use of javafx.geometry.Point2D in project FXyzLib by Birdasaur.
the class OBJWriter method exportMesh.
public void exportMesh() {
File objFile = new File(fileName + ".obj");
try {
writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(objFile));
writer.write("# Material" + newline);
writer.write("mtllib " + fileName + ".mtl" + newline);
points0 = new float[mesh.getPoints().size()];
List<Point3D> points1 = IntStream.range(0, points0.length / 3).mapToObj(i -> new Point3D(points0[3 * i], points0[3 * i + 1], points0[3 * i + 2])).collect(Collectors.toList());
writer.write("# Vertices (" + points1.size() + ")" + newline);
points1.forEach(p -> {
try {
writer.write("v " + p.x + " " + p.y + " " + p.z + "" + newline);
} catch (IOException ex) {
System.out.println("Error writting vertex " + ex);
writer.write("# End Vertices" + newline);
texCoord0 = new float[mesh.getTexCoords().size()];
List<Point2D> texCoord1 = IntStream.range(0, texCoord0.length / 2).mapToObj(i -> new Point2D(texCoord0[2 * i], texCoord0[2 * i + 1])).collect(Collectors.toList());
writer.write("# Textures Coordinates (" + texCoord1.size() + ")" + newline);
texCoord1.forEach(t -> {
try {
writer.write("vt " + ((float) t.getX()) + " " + ((float) (1d - t.getY())) + "" + newline);
} catch (IOException ex) {
System.out.println("Error writting texture coordinate " + ex);
writer.write("# End Texture Coordinates " + newline);
faces0 = new int[mesh.getFaces().size()];
List<Integer[]> faces1 = IntStream.range(0, faces0.length / 6).mapToObj(i -> new Integer[] { faces0[6 * i], faces0[6 * i + 1], faces0[6 * i + 2], faces0[6 * i + 3], faces0[6 * i + 4], faces0[6 * i + 5] }).collect(Collectors.toList());
writer.write("# Faces (" + faces1.size() + ")" + newline);
writer.write("# Material" + newline);
writer.write("usemtl " + fileName + "" + newline);
sm0 = new int[mesh.getFaces().size()];
if (sm0[0] > 0) {
writer.write("s " + sm0[0] + "" + newline);
AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger();
faces1.forEach(f -> {
try {
writer.write("f " + (f[0] + 1) + "/" + (f[1] + 1) + " " + (f[2] + 1) + "/" + (f[3] + 1) + " " + (f[4] + 1) + "/" + (f[5] + 1) + "" + newline);
if (sm0[count.getAndIncrement()] != sm0[count.get()]) {
writer.write("s " + (sm0[count.get()] > 0 ? sm0[count.get()] : "off") + "" + newline);
} catch (IOException ex) {
System.out.println("Error writting face " + ex);
writer.write("# End Faces " + newline);
} catch (IOException io) {
System.out.println("Error creating writer obj " + io);
} finally {
try {
if (writer != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
File mtlFile = new File(fileName + ".mtl");
try {
writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(mtlFile));
writer.write("# Material " + fileName + "" + newline);
writer.write("newmtl " + fileName + "" + newline);
// Illumination [0-10]
writer.write("illum 4" + newline);
// diffuse color black
writer.write("Kd " + diffuseColor + "" + newline);
// ambient color
writer.write("Ka 0.10 0.10 0.10" + newline);
// Transmission filter
writer.write("Tf 1.00 1.00 1.00" + newline);
if (diffuseMap != null) {
writer.write("map_Kd " + diffuseMap + "" + newline);
// optical density
writer.write("Ni 1.00" + newline);
// specular reflectivity
writer.write("Ks 1.00 1.00 1.00" + newline);
// specular exponent
writer.write("Ns 32.00" + newline);
} catch (IOException io) {
System.out.println("Error creating writer mtl " + io);
} finally {
try {
if (writer != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
use of javafx.geometry.Point2D in project FXyzLib by Birdasaur.
the class FrustumMesh method createFrustum.
private TriangleMesh createFrustum(float majorRadius, float minorRadius, float height, int level) {
TriangleMesh m0 = null;
if (level > 0) {
m0 = createFrustum(majorRadius, minorRadius, height, level - 1);
if (level == 0) {
a = new Affine();
if (getSectionType() != TriangleMeshHelper.SectionType.CIRCLE) {
div = getSectionType().getSides() * ((int) (div / getSectionType().getSides()) + 1);
if (getAxisOrigin() != null && getAxisEnd() != null) {
Point3D dir = getAxisEnd().substract(getAxisOrigin()).crossProduct(new Point3D(0, -1, 0));
double angle = Math.acos(getAxisEnd().substract(getAxisOrigin()).normalize().dotProduct(new Point3D(0, -1, 0)));
a = a.createConcatenation(new Translate(getAxisOrigin().x, getAxisOrigin().y - height / 2d, getAxisOrigin().z)).createConcatenation(new Rotate(-Math.toDegrees(angle), 0d, height / 2d, 0d, new javafx.geometry.Point3D(dir.x, -dir.y, dir.z)));
int nPoints = 2 * div + 2;
float rBase = majorRadius;
float rTop = minorRadius;
float h = height;
final float[] baseVertices = new float[nPoints * 3];
// base at y=h/2
for (int i = 0; i < div; i++) {
double ang = i * 2d * Math.PI / div;
double pol = polygonalSection(ang);
Point3D ta = transform(rBase * pol * Math.cos(ang), h / 2, rBase * pol * Math.sin(ang));
baseVertices[3 * i] = ta.x;
baseVertices[3 * i + 1] = ta.y;
baseVertices[3 * i + 2] = ta.z;
// top at y=-h/2
for (int i = div; i < 2 * div; i++) {
double ang = i * 2d * Math.PI / div;
double pol = polygonalSection(ang);
Point3D ta = transform(rTop * pol * Math.cos(ang), -h / 2, rTop * pol * Math.sin(ang));
baseVertices[3 * i] = ta.x;
baseVertices[3 * i + 1] = ta.y;
baseVertices[3 * i + 2] = ta.z;
Point3D ta = transform(0, h / 2, 0);
baseVertices[6 * div] = ta.x;
baseVertices[6 * div + 1] = ta.y;
baseVertices[6 * div + 2] = ta.z;
ta = transform(0, -h / 2, 0);
baseVertices[6 * div + 3] = ta.x;
baseVertices[6 * div + 4] = ta.y;
baseVertices[6 * div + 5] = ta.z;
int nTextCoords = div * 4 + 6;
float rectBase = (float) polygonalSize(rBase);
float rectTop = (float) polygonalSize(rTop);
float L = (float) (rBase + 2d * Math.PI * rBase);
float H = 2f * (rBase + rTop) + h;
final float[] baseTexCoords = new float[nTextCoords * 2];
// u right ,v up
for (int i = 0; i <= div; i++) {
baseTexCoords[2 * i] = (float) (rBase + i * rectBase / div) / L;
baseTexCoords[2 * i + 1] = (float) (2f * rTop + h) / H;
for (int i = 0; i <= div; i++) {
baseTexCoords[2 * div + 2 * i + 2] = (float) (rBase + i * rectTop / div) / L;
baseTexCoords[2 * div + 2 * i + 3] = (float) (2f * rTop) / H;
for (int i = 0; i <= div; i++) {
double ang = i * 2d * Math.PI / div;
double pol = polygonalSection(ang);
baseTexCoords[4 * div + 2 * i + 4] = (float) (rBase + rBase * pol * Math.sin(ang)) / L;
baseTexCoords[4 * div + 2 * i + 5] = (float) (2f * rTop + rBase + h - rBase * pol * Math.cos(ang)) / H;
for (int i = 0; i <= div; i++) {
double ang = i * 2d * Math.PI / div;
double pol = polygonalSection(ang);
baseTexCoords[6 * div + 2 * i + 6] = (float) (rBase + rTop * pol * Math.sin(ang)) / L;
baseTexCoords[6 * div + 2 * i + 7] = (float) (rTop + rTop * pol * Math.cos(ang)) / H;
baseTexCoords[8 * div + 8] = rBase / L;
baseTexCoords[8 * div + 9] = (2f * rTop + rBase + h) / H;
baseTexCoords[8 * div + 10] = rBase / L;
baseTexCoords[8 * div + 11] = rTop / H;
int nFaces = div * 4;
final int[] baseTexture = new int[nFaces * 3];
final int[] baseFaces = new int[nFaces * 3];
for (int i = 0; i < div; i++) {
int p1 = i + 1;
int p2 = i + div;
int p3 = i + div + 1;
baseFaces[6 * i] = i;
baseFaces[6 * i + 1] = p1 == div ? 0 : p1;
baseFaces[6 * i + 2] = p2;
baseFaces[6 * i + 3] = p3 % div == 0 ? p3 - div : p3;
baseFaces[6 * i + 4] = p2;
baseFaces[6 * i + 5] = p1 == div ? 0 : p1;
baseTexture[6 * i] = i;
baseTexture[6 * i + 1] = p1;
baseTexture[6 * i + 2] = p2 + 1;
baseTexture[6 * i + 3] = p3 + 1;
baseTexture[6 * i + 4] = p2 + 1;
baseTexture[6 * i + 5] = p1;
for (int i = 0; i < div; i++) {
int p1 = div * 2;
int p2 = i + 1;
baseFaces[6 * div + 3 * i] = i;
baseFaces[6 * div + 3 * i + 1] = p1;
baseFaces[6 * div + 3 * i + 2] = p2 == div ? 0 : p2;
baseTexture[6 * div + 3 * i] = (div + 1) * 2 + i;
baseTexture[6 * div + 3 * i + 1] = (div + 1) * 4;
baseTexture[6 * div + 3 * i + 2] = (div + 1) * 2 + i + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < div; i++) {
int p1 = div * 2 + 1;
int p2 = i + 1 + div;
baseFaces[9 * div + 3 * i] = i + div;
baseFaces[9 * div + 3 * i + 1] = p2 % div == 0 ? p2 - div : p2;
baseFaces[9 * div + 3 * i + 2] = p1;
baseTexture[9 * div + 3 * i] = (div + 1) * 3 + i;
baseTexture[9 * div + 3 * i + 1] = (div + 1) * 3 + i + 1;
baseTexture[9 * div + 3 * i + 2] = (div + 1) * 4 + 1;
points0 = baseVertices;
numVertices = baseVertices.length / 3;
texCoord0 = baseTexCoords;
numTexCoords = baseTexCoords.length / 2;
faces0 = IntStream.range(0, baseFaces.length / 3).mapToObj(i -> IntStream.of(baseFaces[3 * i], baseTexture[3 * i], baseFaces[3 * i + 1], baseTexture[3 * i + 1], baseFaces[3 * i + 2], baseTexture[3 * i + 2])).flatMapToInt(i -> i).toArray();
numFaces = baseFaces.length / 3;
} else if (m0 != null) {
points0 = new float[numVertices * m0.getPointElementSize()];
final float h = height;
List<Point3D> points1 = IntStream.range(0, numVertices).mapToObj(i -> {
Point3D p = new Point3D(points0[3 * i], points0[3 * i + 1], points0[3 * i + 2]);
p.f = (h / 2 - unTransform(p).y) / h;
return p;
if (level > 0 && m0 != null) {
texCoord0 = new float[numTexCoords * m0.getTexCoordElementSize()];
texCoord1 = IntStream.range(0, numTexCoords).mapToObj(i -> new Point2D(texCoord0[2 * i], texCoord0[2 * i + 1])).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (level > 0 && m0 != null) {
faces0 = new int[numFaces * m0.getFaceElementSize()];
List<Face3> faces1 = IntStream.range(0, numFaces).mapToObj(i -> new Face3(faces0[6 * i], faces0[6 * i + 2], faces0[6 * i + 4])).collect(Collectors.toList());
faces1.forEach(face -> {
int v1 = face.p0;
int v2 = face.p1;
int v3 = face.p2;
if (level > 0) {
int a = getMiddle(v1, points1.get(v1), v2, points1.get(v2));
int b = getMiddle(v2, points1.get(v2), v3, points1.get(v3));
int c = getMiddle(v3, points1.get(v3), v1, points1.get(v1));
listFaces.add(new Face3(v1, a, c));
listFaces.add(new Face3(v2, b, a));
listFaces.add(new Face3(v3, c, b));
listFaces.add(new Face3(a, b, c));
} else {
listFaces.add(new Face3(v1, v2, v3));
numVertices = listVertices.size();
numFaces = listFaces.size();
List<Face3> textures1;
if (level == 0) {
textures1 = IntStream.range(0, faces0.length / 6).mapToObj(i -> new Face3(faces0[6 * i + 1], faces0[6 * i + 3], faces0[6 * i + 5])).collect(Collectors.toList());
} else {
textures1 = -> t).collect(Collectors.toList());
AtomicInteger kk = new AtomicInteger();
textures1.forEach(face -> {
int v1 = face.p0;
int v2 = face.p1;
int v3 = face.p2;
if (level > 0) {
int a = getMiddle(v1, texCoord1.get(v1), v2, texCoord1.get(v2));
int b = getMiddle(v2, texCoord1.get(v2), v3, texCoord1.get(v3));
int c = getMiddle(v3, texCoord1.get(v3), v1, texCoord1.get(v1));
listTextures.add(new Face3(v1, a, c));
listTextures.add(new Face3(v2, b, a));
listTextures.add(new Face3(v3, c, b));
listTextures.add(new Face3(a, b, c));
} else {
listTextures.add(new Face3(v1, v2, v3));
texCoord0 = -> DoubleStream.of(p.getX(), p.getY())).collect(() -> new FloatCollector(texCoord1.size() * 2), FloatCollector::add, FloatCollector::join).toArray();
numTexCoords = texCoord0.length / 2;
textureCoords = texCoord0;
if (level == getLevel()) {
areaMesh.setWidth(majorRadius + 2f * Math.PI * majorRadius);
areaMesh.setHeight(height + 2f * (minorRadius + majorRadius));
smoothingGroups = IntStream.range(0, listFaces.size()).map(i -> {
if (getSectionType() != TriangleMeshHelper.SectionType.CIRCLE) {
return 0;
if (i < listFaces.size() / 2) {
return 1;
} else if (i < 3 * listFaces.size() / 4) {
return 2;
return 4;
return createMesh();
use of javafx.geometry.Point2D in project FXyzLib by Birdasaur.
the class CuboidMesh method createCube.
private TriangleMesh createCube(float width, float height, float depth, int level) {
TriangleMesh m0 = null;
if (level > 0) {
m0 = createCube(width, height, depth, level - 1);
if (level == 0) {
a = new Affine();
float L = 2f * width + 2f * depth;
float H = height + 2f * depth;
float hw = width / 2f, hh = height / 2f, hd = depth / 2f;
if (center.get() != null) {
a = a.createConcatenation(new Translate(center.get().x, center.get().y, center.get().z));
// hw+=center.get().x;
// hh+=center.get().y;
// hd+=center.get().z;
final float[] baseVertices = new float[] { hw, hh, hd, hw, hh, -hd, hw, -hh, hd, hw, -hh, -hd, -hw, hh, hd, -hw, hh, -hd, -hw, -hh, hd, -hw, -hh, -hd };
final float[] baseTexCoords = new float[] { depth / L, 0f, (depth + width) / L, 0f, 0f, depth / H, depth / L, depth / H, (depth + width) / L, depth / H, (2f * depth + width) / L, depth / H, 1f, depth / H, 0f, (depth + height) / H, depth / L, (depth + height) / H, (depth + width) / L, (depth + height) / H, (2f * depth + width) / L, (depth + height) / H, 1f, (depth + height) / H, depth / L, 1f, (depth + width) / L, 1f };
final int[] baseTexture = new int[] { 8, 3, 7, 3, 2, 7, 9, 10, 4, 4, 10, 5, 8, 12, 9, 9, 12, 13, 3, 4, 0, 0, 4, 1, 8, 9, 3, 3, 9, 4, 11, 6, 10, 10, 6, 5 };
final List<Integer> baseFaces = Arrays.asList(0, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 6, 6, 5, 7, 0, 1, 4, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 3, 6, 7, 0, 4, 2, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 5, 3, 7);
for (int i = 0; i < baseVertices.length / 3; i++) {
Point3D ta = transform(baseVertices[3 * i], baseVertices[3 * i + 1], baseVertices[3 * i + 2]);
baseVertices[3 * i] = ta.x;
baseVertices[3 * i + 1] = ta.y;
baseVertices[3 * i + 2] = ta.z;
points0 = baseVertices;
numVertices = baseVertices.length / 3;
texCoord0 = baseTexCoords;
numTexCoords = baseTexCoords.length / 2;
faces0 = IntStream.range(0, baseFaces.size() / 3).mapToObj(i -> IntStream.of(baseFaces.get(3 * i), baseTexture[3 * i], baseFaces.get(3 * i + 1), baseTexture[3 * i + 1], baseFaces.get(3 * i + 2), baseTexture[3 * i + 2])).flatMapToInt(i -> i).toArray();
numFaces = baseFaces.size() / 3;
} else if (m0 != null) {
points0 = new float[numVertices * m0.getPointElementSize()];
List<Point3D> points1 = IntStream.range(0, numVertices).mapToObj(i -> new Point3D(points0[3 * i], points0[3 * i + 1], points0[3 * i + 2])).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (level > 0 && m0 != null) {
texCoord0 = new float[numTexCoords * m0.getTexCoordElementSize()];
texCoord1 = IntStream.range(0, numTexCoords).mapToObj(i -> new Point2D(texCoord0[2 * i], texCoord0[2 * i + 1])).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (level > 0 && m0 != null) {
faces0 = new int[numFaces * m0.getFaceElementSize()];
List<Face3> faces1 = IntStream.range(0, numFaces).mapToObj(i -> new Face3(faces0[6 * i], faces0[6 * i + 2], faces0[6 * i + 4])).collect(Collectors.toList());
faces1.forEach(face -> {
int v1 = face.p0;
int v2 = face.p1;
int v3 = face.p2;
if (level > 0) {
int a = getMiddle(v1, points1.get(v1), v2, points1.get(v2));
int b = getMiddle(v2, points1.get(v2), v3, points1.get(v3));
int c = getMiddle(v3, points1.get(v3), v1, points1.get(v1));
listFaces.add(new Face3(v1, a, c));
listFaces.add(new Face3(v2, b, a));
listFaces.add(new Face3(v3, c, b));
listFaces.add(new Face3(a, b, c));
} else {
listFaces.add(new Face3(v1, v2, v3));
numVertices = listVertices.size();
numFaces = listFaces.size();
List<Face3> textures1;
if (level == 0) {
textures1 = IntStream.range(0, faces0.length / 6).mapToObj(i -> new Face3(faces0[6 * i + 1], faces0[6 * i + 3], faces0[6 * i + 5])).collect(Collectors.toList());
} else {
textures1 = -> t).collect(Collectors.toList());
textures1.forEach(face -> {
int v1 = face.p0;
int v2 = face.p1;
int v3 = face.p2;
if (level > 0) {
int a = getMiddle(v1, texCoord1.get(v1), v2, texCoord1.get(v2));
int b = getMiddle(v2, texCoord1.get(v2), v3, texCoord1.get(v3));
int c = getMiddle(v3, texCoord1.get(v3), v1, texCoord1.get(v1));
listTextures.add(new Face3(v1, a, c));
listTextures.add(new Face3(v2, b, a));
listTextures.add(new Face3(v3, c, b));
listTextures.add(new Face3(a, b, c));
} else {
listTextures.add(new Face3(v1, v2, v3));
texCoord0 = -> DoubleStream.of(p.getX(), p.getY())).collect(() -> new FloatCollector(texCoord1.size() * 2), FloatCollector::add, FloatCollector::join).toArray();
numTexCoords = texCoord0.length / 2;
textureCoords = texCoord0;
if (level == getLevel()) {
areaMesh.setWidth(2f * width + 2f * depth);
areaMesh.setHeight(height + 2f * depth);
// 1<<j -> bitset, 00100. Otherwise: 000111 will mean they are shared
smoothingGroups = IntStream.range(0, listFaces.size()).map(i -> 1 << (i / (listFaces.size() / 6))).toArray();
// smoothing groups based on 3DViewer -> same result
// float[] normals=new float[]{1,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,-1};
// int[] newFaces = IntStream.range(0, listFaces.size())
// .mapToObj(i->IntStream.of((int)listFaces.get(i).x, (int)listFaces.get(i).x,
// (int)listFaces.get(i).y, (int)listFaces.get(i).y,
// (int)listFaces.get(i).z, (int)listFaces.get(i).z))
// .flatMapToInt(i->i).toArray();
// int[] newFaceNormals = IntStream.range(0,listFaces.size()).mapToObj(i->{
// int j=(i/(listFaces.size()/6));
// return IntStream.of(j,j,j);
// }).flatMapToInt(i->i).toArray();
// smoothingGroups=SmoothingGroups.calcSmoothGroups(new TriangleMesh(), newFaces, newFaceNormals, normals);
return createMesh();
use of javafx.geometry.Point2D in project FXyzLib by Birdasaur.
the class TriangulatedMesh method createMesh.
private TriangleMesh createMesh(int level) {
TriangleMesh m0 = null;
if (level > 0) {
m0 = createMesh(level - 1);
if (level == 0) {
//check for duplicates or too close
List<Integer> duplicates = IntStream.range(0, pointsExterior.size()).boxed().filter(i -> pointsExterior.get(i).substract(pointsExterior.get(i == pointsExterior.size() - 1 ? 0 : i + 1)).magnitude() < 100 * EPSILON).map(i -> i).collect(Collectors.toList()); -> pointsExterior.remove(i.intValue()));
List<PolygonPoint> list = -> new PolygonPoint(p.x, p.y)).collect(Collectors.toList());
Polygon poly = new Polygon(list);
if (bounds.get() != null) {
maxX = bounds.get().getMaxX();
minX = bounds.get().getMinX();
maxY = bounds.get().getMaxY();
minY = bounds.get().getMinY();
} else {
maxX = -> p.x).max().getAsDouble();
maxY = -> p.y).max().getAsDouble();
minX = -> p.x).min().getAsDouble();
minY = -> p.y).min().getAsDouble();
double rad = getHoleRadius();
if (pointsHoles != null) {
steinerPoints = 0;
numHoles = pointsHoles.size();
// holes
pointsHoles.forEach(pHole -> {
List<PolygonPoint> hole = -> new PolygonPoint(p.x, p.y)).collect(Collectors.toList());
Polygon polyIn = new Polygon(hole);
} else if (rad > 0d) {
steinerPoints = 0;
numHoles = 1;
int num = 200;
// circular hole
List<PolygonPoint> hole = IntStream.range(0, num).mapToObj(i -> new PolygonPoint((maxX + minX) / 2d + rad * Math.cos((num - i) * 2d * Math.PI / num), (maxY + minY) / 2d + rad * Math.sin((num - i) * 2d * Math.PI / num))).collect(Collectors.toList());
Polygon polyIn = new Polygon(hole);
} else {
double radSteiner = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(maxX - minX, 2) + Math.pow(maxY - minY, 2)) / 8d;
// steiner points
steiner = IntStream.range(0, steinerPoints).mapToObj(i -> new PolygonPoint((maxX + minX) / 2d + radSteiner * Math.cos(i * 2d * Math.PI / steinerPoints), (maxY + minY) / 2d + radSteiner * Math.sin(i * 2d * Math.PI / steinerPoints))).collect(Collectors.toList());
PolygonSet ps = new PolygonSet(poly);
Polygon polRes = ps.getPolygons().get(0);
List<DelaunayTriangle> tri = polRes.getTriangles();
points1 = polRes.getPoints();
extPoints = points1.size();
if (pointsHoles != null || rad > 0d) {
holes.forEach(hole -> hole.forEach(points1::add));
} else {
int totalHolePoints =, Integer::sum);
int numPoints = extPoints + steinerPoints + totalHolePoints;
FloatCollector pointsBottom = -> DoubleStream.of(p.getX(), p.getY(), 0d)).collect(() -> new FloatCollector(points1.size() * 3), FloatCollector::add, FloatCollector::join);
FloatCollector pointsTop = -> DoubleStream.of(p.getX(), p.getY(), height.get())).collect(() -> new FloatCollector(points1.size() * 3), FloatCollector::add, FloatCollector::join);
points0 = pointsBottom.toArray();
numVertices = points0.length / 3;
FloatCollector texBottom = -> DoubleStream.of((p.getX() - minX) / (maxX - minX), (p.getY() - minY) / (maxY - minY))).collect(() -> new FloatCollector(points1.size() * 2), FloatCollector::add, FloatCollector::join);
FloatCollector texTop = -> DoubleStream.of((p.getX() - minX) / (maxX - minX), (p.getY() - minY) / (maxY - minY))).collect(() -> new FloatCollector(points1.size() * 2), FloatCollector::add, FloatCollector::join);
texCoord0 = texBottom.toArray();
numTexCoords = texCoord0.length / 2;
texCoord1 = IntStream.range(0, numTexCoords).mapToObj(i -> new Point2D(texCoord0[2 * i], texCoord0[2 * i + 1])).collect(Collectors.toList());
List<int[]> listIndices = t) -> {
int[] pIndex = new int[3];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
final TriangulationPoint dt = t.points[j];
int[] toArray = IntStream.range(0, points1.size()).filter(i -> points1.get(i).equals(dt)).toArray();
if (toArray.length > 0) {
pIndex[j] = toArray[0];
} else {
System.out.println("Error " + points1);
return pIndex;
// faces
// base
IntStream streamBottom = -> IntStream.of(i[0], i[0], i[2], i[2], i[1], i[1])).flatMapToInt(i -> i);
// top
IntStream streamTop = -> IntStream.of(numPoints + i[0], numPoints + i[0], numPoints + i[1], numPoints + i[1], numPoints + i[2], numPoints + i[2])).flatMapToInt(i -> i);
// vertical, exterior
IntStream streamExtWalls = IntStream.range(0, extPoints - 1).mapToObj(i -> IntStream.of(i, i, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1 + numPoints, i + 1 + numPoints, i, i, i + 1 + numPoints, i + 1 + numPoints, i + numPoints, i + numPoints)).flatMapToInt(i -> i);
// vertical, exterior, close polygon
IntStream streamExtWallsClose = IntStream.of(extPoints - 1, extPoints - 1, 0, 0, 0 + numPoints, 0 + numPoints, extPoints - 1, extPoints - 1, 0 + numPoints, 0 + numPoints, numPoints + extPoints - 1, numPoints + extPoints - 1);
if (totalHolePoints > 0) {
// vertical, interior
// holes
int acuHolePoints0 = extPoints + steinerPoints, acuHolePoints1;
IntStream streamIntWalls = IntStream.empty();
for (List<PolygonPoint> hole : holes) {
acuHolePoints1 = acuHolePoints0 + hole.size() - 1;
IntStream streamIntWallsHole = IntStream.range(acuHolePoints0, acuHolePoints1).mapToObj(i -> IntStream.of(i, i, i + 1 + numPoints, i + 1 + numPoints, i + 1, i + 1, i, i, i + numPoints, i + numPoints, i + 1 + numPoints, i + 1 + numPoints)).flatMapToInt(i -> i);
streamIntWalls = IntStream.concat(streamIntWalls, streamIntWallsHole);
acuHolePoints0 = acuHolePoints1 + 1;
// vertical, interior, close holes
// holes
acuHolePoints0 = extPoints + steinerPoints;
IntStream streamIntWallsClose = IntStream.empty();
for (List<PolygonPoint> hole : holes) {
acuHolePoints1 = acuHolePoints0 + hole.size() - 1;
IntStream streamIntWallsCloseHole = IntStream.of(acuHolePoints1, acuHolePoints1, numPoints + acuHolePoints0, numPoints + acuHolePoints0, acuHolePoints0, acuHolePoints0, acuHolePoints1, acuHolePoints1, numPoints + acuHolePoints1, numPoints + acuHolePoints1, numPoints + acuHolePoints0, numPoints + acuHolePoints0);
streamIntWallsClose = IntStream.concat(streamIntWallsClose, streamIntWallsCloseHole);
acuHolePoints0 = acuHolePoints1 + 1;
faces0 = IntStream.concat(streamBottom, IntStream.concat(streamTop, IntStream.concat(streamExtWalls, IntStream.concat(streamExtWallsClose, IntStream.concat(streamIntWalls, streamIntWallsClose))))).toArray();
} else {
faces0 = IntStream.concat(streamBottom, IntStream.concat(streamTop, IntStream.concat(streamExtWalls, streamExtWallsClose))).toArray();
numFaces = faces0.length / 6;
} else if (m0 != null) {
points0 = new float[numVertices * m0.getPointElementSize()];
texCoord0 = new float[numTexCoords * m0.getTexCoordElementSize()];
faces0 = new int[numFaces * m0.getFaceElementSize()];
List<Point3D> points1 = IntStream.range(0, numVertices).mapToObj(i -> new Point3D(points0[3 * i], points0[3 * i + 1], points0[3 * i + 2])).collect(Collectors.toList());
texCoord1 = IntStream.range(0, numTexCoords).mapToObj(i -> new Point2D(texCoord0[2 * i], texCoord0[2 * i + 1])).collect(Collectors.toList());
List<Face3> faces1 = IntStream.range(0, numFaces).mapToObj(i -> new Face3(faces0[6 * i], faces0[6 * i + 2], faces0[6 * i + 4])).collect(Collectors.toList());
faces1.forEach(face -> {
int v1 = face.p0;
int v2 = face.p1;
int v3 = face.p2;
if (level > 0) {
int a = getMiddle(v1, points1.get(v1), v2, points1.get(v2));
int b = getMiddle(v2, points1.get(v2), v3, points1.get(v3));
int c = getMiddle(v3, points1.get(v3), v1, points1.get(v1));
listFaces.add(new Face3(v1, a, c));
listFaces.add(new Face3(v2, b, a));
listFaces.add(new Face3(v3, c, b));
listFaces.add(new Face3(a, b, c));
} else {
listFaces.add(new Face3(v1, v2, v3));
numVertices = listVertices.size();
numFaces = listFaces.size();
List<Face3> textures1 = IntStream.range(0, faces0.length / 6).mapToObj(i -> new Face3(faces0[6 * i + 1], faces0[6 * i + 3], faces0[6 * i + 5])).collect(Collectors.toList());
textures1.forEach(face -> {
int v1 = face.p0;
int v2 = face.p1;
int v3 = face.p2;
if (level > 0) {
int a = getMiddle(v1, texCoord1.get(v1), v2, texCoord1.get(v2));
int b = getMiddle(v2, texCoord1.get(v2), v3, texCoord1.get(v3));
int c = getMiddle(v3, texCoord1.get(v3), v1, texCoord1.get(v1));
listTextures.add(new Face3(v1, a, c));
listTextures.add(new Face3(v2, b, a));
listTextures.add(new Face3(v3, c, b));
listTextures.add(new Face3(a, b, c));
} else {
listTextures.add(new Face3(v1, v2, v3));
texCoord0 = -> DoubleStream.of(p.getX(), p.getY())).collect(() -> new FloatCollector(texCoord1.size() * 2), FloatCollector::add, FloatCollector::join).toArray();
numTexCoords = texCoord0.length / 2;
textureCoords = texCoord0;
if (level == getLevel()) {
areaMesh.setWidth(maxX - minX);
areaMesh.setHeight(maxY - minY);
rectMesh.setWidth((int) Math.sqrt(texCoord0.length));
rectMesh.setHeight(texCoord0.length / ((int) Math.sqrt(texCoord0.length)));
smoothingGroups = getSmoothingGroups(listVertices, listFaces);
return createMesh();
use of javafx.geometry.Point2D in project FXyzLib by Birdasaur.
the class CameraController method getMouseDelta.
private Point2D getMouseDelta(MouseEvent event) {
Point2D res = new Point2D(event.getSceneX() - previousX, event.getSceneY() - previousY);
previousX = event.getSceneX();
previousY = event.getSceneY();
return res;