Search in sources :

Example 1 with RandomIter

use of in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.

the class NodataFilter method computeRect.

 * Computes a rectangle of outputs.
 * @param sources  The source images. Should be an array of length 1.
 * @param dest     The raster to be filled in.
 * @param destRect The region within the raster to be filled.
protected void computeRect(final PlanarImage[] sources, final WritableRaster dest, final Rectangle destRect) {
    assert sources.length == 1;
    final PlanarImage source = sources[0];
    Rectangle sourceRect = mapDestRect(destRect, 0);
    sourceRect = sourceRect.intersection(source.getBounds());
    final RandomIter iter = RandomIterFactory.create(source, sourceRect);
    // Minimum inclusive
    final int minX = destRect.x;
    // Minimum inclusive
    final int minY = destRect.y;
    // Maximum exclusive
    final int maxX = destRect.width + minX;
    // Maximum exclusive
    final int maxY = destRect.height + minY;
    // Horizontal padding
    final int hPad = leftPadding + rightPadding + 1;
    for (int band = source.getNumBands(); --band >= 0; ) {
        for (int y = minY; y < maxY; y++) {
            // Inclusive
            final int minScanY = max(minY, y - topPadding);
            // Exclusive
            final int maxScanY = min(maxY, y + bottomPadding + 1);
            final int minScanI = (minScanY - (y - topPadding)) * hPad;
            assert minScanI >= 0 && minScanI <= distances.length : minScanI;
            for (int x = minX; x < maxX; x++) {
                final double current = iter.getSampleDouble(x, y, band);
                if (!Double.isNaN(current)) {
                         * Pixel is already valid: no operation here.
                    dest.setSample(x, y, band, current);
                     * Computes the average and set the value if the amount of
                     * valid pixels is at least equal to the threshold amount.
                // Number of valid values.
                int count = 0;
                // Weighted sum of values.
                double sumValue = 0;
                // Sum of distances of valid values.
                double sumDistance = 0;
                // Inclusive
                final int minScanX = max(minX, x - leftPadding);
                // Exclusive
                final int maxScanX = min(maxX, x + rightPadding + 1);
                final int lineOffset = hPad - (maxScanX - minScanX);
                int index = minScanI + (minScanX - (x - leftPadding));
                for (int sy = minScanY; sy < maxScanY; sy++) {
                    for (int sx = minScanX; sx < maxScanX; sx++) {
                        final double scan = iter.getSampleDouble(sx, sy, band);
                        if (!Double.isNaN(scan)) {
                            final double d = distances[index];
                            assert (abs(d - hypot(sx - x, sy - y)) < 1E-6) && (d > 0) : d;
                            sumValue += d * scan;
                            sumDistance += d;
                    index += lineOffset;
                final double value = (count >= validityThreshold) ? sumValue / sumDistance : current;
                dest.setSample(x, y, band, value);
Also used : Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) RandomIter( PlanarImage(

Example 2 with RandomIter

use of in project qaf by qmetry.

the class ImageCompareUtil method doMatch.

 * @param search
 *            : image to search.
 * @param template
 *            : base/template image to which target image
 * @param rectangles
 *            : arg[0] area of image to search, arg[1] area of template
 * @return
public boolean doMatch(RenderedImage search, RenderedImage template, Rectangle... rectangles) {
    RandomIter searchiterator = RandomIterFactory.create(search, null);
    RandomIter templateiterator = RandomIterFactory.create(template, null);
    double minSAD = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    Rectangle sRect = (rectangles == null) || (rectangles.length < 1) ? new Rectangle() : rectangles[0];
    Rectangle tRect = (rectangles == null) || (rectangles.length < 2) ? new Rectangle() : rectangles[1];
    int T_rows = tRect.width > 0 ? tRect.x + tRect.width : template.getWidth();
    int S_rows = sRect.width > 0 ? sRect.x + sRect.width : (tRect.width > 0 ? search.getWidth() - tRect.width : search.getWidth() - template.getWidth());
    int T_cols = tRect.height > 0 ? tRect.y + tRect.height : template.getHeight();
    int S_cols = (sRect.height > 0 ? sRect.y + sRect.height : ((tRect.height > 0 ? (search.getHeight() - tRect.height) : search.getHeight() - template.getHeight())));
    // loop through the search image
    double[] p_SearchIMG = new double[5];
    double[] p_TemplateIMG = new double[5];
    double[] S_accum = new double[3];
    Point bMatch = null;
    boolean match = false;
    double SAD = 0.0;
    int samplesCnt = 0;
    int x = 0, y = 0, i = 0, j = 0;
    for (x = sRect.x; x <= S_rows; x += 1) {
        for (y = sRect.y; y <= S_cols; y += 1) {
            match = true;
            SAD = 0.0;
            samplesCnt = 0;
            // loop through the template image
            for (i = tRect.x; i < T_rows - 5; i += 5) {
                for (j = tRect.y; j < T_cols - 5; j += 5) {
                    S_accum[0] = S_accum[1] = S_accum[2] = 0;
                    for (int ploat = 0; ploat < 5; ploat++) {
                        searchiterator.getPixel(x + i + ploat - tRect.x, y + j + ploat - tRect.y, p_SearchIMG);
                        templateiterator.getPixel(i + ploat, j + ploat, p_TemplateIMG);
                        S_accum[0] += Math.abs(p_SearchIMG[0] - p_TemplateIMG[0]);
                        S_accum[1] += Math.abs(p_SearchIMG[1] - p_TemplateIMG[1]);
                        S_accum[2] += Math.abs(p_SearchIMG[2] - p_TemplateIMG[2]);
                    Double tempSad = (S_accum[0] + S_accum[1] + S_accum[2]) / 5;
                    SAD += tempSad;
                    if (tempSad < minSAD) {
                        minSAD = tempSad;
                        bMatch = new Point(x, y);
                    samplesCnt += 5;
                    if ((tempSad > maxDiff)) {
                        match = false;
                // System.out.println("***************\nLast SAD: " +
                // tempSad
                // + " for : " + samplesCnt + " samples: i: " + i +
                // "j: "
                // + j);
            // int samplecnt = (i + 1) * (i + 1) / 25;
            SAD = SAD / samplesCnt;
            if (match) {
        if (match) {
    // System.out.println("Match: " + match + " x: " + x + " y: " + y +
    // " dist: "
    // + minSAD + " bMatch: " + bMatch);
    System.out.print("Match: " + match + " x: " + x + " y: " + y + " dist: " + minSAD + " bMatch: " + bMatch + tRect);
    return match;
Also used : Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) RandomIter( Point(java.awt.Point) Point(java.awt.Point)

Example 3 with RandomIter

use of in project hortonmachine by TheHortonMachine.

the class LasInfoController method findCircles.

public static List<Geometry> findCircles(GridCoverage2D inRaster, int pixelsThreshold) throws Exception {
    RegionMap regionMap = CoverageUtilities.getRegionParamsFromGridCoverage(inRaster);
    int nCols = regionMap.getCols();
    int nRows = regionMap.getRows();
    RandomIter rasterIter = CoverageUtilities.getRandomIterator(inRaster);
    WritableRaster[] holder = new WritableRaster[1];
    GridCoverage2D outGC = CoverageUtilities.createCoverageFromTemplate(inRaster, HMConstants.doubleNovalue, holder);
    WritableRandomIter outIter = RandomIterFactory.createWritable(holder[0], null);
    for (int r = 0; r < nRows; r++) {
        for (int c = 0; c < nCols; c++) {
            double value = rasterIter.getSampleDouble(c, r, 0);
            if (value != 255) {
                outIter.setSample(c, r, 0, 1);
            } else {
                outIter.setSample(c, r, 0, -9999.0);
    OmsVectorizer v = new OmsVectorizer();
    v.inRaster = outGC;
    v.doRemoveHoles = false;
    v.pThres = pixelsThreshold;
    v.pValue = 1.0;
    SimpleFeatureCollection outVector = v.outVector;
    List<SimpleFeature> featuresList = FeatureUtilities.featureCollectionToList(outVector).stream().filter(f -> {
        Object attribute = f.getAttribute(v.fDefault);
        if (attribute instanceof Number) {
            double value = ((Number) attribute).doubleValue();
            if (value != -9999.0) {
                Geometry geom = (Geometry) f.getDefaultGeometry();
                // assume no centroid intersection
                Point centroid = geom.getCentroid();
                Envelope env = geom.getEnvelopeInternal();
                double buffer = env.getWidth() * 0.01;
                Geometry centroidB = centroid.buffer(buffer);
                if (geom.intersects(centroidB)) {
                    return false;
                return true;
        return false;
    // DefaultFeatureCollection fc = new DefaultFeatureCollection();
    // fc.addAll(featuresList);
    // HMMapframe mf = HMMapframe.openFrame(false);
    // mf.addLayer(fc);
    List<Geometry> geomsList = -> {
        Geometry geom = (Geometry) f.getDefaultGeometry();
        Envelope env = geom.getEnvelopeInternal();
        Coordinate centre = env.centre();
        Point centerPoint =;
        double width = env.getWidth();
        double height = env.getHeight();
        double radius = Math.max(width, height) / 2.0;
        Geometry finalBuffer = centerPoint.buffer(radius);
        return finalBuffer;
    return geomsList;
Also used : Color(java.awt.Color) Las( ActionWithProgress(org.hortonmachine.gui.utils.monitor.ActionWithProgress) Point2D(java.awt.geom.Point2D) RandomIter( GridCoverage2D(org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D) Coordinate(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate) DatabaseViewer(org.hortonmachine.database.DatabaseViewer) ColorInterpolator(org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.colors.ColorInterpolator) ProgressUpdate(org.hortonmachine.gears.ui.progress.ProgressUpdate) SimpleFeature(org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature) LasUtils( PreferencesHandler(org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.PreferencesHandler) ImageIO(javax.imageio.ImageIO) ReferencedEnvelope3D(org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope3D) HMConstants(org.hortonmachine.gears.libs.modules.HMConstants) DefaultComboBoxModel(javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel) JFrame(javax.swing.JFrame) MouseListener(java.awt.event.MouseListener) ExecutorProgressGui(org.hortonmachine.gui.utils.executor.ExecutorProgressGui) LasRecord( BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) DefaultTableModel(javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel) SimpleFeatureCollection( Point(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point) KeyEvent(java.awt.event.KeyEvent) AffineTransform(java.awt.geom.AffineTransform) Collectors( CoverageUtilities(org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.coverage.CoverageUtilities) OmsVectorizer(org.hortonmachine.gears.modules.v.vectorize.OmsVectorizer) Dimension(java.awt.Dimension) List(java.util.List) TransformationUtils(org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.TransformationUtils) OmsVectorWriter( Polygon(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Polygon) Geometry(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry) BasicStroke(java.awt.BasicStroke) DefaultEngineeringCRS( GeneralPath(java.awt.geom.GeneralPath) CoordinateReferenceSystem( ExceptionUtils(org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils) ALasReader( Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) GuiUtilities(org.hortonmachine.gui.utils.GuiUtilities) KeyListener(java.awt.event.KeyListener) ReferencedEnvelope(org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope) HoughCircles(org.hortonmachine.gears.modules.r.houghes.HoughCircles) OmsHoughCirclesRaster(org.hortonmachine.gears.modules.r.houghes.OmsHoughCirclesRaster) DefaultFeatureCollection(org.geotools.feature.DefaultFeatureCollection) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ILasHeader( BitMatrix(org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.BitMatrix) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) ProgressMonitor(org.hortonmachine.gui.utils.monitor.ProgressMonitor) SwingUtilities(javax.swing.SwingUtilities) IOnCloseListener(org.hortonmachine.gui.utils.GuiUtilities.IOnCloseListener) ALasWriter( Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D) ImageIcon(javax.swing.ImageIcon) GeometryUtilities(org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.geometry.GeometryUtilities) JComponent(javax.swing.JComponent) RandomIterFactory( FileUtilities(org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.files.FileUtilities) DateTime(org.joda.time.DateTime) IOException( WritableRandomIter( ExecutorIndeterminateGui(org.hortonmachine.gui.utils.executor.ExecutorIndeterminateGui) JOptionPane(javax.swing.JOptionPane) FileFilter(javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter) OmsVectorReader( FeatureUtilities(org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.features.FeatureUtilities) MouseEvent(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) File( OmsRasterReader( LasConstraints( RegionMap(org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.RegionMap) WritableRaster(java.awt.image.WritableRaster) DefaultGuiBridgeImpl(org.hortonmachine.gui.utils.DefaultGuiBridgeImpl) Envelope(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope) GridCoverage2D(org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D) RegionMap(org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.RegionMap) RandomIter( WritableRandomIter( Point(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point) ReferencedEnvelope(org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope) Envelope(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope) Point(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point) SimpleFeature(org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature) SimpleFeatureCollection( Geometry(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry) WritableRandomIter( OmsVectorizer(org.hortonmachine.gears.modules.v.vectorize.OmsVectorizer) Coordinate(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate) WritableRaster(java.awt.image.WritableRaster)

Example 4 with RandomIter

use of in project hortonmachine by TheHortonMachine.

the class OmsZonalStatsIM method process.

public void process() throws Exception {
    addSource(new File(inRaster));
    boolean hasUserTotalMean = false;
    if (pTotalMean != null) {
        hasUserTotalMean = true;
        tm_usertm_tactivecells[1] = pTotalMean;
    ReferencedEnvelope bounds = inVector.getBounds();
    double[] xBins = NumericsUtilities.range2Bins(bounds.getMinX(), bounds.getMaxX(), pBinSize, false);
    double[] yBins = NumericsUtilities.range2Bins(bounds.getMinY(), bounds.getMaxY(), pBinSize, false);
    SimpleFeatureBuilder featureBuilder = OmsZonalStats.createFeatureBuilder(bounds.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), hasUserTotalMean);
    outVector = new DefaultFeatureCollection();
    List<Geometry> geometriesList = FeatureUtilities.featureCollectionToGeometriesList(inVector, true, null);
    ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Geometry> allGeometriesQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Geometry>();
    ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Geometry> keepGeometriesQueue;
    ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Geometry> removeGeometriesQueue;
    pm.beginTask("Processing polygons...", xBins.length - 1);
    for (int x = 0; x < xBins.length - 1; x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < yBins.length - 1; y++) {
            Envelope envelope = new Envelope(xBins[x], xBins[x + 1], yBins[y], yBins[y + 1]);
            Envelope readEnvelope = null;
            keepGeometriesQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Geometry>();
            removeGeometriesQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Geometry>();
            for (Geometry geometry : allGeometriesQueue) {
                Envelope geometryenvelope = geometry.getEnvelopeInternal();
                if (geometryenvelope.intersects(envelope)) {
                    if (readEnvelope == null) {
                        readEnvelope = new Envelope(geometryenvelope);
                    } else {
                } else {
            allGeometriesQueue = keepGeometriesQueue;
            if (removeGeometriesQueue.size() == 0) {
            // pm.message("" + readEnvelope);
            GridCoverage2D readGC = getGridCoverage(0, readEnvelope);
            double novalue = HMConstants.getNovalue(readGC);
            GridGeometry2D gridGeometry = readGC.getGridGeometry();
            Raster readRaster = readGC.getRenderedImage().getData();
            RandomIter readIter = RandomIterFactory.create(readRaster, null);
            for (Geometry geometry : removeGeometriesQueue) {
                double[] polygonStats = OmsZonalStats.polygonStats(geometry, gridGeometry, readIter, novalue, hasUserTotalMean, tm_usertm_tactivecells, pPercentageThres, pm);
                if (polygonStats == null) {
                Object[] values;
                if (pTotalMean == null) {
                    values = new Object[] { // 
                    geometry, // 
                    polygonStats[0], // 
                    polygonStats[1], // 
                    polygonStats[2], // 
                    polygonStats[3], // 
                    polygonStats[4], // 
                    (int) polygonStats[5], // 
                    (int) polygonStats[6] };
                } else {
                    values = new Object[] { // 
                    geometry, // 
                    polygonStats[0], // 
                    polygonStats[1], // 
                    polygonStats[2], // 
                    polygonStats[3], // 
                    polygonStats[4], // 
                    polygonStats[5], // 
                    (int) polygonStats[6], // 
                    (int) polygonStats[7] };
                SimpleFeature feature = featureBuilder.buildFeature(null);
                ((DefaultFeatureCollection) outVector).add(feature);
    if (!hasUserTotalMean) {
        tm_usertm_tactivecells[0] = tm_usertm_tactivecells[0] / tm_usertm_tactivecells[2];
        pm.message("Total mean: " + tm_usertm_tactivecells[0]);
Also used : GridCoverage2D(org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D) GridGeometry2D(org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridGeometry2D) Raster(java.awt.image.Raster) RandomIter( ReferencedEnvelope(org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope) Envelope(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope) SimpleFeature(org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature) Geometry(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry) ReferencedEnvelope(org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope) ConcurrentLinkedQueue(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue) File( DefaultFeatureCollection(org.geotools.feature.DefaultFeatureCollection) SimpleFeatureBuilder(org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureBuilder) Execute(oms3.annotations.Execute)

Example 5 with RandomIter

use of in project hortonmachine by TheHortonMachine.

the class OmsHoughCirclesRasterCleaner method process.

public void process() throws Exception {
    checkNull(inVector, pMaxOverlap, inRaster);
    RandomIter rasterIter = CoverageUtilities.getRandomIterator(inRaster);
    double novalue = HMConstants.getNovalue(inRaster);
    GridGeometry2D gridGeometry = inRaster.getGridGeometry();
    double[] tm_utm_tac = new double[3];
    STRtree circlesTree = FeatureUtilities.featureCollectionToSTRtree(inVector);
    List<SimpleFeature> circlesList = FeatureUtilities.featureCollectionToList(inVector);
    DefaultFeatureCollection outFC = new DefaultFeatureCollection();
    for (SimpleFeature circleFeature : circlesList) {
        Geometry geometry = (Geometry) circleFeature.getDefaultGeometry();
        Polygon circle = (Polygon) geometry.getGeometryN(0);
        PreparedGeometry preparedCircle = PreparedGeometryFactory.prepare(circle);
        List<SimpleFeature> circlesAround = circlesTree.query(circle.getEnvelopeInternal());
        List<Geometry> intersectedCircles = new ArrayList<Geometry>();
        for (SimpleFeature circleAround : circlesAround) {
            if (circleAround.equals(circleFeature)) {
            Geometry circleAroundGeometry = (Geometry) circleAround.getDefaultGeometry();
            if (preparedCircle.intersects(circleAroundGeometry)) {
        Point centroid = circle.getCentroid();
        int intersectionsCount = intersectedCircles.size();
        if (intersectionsCount != 0) {
            // check how many circles overlapped
            if (intersectionsCount > pMaxOverlapCount) {
            // check if the circles overlap too much, i.e. cover their baricenter
            boolean intersected = false;
            for (Geometry intersectedCircle : intersectedCircles) {
                if (intersectedCircle.intersects(centroid)) {
                    intersected = true;
            if (intersected) {
        // check if the center has a raster value, i.e. is not empty
        double value = CoverageUtilities.getValue(inRaster, centroid.getCoordinate());
        if (!HMConstants.isNovalue(value)) {
        // check if the inner part of the circle is indeed rather empty
        // min, max, mean, var, sdev, activeCellCount, passiveCellCount
        double[] stats = OmsZonalStats.polygonStats(circle, gridGeometry, rasterIter, novalue, false, tm_utm_tac, 0, pm);
        // if we have many more active cells than passive cells, that is not a circle
        double activeCells = stats[5];
        double novalues = stats[6];
        if (activeCells * 1.5 > novalues) {
        // take it as valid circle
    outCircles = outFC;
Also used : GridGeometry2D(org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridGeometry2D) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RandomIter( Point(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point) SimpleFeature(org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature) Point(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point) PreparedGeometry(org.locationtech.jts.geom.prep.PreparedGeometry) Geometry(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry) PreparedGeometry(org.locationtech.jts.geom.prep.PreparedGeometry) STRtree(org.locationtech.jts.index.strtree.STRtree) Polygon(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Polygon) DefaultFeatureCollection(org.geotools.feature.DefaultFeatureCollection) Execute(oms3.annotations.Execute)


RandomIter ( WritableRandomIter ( WritableRaster (java.awt.image.WritableRaster)71 RegionMap (org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.RegionMap)62 Execute (oms3.annotations.Execute)57 RenderedImage (java.awt.image.RenderedImage)29 GridGeometry2D (org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridGeometry2D)29 Coordinate (org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate)26 GridCoverage2D (org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D)22 Point (java.awt.Point)17 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)17 ModelsIllegalargumentException (org.hortonmachine.gears.libs.exceptions.ModelsIllegalargumentException)16 SimpleFeature (org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature)16 DefaultFeatureCollection (org.geotools.feature.DefaultFeatureCollection)15 Geometry (org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry)15 Point (org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point)14 GridCoordinates2D (org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoordinates2D)12 GridNode (org.hortonmachine.gears.libs.modules.GridNode)12 SimpleFeatureBuilder (org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureBuilder)10 FlowNode (org.hortonmachine.gears.libs.modules.FlowNode)9