Search in sources :

Example 6 with Outcome

use of mage.constants.Outcome in project mage by magefree.

the class BloodForBonesEffect method apply.

public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) {
    Player player = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId());
    if (player == null || player.getGraveyard().getCards(game).stream().noneMatch(card -> card.isCreature(game))) {
        return false;
    TargetCardInYourGraveyard target = new TargetCardInYourGraveyard(filter);
    if (player.choose(outcome, player.getGraveyard(), target, game)) {
        player.moveCards(new CardsImpl(target.getTargets()), Zone.BATTLEFIELD, source, game);
    if (player.getGraveyard().getCards(game).stream().noneMatch(card -> card.isCreature(game))) {
        return true;
    target = new TargetCardInYourGraveyard(filter2);
    if (player.choose(outcome, player.getGraveyard(), target, game)) {
        player.moveCards(new CardsImpl(target.getTargets()), Zone.HAND, source, game);
    return true;
Also used : FilterCard(mage.filter.FilterCard) TargetCardInYourGraveyard( Zone(mage.constants.Zone) FILTER_CONTROLLED_CREATURE_SHORT_TEXT(mage.filter.StaticFilters.FILTER_CONTROLLED_CREATURE_SHORT_TEXT) Outcome(mage.constants.Outcome) OneShotEffect(mage.abilities.effects.OneShotEffect) UUID(java.util.UUID) CardsImpl( Player(mage.players.Player) SacrificeTargetCost(mage.abilities.costs.common.SacrificeTargetCost) CardSetInfo( FilterCreatureCard(mage.filter.common.FilterCreatureCard) Game( CardImpl( CardType(mage.constants.CardType) TargetControlledCreaturePermanent( Ability(mage.abilities.Ability) Player(mage.players.Player) TargetCardInYourGraveyard( CardsImpl(

Example 7 with Outcome

use of mage.constants.Outcome in project mage by magefree.

the class DoIfCostPaid method apply.

public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) {
    Player player = getPayingPlayer(game, source);
    MageObject mageObject = game.getObject(source.getSourceId());
    if (player != null && mageObject != null) {
        String message;
        if (chooseUseText == null) {
            String effectText = executingEffects.getText(source.getModes().getMode());
            if (!effectText.isEmpty() && effectText.charAt(effectText.length() - 1) == '.') {
                effectText = effectText.substring(0, effectText.length() - 1);
            message = CardUtil.addCostVerb(cost.getText()) + (effectText.isEmpty() ? "" : " and " + effectText) + "?";
            message = Character.toUpperCase(message.charAt(0)) + message.substring(1);
        } else {
            message = chooseUseText;
        message = CardUtil.replaceSourceName(message, mageObject.getName());
        boolean result = true;
        Outcome payOutcome = executingEffects.getOutcome(source, this.outcome);
        if (cost.canPay(source, source, player.getId(), game) && (!optional || player.chooseUse(payOutcome, message, source, game))) {
            int bookmark = game.bookmarkState();
            if (, game, source, player.getId(), false)) {
                game.informPlayers(player.getLogName() + " paid for " + mageObject.getLogName() + " - " + message);
                if (!executingEffects.isEmpty()) {
                    for (Effect effect : executingEffects) {
                        if (effect instanceof OneShotEffect) {
                            result &= effect.apply(game, source);
                        } else {
                            game.addEffect((ContinuousEffect) effect, source);
                // otherwise you can e.g. undo card drawn with Mentor of the Meek
            } else {
                // Paying cost was cancels so try to undo payment so far
                player.restoreState(bookmark, DoIfCostPaid.class.getName(), game);
                if (!otherwiseEffects.isEmpty()) {
                    for (Effect effect : otherwiseEffects) {
                        if (effect instanceof OneShotEffect) {
                            result &= effect.apply(game, source);
                        } else {
                            game.addEffect((ContinuousEffect) effect, source);
        } else if (!otherwiseEffects.isEmpty()) {
            for (Effect effect : otherwiseEffects) {
                if (effect instanceof OneShotEffect) {
                    result &= effect.apply(game, source);
                } else {
                    game.addEffect((ContinuousEffect) effect, source);
        return result;
    return false;
Also used : Player(mage.players.Player) Outcome(mage.constants.Outcome) MageObject(mage.MageObject) Effect(mage.abilities.effects.Effect) OneShotEffect(mage.abilities.effects.OneShotEffect) ContinuousEffect(mage.abilities.effects.ContinuousEffect) ContinuousEffect(mage.abilities.effects.ContinuousEffect) OneShotEffect(mage.abilities.effects.OneShotEffect)

Example 8 with Outcome

use of mage.constants.Outcome in project mage by magefree.

the class DoWhenCostPaid method apply.

public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) {
    Player player = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId());
    MageObject mageObject = game.getObject(source.getSourceId());
    if (player == null || mageObject == null) {
        return false;
    String message = CardUtil.replaceSourceName(chooseUseText, mageObject.getLogName());
    Outcome payOutcome = ability.getEffects().getOutcome(source, this.outcome);
    if (!cost.canPay(source, source, player.getId(), game) || (optional && !player.chooseUse(payOutcome, message, source, game))) {
        return false;
    int bookmark = game.bookmarkState();
    if (, game, source, player.getId(), false)) {
        if (ability.getTargets().isEmpty()) {
        game.fireReflexiveTriggeredAbility(ability, source);
        return true;
    player.restoreState(bookmark, DoWhenCostPaid.class.getName(), game);
    return true;
Also used : Player(mage.players.Player) Outcome(mage.constants.Outcome) MageObject(mage.MageObject)

Example 9 with Outcome

use of mage.constants.Outcome in project mage by magefree.

the class GenesisUltimatumEffect method apply.

public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) {
    Player player = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId());
    if (player == null) {
        return false;
    Cards toHand = new CardsImpl(player.getLibrary().getTopCards(game, 5));
    player.lookAtCards(source, null, toHand, game);
    TargetCard targetCard = new TargetCardInLibrary(0, 5, filter);
    targetCard.withChooseHint("put to battlefield");
    player.choose(outcome, toHand, targetCard, game);
    Cards toBattlefield = new CardsImpl(targetCard.getTargets());
    if (player.moveCards(toBattlefield, Zone.BATTLEFIELD, source, game)) { -> Zone.BATTLEFIELD.equals(game.getState().getZone(id))).forEach(toHand::remove);
    player.moveCards(toHand, Zone.HAND, source, game);
    return true;
Also used : FilterCard(mage.filter.FilterCard) FilterPermanentCard(mage.filter.common.FilterPermanentCard) TargetCardInLibrary( Zone(mage.constants.Zone) Cards( Outcome(mage.constants.Outcome) OneShotEffect(mage.abilities.effects.OneShotEffect) UUID(java.util.UUID) CardsImpl( Player(mage.players.Player) CardSetInfo( ExileSpellEffect(mage.abilities.effects.common.ExileSpellEffect) Game( CardImpl( TargetCard( CardType(mage.constants.CardType) Ability(mage.abilities.Ability) Player(mage.players.Player) TargetCard( Cards( CardsImpl( TargetCardInLibrary(

Example 10 with Outcome

use of mage.constants.Outcome in project mage by magefree.

the class StackObjectImpl method chooseNewTarget.

 * Handles the change of one target instance of a mode
 * @param targetController         - player that can choose the new target
 * @param ability
 * @param mode
 * @param target
 * @param forceChange
 * @param newTargetFilterPredicate
 * @param game
 * @return
private Target chooseNewTarget(Player targetController, Ability ability, Mode mode, Target target, boolean forceChange, Predicate newTargetFilterPredicate, Game game) {
    Target newTarget = target.copy();
    // filter targets
    if (newTargetFilterPredicate != null) {
        // If adding a predicate, there will only be one choice and therefore target can be automatic
    if (!targetController.getId().equals(getControllerId())) {
        // target controller for the change is different from spell controller
    for (UUID targetId : target.getTargets()) {
        String targetNames = getNamesOftargets(targetId, game);
        String targetAmount = "";
        if (target.getTargetAmount(targetId) > 0) {
            targetAmount = " (amount: " + target.getTargetAmount(targetId) + ")";
        // change the target?
        Outcome outcome = mode.getEffects().getOutcome(ability);
        if (targetNames != null && (forceChange || targetController.chooseUse(outcome, "Change this target: " + targetNames + targetAmount + '?', ability, game))) {
            Set<UUID> possibleTargets = target.possibleTargets(this.getSourceId(), getControllerId(), game);
            // choose exactly one other target - already targeted objects are not counted
            if (forceChange && possibleTargets != null && possibleTargets.size() > 1) {
                // controller of spell must be used (e.g. TargetOpponent)
                int iteration = 0;
                do {
                    if (iteration > 0 && !game.isSimulation()) {
                        game.informPlayer(targetController, "You may only select exactly one target that must be different from the origin target!");
                    newTarget.chooseTarget(outcome, getControllerId(), ability, game);
                    // workaround to stop infinite AI choose (remove after chooseTarget can be called with extra filter to disable some ids)
                    if (iteration > 10) {
                } while (targetController.canRespond() && (targetId.equals(newTarget.getFirstTarget()) || newTarget.getTargets().size() != 1));
            // choose a new target
            } else {
                // build a target definition with exactly one possible target to select that replaces old target
                Target tempTarget = target.copy();
                if (newTargetFilterPredicate != null) {
                    // If adding a predicate, there will only be one choice and therefore target can be automatic
                if (target instanceof TargetAmount) {
                    ((TargetAmount) tempTarget).setAmountDefinition(StaticValue.get(target.getTargetAmount(targetId)));
                if (!targetController.getId().equals(getControllerId())) {
                boolean again;
                do {
                    again = false;
                    if (!tempTarget.chooseTarget(outcome, getControllerId(), ability, game)) {
                        if (targetController.chooseUse(Outcome.Benefit, "No target object selected. Reset to original target?", ability, game)) {
                            // use previous target no target was selected
                            newTarget.addTarget(targetId, target.getTargetAmount(targetId), ability, game, true);
                        } else {
                            again = true;
                    } else // if possible add the alternate Target - it may not be included in the old definition nor in the already selected targets of the new definition
                        if (newTarget.getTargets().contains(tempTarget.getFirstTarget()) || target.getTargets().contains(tempTarget.getFirstTarget())) {
                            if (targetController.isHuman()) {
                                if (targetController.chooseUse(Outcome.Benefit, "This target was already selected from origin spell. Reset to original target?", ability, game)) {
                                    // use previous target no target was selected
                                    newTarget.addTarget(targetId, target.getTargetAmount(targetId), ability, game, true);
                                } else {
                                    again = true;
                            } else {
                                newTarget.addTarget(targetId, target.getTargetAmount(targetId), ability, game, true);
                        } else if (!target.canTarget(getControllerId(), tempTarget.getFirstTarget(), ability, game)) {
                            if (targetController.isHuman()) {
                                game.informPlayer(targetController, "This target is not valid!");
                                again = true;
                            } else {
                                // keep the old
                                newTarget.addTarget(targetId, target.getTargetAmount(targetId), ability, game, true);
                        } else {
                            // valid target was selected, add it to the new target definition
                            newTarget.addTarget(tempTarget.getFirstTarget(), target.getTargetAmount(targetId), ability, game, true);
                } while (again && targetController.canRespond());
        } else // keep the target
            newTarget.addTarget(targetId, target.getTargetAmount(targetId), ability, game, true);
    return newTarget;
Also used : Target( Outcome(mage.constants.Outcome) TargetAmount(


Outcome (mage.constants.Outcome)20 Player (mage.players.Player)19 Ability (mage.abilities.Ability)16 OneShotEffect (mage.abilities.effects.OneShotEffect)16 CardType (mage.constants.CardType)14 Game ( UUID (java.util.UUID)13 CardImpl ( CardSetInfo ( Permanent ( FilterPermanent (mage.filter.FilterPermanent)6 Target ( Collectors ( MageInt (mage.MageInt)5 MageObject (mage.MageObject)5 SubType (mage.constants.SubType)5 SpellAbility (mage.abilities.SpellAbility)4 Zone (mage.constants.Zone)4 CounterType (mage.counters.CounterType)4 TargetPermanent (