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Example 1 with BitMatrix

use of org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.BitMatrix in project hortonmachine by TheHortonMachine.

the class TestGeneric method testBitMatrix.

public void testBitMatrix() throws Exception {
    BitMatrix m = new BitMatrix(5, 5);
    m.mark(0, 0);
    m.mark(1, 1);
    m.mark(2, 2);
    m.mark(3, 3);
    m.mark(4, 4);
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
            boolean isMarked = m.isMarked(i, j);
            if (i == j) {
            } else {
Also used : BitMatrix(org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.BitMatrix)

Example 2 with BitMatrix

use of org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.BitMatrix in project hortonmachine by TheHortonMachine.

the class OmsDePitter method processPitNode.

private void processPitNode(GridNode originalPitNode, BitMatrix allPitsPositions, int count, WritableRandomIter pitIter) {
    if (allPitsPositions.isMarked(originalPitNode.col, originalPitNode.row)) {
        if (verbose)
    List<GridNode> nodesInPit = new ArrayList<>();
    allPitsPositions.mark(originalPitNode.col, originalPitNode.row);
    int workingIndex = 0;
    double minExitValue = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    TreeSet<GridNode> orderedExitNodes = new TreeSet<>(new Comparator<GridNode>() {

        public int compare(GridNode o1, GridNode o2) {
            // argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
            if (o1.elevation < o2.elevation) {
                return -1;
            } else if (o1.elevation > o2.elevation) {
                return 1;
            } else
                return 0;
    processSinglePit: {
        boolean surroundingAdded = true;
        while (surroundingAdded) {
            surroundingAdded = false;
            while (workingIndex < nodesInPit.size()) {
                if (pm.isCanceled()) {
                GridNode currentPitNode = nodesInPit.get(workingIndex);
                List<GridNode> surroundingNodes = new ArrayList<>(currentPitNode.getValidSurroundingNodes());
                removeExistingPits(allPitsPositions, surroundingNodes);
                GridNode minEqualNode = getMinEqualElevNode(surroundingNodes, allPitsPositions);
                if (minEqualNode == null) {
                List<GridNode> minElevSurroundingNodes = new ArrayList<>(minEqualNode.getValidSurroundingNodes());
                removeExistingPits(allPitsPositions, minElevSurroundingNodes);
                if (!minEqualNode.isPitFor(minElevSurroundingNodes)) {
                         * case of a pit that is solved by the nearby exit cell
                    if (minEqualNode != null && minEqualNode.elevation < minExitValue) {
                        minExitValue = minEqualNode.elevation;
                     * can't find a non pit exit in the nearest surrounding, therefore 
                     * we need to have a look at all the surrounding and have a look 
                     * of any of those cells are able to flow out somewhere, i.e. are not pit 
                for (GridNode tmpNode : surroundingNodes) {
                    if (tmpNode.touchesBound() || !tmpNode.isValid()) {
                    List<GridNode> subSurroundingNodes = new ArrayList<>(tmpNode.getValidSurroundingNodes());
                    removeExistingPits(allPitsPositions, subSurroundingNodes);
                    if (tmpNode.isPitFor(subSurroundingNodes)) {
                        allPitsPositions.mark(tmpNode.col, tmpNode.row);
                             * if the added pit node is the current potential exit 
                             * node, we need to remove the node from the tree
                        if (orderedExitNodes.size() > 0) {
                            GridNode potentialExit = orderedExitNodes.first();
                            if (tmpNode.equals(potentialExit)) {
                                if (orderedExitNodes.size() > 0) {
                                    minExitValue = orderedExitNodes.first().elevation;
                                } else {
                                    minExitValue = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                    // GridNode subMinNode =
                    // getMinEqualElevNode(subSurroundingNodes,
                    // allPitsPositions);
                    // if (subMinNode != null && subMinNode.elevation <
                    // minExitValue) {
                    // minExitValue = subMinNode.elevation;
                    // minExitValueNode = subMinNode;
                    // }
            if (Double.isInfinite(minExitValue)) {
                for (GridNode gridNode : nodesInPit) {
                    if (gridNode.elevation < minExitValue) {
                        minExitValue = gridNode.elevation;
            if (Double.isInfinite(minExitValue) || Double.isNaN(minExitValue)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Found invalid value at: " + count);
            PitInfo info = new PitInfo();
            // info.originalPitNode = originalPitNode;
            info.pitfillExitNode = orderedExitNodes.first();
            info.nodes = nodesInPit;
            // processedNodesInPit.addAll(nodesInPit);
            GridNode pitfillExitNode = info.pitfillExitNode;
            List<GridNode> allPitsOfCurrent = info.nodes;
            BitMatrix floodedPositions = new BitMatrix(cols, rows);
            List<GridNode> nodesToCheck = new ArrayList<>();
            floodAndFlow(0, nodesToCheck, pitfillExitNode.elevation, allPitsOfCurrent, floodedPositions, pitIter);
        // // update and check broders
        // List<GridNode> updated = new ArrayList<>();
        // for( GridNode gridNode : nodesInPit ) {
        // GridNode updatedNode = new GridNode(pitIter, gridNode.cols,
        // gridNode.rows, gridNode.xRes,
        // gridNode.yRes, gridNode.col, gridNode.row);
        // updated.add(updatedNode);
        // }
        // nodesInPit = updated;
        // ConcurrentLinkedQueue<GridNode> surroundingAddedPitNodes =
        // getPitsList(nodesInPit, allPitsPositions);
        // if (surroundingAddedPitNodes.size() > 0) {
        // workingIndex = nodesInPit.size();
        // nodesInPit.addAll(surroundingAddedPitNodes);
        // surroundingAdded = true;
        // for( GridNode gridNode : surroundingAddedPitNodes ) {
        // System.out.print(gridNode.col + "/" + gridNode.row + "/" +
        // gridNode.elevation + " ");
        // allPitsPositions.mark(gridNode.col, gridNode.row);
        // }
        // System.out.println();
        // }
    // while
    if (verbose)
Also used : GridNode(org.hortonmachine.gears.libs.modules.GridNode) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BitMatrix(org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.BitMatrix) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet)

Example 3 with BitMatrix

use of org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.BitMatrix in project hortonmachine by TheHortonMachine.

the class OmsDePitter method process.

public void process() throws Exception {
    RegionMap regionMap = CoverageUtilities.getRegionParamsFromGridCoverage(inElev);
    cols = regionMap.getCols();
    rows = regionMap.getRows();
    xRes = regionMap.getXres();
    yRes = regionMap.getYres();
    novalue = HMConstants.getNovalue(inElev);
    // output raster
    WritableRaster pitRaster = CoverageUtilities.renderedImage2DoubleWritableRaster(inElev.getRenderedImage(), false);
    WritableRandomIter pitIter = CoverageUtilities.getWritableRandomIterator(pitRaster);
    try {
        ConcurrentLinkedQueue<GridNode> pitsList = getPitsList(cols, rows, xRes, yRes, pitIter);
        AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger();
        // int count = 0;
        int iteration = 1;
        while (pitsList.size() > 0) {
            if (pm.isCanceled()) {
            int pitCount = pitsList.size();
            BitMatrix allPitsPositions = new BitMatrix(cols, rows);
            // List<GridNode> processedNodesInPit = new ArrayList<>();
            int shownCount = pitCount;
            if (!verbose) {
                shownCount = IHMProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN;
            pm.beginTask("Processing " + pitCount + " pits (iteration N." + iteration++ + ")... ", shownCount);
            if (doParallel) {
                pitsList.parallelStream().forEach(originalPitNode -> {
                    int _count = count.incrementAndGet();
                    if (pm.isCanceled()) {
                    processPitNode(originalPitNode, allPitsPositions, _count, pitIter);
            } else {
       -> {
                    int _count = count.incrementAndGet();
                    if (pm.isCanceled()) {
                    processPitNode(originalPitNode, allPitsPositions, _count, pitIter);
            // for( GridNode originalPitNode : pitsList ) {
            // count++;
            // if (pm.isCanceled()) {
            // return;
            // }
            // processPitNode(originalPitNode, allPitsPositions, count, pitIter);
            // }
            // if (true && iteration < 3) {
            // outPit = CoverageUtilities.buildCoverage("pitfiller", pitRaster, regionMap,
            // inElev.getCoordinateReferenceSystem());
            // OmsRasterWriter.writeRaster("/home/hydrologis/Dropbox/hydrologis/lavori/2017_06_mapzone/test/dtm_test2_pit_"
            // + iteration + ".tiff", outPit);
            // }
            pitsList = getPitsList(cols, rows, xRes, yRes, pitIter, allPitsPositions);
            int size = pitsList.size();
            if (verbose) {
                pm.message("Left pits: " + size);
            if (size < 10000) {
                verbose = false;
        outPit = CoverageUtilities.buildCoverageWithNovalue("pitfiller", pitRaster, regionMap, inElev.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), novalue);
        if (doFlow) {
            WritableRaster flowRaster = CoverageUtilities.createWritableRaster(cols, rows, Short.class, null, null);
            WritableRandomIter flowIter = CoverageUtilities.getWritableRandomIterator(flowRaster);
            try {
                pm.beginTask("Calculating flowdirections...", rows * cols);
                processGrid(cols, rows, false, (c, r) -> {
                    if (pm.isCanceled()) {
                    GridNode node = new GridNode(pitIter, cols, rows, xRes, yRes, c, r, novalue);
                    boolean isValid = node.isValid();
                    if (!isValid || node.touchesBound() || node.touchesNovalue()) {
                        flowIter.setSample(c, r, 0, HMConstants.intNovalue);
                    } else {
                        GridNode nextDown = node.goDownstreamSP();
                        if (nextDown == null) {
                            flowIter.setSample(c, r, 0, HMConstants.intNovalue);
                        } else {
                            int newFlow = node.getFlow();
                            flowIter.setSample(c, r, 0, newFlow);
                outFlow = CoverageUtilities.buildCoverageWithNovalue("flow", flowRaster, regionMap, inElev.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), HMConstants.intNovalue);
            } finally {
    } finally {
Also used : WritableRandomIter( GridNode(org.hortonmachine.gears.libs.modules.GridNode) AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) WritableRaster(java.awt.image.WritableRaster) RegionMap(org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.RegionMap) BitMatrix(org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.BitMatrix) Execute(oms3.annotations.Execute)

Example 4 with BitMatrix

use of org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.BitMatrix in project hortonmachine by TheHortonMachine.

the class OmsDePitter method getPitsList.

private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<GridNode> getPitsList(int nCols, int nRows, double xRes, double yRes, WritableRandomIter pitIter, BitMatrix allPitsPositions) {
    ConcurrentLinkedQueue<GridNode> pitsList = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
    BitMatrix currentMarked = new BitMatrix(nCols, nRows);
    if (verbose)
        pm.beginTask("Extract pits from DTM...", nRows);
    for (int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) {
        for (int col = 0; col < nCols; col++) {
            if (!allPitsPositions.isMarked(col, row)) {
            GridNode node = new GridNode(pitIter, nCols, nRows, xRes, yRes, col, row, novalue);
            if (node.isPit()) {
                double surroundingMin = node.getSurroundingMin();
                if (Double.isInfinite(surroundingMin)) {
            // check also border ones
            List<GridNode> validSurroundingNodes = node.getValidSurroundingNodes();
            for (GridNode gridNode : validSurroundingNodes) {
                if (allPitsPositions.isMarked(gridNode.col, gridNode.row) || currentMarked.isMarked(gridNode.col, gridNode.row)) {
                    // we want only border
                if (gridNode.isPit()) {
                    double surroundingMin = gridNode.getSurroundingMin();
                    if (Double.isInfinite(surroundingMin)) {
                    currentMarked.mark(gridNode.col, gridNode.row);
        if (verbose)
    if (verbose)
    return pitsList;
Also used : GridNode(org.hortonmachine.gears.libs.modules.GridNode) BitMatrix(org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.BitMatrix) ConcurrentLinkedQueue(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue)

Example 5 with BitMatrix

use of org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.BitMatrix in project hortonmachine by TheHortonMachine.

the class OmsDePitter method getPitsList.

private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<GridNode> getPitsList(List<GridNode> nodesToCheckForLeftPits, BitMatrix allPitsPositions) {
    ConcurrentLinkedQueue<GridNode> pitsList = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
    if (nodesToCheckForLeftPits.size() > 0) {
        GridNode tmp = nodesToCheckForLeftPits.get(0);
        BitMatrix existing = new BitMatrix(tmp.cols, tmp.rows);
        // pm.beginTask("Extract pits from the cells surrounding the pit pool...",
        // nodesToCheckForLeftPits.size()); -> {
            List<GridNode> validSurroundingNodes = node.getValidSurroundingNodes();
            for (GridNode gridNode : validSurroundingNodes) {
                if (allPitsPositions.isMarked(gridNode.col, gridNode.row)) {
                if (gridNode.isPit()) {
                    double surroundingMin = gridNode.getSurroundingMin();
                    if (Double.isInfinite(surroundingMin)) {
                    if (!existing.isMarked(gridNode.col, gridNode.row)) {
                        existing.mark(gridNode.col, gridNode.row);
        // pm.worked(1);
    // pm.done();
    return pitsList;
Also used : GridNode(org.hortonmachine.gears.libs.modules.GridNode) BitMatrix(org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.BitMatrix) ConcurrentLinkedQueue(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue)


BitMatrix (org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.BitMatrix)8 GridNode (org.hortonmachine.gears.libs.modules.GridNode)5 WritableRaster (java.awt.image.WritableRaster)3 WritableRandomIter ( Execute (oms3.annotations.Execute)3 RegionMap (org.hortonmachine.gears.utils.RegionMap)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 ConcurrentLinkedQueue (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue)2 RandomIter ( Color (java.awt.Color)1 Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)1 Rectangle (java.awt.Rectangle)1 Point2D (java.awt.geom.Point2D)1 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)1 RenderedImage (java.awt.image.RenderedImage)1 IOException ( TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)1 AtomicInteger (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger)1 ReferencedEnvelope (org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope)1 GridNodeElevationToLeastComparator (org.hortonmachine.gears.libs.modules.GridNodeElevationToLeastComparator)1