use of io.cdap.cdap.hbase.wd.RowKeyDistributorByHashPrefix in project cdap by caskdata.
the class HBaseMetricsTable method initializeVars.
private void initializeVars(CConfiguration cConf, DatasetSpecification spec) {
this.scanExecutor = null;
this.rowKeyDistributor = null;
RejectedExecutionHandler callerRunsPolicy = (r, executor) -> {"No more threads in the HBase scan thread pool. Consider increase {}. Performing scan in caller thread {}", Constants.Metrics.METRICS_HBASE_MAX_SCAN_THREADS, Thread.currentThread().getName());
// Runs it from the caller thread
if (!executor.isShutdown()) {;
int maxScanThread = cConf.getInt(Constants.Metrics.METRICS_HBASE_MAX_SCAN_THREADS);
// Creates a executor that will shrink to 0 threads if left idle
// Uses daemon thread, hence no need to worry about shutdown
// When all threads are busy, use the caller thread to execute
this.scanExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, maxScanThread, 60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>(), Threads.createDaemonThreadFactory("metrics-hbase-scanner-%d"), callerRunsPolicy);
this.rowKeyDistributor = new RowKeyDistributorByHashPrefix(new RowKeyDistributorByHashPrefix.OneByteSimpleHash(spec.getIntProperty(Constants.Metrics.METRICS_HBASE_TABLE_SPLITS, 16)));
use of io.cdap.cdap.hbase.wd.RowKeyDistributorByHashPrefix in project cdap by caskdata.
the class HBaseTableFactory method createTable.
* Creates a new instance of {@link Table} for the given {@link TableId}. If the hbase table doesn't
* exist, a new one will be created with the given number of splits.
private HTableWithRowKeyDistributor createTable(TableId tableId, int splits, Class<? extends Coprocessor> coprocessor) throws IOException {
// Lookup the table descriptor from the cache first. If it is there, we assume the HBase table exists
// Otherwise, attempt to create it.
Table table = null;
HTableDescriptor htd = tableDescriptors.get(tableId);
if (htd == null) {
synchronized (this) {
htd = tableDescriptors.get(tableId);
if (htd == null) {
boolean tableExists;
try (HBaseAdmin admin = new HBaseAdmin(hConf)) {
tableExists = tableUtil.tableExists(admin, tableId);
// Create the table if the table doesn't exist
try (HBaseDDLExecutor ddlExecutor = ddlExecutorFactory.get()) {
// If table exists, then skip creating coprocessor etc
if (!tableExists) {
TableId metadataTableId = tableUtil.createHTableId(NamespaceId.SYSTEM, cConf.get(Constants.MessagingSystem.METADATA_TABLE_NAME));
ColumnFamilyDescriptorBuilder cfdBuilder = HBaseTableUtil.getColumnFamilyDescriptorBuilder(Bytes.toString(COLUMN_FAMILY), hConf);
TableDescriptorBuilder tdBuilder = HBaseTableUtil.getTableDescriptorBuilder(tableId, cConf).addColumnFamily(, Integer.toString(1)).addProperty(Constants.MessagingSystem.KEY_DISTRIBUTOR_BUCKETS_ATTR, Integer.toString(splits)).addProperty(Constants.MessagingSystem.HBASE_METADATA_TABLE_NAMESPACE, metadataTableId.getNamespace()).addProperty(HTableDescriptor.SPLIT_POLICY, cConf.get(Constants.MessagingSystem.TABLE_HBASE_SPLIT_POLICY)).addCoprocessor(coprocessorManager.getCoprocessorDescriptor(coprocessor, Coprocessor.PRIORITY_USER));
// Set the key distributor size the same as the initial number of splits,
// essentially one bucket per split.
byte[][] splitKeys = HBaseTableUtil.getSplitKeys(splits, splits, new RowKeyDistributorByHashPrefix(new OneByteSimpleHash(splits)));
ddlExecutor.createTableIfNotExists(, splitKeys);
table = tableUtil.createTable(hConf, tableId);
htd = table.getTableDescriptor();
tableDescriptors.put(tableId, htd);
} else {
table = tableUtil.createTable(hConf, tableId);
htd = table.getTableDescriptor();
tableDescriptors.put(tableId, htd);
if (table == null) {
table = tableUtil.createTable(hConf, tableId);
return new HTableWithRowKeyDistributor(table, new RowKeyDistributorByHashPrefix(new OneByteSimpleHash(getKeyDistributorBuckets(tableId, htd))));
use of io.cdap.cdap.hbase.wd.RowKeyDistributorByHashPrefix in project cdap by caskdata.
the class HBaseTableUtilTest method testGetSplitKeys.
public void testGetSplitKeys() {
int buckets = 16;
AbstractRowKeyDistributor distributor = new RowKeyDistributorByHashPrefix(new RowKeyDistributorByHashPrefix.OneByteSimpleHash(buckets));
// Number of splits will be no less than user asked. If splits > buckets, the number of splits will bumped to
// next multiple of bucket that is no less than user splits requested.
// it should return one key less than required splits count, because HBase will take care of the first automatically
Assert.assertEquals(getSplitSize(buckets, 12) - 1, HBaseTableUtil.getSplitKeys(12, buckets, distributor).length);
Assert.assertEquals(getSplitSize(buckets, 16) - 1, HBaseTableUtil.getSplitKeys(16, buckets, distributor).length);
// at least #buckets - 1, but no less than user asked
Assert.assertEquals(buckets - 1, HBaseTableUtil.getSplitKeys(6, buckets, distributor).length);
Assert.assertEquals(buckets - 1, HBaseTableUtil.getSplitKeys(2, buckets, distributor).length);
// "1" can be used for queue tables that we know are not "hot", so we do not pre-split in this case
Assert.assertEquals(0, HBaseTableUtil.getSplitKeys(1, buckets, distributor).length);
// allows up to 255 * 8 - 1 splits
Assert.assertEquals(255 * buckets - 1, HBaseTableUtil.getSplitKeys(255 * buckets, buckets, distributor).length);
try {
HBaseTableUtil.getSplitKeys(256 * buckets, buckets, distributor);"getSplitKeys(256) should have thrown IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// expected
try {
HBaseTableUtil.getSplitKeys(0, buckets, distributor);"getSplitKeys(0) should have thrown IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// expected