use of maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class CSG method doObbTest.
private static void doObbTest() {
OBB obb1 = new OBB();
RigidTransform3d trans = new RigidTransform3d(new Point3d(0.5, -0.25, -0.25), new RotationMatrix3d(0.81649658092772603, 1.1102230246251565e-016, 0.57735026918962573, 0.40824829046386307, -0.70710678118654757, -0.57735026918962573, 0.40824829046386302, 0.70710678118654746, -0.57735026918962573));
obb1.myHalfWidths.set(0.61237243579579459, 0.70710678128654769, 1.0000004163336343e-010);
OBB obb2 = new OBB();
trans = new RigidTransform3d(new Point3d(-0.099999999999999978, -0.25000000000000011, -0.24999999999999994), new RotationMatrix3d(0.81649658092772603, -1.1102230246251565e-016, -0.57735026918962573, -0.40824829046386307, -0.70710678118654757, -0.57735026918962573, -0.40824829046386302, 0.70710678118654746, -0.57735026918962573));
obb2.myHalfWidths.set(0.61237243579579459, 0.70710678128654758, 1.0000005551115123e-010);
boolean disjoint = BVBoxNodeTester.isDisjoint(obb1, obb2);
System.out.printf("%s\n", disjoint ? "no" : "yes");
use of maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class HeuerOffLinFM method computeDFdq.
public void computeDFdq(Matrix6d Jq, RigidTransform3d X21, Twist vel21, RigidTransform3d initialX21, boolean symmetric) {
RotationMatrix3d R = X21.R;
// use these matrix entries as small angle approximations to
// the rotations about x, y, and z
double sx = R.m21;
double sy = -R.m20;
double sz = R.m10;
double absx = Math.abs(Math.toDegrees(sx));
double absy = Math.abs(Math.toDegrees(sy));
double absz = Math.abs(Math.toDegrees(sz));
double fp1 = 0.0312;
double fp2 = -0.1818;
double fp3 = 1.1181;
double fp4 = 0;
double ep1 = 0.0288;
double ep2 = 0.0192;
double ep3 = 1.248;
double ep4 = 0;
double lbp1 = 0.0081;
double lbp2 = 0.1417;
double lbp3 = 0.4741;
double lbp4 = 0;
double arp1 = 0.0291;
double arp2 = -0.0044;
double arp3 = 2.5695;
double arp4 = 0;
Jq.m00 = myK.x;
Jq.m11 = myK.y;
Jq.m22 = myK.z;
Jq.m33 = (3 * lbp1 * Math.pow(absx, 2) + 2 * lbp2 * Math.pow(absx, 1) + lbp3) * Math.toDegrees(1) * R.m11;
Jq.m44 = (3 * arp1 * Math.pow(absy, 2) + 2 * arp2 * Math.pow(absy, 1) + arp3) * Math.toDegrees(1) * R.m00;
if (sz < 0)
Jq.m55 = (3 * fp1 * Math.pow(absz, 2) + 2 * fp2 * Math.pow(absz, 1) + fp3) * Math.toDegrees(1) * R.m00;
Jq.m55 = (3 * ep1 * Math.pow(absz, 2) + 2 * ep2 * Math.pow(absz, 1) + ep3) * Math.toDegrees(1) * R.m00;
if (!symmetric) {
Jq.m34 = -(3 * lbp1 * Math.pow(absx, 2) + 2 * lbp2 * Math.pow(absx, 1) + lbp3) * Math.toDegrees(1) * R.m01;
Jq.m43 = -(3 * arp1 * Math.pow(absy, 2) + 2 * arp2 * Math.pow(absy, 1) + arp3) * Math.toDegrees(1) * R.m10;
if (sz < 0)
Jq.m53 = -(3 * fp1 * Math.pow(absz, 2) + 2 * fp2 * Math.pow(absz, 1) + fp3) * Math.toDegrees(1) * R.m20;
Jq.m53 = -(3 * ep1 * Math.pow(absz, 2) + 2 * ep2 * Math.pow(absz, 1) + ep3) * Math.toDegrees(1) * R.m20;
// added for validaiton, and therefore should be removed
use of maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial method computeDFdq.
public void computeDFdq(Matrix6d Jq, RigidTransform3d X21, Twist vel21, RigidTransform3d initialX21, boolean symmetric) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
RotationMatrix3d R = X21.R;
// use these matrix entries as small angle approximations to
// the rotations about x, y, and z
double sx = R.m21;
double sy = -R.m20;
double sz = R.m10;
double absx = Math.abs(Math.toDegrees(sx));
double absy = Math.abs(Math.toDegrees(sy));
double absz = Math.abs(Math.toDegrees(sz));
// double sx = R.m21/R.m22;
// sx = Math.atan(sx);
// double sy = -R.m20;
// sy = Math.asin(sy);
// double sz = R.m10/R.m00;
// sz = Math.atan(sz);
Jq.m00 = myK.x;
Jq.m11 = myK.y;
Jq.m22 = myK.z;
// Jq.m33 = myRotK.x * R.m11;
// Jq.m44 = myRotK.y * R.m00;
// Jq.m55 = myRotK.z * R.m00;
Jq.m33 = -(-0.0087 * 3 * Math.pow(absx, 2) - 0.6989 * 2 * Math.pow(absx, 1)) * Math.toDegrees(1) * R.m11;
Jq.m44 = -(-0.0061 * 4 * Math.pow(absy, 3) - 1.0191 * 2 * Math.pow(absy, 1)) * Math.toDegrees(1) * R.m00;
Jq.m55 = -(-0.002 * 4 * Math.pow(absz, 3) + 0.0141 * 3 * Math.pow(absz, 2) - 0.4726 * 2 * Math.pow(absz, 1)) * Math.toDegrees(1) * R.m00;
if (!symmetric) {
// Jq.m34 = -myRotK.x * R.m01;
// Jq.m43 = -myRotK.y * R.m10;
// Jq.m53 = -myRotK.z* R.m20;
Jq.m34 = (-0.0087 * 3 * Math.pow(absx, 2) - 0.6989 * 2 * Math.pow(absx, 1)) * Math.toDegrees(1) * R.m01;
Jq.m43 = (-0.0061 * 4 * Math.pow(absy, 3) - 1.0191 * 2 * Math.pow(absy, 1)) * Math.toDegrees(1) * R.m10;
Jq.m53 = ((-0.002 * 4 * Math.pow(absz, 3) + 0.0141 * 3 * Math.pow(absz, 2) - 0.4726 * 2 * Math.pow(absz, 1)) * Math.toDegrees(1)) * R.m20;
use of maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class OffsetLinearFrameMaterial method computeDFdq.
public void computeDFdq(Matrix6d Jq, RigidTransform3d X21, Twist vel21, RigidTransform3d initialX21, boolean symmetric) {
RotationMatrix3d R = X21.R;
// use these matrix entries as small angle approximations to
// the rotations about x, y, and z
double sx = R.m21;
double sy = -R.m20;
double sz = R.m10;
Jq.m00 = myK.x;
Jq.m11 = myK.y;
Jq.m22 = myK.z;
Jq.m33 = myRotK.x * R.m11;
Jq.m44 = myRotK.y * R.m00;
Jq.m55 = myRotK.z * R.m00;
if (!symmetric) {
Jq.m34 = -myRotK.x * R.m01;
Jq.m43 = -myRotK.y * R.m10;
Jq.m53 = -myRotK.z * R.m20;
use of maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class LinearMaterialBase method computeTangent.
public void computeTangent(Matrix6d D, SymmetricMatrix3d stress, SolidDeformation def, Matrix3d Q, FemMaterial baseMat) {
// get spatial stiffness tensor
// rotate if corotated
if (isCorotated()) {
// need to rotate this tensor from linear frame into material one
RotationMatrix3d R = def.getR();
if (R == null) {
Matrix3d F = def.getF();
R = computeRotation(F, null);
// R rotates from material frame to the spatial one. Transpose
// of R rotates from spatial frame to material one.
TensorUtils.unrotateTangent(D, D, R);