use of me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder2.Pathfinder in project Pathfinder2 by Wobblyyyy.
the class ExamplePathfinder method loop.
* This is a traditional loop method - it's meant to be run dozens of times
* per second, over and over and over again. The general premise for this
* loop is as follows: if Pathfinder is NOT active (meaning it isn't
* following any trajectories), it'll check for user input using the
* A, B, X, and Y gamepad buttons. If any of those buttons are pressed,
* the robot will begin automatically navigating to an associated position.
* <p>
* Let's say Pathfinder IS active... what happens then? There will be times
* when Pathfinder is attempting to control your robot while you'd like to
* be the one who's in control of it. In this case, you should clear
* Pathfinder, meaning it will no longer try to follow any paths, meaning
* you have control over the robot.
public void loop() {
if (!pathfinder.isActive()) {
// If Pathfinder isn't active, let's take a look at our
// controller inputs.
PointXYZ targetPoint = null;
// Pretty cool, right?
if (gamepadA)
targetPoint = TARGET_A;
else if (gamepadB)
targetPoint = TARGET_B;
else if (gamepadX)
targetPoint = TARGET_X;
else if (gamepadY)
targetPoint = TARGET_Y;
if (targetPoint != null) {
} else {
// Based on some joysticks, generate a translation.
// This translation will then be used to drive the robot.
double moveForwards = joystick1y;
double moveStrafe = joystick1x;
double moveRotate = joystick2x;
Translation translation = new Translation(moveForwards, moveStrafe, moveRotate);
if (gamepadStart) {
// Let's say we want to manually override Pathfinder and regain
// control of the robot. All we'd have to do:
// ... any other code that you would need in your main loop
// ex. sensor updates, other motors, you know the deal
// Tick or update Pathfinder once. Remember, this is absolutely
// essential - if you don't tick Pathfinder, nothing can happen.
use of me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder2.Pathfinder in project Pathfinder2 by Wobblyyyy.
the class ExampleRecording method init.
public void init() {
drive = new SimulatedDrive();
odometry = new SimulatedOdometry();
robot = new Robot(drive, odometry);
pathfinder = new Pathfinder(robot, 0.02);
use of me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder2.Pathfinder in project Pathfinder2 by Wobblyyyy.
the class ExampleTeleOp method exampleTeleOpListeners.
public void exampleTeleOpListeners() {
Pathfinder pathfinder = Pathfinder.newSimulatedPathfinder(0.01);
AtomicReference<Double> multiplier = new AtomicReference<>(0.5);
Shifter shifter = new Shifter(1, 1, 5, false, i -> {
Joystick right = new Joystick(() -> 0d, () -> 0d);
Joystick left = new Joystick(() -> 0d, () -> 0d);
Button a = new Button(() -> false);
Button b = new Button(() -> false);
Button rightBumper = new Button(() -> false);
Button leftBumper = new Button(() -> false);
// bind the following controls:
// a button -> shift elevator up a gear
// b button -> shift elevator down a gear
// right bumper -> set the multiplier to 1.0 (full speed)
// left bumper -> set the multiplier to 0.25 (slowest speed)
// neither bumper -> set the multiplier to 0.5 (normal speed)
pathfinder.getListenerManager().bind(// whenever the right bumper is pressed (even if held)...
ListenerMode.CONDITION_IS_MET, rightBumper::isPressed, isPressed -> isPressed, isPressed -> multiplier.set(1.0)).bind(// whenever the left bumper is pressed (even if held)...
ListenerMode.CONDITION_IS_MET, leftBumper::isPressed, isPressed -> isPressed, isPressed -> multiplier.set(0.25)).bind(// whenever neither bumper is pressed...
ListenerMode.CONDITION_IS_NOT_MET, () -> SupplierFilter.anyTrue(rightBumper::isPressed, leftBumper::isPressed), isPressed -> isPressed, isPressed -> multiplier.set(0.5)).bind(// whenever the a button is initially pressed...
ListenerMode.CONDITION_NEWLY_MET, () -> SupplierFilter.trueThenAllTrue(// a must be pressed
a::isPressed, // a must NOT be pressed
b::isPressed), isPressed -> isPressed, isPressed -> shifter.shift(ShifterDirection.UP)).bind(// whenever the b button is initially pressed...
ListenerMode.CONDITION_NEWLY_MET, () -> SupplierFilter.trueThenAllTrue(// b must be pressed
a::isPressed, // a must NOT be pressed
b::isPressed), isPressed -> isPressed, isPressed -> shifter.shift(ShifterDirection.DOWN));
pathfinder.onTick(pf -> {
double m = multiplier.get();
double vertical = right.getX();
double horizontal = right.getY();
double turn = left.getX();
Translation translation = new Translation(vertical * m, horizontal * m, turn * m);
}).onTick(pf -> {
// some magic code that updates the elevator based on
// what level it's currently on and what level it's
// trying to get to
while (true) pathfinder.tick();
use of me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder2.Pathfinder in project Pathfinder2 by Wobblyyyy.
the class ExampleSplineTo method run.
public void run() {
Pathfinder pathfinder = Pathfinder.newSimulatedPathfinder(0.01);
pathfinder.setSpeed(0.5).setTolerance(2).setAngleTolerance(Angle.fromDeg(5)).splineTo(new PointXYZ(0, 10, 0), new PointXYZ(5, 15, 0), new PointXYZ(10, 25, 0)).tickUntil(10_000).splineTo(new PointXYZ(20, 15, 0), new PointXYZ(25, 10, 0), new PointXYZ(30, 5, 0)).tickUntil(10_000);