use of in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class PINTest method testModifyPin.
@Test(enabled = false)
public void testModifyPin() throws IFDException, WSMarshallerException, SAXException {
IFD ifd = new IFD();
ifd.setGUI(new SwingUserConsent(new SwingDialogWrapper()));
EstablishContext eCtx = new EstablishContext();
byte[] ctxHandle = ifd.establishContext(eCtx).getContextHandle();
ListIFDs listIFDs = new ListIFDs();
String ifdName = ifd.listIFDs(listIFDs).getIFDName().get(0);
Connect connect = new Connect();
byte[] slotHandle = ifd.connect(connect).getSlotHandle();
// prepare pace call
String xmlCall = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<iso:EstablishChannel xmlns:iso=\"urn:iso:std:iso-iec:24727:tech:schema\">\n" + " <iso:SlotHandle>" + ByteUtils.toHexString(slotHandle) + "</iso:SlotHandle>\n" + " <iso:AuthenticationProtocolData Protocol=\"urn:oid:\">\n" + " <iso:PinID>03</iso:PinID>\n" + " </iso:AuthenticationProtocolData>\n" + "</iso:EstablishChannel>";
WSMarshaller m = WSMarshallerFactory.createInstance();
EstablishChannel eCh = (EstablishChannel) m.unmarshal(m.str2doc(xmlCall));
// send pace call
EstablishChannelResponse eChR = ifd.establishChannel(eCh);
assertEquals(eChR.getResult().getResultMajor(), ECardConstants.Major.OK);
PasswordAttributesType pwdAttr = create(true, ASCII_NUMERIC, 6, 6, 6);
pwdAttr.setPadChar(new byte[] { (byte) 0x3F });
PCSCPinModify ctrlStruct = new PCSCPinModify(pwdAttr, StringUtils.toByteArray("002C0203"));
byte[] structData = ctrlStruct.toBytes();
String pinStr = "00 2C 02 03 06 3F3F3F3F3F3F";
String ctrlStr = "15 05 82 06 00 00 00 0606 01 02 02 0407 00 01 02 000000 0B000000";
// This is the command the 'AusweisApp' sends
// String ausweisApp = "150582080000000606010202090400010200000005000000002C020300";
byte[] referenceData = StringUtils.toByteArray(ctrlStr + pinStr, true);
assertEquals(referenceData, structData);
ControlIFD controlIFD = new ControlIFD();
controlIFD.setCommand(ByteUtils.concatenate((byte) PCSCFeatures.MODIFY_PIN_DIRECT, structData));
ControlIFDResponse response = ifd.controlIFD(controlIFD);
use of in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class GenericPINAction method performPINChange.
private StepActionResult performPINChange(Map<String, ExecutionResults> oldResults) {
String newPINValue = null;
String newPINRepeatValue = null;
if (capturePin) {
try {
ExecutionResults executionResults = oldResults.get(getStepID());
PasswordField newPINField = (PasswordField) executionResults.getResult(GenericPINStep.NEW_PIN_FIELD);
newPINValue = new String(newPINField.getValue());
PasswordField newPINRepeatField = (PasswordField) executionResults.getResult(GenericPINStep.NEW_PIN_REPEAT_FIELD);
newPINRepeatValue = new String(newPINRepeatField.getValue());
byte[] pin1 = newPINValue.getBytes(ISO_8859_1);
byte[] pin2 = newPINRepeatValue.getBytes(ISO_8859_1);
if (!, pin2)) {
LOG.warn("New PIN does not match the value from the confirmation field.");
// to reset the text fields
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
LOG.error("ISO_8859_1 charset is not support.", ex);
// to reset the text fields
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT);
try {
EstablishChannelResponse pinResponse = performPACEWithPIN(oldResults);
if (pinResponse == null) {
// the entered pin has a wrong format repeat the entering of the data
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT);
if (pinResponse.getResult().getResultMajor().equals(ECardConstants.Major.ERROR)) {
switch(pinResponse.getResult().getResultMinor()) {
case ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.PASSWORD_ERROR:
state = RecognizedState.PIN_activated_RC2;
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT);
case ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.PASSWORD_SUSPENDED:
state = RecognizedState.PIN_suspended;
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT);
case ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.PASSWORD_BLOCKED:
state = RecognizedState.PIN_blocked;
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT);
if (capturePin) {
if (newPINValue.equals(newPINRepeatValue) && newPINValue.length() == 6) {
// no result check necessary everything except a 9000 leads to an APDU exception
} else {
ControlIFDResponse resp = sendModifyPIN();
// PIN modified successfully, proceed with next step
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT, generateSuccessStep(lang.translationForKey(CHANGE_SUCCESS)));
} catch (APDUException | IFDException | ParserConfigurationException ex) {
LOG.error("An internal error occurred while trying to change the PIN", ex);
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT, generateErrorStep(lang.translationForKey(ERROR_INTERNAL)));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
LOG.warn("The encoding of the PIN is wrong.", ex);
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT);
} catch (WSHelper.WSException ex) {
// This is for PIN Pad Readers in case the user pressed the cancel button on the reader.
if (ex.getResultMinor().equals(ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.CANCELLATION_BY_USER)) {
LOG.error("User canceled the authentication manually or removed the card.", ex);
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT, generateErrorStep(lang.translationForKey(ERROR_USER_CANCELLATION_OR_CARD_REMOVED)));
// for people which think they have to remove the card in the process
if (ex.getResultMinor().equals(ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.INVALID_SLOT_HANDLE)) {
LOG.error("The SlotHandle was invalid so probably the user removed the card or an reset occurred.", ex);
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT, generateErrorStep(lang.translationForKey(ERROR_CARD_REMOVED)));
// for users which forgot to type in something
if (ex.getResultMinor().equals(ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.TIMEOUT_ERROR)) {
LOG.error("The terminal timed out no password was entered.", ex);
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT, generateErrorStep(lang.translationForKey(ERROR_TIMEOUT)));
// the verification of the new pin failed
if (ex.getResultMinor().equals(ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.PASSWORDS_DONT_MATCH)) {
LOG.error("The verification of the new PIN failed.", ex);
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT, generateErrorStep(lang.translationForKey(ERROR_NON_MATCHING_PASSWORDS)));
// We don't know what happend so just show an general error message
LOG.error("An unknown error occurred while trying to change the PIN.", ex);
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT, generateErrorStep(lang.translationForKey(ERROR_UNKNOWN)));
} finally {
// destroy the pace channel
DestroyChannel destChannel = new DestroyChannel();
// Transaction based communication does not work on java 8 so the PACE channel is not closed after an
// EndTransaction call. So do a reset of the card to close the PACE channel.
Disconnect disconnect = new Disconnect();
use of in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class IFD method controlIFD.
* Note: the first byte of the command data is the control code.
public ControlIFDResponse controlIFD(ControlIFD parameters) {
ControlIFDResponse response;
if (!hasContext()) {
String msg = "Context not initialized.";
Result r = WSHelper.makeResultError(ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.INVALID_SLOT_HANDLE, msg);
response = WSHelper.makeResponse(ControlIFDResponse.class, r);
return response;
byte[] handle = parameters.getSlotHandle();
byte[] command = parameters.getCommand();
if (handle == null || command == null) {
String msg = "Missing parameter.";
Result r = WSHelper.makeResultUnknownError(msg);
response = WSHelper.makeResponse(ControlIFDResponse.class, r);
return response;
byte ctrlCode = command[0];
command = Arrays.copyOfRange(command, 1, command.length);
try {
SingleThreadChannel ch = cm.getSlaveChannel(handle);
TerminalInfo info = new TerminalInfo(cm, ch);
Integer featureCode = info.getFeatureCodes().get(Integer.valueOf(ctrlCode));
// see if the terminal can deal with that
if (featureCode != null) {
byte[] resultCommand = ch.transmitControlCommand(featureCode, command);
// evaluate result
Result result = evaluateControlIFDRAPDU(resultCommand);
response = WSHelper.makeResponse(ControlIFDResponse.class, result);
return response;
} else {
String msg = "The terminal is not capable of performing the requested action.";
Result r = WSHelper.makeResultUnknownError(msg);
response = WSHelper.makeResponse(ControlIFDResponse.class, r);
return response;
} catch (NoSuchChannel | IllegalStateException ex) {
String msg = "The card or the terminal is not available anymore.";
Result r = WSHelper.makeResultError(ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.Terminal.UNKNOWN_IFD, msg);
response = WSHelper.makeResponse(ControlIFDResponse.class, r);
LOG.warn(msg, ex);
return response;
} catch (SCIOException ex) {
String msg = "Unknown error while sending transmit control command.";
Result r = WSHelper.makeResultUnknownError(msg);
response = WSHelper.makeResponse(ControlIFDResponse.class, r);
LOG.warn(msg, ex);
return response;
use of in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class GenericPINAction method sendModifyPIN.
* Send a ModifyPIN-PCSC-Command to the Terminal.
* @throws IFDException If building the Command fails.
private ControlIFDResponse sendModifyPIN() throws IFDException {
PasswordAttributesType pwdAttr = create(true, ASCII_NUMERIC, 6, 6, 6);
pwdAttr.setPadChar(new byte[] { (byte) 0x3F });
PCSCPinModify ctrlStruct = new PCSCPinModify(pwdAttr, StringUtils.toByteArray("002C0203"));
byte[] structData = ctrlStruct.toBytes();
ControlIFD controlIFD = new ControlIFD();
controlIFD.setCommand(ByteUtils.concatenate((byte) PCSCFeatures.MODIFY_PIN_DIRECT, structData));
return (ControlIFDResponse) dispatcher.safeDeliver(controlIFD);