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Example 6 with Vector3d

use of maspack.matrix.Vector3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.

the class MeshCollider method getContactPlaneInfo.

 * Get information about a specific region of intersections.
static void getContactPlaneInfo(ContactPlane region, PolygonalMesh mesh0, PolygonalMesh mesh1, double pointTol) {
    Vector3d sectnormal = new Vector3d(), tmpnormal = new Vector3d();
    BVFeatureQuery query = new BVFeatureQuery();
    RigidTransform3d trans0 = mesh0.getMeshToWorld();
    RigidTransform3d trans1 = mesh1.getMeshToWorld();
    // calculate a weighted average of the face normals
    for (TriTriIntersection isect : region.intersections) {
        region.points = new ArrayList<Point3d>();
        double length = isect.points[0].distance(isect.points[1]);
        tmpnormal.transform(trans0, isect.face0.getNormal());
        sectnormal.scaledAdd(length, tmpnormal, sectnormal);
        tmpnormal.transform(trans1, isect.face1.getNormal());
        sectnormal.scaledAdd(length, tmpnormal, sectnormal);
    // calculate the weighted intersection center
    Point3d center = new Point3d();
    double weight = 0;
    for (TriTriIntersection isect : region.intersections) {
        double length = isect.points[0].distance(isect.points[1]);
        center.scaledAdd(length, isect.points[0], center);
        center.scaledAdd(length, isect.points[1], center);
        weight += 2 * length;
    center.scale(1.0 / weight);
    region.centroid = center;
    // calculate the weighted normal
    Vector3d cp0 = new Vector3d(), cp1 = new Vector3d();
    for (TriTriIntersection isect : region.intersections) {
        cp0.sub(isect.points[0], center);
        cp1.sub(isect.points[1], center);
        tmpnormal.cross(cp0, cp1);
        if ( < 0)
    if ( < 0)
    // handle degenerate cases
    if (region.normal.containsNaN() || region.normal.norm() < EPS) {
        Point3d p0 = new Point3d();
        Point3d p1 = new Point3d();
        Vector3d c0 = new Vector3d();
        Vector3d c1 = new Vector3d();
        for (TriTriIntersection isect : region.intersections) {
            for (Point3d p : isect.points) {
                p0.inverseTransform(trans0, p);
                p1.inverseTransform(trans1, p);
                Vertex3d u0 = isect.face0.getVertex(0);
                Vertex3d u1 = isect.face0.getVertex(1);
                Vertex3d u2 = isect.face0.getVertex(2);
                Vertex3d v0 = isect.face1.getVertex(0);
                Vertex3d v1 = isect.face1.getVertex(1);
                Vertex3d v2 = isect.face1.getVertex(2);
                getCoordinates(c0, u0.pnt, u1.pnt, u2.pnt, p0);
                getCoordinates(c1, v0.pnt, v1.pnt, v2.pnt, p1);
                int[] type0 = classifyPoint(c0);
                int[] type1 = classifyPoint(c1);
                if (type0[0] == 2) {
                    if (type1[0] == 2) {
                        // vertex,vertex
                        region.normal.add(vertexVertexNormal(trans0, trans1, isect.face0, isect.face1, type0[1], type1[1]));
                    } else if (type1[0] == 1) {
                        // vertex,edge
                        region.normal.add(vertexEdgeNormal(trans0, trans1, isect.face0, isect.face1, type0[1], type1[1]));
                    } else {
                        // vertex,face
                        region.normal.add(vertexFaceNormal(trans0, trans1, isect.face0, isect.face1, type0[1]));
                } else if (type0[0] == 1) {
                    if (type1[0] == 2) {
                        // edge,vertex
                        region.normal.sub(vertexEdgeNormal(trans1, trans0, isect.face1, isect.face0, type1[1], type0[1]));
                    } else if (type1[0] == 1) {
                        // edge,edge
                        region.normal.add(edgeEdgeNormal(trans0, trans1, isect.face0, isect.face1, type0[1], type1[1]));
                    } else {
                        // edge,face
                        region.normal.add(edgeFaceNormal(trans0, trans1, isect.face0, isect.face1, type0[1]));
                } else {
                    if (type1[0] == 2) {
                        // face,vertex
                        region.normal.sub(vertexFaceNormal(trans1, trans0, isect.face1, isect.face0, type1[1]));
                    } else if (type1[0] == 1) {
                        // face,edge
                        region.normal.sub(edgeFaceNormal(trans1, trans0, isect.face1, isect.face0, type1[1]));
                    } else {
                        // face,face
                        region.normal.add(faceFaceNormal(trans0, trans1, isect.face0, isect.face1));
    // calculate the contact depth for the region
    boolean foundPenetratingVertice = false;
    Point3d p = new Point3d();
    Point3d nearest = new Point3d();
    Vector3d diff = new Vector3d();
    Vector2d coords = new Vector2d();
    Vertex3d v;
    Face nf;
    Point3d plocal = new Point3d();
    LinkedHashSet<Vertex3d> regionvertices0 = new LinkedHashSet<Vertex3d>();
    LinkedHashSet<Vertex3d> regionvertices1 = new LinkedHashSet<Vertex3d>();
    region.depth = 0;
    for (TriTriIntersection isect : region.intersections) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            // face0 vertex depths
            v = isect.face0.getVertex(i);
            p.transform(trans0, v.pnt);
            plocal.inverseTransform(trans1, p);
            if ( <= 0) {
            // face1 vertex depths
            v = isect.face1.getVertex(i);
            p.transform(trans1, v.pnt);
            plocal.inverseTransform(trans0, p);
            if ( <= 0) {
    for (Vertex3d v0 : regionvertices0) {
        p.transform(trans0, v0.pnt);
        // XXX Sanchez, Jun 22, 2014
        // Changed to isInside.  Sometimes a vertex is outside
        // the mesh but determined to be "penetrating" due to
        // normal (e.g. when nearest to an edge)
        // nf = myQuery.nearestFaceToPoint (nearest, coords, mesh1, p);
        boolean inside = query.isInsideOrientedMesh(mesh1, p, 0);
        if (inside) {
            query.getFaceForInsideOrientedTest(nearest, coords);
            diff.sub(p, nearest);
            foundPenetratingVertice = true;
            // (nf.getNormal());
            double dist = diff.norm();
            if (dist > region.depth)
                region.depth = dist;
    for (Vertex3d v1 : regionvertices1) {
        p.transform(trans1, v1.pnt);
        // nf = myQuery.nearestFaceToPoint (nearest, coords, mesh0, p);
        boolean inside = query.isInsideOrientedMesh(mesh0, p, 0);
        if (inside) {
            query.getFaceForInsideOrientedTest(nearest, coords);
            diff.sub(p, nearest);
            foundPenetratingVertice = true;
            // (nf.getNormal());
            double dist = diff.norm();
            if (dist > region.depth)
                region.depth = dist;
    if (!foundPenetratingVertice) {
        double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        for (int i = 0; i < region.points.size(); i++) {
            double d = region.points.get(i).dot(region.normal);
            if (d < min)
                min = d;
            if (d > max)
                max = d;
        region.depth = max - min;
    // eliminate redundant points
    // use point tolerance
    for (TriTriIntersection isect : region.intersections) {
        for (Point3d pcandidate : isect.points) {
            boolean add = true;
            for (Point3d other : region.points) if (pcandidate.epsilonEquals(other, pointTol)) {
                add = false;
            if (add) {
    // take extrema along n axes
    if (numextremaaxes > 0) {
        // final ArrayList<Vector3d> axes = new ArrayList<Vector3d>();
        Vector3d crosszup = new Vector3d(0, 0, 1);
        crosszup.cross(region.normal, crosszup);
        double crosszupnorm = crosszup.norm();
        RigidTransform3d normtoworld;
        if (crosszup.norm() > EPS) {
            normtoworld = new RigidTransform3d(new Vector3d(), new AxisAngle(crosszup, Math.asin(crosszupnorm)));
        } else {
            normtoworld = new RigidTransform3d();
        boolean[] keep = new boolean[region.points.size()];
        for (int j = 0; j < region.points.size(); j++) keep[j] = false;
        Vector3d offset = new Vector3d();
        Vector3d axis = new Vector3d();
        for (int i = 0; i < numextremaaxes; i++) {
            double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            int mini = 0, maxi = 0;
            double angle = Math.PI * i / numextremaaxes;
            axis.set(Math.cos(angle), Math.sin(angle), 0);
            for (int j = 0; j < region.points.size(); j++) {
                offset.sub(region.points.get(j), center);
                double dot =;
                if (dot < min) {
                    min = dot;
                    mini = j;
                if (dot > max) {
                    max = dot;
                    maxi = j;
            keep[mini] = true;
            keep[maxi] = true;
        for (int j = (region.points.size() - 1); j >= 0; j--) {
            if (!keep[j])
Also used : Vertex3d(maspack.geometry.Vertex3d) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) RigidTransform3d(maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d) TriTriIntersection(maspack.geometry.TriTriIntersection) BVFeatureQuery(maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery) AxisAngle(maspack.matrix.AxisAngle) Vector2d(maspack.matrix.Vector2d) Vector3d(maspack.matrix.Vector3d) Point3d(maspack.matrix.Point3d) Face(maspack.geometry.Face)

Example 7 with Vector3d

use of maspack.matrix.Vector3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.

the class MeshCollider method vertexFaceNormal.

private static Vector3d vertexFaceNormal(RigidTransform3d trans0, RigidTransform3d trans1, Face face0, Face face1, int v) {
    Vector3d normal = new Vector3d(face1.getNormal());
    return normal;
Also used : Vector3d(maspack.matrix.Vector3d)

Example 8 with Vector3d

use of maspack.matrix.Vector3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.

the class MeshColliderTest method testVertexVertex.

boolean testVertexVertex() {
    PolygonalMesh mesh0 = MeshFactory.createBox(1, 1, 1);
    PolygonalMesh mesh1 = MeshFactory.createBox(1, 1, 1);
    RigidTransform3d trans0 = new RigidTransform3d(new Vector3d(Math.sqrt(3), 0, 0), new AxisAngle());
    trans0.mulAxisAngle(new AxisAngle(0, 1, 0, Math.atan(Math.sqrt(2))));
    trans0.mulAxisAngle(new AxisAngle(1, 0, 0, Math.PI / 4));
    RigidTransform3d trans1 = new RigidTransform3d();
    trans1.mulAxisAngle(new AxisAngle(0, 1, 0, Math.atan(Math.sqrt(2))));
    trans1.mulAxisAngle(new AxisAngle(1, 0, 0, Math.PI / 4));
    MeshCollider collider = new MeshCollider();
    // first way
    ContactInfo info = collider.getContacts(mesh0, mesh1);
    if (info == null) {
        return false;
    ArrayList<ContactPlane> regions = info.getContactPlanes();
    if (regions.size() != 1) {
        return false;
    ContactPlane region = regions.get(0);
    if (region.points.size() != 1)
        return false;
    if (!region.points.get(0).epsilonEquals(new Vector3d(Math.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0, 0, 0), epsilon))
        return false;
    if (!region.normal.epsilonEquals(new Vector3d(0.9994849337479609, 0, -0.03209154422638611), epsilon))
        return false;
    // second way
    info = collider.getContacts(mesh1, mesh0);
    if (info == null) {
        return false;
    regions = info.getContactPlanes();
    if (regions.size() != 1)
        return false;
    region = regions.get(0);
    if (region.points.size() != 1)
        return false;
    if (!region.points.get(0).epsilonEquals(new Vector3d(Math.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0, 0, 0), epsilon))
        return false;
    if (!region.normal.epsilonEquals(new Vector3d(-0.9994849337479609, 0, 0.03209154422638611), epsilon))
        return false;
    return true;
Also used : RigidTransform3d(maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d) AxisAngle(maspack.matrix.AxisAngle) Vector3d(maspack.matrix.Vector3d) PolygonalMesh(maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh)

Example 9 with Vector3d

use of maspack.matrix.Vector3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.

the class AccelerationGrid method set.

public void set(Point3d _xmin, Point3d _xmax, int _nx, int _ny, int _nz) {
    xmin = _xmin;
    xmax = _xmax;
    nx = _nx;
    ny = _ny;
    nz = _nz;
    cellsize = new Vector3d((xmax.x - xmin.x) / nx, (xmax.y - xmin.y) / ny, (xmax.z - xmin.z) / nz);
    int n = nx * ny * nz;
    elementidxs = new LinkedHashMap<T, ArrayList<int[]>>();
    cells = new ArrayList<LinkedHashSet<T>>();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cells.add(null);
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) Vector3d(maspack.matrix.Vector3d) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 10 with Vector3d

use of maspack.matrix.Vector3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.

the class AhoIntersectionContour method getArea.

 * Return the area of this (approximately planar) contour.
 * @return area
public double getArea() {
    /* Compute the centroid of all the points. */
    int pSize = size();
    if (pSize < 3)
        return (0);
    Point3d centroid = new Point3d();
    int N = size();
    if (!isOpen()) {
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    centroid.scale(1.0d / N);
    Vector3d cp = new Vector3d();
    Vector3d normalSum = new Vector3d();
    Vector3d rLast = new Vector3d();
    rLast.sub(get(pSize - 1), centroid);
    Vector3d r = new Vector3d();
    for (int i = 0; i < pSize; i++) {
        r.sub(get(i), centroid);
        cp.cross(r, rLast);
        Vector3d rTemp = rLast;
        rLast = r;
        r = rTemp;
    return normalSum.norm() * 0.5;
Also used : Vector3d(maspack.matrix.Vector3d) Point3d(maspack.matrix.Point3d)


Vector3d (maspack.matrix.Vector3d)441 Point3d (maspack.matrix.Point3d)128 RigidTransform3d (maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d)56 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)38 Matrix3d (maspack.matrix.Matrix3d)32 RotationMatrix3d (maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d)30 SymmetricMatrix3d (maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d)24 PolygonalMesh (maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh)23 Vertex3d (maspack.geometry.Vertex3d)23 Face (maspack.geometry.Face)20 AxisAngle (maspack.matrix.AxisAngle)19 Vector3i (maspack.matrix.Vector3i)19 Point (artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point)18 RenderProps (maspack.render.RenderProps)17 VectorNd (maspack.matrix.VectorNd)15 AffineTransform3d (maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d)14 IOException ( Vector2d (maspack.matrix.Vector2d)11 Plane (maspack.matrix.Plane)10 GLViewer (maspack.render.GL.GLViewer)9