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Example 1 with Connect

use of in project open-ecard by ecsec.

the class IfdEventRunner method fireEvents.

private void fireEvents(@Nonnull List<IFDStatusType> diff) {
    for (IFDStatusType term : diff) {
        String ifdName = term.getIFDName();
        // find out if the terminal is new, or only a slot got updated
        IFDStatusType oldTerm = getCorresponding(ifdName, currentState);
        boolean terminalAdded = oldTerm == null;
        IFDCapabilitiesType slotCapabilities = getCapabilities(ifdName);
        if (terminalAdded) {
            // TERMINAL ADDED
            // make copy of term
            oldTerm = new IFDStatusType();
            // add to current list
            // create event
            ConnectionHandleType h = makeConnectionHandle(ifdName, null, slotCapabilities);
            LOG.debug("Found a terminal added event ({}).", ifdName);
            env.getEventDispatcher().notify(EventType.TERMINAL_ADDED, new IfdEventObject(h));
        // check each slot
        for (SlotStatusType slot : term.getSlotStatus()) {
            SlotStatusType oldSlot = getCorresponding(slot.getIndex(), oldTerm.getSlotStatus());
            boolean cardPresent = slot.isCardAvailable();
            boolean cardWasPresent = oldSlot != null && oldSlot.isCardAvailable();
            if (cardPresent && !cardWasPresent) {
                // CARD INSERTED
                // copy slot and add to list
                SlotStatusType newSlot = oldSlot;
                if (newSlot == null) {
                    newSlot = new SlotStatusType();
                // create event
                LOG.debug("Found a card insert event ({}).", ifdName);
      "Card with ATR={} inserted.", ByteUtils.toHexString(slot.getATRorATS()));
                ConnectionHandleType handle = makeUnknownCardHandle(ifdName, newSlot, slotCapabilities);
                env.getEventDispatcher().notify(EventType.CARD_INSERTED, new IfdEventObject(handle));
                try {
                    SingleThreadChannel ch = cm.openMasterChannel(ifdName);
                    if (evtManager.isRecognize()) {
                        String proto = ch.getChannel().getCard().getProtocol().toUri();
                        evtManager.threadPool.submit(new Recognizer(env, handle, proto));
                } catch (NoSuchTerminal | SCIOException ex) {
                    LOG.error("Failed to connect card, nevertheless sending CARD_INSERTED event.", ex);
            } else if (!terminalAdded && !cardPresent && cardWasPresent) {
                // this makes only sense when the terminal was already there
                // CARD REMOVED
                // remove slot entry
                BigInteger idx = oldSlot.getIndex();
                Iterator<SlotStatusType> it = oldTerm.getSlotStatus().iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    SlotStatusType next =;
                    if (idx.equals(next.getIndex())) {
                LOG.debug("Found a card removed event ({}).", ifdName);
                ConnectionHandleType h = makeConnectionHandle(ifdName, idx, slotCapabilities);
                env.getEventDispatcher().notify(EventType.CARD_REMOVED, new IfdEventObject(h));
        // terminal removed event comes after card removed events
        boolean terminalPresent = term.isConnected();
        if (!terminalPresent) {
            // TERMINAL REMOVED
            Iterator<IFDStatusType> it = currentState.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                IFDStatusType toDel =;
                if (toDel.getIFDName().equals(term.getIFDName())) {
            ConnectionHandleType h = makeConnectionHandle(ifdName, null, slotCapabilities);
            LOG.debug("Found a terminal removed event ({}).", ifdName);
            env.getEventDispatcher().notify(EventType.TERMINAL_REMOVED, new IfdEventObject(h));
Also used : ConnectionHandleType( NoSuchTerminal(org.openecard.common.ifd.scio.NoSuchTerminal) SingleThreadChannel(org.openecard.ifd.scio.wrapper.SingleThreadChannel) SCIOException(org.openecard.common.ifd.scio.SCIOException) IFDCapabilitiesType( Iterator(java.util.Iterator) BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) IFDStatusType( SlotStatusType( IfdEventObject(org.openecard.common.event.IfdEventObject)

Example 2 with Connect

use of in project open-ecard by ecsec.

the class IFD method connect.

public ConnectResponse connect(Connect parameters) {
    try {
        ConnectResponse response;
        // check if the requested handle is valid
        if (!, parameters.getContextHandle())) {
            String msg = "Invalid context handle specified.";
            Result r = WSHelper.makeResultError(ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.INVALID_CONTEXT_HANDLE, msg);
            response = WSHelper.makeResponse(ConnectResponse.class, r);
            return response;
        } else {
            try {
                String name = parameters.getIFDName();
                // make sure the slot is connected before attemting to get a slave channel
                byte[] slotHandle = cm.openSlaveChannel(name).p1;
                SingleThreadChannel ch = cm.getSlaveChannel(slotHandle);
                // make connection exclusive
                Boolean exclusive = parameters.isExclusive();
                if (exclusive != null && exclusive == true) {
                    BeginTransaction transact = new BeginTransaction();
                    BeginTransactionResponse resp = beginTransaction(transact);
                    if (resp.getResult().getResultMajor().equals(ECardConstants.Major.ERROR)) {
                        // destroy channel, when not successful here
                        response = WSHelper.makeResponse(ConnectResponse.class, resp.getResult());
                        return response;
                // connection established, return result
                response = WSHelper.makeResponse(ConnectResponse.class, WSHelper.makeResultOK());
                return response;
            } catch (NoSuchTerminal | NullPointerException ex) {
                String msg = "The requested terminal does not exist.";
                Result r = WSHelper.makeResultError(ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.Terminal.UNKNOWN_IFD, msg);
                response = WSHelper.makeResponse(ConnectResponse.class, r);
                LOG.warn(msg, ex);
                return response;
            } catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
                String msg = "No card available in the requested terminal.";
                Result r = WSHelper.makeResultError(ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.Terminal.NO_CARD, msg);
                response = WSHelper.makeResponse(ConnectResponse.class, r);
                LOG.warn(msg, ex);
                return response;
            } catch (SCIOException ex) {
                String msg = "Unknown error in the underlying SCIO implementation.";
                Result r = WSHelper.makeResultUnknownError(msg);
                response = WSHelper.makeResponse(ConnectResponse.class, r);
                LOG.warn(msg, ex);
                return response;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        LOG.warn(ex.getMessage(), ex);
        return WSHelper.makeResponse(ConnectResponse.class, WSHelper.makeResult(ex));
Also used : NoSuchTerminal(org.openecard.common.ifd.scio.NoSuchTerminal) ConnectResponse( SingleThreadChannel(org.openecard.ifd.scio.wrapper.SingleThreadChannel) SCIOException(org.openecard.common.ifd.scio.SCIOException) ThreadTerminateException(org.openecard.common.ThreadTerminateException) SCIOException(org.openecard.common.ifd.scio.SCIOException) ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) Result( BeginTransactionResponse( BeginTransaction(

Example 3 with Connect

use of in project open-ecard by ecsec.

the class TerminalInfo method getStatus.

public IFDStatusType getStatus() throws SCIOException {
    IFDStatusType status = new IFDStatusType();
    // set slot status type
    SlotStatusType stype = new SlotStatusType();
    boolean cardPresent = isCardPresent();
    // get card status and stuff
    if (isConnected()) {
        SCIOATR atr = channel.getChannel().getCard().getATR();
    } else if (cardPresent) {
        // not connected, but card is present
        try {
            SingleThreadChannel ch = cm.openMasterChannel(getName());
            SCIOATR atr = ch.getChannel().getCard().getATR();
        } catch (NoSuchTerminal ex) {
            String msg = "Failed to connect card as terminal disappeared.";
            throw new SCIOException(msg, SCIOErrorCode.SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER, ex);
    // ifd status completely constructed
    return status;
Also used : NoSuchTerminal(org.openecard.common.ifd.scio.NoSuchTerminal) SCIOException(org.openecard.common.ifd.scio.SCIOException) IFDStatusType( SCIOATR(org.openecard.common.ifd.scio.SCIOATR) SlotStatusType( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 4 with Connect

use of in project open-ecard by ecsec.

the class PINTest method testModifyPin.

@Test(enabled = false)
public void testModifyPin() throws IFDException, WSMarshallerException, SAXException {
    IFD ifd = new IFD();
    ifd.setGUI(new SwingUserConsent(new SwingDialogWrapper()));
    EstablishContext eCtx = new EstablishContext();
    byte[] ctxHandle = ifd.establishContext(eCtx).getContextHandle();
    ListIFDs listIFDs = new ListIFDs();
    String ifdName = ifd.listIFDs(listIFDs).getIFDName().get(0);
    Connect connect = new Connect();
    byte[] slotHandle = ifd.connect(connect).getSlotHandle();
    // prepare pace call
    String xmlCall = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<iso:EstablishChannel xmlns:iso=\"urn:iso:std:iso-iec:24727:tech:schema\">\n" + "  <iso:SlotHandle>" + ByteUtils.toHexString(slotHandle) + "</iso:SlotHandle>\n" + "  <iso:AuthenticationProtocolData Protocol=\"urn:oid:\">\n" + "    <iso:PinID>03</iso:PinID>\n" + "  </iso:AuthenticationProtocolData>\n" + "</iso:EstablishChannel>";
    WSMarshaller m = WSMarshallerFactory.createInstance();
    EstablishChannel eCh = (EstablishChannel) m.unmarshal(m.str2doc(xmlCall));
    // send pace call
    EstablishChannelResponse eChR = ifd.establishChannel(eCh);
    assertEquals(eChR.getResult().getResultMajor(), ECardConstants.Major.OK);
    PasswordAttributesType pwdAttr = create(true, ASCII_NUMERIC, 6, 6, 6);
    pwdAttr.setPadChar(new byte[] { (byte) 0x3F });
    PCSCPinModify ctrlStruct = new PCSCPinModify(pwdAttr, StringUtils.toByteArray("002C0203"));
    byte[] structData = ctrlStruct.toBytes();
    String pinStr = "00 2C 02 03 06 3F3F3F3F3F3F";
    String ctrlStr = "15 05 82 06 00 00 00 0606 01 02 02 0407 00 01 02 000000 0B000000";
    // This is the command the 'AusweisApp' sends
    // String ausweisApp = "150582080000000606010202090400010200000005000000002C020300";
    byte[] referenceData = StringUtils.toByteArray(ctrlStr + pinStr, true);
    assertEquals(referenceData, structData);
    ControlIFD controlIFD = new ControlIFD();
    controlIFD.setCommand(ByteUtils.concatenate((byte) PCSCFeatures.MODIFY_PIN_DIRECT, structData));
    ControlIFDResponse response = ifd.controlIFD(controlIFD);
Also used : ListIFDs( PasswordAttributesType( ControlIFD( ControlIFD( PCSCPinModify(org.openecard.ifd.scio.reader.PCSCPinModify) Connect( EstablishChannelResponse( WSMarshaller( SwingDialogWrapper(org.openecard.gui.swing.SwingDialogWrapper) EstablishChannel( ControlIFDResponse( SwingUserConsent(org.openecard.gui.swing.SwingUserConsent) EstablishContext( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 5 with Connect

use of in project open-ecard by ecsec.

the class PINTest method executePACE_PIN.

@Test(enabled = false)
public void executePACE_PIN() throws UnsupportedDataTypeException, JAXBException, SAXException, WSMarshallerException {
    IFD ifd = new IFD();
    ifd.setGUI(new SwingUserConsent(new SwingDialogWrapper()));
    EstablishContext eCtx = new EstablishContext();
    byte[] ctxHandle = ifd.establishContext(eCtx).getContextHandle();
    ListIFDs listIFDs = new ListIFDs();
    String ifdName = ifd.listIFDs(listIFDs).getIFDName().get(0);
    Connect connect = new Connect();
    byte[] slotHandle = ifd.connect(connect).getSlotHandle();
    // prepare pace call
    String xmlCall = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<iso:EstablishChannel xmlns:iso=\"urn:iso:std:iso-iec:24727:tech:schema\">\n" + "  <iso:SlotHandle>" + ByteUtils.toHexString(slotHandle) + "</iso:SlotHandle>\n" + "  <iso:AuthenticationProtocolData Protocol=\"urn:oid:\">\n" + "    <iso:PinID>03</iso:PinID>\n" + "  </iso:AuthenticationProtocolData>\n" + "</iso:EstablishChannel>";
    WSMarshaller m = WSMarshallerFactory.createInstance();
    EstablishChannel eCh = (EstablishChannel) m.unmarshal(m.str2doc(xmlCall));
    // send pace call
    EstablishChannelResponse eChR = ifd.establishChannel(eCh);
Also used : SwingDialogWrapper(org.openecard.gui.swing.SwingDialogWrapper) ListIFDs( EstablishChannel( ControlIFD( Connect( EstablishChannelResponse( SwingUserConsent(org.openecard.gui.swing.SwingUserConsent) WSMarshaller( EstablishContext( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)


CardApplicationConnect ( CardApplicationConnectResponse ( CardApplicationPathType ( CardApplicationPath ( CardApplicationPathResponse ( Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)23 Connect ( ConnectionHandleType ( DataSetList ( DataSetListResponse ( EstablishContext ( ListIFDs ( ConnectResponse ( CardApplicationList ( CardApplicationListResponse ( CardApplicationDisconnect ( EstablishChannel ( EstablishChannelResponse ( BeginTransaction ( BeginTransactionResponse (