use of mage.ObjectColor in project mage by magefree.
the class RiptideReplicatorEffect method apply.
public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) {
ObjectColor color = (ObjectColor) game.getState().getValue(source.getSourceId() + "_color");
SubType subType = ChooseCreatureTypeEffect.getChosenCreatureType(source.getSourceId(), game);
if (subType == null) {
return false;
int x = (new CountersSourceCount(CounterType.CHARGE)).calculate(game, source, this);
Token token = new RiptideReplicatorToken(color, subType, x);
return token.putOntoBattlefield(1, game, source, source.getControllerId());
use of mage.ObjectColor in project mage by magefree.
the class SurgeOfZealEffect method apply.
public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) {
Player controller = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId());
if (controller != null) {
Permanent target = game.getPermanent(getTargetPointer().getFirst(game, source));
if (target != null) {
ObjectColor color = target.getColor(game);
for (Permanent permanent : game.getBattlefield().getActivePermanents(StaticFilters.FILTER_PERMANENT_CREATURE, source.getControllerId(), source.getSourceId(), game)) {
if (permanent.getColor(game).shares(color)) {
ContinuousEffect effect = new GainAbilityTargetEffect(HasteAbility.getInstance(), Duration.EndOfTurn);
effect.setTargetPointer(new FixedTarget(permanent, game));
game.addEffect(effect, source);
return true;
return false;
use of mage.ObjectColor in project mage by magefree.
the class BecomesColorOrColorsTargetEffect method apply.
public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) {
Player controller = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId());
Permanent target = game.getPermanent(source.getFirstTarget());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (controller != null && target != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
if (!controller.chooseUse(Outcome.Neutral, "Choose another color?", source, game)) {
ChoiceColor choiceColor = new ChoiceColor();
if (!controller.choose(Outcome.Benefit, choiceColor, game)) {
return false;
if (!game.isSimulation()) {
game.informPlayers(target.getName() + ": " + controller.getLogName() + " has chosen " + choiceColor.getChoice());
if (choiceColor.getColor().isBlack()) {
} else if (choiceColor.getColor().isBlue()) {
} else if (choiceColor.getColor().isRed()) {
} else if (choiceColor.getColor().isGreen()) {
} else if (choiceColor.getColor().isWhite()) {
String colors = new String(sb);
ObjectColor chosenColors = new ObjectColor(colors);
ContinuousEffect effect = new BecomesColorTargetEffect(chosenColors, duration);
effect.setTargetPointer(new FixedTarget(source.getFirstTarget(), game));
game.addEffect(effect, source);
return true;
return false;
use of mage.ObjectColor in project mage by magefree.
the class ModernCardRenderer method getBorderPaint.
// Determine the border paint to use, based on an ObjectColors
protected static Paint getBorderPaint(ObjectColor colors, Collection<CardType> types, int width) {
if (colors.isMulticolored()) {
if (colors.getColorCount() == 2) {
List<ObjectColor> twoColors = colors.getColors();
// Two-color frames look better if we use a whiter white
// than the normal white frame color for them, as the normal
// white border color is very close to the gold background
// color.
Color color1, color2;
if (twoColors.get(0).isWhite()) {
color1 = new Color(240, 240, 240);
} else {
color1 = getBorderColor(twoColors.get(0));
if (twoColors.get(1).isWhite()) {
color2 = new Color(240, 240, 240);
} else {
color2 = getBorderColor(twoColors.get(1));
// Special case for two colors, gradient paint
return new LinearGradientPaint(0, 0, width, 0, new float[] { 0.4f, 0.6f }, new Color[] { color1, color2 });
} else {
} else if (colors.isColorless()) {
if (types.contains(CardType.LAND)) {
} else {
} else {
return getBorderColor(colors);
use of mage.ObjectColor in project mage by magefree.
the class ModernCardRenderer method drawFrame.
protected void drawFrame(Graphics2D g, CardPanelAttributes attribs, BufferedImage image, boolean lessOpaqueRulesTextBox) {
// Get the card colors to base the frame on
ObjectColor frameColors = getFrameObjectColor();
// Get the border paint
Color boxColor = getBoxColor(frameColors, cardView.getCardTypes(), attribs.isTransformed);
Color additionalBoxColor = getAdditionalBoxColor(frameColors, cardView.getCardTypes(), attribs.isTransformed);
Paint textboxPaint = getTextboxPaint(frameColors, cardView.getCardTypes(), cardWidth, lessOpaqueRulesTextBox);
Paint borderPaint = getBorderPaint(frameColors, cardView.getCardTypes(), cardWidth);
// Special colors
if (cardView.getFrameStyle() == FrameStyle.KLD_INVENTION) {
// Is this a Zendikar or Unstable land
boolean isZenUst = isZendikarFullArtLand() || isUnstableFullArtLand();
boolean isOriginalDual = isOriginalDualLand();
// Draw the main card content border
if (cardView.getFrameStyle() == FrameStyle.KLD_INVENTION) {
g.drawImage(FRAME_INVENTION, 3, 3, cardWidth - 6, cardHeight - 6, null);
g.drawRect(totalContentInset, typeLineY, contentWidth - 1, cardHeight - borderWidth * 3 - typeLineY - 1);
} else if (!isZenUst) {
g.drawRect(totalContentInset, totalContentInset, contentWidth - 1, cardHeight - borderWidth * 3 - totalContentInset - 1);
// Draw the textbox fill
if (useInventionFrame()) {
g.setPaint(new Color(255, 255, 255, 150));
} else {
if (!isZenUst) {
if (cardView.getCardTypes().contains(CardType.LAND)) {
int total_height_of_box = cardHeight - borderWidth * 3 - typeLineY - 2 - boxHeight;
// Analysis of LEA Duals (Scrubland) gives 16.5 height of unit of 'spirals' in the text area
int height_of_spiral = (int) Math.round(total_height_of_box / 16.5);
int total_height_spiral = total_height_of_box;
List<ObjectColor> twoColors = frameColors.getColors();
if (twoColors.size() <= 2) {
if (isOriginalDual && twoColors.size() == 2) {
g.setPaint(getSpiralLandTextboxColor(twoColors.get(0), twoColors.get(1), false));
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + 1, typeLineY + boxHeight + 1, contentWidth - 2, total_height_of_box);
if (frameColors.getColorCount() >= 3) {
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + 1, typeLineY + boxHeight + 1, contentWidth - 2, total_height_of_box);
if (frameColors.getColorCount() == 2) {
if (isOriginalDual) {
g.setPaint(getSpiralLandTextboxColor(twoColors.get(0), twoColors.get(1), true));
// Horizontal bars
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + 1, typeLineY + boxHeight + 1, contentWidth - 2, height_of_spiral);
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + 1 + 2 * height_of_spiral, typeLineY + boxHeight + 1 + 2 * height_of_spiral, contentWidth - 2 - 4 * height_of_spiral, height_of_spiral);
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + 1 + 4 * height_of_spiral, typeLineY + boxHeight + 1 + 4 * height_of_spiral, contentWidth - 2 - 8 * height_of_spiral, height_of_spiral);
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + 1 + 6 * height_of_spiral, typeLineY + boxHeight + 1 + 6 * height_of_spiral, contentWidth - 2 - 12 * height_of_spiral, height_of_spiral);
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + 1 + 6 * height_of_spiral, typeLineY + boxHeight + 1 + total_height_of_box - 7 * height_of_spiral, contentWidth - 2 - 12 * height_of_spiral, height_of_spiral);
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + 1 + 4 * height_of_spiral, typeLineY + boxHeight + 1 + total_height_of_box - 5 * height_of_spiral, contentWidth - 2 - 8 * height_of_spiral, height_of_spiral);
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + 1 + 2 * height_of_spiral, typeLineY + boxHeight + 1 + total_height_of_box - 3 * height_of_spiral, contentWidth - 2 - 4 * height_of_spiral, height_of_spiral);
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + 1, typeLineY + boxHeight + 1 + total_height_of_box - height_of_spiral, contentWidth - 2, height_of_spiral);
// Vertical bars
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + 1, typeLineY + boxHeight + 1, height_of_spiral, total_height_spiral - 1);
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + 1 + 2 * height_of_spiral, typeLineY + boxHeight + 1 + 2 * height_of_spiral, height_of_spiral, total_height_spiral - 1 - 4 * height_of_spiral);
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + 1 + 4 * height_of_spiral, typeLineY + boxHeight + 1 + 4 * height_of_spiral, height_of_spiral, total_height_spiral - 1 - 8 * height_of_spiral);
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + 1 + 6 * height_of_spiral, typeLineY + boxHeight + 1 + 6 * height_of_spiral, height_of_spiral, total_height_spiral - 1 - 12 * height_of_spiral);
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + contentWidth - 7 * height_of_spiral, typeLineY + boxHeight + 1 + 6 * height_of_spiral, height_of_spiral, total_height_spiral - 1 - 12 * height_of_spiral);
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + contentWidth - 5 * height_of_spiral, typeLineY + boxHeight + 1 + 4 * height_of_spiral, height_of_spiral, total_height_spiral - 1 - 8 * height_of_spiral);
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + contentWidth - 3 * height_of_spiral, typeLineY + boxHeight + 1 + 2 * height_of_spiral, height_of_spiral, total_height_spiral - 1 - 4 * height_of_spiral);
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + contentWidth - 1 * height_of_spiral, typeLineY + boxHeight + 1 + 0 * height_of_spiral, height_of_spiral, total_height_spiral - 1);
} else {
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + 1, typeLineY, contentWidth - 2, cardHeight - borderWidth * 3 - typeLineY - 1);
// If it's a planeswalker, extend the textbox left border by some
if (cardView.isPlanesWalker()) {
g.fillRect(totalContentInset, typeLineY + boxHeight, cardWidth / 16, cardHeight - typeLineY - boxHeight - borderWidth * 3);
if (cardView.getFrameStyle() != FrameStyle.KLD_INVENTION && !isZenUst) {
// Draw a shadow highlight at the right edge of the content frame
g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 100));
g.fillRect(totalContentInset - 1, totalContentInset, 1, cardHeight - borderWidth * 3 - totalContentInset - 1);
// Draw a shadow highlight separating the card art and rest of frame
g.drawRect(totalContentInset + 1, totalContentInset + boxHeight, contentWidth - 3, typeLineY - totalContentInset - boxHeight - 1);
// Draw the name line box
CardRendererUtils.drawRoundedBox(g, borderWidth, totalContentInset, cardWidth - 2 * borderWidth, boxHeight, contentInset, borderPaint, boxColor);
// Draw the type line box
if (!isZenUst) {
CardRendererUtils.drawRoundedBox(g, borderWidth, typeLineY, cardWidth - 2 * borderWidth, boxHeight, contentInset, borderPaint, boxColor);
// Draw a small separator between the type line and box, and shadow
// at the left of the texbox, and above the name line
g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 150));
g.fillRect(totalContentInset - 1, totalContentInset - 1, contentWidth + 1, 1);
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + 1, typeLineY + boxHeight, contentWidth - 2, 1);
g.fillRect(cardWidth - totalContentInset - 1, typeLineY + boxHeight, 1, cardHeight - borderWidth * 3 - typeLineY - boxHeight);
// Draw the type line
drawTypeLine(g, attribs, getCardTypeLine(), totalContentInset, typeLineY, contentWidth, boxHeight, true);
// Draw the transform circle
int nameOffset = drawTransformationCircle(g, attribs, borderPaint);
// Draw the name line
drawNameLine(g, attribs, cardView.getDisplayName(), manaCostString, totalContentInset + nameOffset, totalContentInset, contentWidth - nameOffset, boxHeight);
// Draw the textbox rules
if (isZendikarFullArtLand()) {
int x = totalContentInset;
int y = typeLineY + boxHeight + (cardHeight - typeLineY - boxHeight - 4 - borderWidth * 3) / 2 - contentInset;
int w = contentWidth;
int h = boxHeight - 4;
if (cardView.getFrameStyle() == FrameStyle.ZEN_FULL_ART_BASIC) {
// Draw curved lines (old Zendikar land style) - bigger (around 6%) inset on curve on bottom than inset (around 4.5%) on top...
int x2 = x + contentWidth;
int y2 = y;
int thisy = totalContentInset + boxHeight;
drawZendikarCurvedFace(g, image, x, thisy, x2, y2, boxColor, borderPaint);
} else if (cardView.getFrameStyle() == FrameStyle.BFZ_FULL_ART_BASIC) {
// Draw curved lines (BFZ land style)
int y2 = y;
int yb = totalContentInset + boxHeight;
int topxdelta = 45 * contentWidth / 1000;
int endydelta = 60 * (totalContentInset + y2) / 265;
int x2 = x + contentWidth;
// Curve ends at 60 out of 265
drawBFZCurvedFace(g, image, x, yb, x2, y2, topxdelta, endydelta, boxColor, borderPaint);
// If an expedition, needs the rules box to be visible.
if (cardView.getExpansionSetCode().equals("EXP")) {
// Draw a small separator between the type line and box, and shadow
// at the left of the texbox, and above the name line
float alpha = 0.55f;
AlphaComposite comp = AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, alpha);
Composite origc = g.getComposite();
g.setBackground(new Color(155, 0, 0, 150));
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + 1, typeLineY - boxHeight, contentWidth - 2, cardHeight - borderWidth * 3 - typeLineY - 1);
g.fillRect(totalContentInset - 1, totalContentInset - 1, contentWidth + 1, 1);
g.fillRect(totalContentInset + 1, typeLineY - boxHeight, contentWidth - 2, 1);
drawRulesText(g, textboxKeywords, textboxRules, totalContentInset + 2, typeLineY - boxHeight, contentWidth - 4, cardHeight - typeLineY - boxHeight - 4 - borderWidth * 3, true);
CardRendererUtils.drawZendikarLandBox(g, x, y, w, h, contentInset, borderPaint, boxColor);
drawTypeLine(g, attribs, getCardSuperTypeLine(), totalContentInset + contentInset, typeLineY + boxHeight + (cardHeight - typeLineY - boxHeight - 4 - borderWidth * 3) / 2 - contentInset, contentWidth / 2 - boxHeight, boxHeight - 4, false);
drawTypeLine(g, attribs, getCardSubTypeLine(), totalContentInset + 4 * contentWidth / 7 + boxHeight, typeLineY + boxHeight + (cardHeight - typeLineY - boxHeight - 4 - borderWidth * 3) / 2 - contentInset, 3 * contentWidth / 7 - boxHeight - contentInset, boxHeight - 4, true);
drawRulesText(g, textboxKeywords, textboxRules, x, y, w, h, false);
} else if (isUnstableFullArtLand()) {
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int w = cardWidth;
int h = cardHeight;
// Curve ends at 60 out of 265
drawUSTCurves(g, image, x, y, w, h, 0, 0, additionalBoxColor, borderPaint);
} else if (!isZenUst) {
drawRulesText(g, textboxKeywords, textboxRules, totalContentInset + 2, typeLineY + boxHeight + 2, contentWidth - 4, cardHeight - typeLineY - boxHeight - 4 - borderWidth * 3, false);
// Draw the bottom right stuff
drawBottomRight(g, attribs, borderPaint, boxColor);