterpolator loess = new LoessInterpolator(smoothing, iterations);
// TODO - The fitting routine may not produce many points. In this instance the LOESS interpolator
// fails to smooth the data very well. A higher bandwidth helps this but perhaps
// try a different smoothing method.
// For each spot
Utils.log(TITLE + ": " + imp.getTitle());
Utils.log("Finding spot locations...");
Utils.log(" %d spot%s without neighbours within %dpx", spots.length, ((spots.length == 1) ? "" : "s"), (boxRadius * 2));
StoredDataStatistics averageSd = new StoredDataStatistics();
StoredDataStatistics averageA = new StoredDataStatistics();
Statistics averageRange = new Statistics();
MemoryPeakResults allResults = new MemoryPeakResults();
allResults.setBounds(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height));
for (int n = 1; n <= spots.length; n++) {
BasePoint spot = spots[n - 1];
final int x = (int) spot.getX();
final int y = (int) spot.getY();
MemoryPeakResults results = fitSpot(stack, width, height, x, y);
if (results.size() < 5) {
Utils.log(" Spot %d: Not enough fit results %d", n, results.size());
// Get the results for the spot centre and width
double[] z = new double[results.size()];
double[] xCoord = new double[z.length];
double[] yCoord = new double[z.length];
double[] sd = new double[z.length];
double[] a = new double[z.length];
int i = 0;
for (PeakResult peak : results.getResults()) {
z[i] = peak.getFrame();
xCoord[i] = peak.getXPosition() - x;
yCoord[i] = peak.getYPosition() - y;
sd[i] = FastMath.max(peak.getXSD(), peak.getYSD());
a[i] = peak.getAmplitude();
// Smooth the amplitude plot
double[] smoothA = loess.smooth(z, a);
// Find the maximum amplitude
int maximumIndex = findMaximumIndex(smoothA);
// Find the range at a fraction of the max. This is smoothed to find the X/Y centre
int start = 0, stop = smoothA.length - 1;
double limit = smoothA[maximumIndex] * amplitudeFraction;
for (int j = 0; j < smoothA.length; j++) {
if (smoothA[j] > limit) {
start = j;
for (int j = smoothA.length; j-- > 0; ) {
if (smoothA[j] > limit) {
stop = j;
averageRange.add(stop - start + 1);
// Extract xy centre coords and smooth
double[] smoothX = new double[stop - start + 1];
double[] smoothY = new double[smoothX.length];
double[] smoothSd = new double[smoothX.length];
double[] newZ = new double[smoothX.length];
for (int j = start, k = 0; j <= stop; j++, k++) {
smoothX[k] = xCoord[j];
smoothY[k] = yCoord[j];
smoothSd[k] = sd[j];
newZ[k] = z[j];
smoothX = loess.smooth(newZ, smoothX);
smoothY = loess.smooth(newZ, smoothY);
smoothSd = loess.smooth(newZ, smoothSd);
// Since the amplitude is not very consistent move from this peak to the
// lowest width which is the in-focus spot.
maximumIndex = findMinimumIndex(smoothSd, maximumIndex - start);
// Find the centre at the amplitude peak
double cx = smoothX[maximumIndex] + x;
double cy = smoothY[maximumIndex] + y;
int cz = (int) newZ[maximumIndex];
double csd = smoothSd[maximumIndex];
double ca = smoothA[maximumIndex + start];
// The average should weight the SD using the signal for each spot
if (ignoreSpot(n, z, a, smoothA, xCoord, yCoord, sd, newZ, smoothX, smoothY, smoothSd, cx, cy, cz, csd)) {
Utils.log(" Spot %d was ignored", n);
// Store result - it may have been moved interactively
maximumIndex += this.slice - cz;
cz = (int) newZ[maximumIndex];
csd = smoothSd[maximumIndex];
ca = smoothA[maximumIndex + start];
Utils.log(" Spot %d => x=%.2f, y=%.2f, z=%d, sd=%.2f, A=%.2f\n", n, cx, cy, cz, csd, ca);
centres.add(new double[] { cx, cy, cz, csd, n });
if (interactiveMode) {
// Hide the amplitude and spot plots
if (centres.isEmpty()) {
String msg = "No suitable spots could be identified centres";
IJ.error(TITLE, msg);
// Find the limits of the z-centre
int minz = (int) centres.get(0)[2];
int maxz = minz;
for (double[] centre : centres) {
if (minz > centre[2])
minz = (int) centre[2];
else if (maxz < centre[2])
maxz = (int) centre[2];
IJ.showStatus("Creating PSF image");
// Create a stack that can hold all the data.
ImageStack psf = createStack(stack, minz, maxz, magnification);
// For each spot
Statistics stats = new Statistics();
boolean ok = true;
for (int i = 0; ok && i < centres.size(); i++) {
double progress = (double) i / centres.size();
final double increment = 1.0 / (stack.getSize() * centres.size());
double[] centre = centres.get(i);
// Extract the spot
float[][] spot = new float[stack.getSize()][];
Rectangle regionBounds = null;
for (int slice = 1; slice <= stack.getSize(); slice++) {
ImageExtractor ie = new ImageExtractor((float[]) stack.getPixels(slice), width, height);
if (regionBounds == null)
regionBounds = ie.getBoxRegionBounds((int) centre[0], (int) centre[1], boxRadius);
spot[slice - 1] = ie.crop(regionBounds);
int n = (int) centre[4];
final float b = getBackground(n, spot);
if (!subtractBackgroundAndWindow(spot, b, regionBounds.width, regionBounds.height, centre, loess)) {
Utils.log(" Spot %d was ignored", n);
// Adjust the centre using the crop
centre[0] -= regionBounds.x;
centre[1] -= regionBounds.y;
// This takes a long time so this should track progress
ok = addToPSF(maxz, magnification, psf, centre, spot, regionBounds, progress, increment, centreEachSlice);
if (interactiveMode) {
if (threadPool != null) {
threadPool = null;
if (!ok || stats.getN() == 0)
final double avSd = getAverage(averageSd, averageA, 2);
Utils.log(" Average background = %.2f, Av. SD = %s px", stats.getMean(), Utils.rounded(avSd, 4));
normalise(psf, maxz, avSd * magnification, false);
psfImp = Utils.display("PSF", psf);
double[][] fitCom = new double[2][psf.getSize()];
Arrays.fill(fitCom[0], Double.NaN);
Arrays.fill(fitCom[1], Double.NaN);
double fittedSd = fitPSF(psf, loess, maxz, averageRange.getMean(), fitCom);
// Compute the drift in the PSF:
// - Use fitted centre if available; otherwise find CoM for each frame
// - express relative to the average centre
double[][] com = calculateCentreOfMass(psf, fitCom, nmPerPixel / magnification);
double[] slice = Utils.newArray(psf.getSize(), 1, 1.0);
String title = TITLE + " CoM Drift";
Plot2 plot = new Plot2(title, "Slice", "Drift (nm)");
plot.addLabel(0, 0, "Red = X; Blue = Y");
//double[] limitsX = Maths.limits(com[0]);
//double[] limitsY = Maths.limits(com[1]);
double[] limitsX = getLimits(com[0]);
double[] limitsY = getLimits(com[1]);
plot.setLimits(1, psf.getSize(), Math.min(limitsX[0], limitsY[0]), Math.max(limitsX[1], limitsY[1]));
plot.addPoints(slice, com[0], Plot.DOT);
plot.addPoints(slice, loess.smooth(slice, com[0]), Plot.LINE);
plot.addPoints(slice, com[1], Plot.DOT);
plot.addPoints(slice, loess.smooth(slice, com[1]), Plot.LINE);
Utils.display(title, plot);
// TODO - Redraw the PSF with drift correction applied.
// This means that the final image should have no drift.
// This is relevant when combining PSF images. It doesn't matter too much for simulations
// unless the drift is large.
// Add Image properties containing the PSF details
final double fwhm = getFWHM(psf, maxz);
psfImp.setProperty("Info", XmlUtils.toXML(new PSFSettings(maxz, nmPerPixel / magnification, nmPerSlice, stats.getN(), fwhm, createNote())));
Utils.log("%s : z-centre = %d, nm/Pixel = %s, nm/Slice = %s, %d images, PSF SD = %s nm, FWHM = %s px\n", psfImp.getTitle(), maxz, Utils.rounded(nmPerPixel / magnification, 3), Utils.rounded(nmPerSlice, 3), stats.getN(), Utils.rounded(fittedSd * nmPerPixel, 4), Utils.rounded(fwhm));
createInteractivePlots(psf, maxz, nmPerPixel / magnification, fittedSd * nmPerPixel);
use of gdsc.core.utils.ImageExtractor in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class PSFCreator method fitSpot.
private MemoryPeakResults fitSpot(ImageStack stack, final int width, final int height, final int x, final int y) {
Rectangle regionBounds = null;
// Create a fit engine
MemoryPeakResults results = new MemoryPeakResults();
FitEngine engine = new FitEngine(config, results, Prefs.getThreads(), FitQueue.BLOCKING);
List<ParameterisedFitJob> jobItems = new ArrayList<ParameterisedFitJob>(stack.getSize());
for (int slice = 1; slice <= stack.getSize(); slice++) {
// Extract the region from each frame
ImageExtractor ie = new ImageExtractor((float[]) stack.getPixels(slice), width, height);
if (regionBounds == null)
regionBounds = ie.getBoxRegionBounds(x, y, boxRadius);
float[] region = ie.crop(regionBounds);
// Fit only a spot in the centre
FitParameters params = new FitParameters();
params.maxIndices = new int[] { boxRadius * regionBounds.width + boxRadius };
ParameterisedFitJob job = new ParameterisedFitJob(slice, params, slice, region, regionBounds);
return results;
use of gdsc.core.utils.ImageExtractor in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class GaussianFit method runFinal.
* Perform fitting using the chosen maxima. Update the overlay if successful.
* @param ip
* The input image
private void runFinal(ImageProcessor ip) {
Rectangle bounds = ip.getRoi();
// Crop to the ROI
float[] data = ImageConverter.getData(ip);
int width = bounds.width;
int height = bounds.height;
// Sort the maxima
float[] smoothData = data;
if (getSmooth() > 0) {
// Smoothing destructively modifies the data so create a copy
smoothData = Arrays.copyOf(data, width * height);
AverageFilter filter = new AverageFilter();
//filter.blockAverage(smoothData, width, height, smooth);
if (smooth <= border)
filter.stripedBlockAverageInternal(smoothData, width, height, (float) smooth);
filter.stripedBlockAverage(smoothData, width, height, (float) smooth);
Sort.sort(maxIndices, smoothData);
// Show the candidate peaks
if (maxIndices.length > 0) {
String message = String.format("Identified %d peaks", maxIndices.length);
if (isLogProgress()) {
for (int index : maxIndices) {
IJ.log(String.format(" %.2f @ [%d,%d]", data[index], bounds.x + index % width, bounds.y + index / width));
// Check whether to run if the number of peaks is large
if (maxIndices.length > 10) {
GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Warning");
gd.addMessage(message + "\nDo you want to fit?");
if (gd.wasCanceled())
} else {
IJ.log("No maxima identified");
results = new IJTablePeakResults(showDeviations, imp.getTitle() + " [" + imp.getCurrentSlice() + "]");
// Perform the Gaussian fit
long ellapsed = 0;
if (!singleFit) {
if (isLogProgress())
IJ.log("Combined fit");
// Estimate height from smoothed data
double[] estimatedHeights = new double[maxIndices.length];
for (int i = 0; i < estimatedHeights.length; i++) estimatedHeights[i] = smoothData[maxIndices[i]];
FitConfiguration config = new FitConfiguration();
long time = System.nanoTime();
double[] params = fitMultiple(data, width, height, maxIndices, estimatedHeights);
ellapsed = System.nanoTime() - time;
if (params != null) {
// Copy all the valid parameters into a new array
double[] validParams = new double[params.length];
int c = 0;
int validPeaks = 0;
validParams[c++] = params[0];
double[] initialParams = convertParameters(fitResult.getInitialParameters());
double[] paramsDev = convertParameters(fitResult.getParameterStdDev());
Rectangle regionBounds = new Rectangle();
int[] xpoints = new int[maxIndices.length];
int[] ypoints = new int[maxIndices.length];
int nMaxima = 0;
for (int i = 1, n = 0; i < params.length; i += 6, n++) {
int y = maxIndices[n] / width;
int x = maxIndices[n] % width;
// Check the peak is a good fit
if (filterResults && config.validatePeak(n, initialParams, params) != FitStatus.OK)
if (showFit) {
// Copy the valid parameters
for (int ii = i, j = 0; j < 6; ii++, j++) validParams[c++] = params[ii];
double[] peakParams = extractParams(params, i);
double[] peakParamsDev = extractParams(paramsDev, i);
addResult(bounds, regionBounds, data, peakParams, peakParamsDev, nMaxima, x, y, data[maxIndices[n]]);
// Add fit result to the overlay - Coords are updated with the region offsets in addResult
double xf = peakParams[3];
double yf = peakParams[4];
xpoints[nMaxima] = (int) (xf + 0.5);
ypoints[nMaxima] = (int) (yf + 0.5);
setOverlay(nMaxima, xpoints, ypoints);
// Draw the fit
if (showFit && validPeaks != 0) {
double[] pixels = new double[data.length];
EllipticalGaussian2DFunction f = new EllipticalGaussian2DFunction(validPeaks, width, height);
for (int x = 0; x < pixels.length; x++) pixels[x] = f.eval(x);
FloatProcessor fp = new FloatProcessor(width, height, pixels);
// Insert into a full size image
FloatProcessor fp2 = new FloatProcessor(ip.getWidth(), ip.getHeight());
fp2.insert(fp, bounds.x, bounds.y);
Utils.display(TITLE, fp2);
} else {
if (isLogProgress()) {
IJ.log("Failed to fit " + Utils.pleural(maxIndices.length, "peak") + getReason(fitResult));
} else {
if (isLogProgress())
IJ.log("Individual fit");
int nMaxima = 0;
int[] xpoints = new int[maxIndices.length];
int[] ypoints = new int[maxIndices.length];
// Extract each peak and fit individually
ImageExtractor ie = new ImageExtractor(data, width, height);
float[] region = null;
Gaussian2DFitter gf = createGaussianFitter(filterResults);
for (int n = 0; n < maxIndices.length; n++) {
int y = maxIndices[n] / width;
int x = maxIndices[n] % width;
long time = System.nanoTime();
Rectangle regionBounds = ie.getBoxRegionBounds(x, y, singleRegionSize);
region = ie.crop(regionBounds, region);
int newIndex = (y - regionBounds.y) * regionBounds.width + x - regionBounds.x;
if (isLogProgress()) {
IJ.log("Fitting peak " + (n + 1));
double[] peakParams = fitSingle(gf, region, regionBounds.width, regionBounds.height, newIndex, smoothData[maxIndices[n]]);
ellapsed += System.nanoTime() - time;
// Output fit result
if (peakParams != null) {
double[] peakParamsDev = null;
if (showDeviations) {
peakParamsDev = convertParameters(fitResult.getParameterStdDev());
addResult(bounds, regionBounds, data, peakParams, peakParamsDev, n, x, y, data[maxIndices[n]]);
// Add fit result to the overlay - Coords are updated with the region offsets in addResult
double xf = peakParams[3];
double yf = peakParams[4];
xpoints[nMaxima] = (int) (xf + 0.5);
ypoints[nMaxima] = (int) (yf + 0.5);
} else {
if (isLogProgress()) {
IJ.log("Failed to fit peak " + (n + 1) + getReason(fitResult));
// Update the overlay
if (nMaxima > 0)
setOverlay(nMaxima, xpoints, ypoints);
if (isLogProgress())
IJ.log("Time = " + (ellapsed / 1000000.0) + "ms");
use of gdsc.core.utils.ImageExtractor in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class FitWorker method run.
* Locate all the peaks in the image specified by the fit job
* <p>
* WARNING: The FitWorker fits a sub-region of the data for each maxima. It then updates the FitResult parameters
* with an offset reflecting the position. The initialParameters are not updated with this offset unless configured.
* @param job
* The fit job
public void run(FitJob job) {
final long start = System.nanoTime();
this.job = job;
benchmarking = false;
this.slice = job.slice;
// Used for debugging
//if (logger == null) logger = new gdsc.fitting.logging.ConsoleLogger();
// Crop to the ROI
cc = new CoordinateConverter(job.bounds);
final int width = cc.dataBounds.width;
final int height = cc.dataBounds.height;
borderLimitX = width - border;
borderLimitY = height - border;
data =;
FitParameters params = job.getFitParameters();
this.endT = (params != null) ? params.endT : -1;
candidates = indentifySpots(job, width, height, params);
if (candidates.size == 0) {
finish(job, start);
fittedBackground = 0;
// Always get the noise and store it with the results.
if (params != null && !Float.isNaN(params.noise)) {
noise = params.noise;
} else if (calculateNoise) {
noise = estimateNoise(width, height);
//System.out.printf("Slice %d : Noise = %g\n", slice, noise);
if (logger != null)"Slice %d: Noise = %f", slice, noise);
final ImageExtractor ie = new ImageExtractor(data, width, height);
double[] region = null;
if (params != null && params.fitTask == FitTask.MAXIMA_IDENITIFICATION) {
final float sd0 = (float) fitConfig.getInitialPeakStdDev0();
final float sd1 = (float) fitConfig.getInitialPeakStdDev1();
for (int n = 0; n < candidates.getSize(); n++) {
// Find the background using the perimeter of the data.
// TODO - Perhaps the Gaussian Fitter should be used to produce the initial estimates but no actual fit done.
// This would produce coords using the centre-of-mass.
final Candidate candidate = candidates.get(n);
final int x = candidate.x;
final int y = candidate.y;
final Rectangle regionBounds = ie.getBoxRegionBounds(x, y, fitting);
region = ie.crop(regionBounds, region);
final float b = (float) Gaussian2DFitter.getBackground(region, regionBounds.width, regionBounds.height, 1);
// Offset the coords to the centre of the pixel. Note the bounds will be added later.
// Subtract the background to get the amplitude estimate then convert to signal.
final float amplitude = candidate.intensity - ((relativeIntensity) ? 0 : b);
final float signal = (float) (amplitude * 2.0 * Math.PI * sd0 * sd1);
final float[] peakParams = new float[] { b, signal, 0, x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f, sd0, sd1 };
final int index = y * width + x;
sliceResults.add(createResult(cc.fromDataToGlobalX(x), cc.fromDataToGlobalY(y), data[index], 0, noise, peakParams, null, n));
} else {
// Smooth the data to provide initial background estimates
final BlockAverageDataProcessor processor = new BlockAverageDataProcessor(1, 1);
final float[] smoothedData = processor.process(data, width, height);
final ImageExtractor ie2 = new ImageExtractor(smoothedData, width, height);
// Allow the results to be filtered for certain peaks
if (params != null && params.filter != null) {
resultFilter = new DistanceResultFilter(params.filter, params.distanceThreshold, candidates.getlength());
//filter = new OptimumDistanceResultFilter(params.filter, params.distanceThreshold, maxIndices.length);
// The SpotFitter is used to create a dynamic MultiPathFitResult object.
// This is then passed to a multi-path filter. Thus the same fitting decision process
// is used when benchmarking and when running on actual data.
// Note: The SpotFitter labels each PreprocessedFitResult using the offset in the FitResult object.
// The initial params and deviations can then be extracted for the results that pass the filter.
MultiPathFilter filter;
IMultiPathFitResults multiPathResults = this;
SelectedResultStore store = this;
coordinateStore = coordinateStore.resize(width, height);
if (params != null && params.fitTask == FitTask.BENCHMARKING) {
// Run filtering as normal. However in the event that a candidate is missed or some
// results are not generated we must generate them. This is done in the complete(int)
// method if we set the benchmarking flag.
benchmarking = true;
// Filter using the benchmark filter
filter = params.benchmarkFilter;
if (filter == null) {
// Create a default filter using the standard FitConfiguration to ensure sensible fits
// are stored as the current slice results.
// Note the current fit configuration for benchmarking may have minimal filtering settings
// so we do not use that object.
final FitConfiguration tmp = new FitConfiguration();
final double residualsThreshold = 0.4;
filter = new MultiPathFilter(tmp, createMinimalFilter(), residualsThreshold);
} else {
// Filter using the configuration
filter = new MultiPathFilter(fitConfig, createMinimalFilter(), config.getResidualsThreshold());
// If we are benchmarking then do not generate results dynamically since we will store all
// results in the fit job
dynamicMultiPathFitResult = new DynamicMultiPathFitResult(ie, ie2, !benchmarking);
// Debug where the fit config may be different between benchmarking and fitting
if (slice == -1) {
SettingsManager.saveFitEngineConfiguration(config, String.format("/tmp/config.%b.xml", benchmarking));
Utils.write(String.format("/tmp/filter.%b.xml", benchmarking), filter.toXML());
//filter.setDebugFile(String.format("/tmp/fitWorker.%b.txt", benchmarking));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append((benchmarking) ? ((gdsc.smlm.results.filter.Filter) filter.getFilter()).toXML() : fitConfig.getSmartFilter().toXML()).append("\n");
sb.append(((gdsc.smlm.results.filter.Filter) filter.getMinimalFilter()).toXML()).append("\n");
if (spotFilter != null)
sb.append("MaxCandidate = ").append(candidates.getSize()).append("\n");
for (int i = 0; i < candidates.list.length; i++) {
sb.append(String.format("Fit %d [%d,%d = %.1f]\n", i, candidates.get(i).x, candidates.get(i).y, candidates.get(i).intensity));
Utils.write(String.format("/tmp/candidates.%b.xml", benchmarking), sb.toString());
}, config.getFailuresLimit(), true, store, coordinateStore);
if (logger != null)"Slice %d: %d / %d", slice, success, candidates.getSize());
// Result filter post-processing
if (resultFilter != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < resultFilter.getFilteredCount(); i++) {
job.setFitResult(i, resultFilter.getFitResults()[i]);
// Add the ROI bounds to the fitted peaks
final float offsetx = cc.dataBounds.x;
final float offsety = cc.dataBounds.y;
for (int i = 0; i < sliceResults.size(); i++) {
final PeakResult result = sliceResults.get(i);
result.params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] += offsetx;
result.params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] += offsety;
finish(job, start);