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Example 1 with EstablishContext

use of in project open-ecard by ecsec.

the class IFD method establishContext.

public synchronized EstablishContextResponse establishContext(EstablishContext parameters) {
    EstablishContextResponse response;
    try {
        // on first call, create a new unique handle
        if (ctxHandle == null) {
            // scwrapper = new SCWrapper();
            cm = new ChannelManager();
            ctxHandle = ChannelManager.createCtxHandle();
            numClients = new AtomicInteger(1);
            // TODO: add custom ThreadFactory to control the thread name
            threadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new ThreadFactory() {

                private final AtomicInteger num = new AtomicInteger(0);

                private final ThreadGroup group = new ThreadGroup("IFD Wait");

                public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
                    String name = String.format("SCIO Watcher %d", num.getAndIncrement());
                    Thread t = new Thread(group, r, name);
                    return t;
            asyncWaitThreads = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();
            evManager = new IfdEventManager(env, cm, ctxHandle);
        } else {
            // on second or further calls, increment usage counter
        // prepare response
        response = WSHelper.makeResponse(EstablishContextResponse.class, WSHelper.makeResultOK());
        return response;
    } catch (IFDException ex) {
        LOG.warn(ex.getMessage(), ex);
        return WSHelper.makeResponse(EstablishContextResponse.class, ex.getResult());
Also used : ThreadFactory(java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory) ChannelManager(org.openecard.ifd.scio.wrapper.ChannelManager) AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) EstablishContextResponse( IfdEventManager(org.openecard.ifd.event.IfdEventManager)

Example 2 with EstablishContext

use of in project open-ecard by ecsec.

the class ManagerTest method runManager.

@Test(enabled = false)
public void runManager() throws InterruptedException, IFDException {
    IFD ifd = new IFD();
    EstablishContext ctx = new EstablishContext();
    EstablishContextResponse ctxR = ifd.establishContext(ctx);
    Environment env = new ClientEnv();
    IfdEventManager evt = new IfdEventManager(env, new ChannelManager(), ctxR.getContextHandle());
    // evt.terminate();
Also used : ClientEnv(org.openecard.common.ClientEnv) ChannelManager(org.openecard.ifd.scio.wrapper.ChannelManager) IFD(org.openecard.ifd.scio.IFD) Environment(org.openecard.common.interfaces.Environment) EstablishContext( EstablishContextResponse( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 3 with EstablishContext

use of in project open-ecard by ecsec.

the class PINTest method testModifyPin.

@Test(enabled = false)
public void testModifyPin() throws IFDException, WSMarshallerException, SAXException {
    IFD ifd = new IFD();
    ifd.setGUI(new SwingUserConsent(new SwingDialogWrapper()));
    EstablishContext eCtx = new EstablishContext();
    byte[] ctxHandle = ifd.establishContext(eCtx).getContextHandle();
    ListIFDs listIFDs = new ListIFDs();
    String ifdName = ifd.listIFDs(listIFDs).getIFDName().get(0);
    Connect connect = new Connect();
    byte[] slotHandle = ifd.connect(connect).getSlotHandle();
    // prepare pace call
    String xmlCall = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<iso:EstablishChannel xmlns:iso=\"urn:iso:std:iso-iec:24727:tech:schema\">\n" + "  <iso:SlotHandle>" + ByteUtils.toHexString(slotHandle) + "</iso:SlotHandle>\n" + "  <iso:AuthenticationProtocolData Protocol=\"urn:oid:\">\n" + "    <iso:PinID>03</iso:PinID>\n" + "  </iso:AuthenticationProtocolData>\n" + "</iso:EstablishChannel>";
    WSMarshaller m = WSMarshallerFactory.createInstance();
    EstablishChannel eCh = (EstablishChannel) m.unmarshal(m.str2doc(xmlCall));
    // send pace call
    EstablishChannelResponse eChR = ifd.establishChannel(eCh);
    assertEquals(eChR.getResult().getResultMajor(), ECardConstants.Major.OK);
    PasswordAttributesType pwdAttr = create(true, ASCII_NUMERIC, 6, 6, 6);
    pwdAttr.setPadChar(new byte[] { (byte) 0x3F });
    PCSCPinModify ctrlStruct = new PCSCPinModify(pwdAttr, StringUtils.toByteArray("002C0203"));
    byte[] structData = ctrlStruct.toBytes();
    String pinStr = "00 2C 02 03 06 3F3F3F3F3F3F";
    String ctrlStr = "15 05 82 06 00 00 00 0606 01 02 02 0407 00 01 02 000000 0B000000";
    // This is the command the 'AusweisApp' sends
    // String ausweisApp = "150582080000000606010202090400010200000005000000002C020300";
    byte[] referenceData = StringUtils.toByteArray(ctrlStr + pinStr, true);
    assertEquals(referenceData, structData);
    ControlIFD controlIFD = new ControlIFD();
    controlIFD.setCommand(ByteUtils.concatenate((byte) PCSCFeatures.MODIFY_PIN_DIRECT, structData));
    ControlIFDResponse response = ifd.controlIFD(controlIFD);
Also used : ListIFDs( PasswordAttributesType( ControlIFD( ControlIFD( PCSCPinModify(org.openecard.ifd.scio.reader.PCSCPinModify) Connect( EstablishChannelResponse( WSMarshaller( SwingDialogWrapper(org.openecard.gui.swing.SwingDialogWrapper) EstablishChannel( ControlIFDResponse( SwingUserConsent(org.openecard.gui.swing.SwingUserConsent) EstablishContext( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 4 with EstablishContext

use of in project open-ecard by ecsec.

the class PINTest method executePACE_PIN.

@Test(enabled = false)
public void executePACE_PIN() throws UnsupportedDataTypeException, JAXBException, SAXException, WSMarshallerException {
    IFD ifd = new IFD();
    ifd.setGUI(new SwingUserConsent(new SwingDialogWrapper()));
    EstablishContext eCtx = new EstablishContext();
    byte[] ctxHandle = ifd.establishContext(eCtx).getContextHandle();
    ListIFDs listIFDs = new ListIFDs();
    String ifdName = ifd.listIFDs(listIFDs).getIFDName().get(0);
    Connect connect = new Connect();
    byte[] slotHandle = ifd.connect(connect).getSlotHandle();
    // prepare pace call
    String xmlCall = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<iso:EstablishChannel xmlns:iso=\"urn:iso:std:iso-iec:24727:tech:schema\">\n" + "  <iso:SlotHandle>" + ByteUtils.toHexString(slotHandle) + "</iso:SlotHandle>\n" + "  <iso:AuthenticationProtocolData Protocol=\"urn:oid:\">\n" + "    <iso:PinID>03</iso:PinID>\n" + "  </iso:AuthenticationProtocolData>\n" + "</iso:EstablishChannel>";
    WSMarshaller m = WSMarshallerFactory.createInstance();
    EstablishChannel eCh = (EstablishChannel) m.unmarshal(m.str2doc(xmlCall));
    // send pace call
    EstablishChannelResponse eChR = ifd.establishChannel(eCh);
Also used : SwingDialogWrapper(org.openecard.gui.swing.SwingDialogWrapper) ListIFDs( EstablishChannel( ControlIFD( Connect( EstablishChannelResponse( SwingUserConsent(org.openecard.gui.swing.SwingUserConsent) WSMarshaller( EstablishContext( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 5 with EstablishContext

use of in project open-ecard by ecsec.

the class TestTransactions method testExecute.

 * Manual test to ensure the card recognition with transactions is working as expected. This test starts two
 * Threads. The first one blocks the card for 15 seconds. The second one attempts to recognize the card. This will
 * obviously fail within the 15 seconds and a MessageDialog will be displayed. After the 15 seconds the recognition
 * will succeed.
 * @throws Exception
// a reader with an inserted card is needed
@Test(enabled = false)
public void testExecute() throws Exception {
    // set up ifd and establish context
    Environment env = new ClientEnv();
    final IFD ifd = new org.openecard.ifd.scio.IFD();
    EstablishContext eCtx = new EstablishContext();
    EstablishContextResponse eCtxR = ifd.establishContext(eCtx);
    final byte[] ctx = eCtxR.getContextHandle();
    // Set up GUI and card recognition
    SwingUserConsent gui = new SwingUserConsent(new SwingDialogWrapper());
    final CardRecognitionImpl recog = new CardRecognitionImpl(env);
    // get the first reader
    ListIFDs listIFDs = new ListIFDs();
    ListIFDsResponse listIFDsResponse = ifd.listIFDs(listIFDs);
    final String ifdName = listIFDsResponse.getIFDName().get(0);
    Thread t1 = new Thread(new BlockingRunnable(ctx, ifdName, ifd));
    Thread t2 = new Thread(new RecognizeRunnable(ctx, ifdName, recog));
Also used : ListIFDs( ListIFDsResponse( IFD( EstablishContextResponse( ClientEnv(org.openecard.common.ClientEnv) SwingDialogWrapper(org.openecard.gui.swing.SwingDialogWrapper) SwingUserConsent(org.openecard.gui.swing.SwingUserConsent) Environment(org.openecard.common.interfaces.Environment) EstablishContext( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)


EstablishContext ( EstablishContextResponse ( ListIFDs ( Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)11 ClientEnv (org.openecard.common.ClientEnv)10 SwingDialogWrapper (org.openecard.gui.swing.SwingDialogWrapper)8 SwingUserConsent (org.openecard.gui.swing.SwingUserConsent)8 IFD (org.openecard.ifd.scio.IFD)8 Connect ( MessageDispatcher (org.openecard.transport.dispatcher.MessageDispatcher)7 ConnectionHandleType ( ListIFDsResponse ( CardStateMap (org.openecard.common.sal.state.CardStateMap)6 SALStateCallback (org.openecard.common.sal.state.SALStateCallback)6 CardRecognitionImpl (org.openecard.recognition.CardRecognitionImpl)6 RecognitionInfo ( EstablishChannel ( EstablishChannelResponse ( IOException ( AddonManager (org.openecard.addon.AddonManager)5